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1、The ing form as the Subject and ObjectGrammarV-ing 的各种形式:(以动词do为例) 时态语态主 动被 动一 般 式完 成 式doingbeing donehaving donehaving been done否定式 not doing在时间上表示一个正在进行或与谓语动词同时发生或存在的动作和状态一般式:完成式:在时间上表示该动作先于谓语动词的动作或状态Excuse me for my not coming on time.Im sorry for not having kept my promise.The Use of the ing For

2、m动名词(the Gerund) 现在分词(the Present Participle) V-ing 在句子中作 主语、宾语、表语、定语、补语、状语。V-ing主语宾语表语定语_ _ _ _表语定语补语状语注意:1、 动名词作主语表单数概念,谓语动词用单数形式。 Walking after supper is good for your health.2、 动名词的复合结构作主语动名词的复合结构是指物主代词、名词所有格是动名词逻辑上的主语、动名词是其逻辑上的谓语。 Your coming made us happy. Your fathers cooking is very good.指出-

3、ing形式在下面句中的成分。Finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal.He enjoys listening to violin music.China is a developing country.The music is exciting.We heard her singing in her room.Being ill, she went back home.主语宾语定语表语宾语补足语状语 1. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice has been his life g

4、oal. 2. He enjoys listening to violin music, playing mah-jong, swimming and reading.3. Spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him. 4. However, he doesnt care about being famous.Read the sentences from the reading passage.subjectsubjectobjectobject一、动词-ing形式

5、作主语 表示经常的、习惯性的动作或状态, 谓语动词通常用单数。如: 1)Walking is a good form of exercise for both young and old. 2)Watching news on TV has become a routine for me. 3)Going to Hangzhou by train takes about 16 hours. 4)Asking a womans age is impolite in our country. 动名词直接置于句首主语的位置上。 1) 捉弄别人是我们万万不能干的. _ is something we

6、should never do2)学习新单词对我来说非常重要。 _ is very important for me3)说比做容易。_ is easier than doing.Playing tricks on othersLearning new wordsSaying2. -ing形式作主语时常后置, 此时须用it作形式主语, 用形容词或名词作表语。常见的名词或名词短语有:no use, no good, fun, hard work, a hard / difficult job, a waste of time 等; 形容词有: dangerous, worthwhile, usel

7、ess,useful等如: Its no use making an excuse for this. 为这件事找借口是没有用的。归纳: 常用-ing形式作主语的句型有:It +be +a waste of time doing 做是浪费时间的It is/was no good/use doing 做是没用处的It is/was hardly/scarcely worth doing 做不值得It is/was worth/worthwhile doing 做是值得的There is no doing. 无法; 不允许Its a waste of time talking about such

8、 a useless thing. 谈论这样无用的事情简直是浪费时间。Its dangerous swimming in the sea on windy days.有风的天气在海里游泳是危险的。It is worthwhile discussing the question.这个问题值得讨论。1) 做出努力是值得的。 2) 和夏洛克争辩是没有什么用的。_ with Shylock3) 跟你在一起工作是令人愉快的。_4)玩电子游戏是浪费时间。Its a waste of time _.It is useless trying to argueIt is a pleasure working w

9、ith youplaying computer games.Its worth making the effort3. 在there be no.结构中作主语, 这种结构的意思相当于“It is impossible to do ”。There is no sense in doing 做没有道理There is/was no use /good (in)doing 做无用 There is/was nothing worse than doing 没有比更糟的There is/was no point (in) doing 做无意义There is/was no way doing 无法做注

10、意:There is no need to do sth 干没必要 在此句式中to do 不可换为doing Here is no joking about such matter.There was no knowing when he would leave. There is no point in doing so.这种事开不得玩笑。无法知道他什么时候离开那样做毫无意义。【注意】动名词作主语与不定式作主语的区别:动词ing形式作主语表示泛指的行为,不定式作主语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作。作宾语时的情况也是如此。Playing with fire is dangerous.玩火危险。

11、(泛指)Be careful!To play with fire will be dangerous.小心点!玩火会带来危险。(指一具体动作)二、动名词用作宾语 动名词作宾语有两种情况。1. 只能后接动名词作宾语的动词, 常见的有avoid, admit, appreciate, consider, enjoy,deny(否定), dislike, delay(延期), escape(逃避), excuse, keep, finish, fancy(梦想), suggest, imagine, mind, miss, practise, risk(冒险), 可接动名词作宾语的常见动词口诀:避免

12、错过少延期 (avoid, miss, postpone)建议完成多练习 (advise, finish, practise)喜欢想象禁不住 (enjoy, imagine, cant help)承认否定与嫉妒 (admit, deny, envy)逃避冒险莫原谅 (escape, risk, excuse)忍受保持不介意 (stand, keep, mind)我们必须设法避免犯同样的错误。 We must try to avoid repeating the same mistake晚饭后你想和我一起散步吗?Do you feel like having a walk with me aft

13、er supper? 人们忍不住嘲笑那个愚蠢的人。People couldnt help laughing foolish man need,demand,want,require在表示“需要”时,用v.ing的主动形式表被动,或用不定式的被动形式。 repairing.The car needs to be repaired.这辆汽车需要修理。The sick woman required taking good care of / to be taken good care of.这位生病的妇女需要很好地照顾。(2)英语中有一些动词短语也常跟v.ing形式作宾语, 如:insist on(

14、坚持),object to(反对),be good at, lead to,leave off(停止),put off,give up, look forward to,feel like(想要),devote to (把奉献给),get used to(习惯于),pay attention to,cannot help(禁不住), cannot stand (受不了)等。2. 既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词, 常见的有: begin, start, continue, like, love, prefer, by, mean, forget,remember, hate等。A. 在 l

15、ike, love, hate, prefer等动词之后,用-ing或不定式意义上没有什么不同, 只是侧重点有些不同, 动名词表示泛指的动作, 不定式表示具体的一次性动作。B. 在 begin/start, continue之后, 用动名词和不定式, 意义无甚区别, 尤其是当主语是人的时候。 C. 在动词forget, remember, regret之后, 用动名词与不定式意义不同。-ing 表示动作已经发生,-to do 表示动作还没发生;I remember posting the letterIll remember to post the letterI shall never fo

16、rget seeing the famous writerDont forget to write to your motherI regret missing the reportI regret to say I cant take your adviceD. 意义各不相同try to do (设法) mean to do (打算, 有意要做) try doing (试试) mean doing (意思是, 意味着)be used to doing 习惯于做某事 be used to do 被用来做某事cant help doing 禁不住做某事cant help to do 不能帮助做某

17、事E. go on doing 继续做一直在做的事; go on to do 接着做另一件事。stop doing 停止做某事stop to do停下正在干的事去干另一件事。1.He stopped _and have a rest. (smoke) 2. I once tried _French. (learn)3. This word means _out at once. (set)4.I cant help _the room,for I am too busy. (clean)5.I am used to _early. (get)6.We have finished Part 1.

18、Lets go on _P2.(Learn)to smoketo learnsettingto cleangetting upto learn3. 作介词宾语动名词可与介词一起构成介词短语。A. 介词+动名词, 如:我们得想些法子改变人们的习惯。Weve got to think of ways of changing peoples habits. 我向你道歉, 刚才对你那样生气。I apologize for being so angry with you.离开几年之后再回到你的家乡, 感觉有点怪。After being away for several years, it is a st

19、range experience to return to the hometown.B. 动词+介词+动名词, 如:我坚持为这次出行带足需要的食物。 I insist on taking proper food for this trip同学们脸上没有笑容, 相反都做了怪脸。Instead of smiling, each of them made a face她对为我们公司工作很感兴趣。She was very interested in working for our company下列短语中的to都是介词, 所以后面跟名词或-ing形式: devote to, object to, p

20、ay attention to, get down to, lead to, look forward to, stick to,be used to等。 1. What made you so upset? _ two tickets to the pop music concert. A. Losing B. Because of losing C. To lose D. Because I had lost 2. I cant imagine _ that with them. A. do B. to do C. being done D. doing A考考你D 3. He got w

21、ell-prepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk _ the good opportunity. A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost 4. _ is forbidden inside the park. A. To cycle B. We cycle C. Anyone cycles D. Cycling BD5. I cant stand _ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _ talking while s

22、he works. A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping C. working; to stop D. to work; to stop 6. The old lady needs _. A. look afterB. to look after C. looking afterD. being looked afterCC1. If you can keep _(read) English newspapers, your English will be improved. 2. He has promised _(come) to my bir

23、thday party.3. I hate _(tell) lies!4. I will never forget _(go) to Beijing with him last summer. I forgot _(tell) her the news; so she knew nothing about it.Complete these sentences:readingto cometelling/to tellgoingto tell出国旅行是很激动人心的。Travelling abroad is very exciting.2. 在这儿等是没用的, 我们走吧。Its no use w

24、aiting here. Lets go.3. 我记得在哪里见过他。I remember seeing her somewhere.Translation 4. 我后悔没听你的劝告。I regret not following your advice.5. 帮助别人就是帮助你自己。Helping others means helping yourself.For more exercises, click here.高考链接 (2005湖北卷)_ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and

25、 animals not found in any other country in the world. Being separated B. Having separatedC. Having been separatedD. To be separated2. (2005全国卷III) The storm left, _ a lot of damage to this area. caused B. to have caused C. to cause D. having causedCD3. (2005山东卷) Oil prices have risen by 32 percent s

26、ince the start of the year, _ a record US$ 57.65 a barrel on April 4. have reached B. reaching C. to reach D. to be reachingBFor more exercises, click here.Lets talk about our friends! Remember to use Verb-ing as much as possible. is his/her job every day. He/She enjoys He/She is interested in He/Sh

27、e dreams of He/She hates makes him/her happy/sad.He/She cares about Write about a person you love or respect very much. Here is a sample for you.Changchang is a smart boy. Playing model cars is his favourite. And he also likes running. It seems playing is his job every day. Besides, he enjoys talkin

28、g so much that it seems that he never stops talking until he goes to sleep. Maybe that is why he is good at telling stories. 用括号内动词的正确形式填空。Its no good _(try) to remember grammatical rules. You need to practice what you have learned.2. His illness could mean him _ (miss) next weeks game.3. We can nev

29、er imagine her _ (pass) the exam, for she has never reviewed the lessons.4. The suspect (嫌疑犯) at last admitted _ (steal) the necklace.5. I still remember _ (take) to a concert by Liu Dehua when I was five.trying missing passing stealing being taken1. It took the workmen only two hours to finish _ my

30、 car. A. repairing B. repair C. to repair D. repairedA选择最佳答案。2. Have you forgotten _ $1,000 from me last month? Will you please remember _ it tomorrow? A. borrowing; to bring B. to borrow; bring C. borrowed; bringing D. borrowing; bringingA3. The classroom needs _. A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D.

31、 cleaning4. Jack said that he wouldnt mind _ for us. A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. waitedDC5. My brother keeps _ me with my work. A. to help B. help C. helping D. helped6. We should often practise _ English with each other. A. to speak B. spoke C. speak D. speakingCD7. Keep on _ and you will succ

32、eed. A. a try B. try C. to trying D. trying8. His parents insist on _ to college. A. he should go B. he go C. his going D. him to goDC9. The story was so funny that we _. A. couldnt help laugh B. cant but laugh C. couldnt help laughing D. couldnt help but to laughC10. Though it sounds a bit too dear

33、, it is worth _. A. being bought B. buying C. to buy D. buying it11. He devoted his life to _ the atomic theory. A. study B. be studied C. studying D. have studiedBC12. We are both looking forward to _ next week. A. going on vocation B. go on vocation C. be going on vocation D. have gone on vocation

34、A13. You must pay attention to _ the works of Lu Xun. A. read B. reading C. reader D. be read14. You should work tonight instead of _ TV. A. to watch B. you watching C. you watch D. watchingBD15. The microscope is used for _ minute objects. A. examining B. being examined C. examined D. examine16. Mi

35、ke has got used _ up late at night. A. to sit B. sit C. to sitting D. sittingAC17. Once the heart stops _, death follows at once. A. beating B. to beat C. being beaten D. to be beating18. We are now busy _ for the examination. A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. being preparedAB19. I remembere

36、d _ this person somewhere before. A. seeing B. having been seen C. seen D. to see20. I regret _ that to her. She must be crying now. A. having said B. to have said C. to say D. saidAA21. The patient must be separated to avoid _ others. A. being infected B. infecting C. to infect D. infected22. Your clothes need _. A. washed B. to be washed C. to wash D. being washedBB23. _ provides us with essential


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