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1、书面表达优秀范文选1根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文。Yesterday is history,tomorrow is mystery, but today is a gift. Thats why it is called present.范文1:Life is not a task to finish, but a gift to enjoy. Dont save anything to a special occasion. Since every day we are living is a special occasion for us. We should make every da

2、y colorful and meaningful. Wherever we are, happiness should always be together with us. When we are happy, we can do anything at any time. For example, we can wear our new clothes; we can eat the delicious food; we can watch the interesting programs; we can play computer games; we can enjoy ourselv

3、es at the KTV; we can travel to any place we like; we can have a big party with our friends; we can also keep a good company with our families.范文2:One of my favorite quotes引述 comes from Alfred Souza. He said, For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin- real life. But there was

4、always some obstacle in the way, something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective观点/看法 has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Ha

5、ppiness is the way. So treasure every moment that you have. And remember that time waits for no one. So stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school; until you get married, until you get divorced; until you have kids, until your kids leave home; until you start work, until you r

6、etire; until you get a new car or home; until spring; until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.我很欣赏艾尔弗雷德苏泽的一段名言。他说:长期以来,我都觉得生活真正的生活似乎即将开始。可是总会遇到某种障碍,如得先完成一些事情。没做完的工作,要奉献的时间,该付的债,等等。之后生活才会开始。最后我醒悟过来了,这些障碍本身就是我的生活。这一观点让我意识到没有什么通往幸福的道路。幸福本身就是路。所以,珍惜你拥有的

7、每一刻,且记住时不我待,不要再作所谓的等待等你上完学,等你再回到学校;等你结婚或离婚;等你有了孩子或孩子长大离开家;等你开始工作或等你退休;等你有了新车或新房;等春天来临;等你有幸再来世上走一遭才明白此时此刻最应快乐。2根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy is a popular saying in the United States. Some schools are cutting down the time of taki

8、ng a break from students. Some parents agree while some experts and other parents are against it. In our school, we have enough recess every day. No teachers are allowed to go on giving lessons during the time of recess. During the recess, we usuallygo for a walk in the campus or chat with each othe

9、r. We feel so relaxed that whenwe go back to the classroom, we dont feel so tired and ca go on concentratingon our lessons. My experiences tells me that taking a break between classes is very important. Recess can make us relaxed and refreshed, as a result of which, we can learn more efficiently in

10、the next classes.3书信Dear editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion we held on whether it is good to keep animals in zoos. Those who favor the idea think it provides chances for people to see wild animals. It might also develop peoples love for animals and nature. Besides, animals in zoos c

11、an be protected from dangers in the wild. However, those who are against the idea think that its a waste of money and labor to keep animals in zoos. Itll also damage the balance of nature. Animals will lose their freedom if caged in zoos. I personally feel it is wrong to take animals away from their

12、 natural living areas and keep them locked up. Yours sincerely, Li Hua4Studying AbroadAttending schools abroad has many advantages. Firstly, by looking at our own country from outside, we can widen our vision and broaden our minds. Secondly, we can visit famous scenic spots and make friends with the

13、 local people. Thirdly, we can use the foreign language in our daily life so that our ability in the second language may be improved quickly. However, there are also some disadvantages in attending a foreign school. The most serious problem is the language barrier. Most students do not have adequate

14、 knowledge of the language spoken there. On arriving there, they find it difficult to understand what the teachers are saying. Furthermore, the cost of living is much higher than that in our country, so most students have to find part-time jobs to support themselves. Faced with these difficulties, m

15、any students find themselves unable to pay full attention to their studies and learn little. On the whole, it is a good thing to study abroad. However, one must not lose sight of the disadvantages.5The Value of Time Nobody knows what time is like, for we cannot see it, nor can we touch it. Time is a

16、bstract, which we can only imagine in our mind. But we do know that time passes very quickly. Some students, however, do not know the value of time, nor do they know how to make the best use of it, for they waste time in going to films, playing games and doing other useless things. Why do we go to s

17、chool early in the morning? Why do trains run so fast? Why do most people prefer taking buses instead of walking? The answer is very simple: we wish to save time because time is precious. Today we are living in the twentieth century. We know that time is life. When a person dies, his time has ended.

18、 Since life is short, we must devote our time and energy to our studies so that we may be able to serve our country and the people. But since time is invisible, we often ignore it. Laziness is the thief of time, for laziness not only brings us a lot of harm, it also brings us failure. If it is neces

19、sary for us to do some work today, just do it today and do not postpone it until tomorrow. Remember that time is more valuable than money.6Live in the Moment Life is not a task to finish, but a gift to enjoy. Dont save anything to a special occasion. Since every day we are living is a special occasi

20、on for us. We should make every day colorful and meaningful. Wherever we are, happiness should always be together with us. When we are happy, we can do anything at any time. For example, we can wear our new clothes; we can eat the delicious food; we can watch the interesting programs; we can play co

21、mputer games; we can enjoy ourselves at the KTV; we can travel to any place we like; we can have a big party with our friends; we can also keep a good company with our families. But we shouldnt waste time on the meaningless things, because we have only one chance to live in the world, and weve got o

22、nly one body as well. If we pass away, we cant enjoy ourselves at all. Why dont we take good care of ourselves? Wherever we are, we must treasure珍惜 /珍视 our life and our friends. We should cherish爱护 everything meaningful we have today. 活在当下 生活不是要完成的任务,而是一份应该享受的礼物。不保存任何一个特殊的场合。因为我们每天的生活对我们来说就是特殊的场合。我们

23、要让每一天都丰富多彩。 无论我们在哪里,幸福都应该和我们在一起。我们开心的时候,我们可以在任何时候做任何事情。例如,我们可以穿新衣服;我们可以吃美味的食物;我们可以看有趣的节目;我们可以玩电脑游戏;我们可以在KTV中自我享受;我们可以去任何我们想去的地方,我们喜欢和我们的朋友举行聚会;我们可以好好陪伴家人。 但是,我们不应该在无意义的事情上浪费时间,因为我们只有一次机会生活在这个世界上,我们也只有一个身体。如果我们去世了,我们根本就不能自我享受。为什么我们不好好照顾自己呢?无论我们在哪里,我们必须珍惜我们的生命和我们的朋友。我们应该珍惜我们今天所拥有的一切有意义的东西。7. 择自 :稳派教育新

24、课改2013年高二年级摸底考试In my opinion, optimism is so essential in our life that it helped and still helps us a lot to achieve success. It makes us more confident in ourselves to reach our personal goals. We can form, develop and maintain our optimism as much as we can. I know of a disabled girl named Mary w

25、hose story of optimism has always inspired me. When she was only three years old, she was diagnosed with a fatal disease. She was informed that she couldnt live as long as 18 years old. But Mary was optimistic and never gave in to fate. Eventually, she recovered from the disease and enjoyed a better

26、 life. Mary not only struggles against the disease but also creates a life of which she can be proud. Mary sets a good example to me. I believe life is very much like a mirror: if you smile upon it, it smiles back upon you; but if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will get a similar look in ret

27、urn. Obviously, optimism is an intellectual choice. I will look on the cheerful side in life.8. 择自:大赢家48套(二) InEnglish,thereisaproverb“promiseisdebt(一诺千金)” Thatistosay whatissaidcannotbeunsaid,andapromisecannotbetakenbackonceitismade. 请结合自己的经历或体会,写一篇短文,谈谈你对promise的理解. 注意:1.无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; 2.除诗歌外,文体

28、不限; 3.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; 4.词数为120左右。Thereisnodoubtthateverybodymakespromisesallhislife.Butjustastheproverbgoes,“promiseisdebt”.Onceyouhavemadeapromise,youmustkeepit;otherwise,youwontbeworthyofgoodfaith.Whatsworse,youwillloseyourfriendsandevenfame. Takemyselfforexample.Onedaywhenplayingwithmygoodfriend

29、XiaoMing,Isawabeautifulbirdflyinginthesky. Likingitsomuch,IaskedXiaoMingtodrawitformeandIwouldgivehimmydollinreturn.Butafterhefinishedthedrawing,IbrokemywordandrefusedtogivehimthedollbecauseIlikeditsomuchtoo.Sincethen,Ihavelostmygoodfriend. Therefore,Ithinkwhatissaidcanneverbewhatisunsaid.Itisnecess

30、aryandimportanttoforyoutothinkittwicebeforemakingapromise.Onceyouhavemadeit,nomatterwhathappenstoyou,youshouldkeeptoit.Onlyinthiswaycanyoubereliable,whichwillhelpyoumakeafriendindeedandestablishagoodfame.9. 择自:湖北省部分重点中学2013-2014 新高三起点考试根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文。 Sometimes, life teaches us something valuable I

31、 a negative way. For example, we often sufferfailures or hardships, even misfortune, but meanwhile we can also learn some good lessons from them and make good use of them to become mature , wise and successful. 优秀作文1 As an old saying goes, life is not all roses. Life, sometimes, teaches us valuable

32、things in a negative way. We frequently meet with hardships or failures, even misfortune, but they can contribute to our becoming strong, wise and mature by teaching us good lessons. Here is a good example worth mentioning. I was admitted into the key school with honors, but initially I stopped to r

33、elax, not concentrating on study. I was buried in computer games and playing basketball. Very soon, I couldnt keep up with other students and failed in exams several times. The bitter experience teaches me a lesson: whatever great achievements we have achieved, we must be aggressive and keep up effo

34、rts, otherwise we would be left behind, because there always exists fierce competition. So please remember: a fall into a pit, a gain in our wit. We shouldnt feel frustrated about failures and hardships, but make full of them to adjust and perfect ourselves.优秀作文2 Hardship to man is water to plant. W

35、ithout water, plant will never grow up. Without hardships, we will never acquire experience. When life brings us a lot of hardships, we will also learn to be brave and hardworking. When I was young, my English was very poor. While I was speaking Englishin class, my students would burst into laughter

36、. Then I made my decision to study English better and speak English more fluently. By a long period of my efforts,my English improved a lot. The hardships taught me overcome any difficulties that we would meet with in daily life. At last we would succeed. In all, by dealing with the hardships, we wi

37、ll learn a lot and know how to becomemature, wise and successful.优秀作文3 Life, like a teacher, is always strict with us. Through failures of hardships, we learn something valuable and make for our goals. When I was a junior high school student, I used to take part in some English speaking contests in

38、our school. At first, I tried my best to recite as much English passages as possible. However, the words and expressions were too difficult for me toremember. As a result, I failed my first attempt. Tears ran down my face. Suddenly, Irealized that I might have mistaken the approach. After asking my

39、teachers for advice, I began to learn to imitate how the foreigners pronounced and soon got greatlyimproved. Eventually, I won the first prize. How can you get a beautiful rainbow without a little rain? When faced with difficulties, just remember that failure is the mother of success.10. 2012. 四月调考L

40、earning to give up in life is also a sort of wisdom. It doesnt reveal your weakness, but your strength and great courage. The quote reminds me of a film I once saw, which had a great influence on me. The leader of enemy declared that they just wanted the general. If the general gave up his life, the

41、y wouldnt kill the soldiers. Without hesitation, the general walked straight to the enemy so as to save his soldiers lives. At that moment, I didnt see the disgrace丢脸of giving up, but infinite 无限的,极大的glory of love and dedication. The winner deserves our cheer, of course, but those who give up for a

42、noble purpose or for the benefit of others are worth our applause, too. 11. Some school are cutting down the time of taking a break/rest from students. Some parents agree while some experts and other parents are against it. In our school, we have enough recess every day. No teachers are allowed to g

43、o on giving lessons during the time of recess. During the short break, we usuallygo for a walk in the campus or chat with each other. We feel so relaxed that whenwe go back to the classroom, we dont feel so tired and can go on concentratingon our lessons. My experiences tells me that taking a break

44、between classes is very important.Recess can make us relaxed and refreshed, as a result of which, we can learn more efficiently in the next classes.12. 江西2006书面表达Look at this picture. It is Mid Autumn Festival. An old couple are sitting at the dinner table with many delicious dishes It is already a

45、quarter past one in the afternoon. None of their four children still havent got back. You can imagine how anxious the old couple are , waitingfor the return of their children. Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China. It used to be as important as Spring Festival .This festival is to c

46、elebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful moon light. In my opinion, Mid Autumn Festival is a symbol of family reunion . The most important is that people get together with their families and have a nice meal. So parents will wait for the coming of their children no matter how long they may wa

47、it. The round and bright moon always makes people think of their relatives and friends. Thus, we should understand our parents and return home however difficult it is for us to get back home. 13 Failure Is the Mother of SuccessAs we all know , failure is what often happens . For some objective or su

48、bjective reasons ,we often have to face failure in a complex society . No one can avoid failure in one or another aspect of daily life . However, failure may be a way towards success . It makes us think a lot .We can learn lesson and accumulate experience , and then we try to get the possible soluti

49、on . Failure can become treasures . Edison ,the inventor of the light bulb ,made hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to makeone . In my opinion , failure isnt always a bad thing .We will have a more realistic view about ourselves and the world around us . As people often say

50、 , failure is the mother of success . A temporary loser does not necessarily mean a permanent loser . Grasping opportunity ,everyone can succeed with his or her efforts. Success and FailureFailure is the mother of success. Sometimes people have to cope with many mistakes and failures in order to ach

51、ieve success, while others might give up their efforts and give in to failure. Success often brings people confidence and satisfaction, but failure companies with bitter, sadness, and suffering. I remembered I used to fail in my vocabulary test when I was in high school. I had problems with memorizi

52、ng new words . I was about to give up English when one of my classmates persuaded me and gave me some advice about how to remember words quickly. At the end of the term, I found I had finished my vocabulary book, which made it much easier for me to understand English passages . Nobody is born a geni

53、us for success. Success tends to arrive after a series of trials and failures, because life is not always easy and comfortable. Sometime there are more difficulties than eases in real life. Only when we learn how to endure and deal with failures will we taste their success eventually. 择自稳派综合题四It is

54、known to us all that Chinese handwriting is part of our traditional culture and it is a kind of special art, which is worth our efforts to protect and pass on. In our school we have been always encouraged to improve our handwriting. We have a class on how to write Chinese characters every two weeks.

55、 Though some of my classmates feel it boring and dont take it seriously, I enjoy it very much. Each time I do my homework, I am careful about my handwriting , and my teachers always praise me for my good handwriting, which makes me feel very proud and confident.As the Chinese saying goes, handwritin

56、g is like the person himself. I strongly feel that practicing our handwriting is not only of great importance/significance but also has positive meaning. 16.All the past things become history, which cannot be changed. However, in daily life, people always say that if they did this or that, they woul

57、d be better off now. Does this make any sense? No. Its widely acknowledged that you cannot change the past whatever you do. Then why should we have regrets for what happened in the past? Similarly, we should not attach too much importance to the future, for it is really something uncertain unless yo

58、u make it come true. Therefore, the present, which is what we are sure about, is very important, because by making full use of it, we can find a way to success. Please seize the hour, seize the day争分夺秒 and treasure every moment that you have!17.As students, we share more time with our friends. I oft

59、en feel very lucky to have many good friends, especially when I had Justin as one of my best friends. Justin was my English teacher from the USA. I met him in 1996 when I was a student and could only speak very little English. Justin was an energetic young man with bright smiles on his face, and he

60、always had his special way to make the class active and attractive. He taught us English by telling stories, playing games, singing songs, and even dancing. We know there was friendship and pure love in our hearts. Justin is the best friend I have ever had, and I know I will cherish those days of st


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