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1、员工岗位英语学习资料1、餐饮有关名词breakfast 早餐lunch 中餐afternoon tea下午茶dinner 晚餐restaurant 餐厅western restaurant西餐厅Chinese restaurant中餐厅menu 菜单waitress 女服务员waiter 男服务员director 主任chef 厨师table 桌子seat 座位bowl 碗plate 碟chopsticks 筷子spoon 勺子knife & fork刀叉toothpicks 牙签ashtray 烟灰缸tissue纸i 巾2、dessert 甜品 tea 茶wine 洒bread 面包hamb

2、urger 汉堡包butter 黄油sausage 香肠toast 吐司sandwich 三文治buffet 自助餐set meal 套餐cheese 奶酪cake 蛋糕rolls 小圆血包pudding 布soda 苏打水mineral water矿泉水ice-cream 冰淇淋pizza 比萨soups 汤salad 色拉milk 牛奶milk shake 奶昔beef steak 牛扒well-done 全熟的medium well七八成熟的medium-done五成熟的medium rare三四成熟的rare一成熟的ham 火腿bacon 烟肉syrup 糖浆honey 蜂蜜jam 果

3、酱coffee 咖啡black tea 红茶coconut juice椰子汁beer 啤酒cocktail 鸡尾酒Whiskey 威士忌Brandy 白兰地orange juice 橙汁cigarette 香烟3、Fruit 水果apple 苹果pear 梨grape 葡萄strawberry 草莓water melon 西瓜4、Condiment 调味品salt 盐sugar 糖ketchup 番茄酱chilli sauce 辣椒酱orange 橘子banana 香蕉 pineapple 菠萝 peach 桃 lemon 柠檬oil油 soy sause 酱油 black pepper 黑胡

4、椒二、短句一1、早上好(午安、晚安)Good morning.(afternoon/evening)2、您好!欢迎光临CLK咖啡酒廊!How are you?/ How do you do?Welcome to CLK bar&lounge!3、请跟我来,请这边走。This way,please. sir/madam.Follow me, please. sir/madam.4、请问您(几位?For how many?5、您看坐在这里可以吗?Would you mind sitting here?How about this table?6、请问您贵姓?May I have your firs

5、t name?7、请问您有预订吗?Do you have a reservation?8、对不起,那边的桌子已给预订了。I m sorry that table is already reserved.9、这是菜单,请问现在可以点菜了吗?Here is menu. Are you ready to order now?10、这是我们的菜单和酒水牌。This is our menu and drink list,sir/madam.、短句二1、下单,问饮品Excuse me, sir/madam, would you like something to drink?We have Which o

6、ne would you like?2、请问您喝什么茶?What kinds of tea would you like to drink?3、您先来杯啤酒好吗?Would you like to start with a glass of beer?4、请问需要加冰块吗?Do you need any ice-blocks, please?5、请问需要冷饮还是热饮。Would you like to have a cold-drinks or hot drinks?6、请稍候,我们马上给您安排。Just a moment, please. We will arrange it for you

7、 right away.7、不用谢,很乐意为您服务。Not at all, I m glad to serve you.8、请用茶。Have a cup of tea, please!9、对不起,我能把这个盘子撤走吗?I m sorryCan I take this plate away?10、对不起,我把它换成小盘子好吗?I m sorry, May I have it changed the small plate?11、您点的食物很快就会送过来。Your order will be with you soon.12、请问您还需要其它食物吗?Would you like anything

8、else?13、对不起,这个品种刚刚售完。t any left.)I m sorry, the variety is just out of stood.(there aren14、对不起,请再重复一遍。I beg your pardon?四、短句三1、这是您点的食物,请您慢慢用餐。Here is your order ,please enjoy your2、先生请问您的牛肉要几份熟的?How would you like your beef? Rare, medium or well-done, sir?3、先生您的菜已经上齐了。Your dish is all here, sir .4、对

9、不起,我到厨房给您催一下。Sorry, I tell the cook to hurry.5、哦!很抱歉这个菜的烹饪时间较长。Oh, very sorry.It takes quite some time for this dish to prepare.6、先生,有什么需要我帮忙的吗?What can I do for you, sir?7、对不起,让您久等了。Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.8、先生(女士)这是您的帐单吗?Here is your bill, sir(lady)?9、一共是元,请问您付现金还是信用卡?The total amou

10、nt is . yuan. Do you pay the bill by cash , or credit card?10、请稍等,我马上来收拾。Just a moment, please. I m clear it right away.11、谢谢您提出的宝贵意见。Thanks for your precious opinions.12、我们将努力改进。We; ll try our best to improve.13、这是收据和零钱,请收好。Here s the receipt and change, keep it, please.14、好的,我一定尽快给您做好。All right ,

11、I ll have it for you as soon as possible.15、好的,我去拿来。Ok, I ll get it for you.16、再见,欢迎下次再来!Good-bye! Come again next time, you are Welcome.17、慢走,感谢您的光临。Mind your step and thank you for coming.五、对话1、Showing the way 带客Good evening,ladies and gentleman.Welcome to our restaurant.晚上好,女士们先生们,欢迎光临!Good eveni

12、ng.晚上好。Do you have a reservation?请问有没有订位呢?No,we have just arrived.没有,我们是刚刚才到的。How many people are there in your party?请问你们一共几位呢?Four.四个人。Please come with me.请跟我来。We want to take a seat with light.我们想坐在光线亮的地方。How about here?您看这里怎么样呢?Good.很好。Please take a seat.请就坐。2 、 Take your order 点菜Good evening,Mi

13、ss.Would you like some coffee?There are mocha ,cappuccino and latte.晚上好,小姐,请问先喝点什么咖啡吗?我们有摩卡,卡布奇诺和拿铁。I prefer to the mocha.摩卡吧。Here is your mocha and handkerchief.这是您的摩卡和纸巾。Thank you.谢谢。It is my pleasure.May I take your order now?不客气。请问现在可以点菜了吗?Well.A glass of whisky and tuna sandwich.好的。一杯威士忌和吞拿鱼三文治

14、。Thank you,they will be ready soon.Please feel free to call me if any requirement.好的,您点的菜很快就送来。您如果还需要什么服务,尽管告诉我。、 Checking out 结账Waitress,I want to pay the bill now.服务员,请结账。OK.Here is your bill,Sir.It comes to RMB 462.好的,先生,这是您的账单,一共是462 元。May I have the bill?我可以看一下账单吗?Certainly.Here is the bill.当然可

15、以。这是账单。OK.May I use the credit card or travel cheque?好多,我可以用信用卡或旅行支票吗?I m afraid we can not accept the travel cheque,but the credit card is accepted.对不起,先生,我们餐厅恐怕不能接收旅行支票,但信用卡是可以的。Then I will use the credit card.Here you are.那我就用信用卡吧。Please wait a moment,Sir.请您稍等。Would you please sign your name here

16、?先生,麻烦您在这签一下名。OK.好的。Thank you.Welcome again.谢谢。欢迎下次光临。、 Handling complaint 处理客人的抱怨Waitress,I order my meal at least twenty minutes yet,why is it taking so long?服务员,我至少在20 分钟前就点了菜,可到现在还没来?I m sorry,sir.Ill check your order with the chef.非常抱歉,先生,我去主厨师那里核查一下您点的菜。Please do and hurry up!I have got rush fo


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