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1、(最新整理)Stylistics(英语文体学)2021/7/261The First Step to StylisticsI. Key words:Style(文体); stylistics(文体学)Variety of English (语体)Langue (语言)Parole(言语)Text (篇章)Discourse(/语篇/话语)Context(语境); register(语域)Occasion(场合)Appropriacy / Appropriateness得体(性)2021/7/262II. What is style?style as rhetoric Gorgias(风格即修辞

2、);style as form Aristotle(风格即形式);style as eloquence Cicero (风格即雄辩术);proper words in proper places Swift(在恰当的地方使用恰当的词);2021/7/263II. What is style?Le style, cest lhomme meme Buffon(文如其人);Le style, Cest ajouter a une pensee donnee toutes les circonstances propre a produire tout leffect que produire ce

3、tte pensee. Stendhal(赋予既定思想并适合产生出它应有效果的全部形式);style as personal idiosyncrasy Murry(个人表达上的特点);2021/7/264II. What is style?style as technique of exposition Murry (解说技巧);style as the highest achievement of literature Murry(文学的最高成就);saying the right thing in the most effective way Enkvist(以最有效的方式讲恰当的事情);

4、2021/7/265II. What is style?style as deviation Spitzer (对于常规的变异);style as transformation Ohmann(语言结构的转换);style as meaning potential Halliday (风格即意义潜势);style as expressiveness Ullman(认知意义的表达)。Language is the dress of thought. Samuel Johnson (语言就是思想的外衣) 2021/7/266II. What is style?style as a shell sur

5、rounding a pre-existing core of thought or expression Enkvist(环绕已存在的思想感情或感情内核的外壳);style as the choice between alternative expressions Enkvist(在不同表达方式中的选择);style as a set of collective characteristics Enkvist (集合特点的综合);2021/7/267II. What is style?style as those relations among linguistic entities tha

6、t are statable in terms of wider spans of text than the sentence Enkvist(超出句子以外的语言单位之间的关系);style as equivalence Jakobson and Levi Strauss(结构的对等);style as function The Prague School approach(风格即功能);style as foregrounding Mukarovsky(风格即突出);2021/7/268II. What is style?*An instrument made of metal, bone

7、, etc., having one end sharp-pointed for incising letters on a wax tablet, and the other flat and broad for smoothing the tablet and erasing what is written: = stylus (The oxford English Dictionary, New Edition,1991)*A) A general manner of doing something which is typical or representative of a pers

8、on or group, a time in history, etc. B) The particular choice of words or manner of expression used by or typical of a writer or speaker (LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH,1998)2021/7/269III. What is stylistics?(1) A branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of situationally-d

9、istinctive uses of language, with particular reference to literary language, and tries to establish principles capable of accounting for the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language(The Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought, 1977, 2nd edn 1988)2021/7/2610III.

10、What is Stylistics?(2) The study of style;just as style can beviewed in several ways, so there are several different stylistic approaches. This variety in stylistics is due to the main influences of linguistics and literary criticism. By far the most common kind of material studied is literary; and

11、attention is largely text-centered.The goal of most stylistics is not simply to describe the formal features of texts for their own sake, but in order to show their functional significance for the 2021/7/2611 interpretation of the text; or in order to relate literary effects to linguistic causes whe

12、re these are felt to be relevant. Stylisticians want to avoid vague and impressionistic judgments about the way that formal features are manipulated. As a result, stylistics draws on the models and terminology provided by whatever aspects of linguistics are felt to be relevant. (Wales, 1989: A Dicti

13、onary of Stylistics)2021/7/2612III. What is stylistics?(3) A branch of linguistics which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of style. It studies the use of language in specific contexts and attempts to account for the characteristics that mark the language use of i

14、ndividuals and social groups.2021/7/2613Common cores of “stylistics”Stylistics is concerned with the idea of style, with the analysis of literary texts, and the use of linguistics. Style is usually understood within this area of study as the selection of certain linguistic forms or features over oth

15、er possible ones.Some key aspects of stylistics are *the use of linguistics (the study of language) to approach literary texts *the discussion of texts according to objective criteria rather than according purely to subjective and impressionistic values *emphasis on the aesthetic properties of langu

16、age ( for example, the way rhyme can give pleasure)2021/7/2614III. The Needs for Stylistics: (i) Style is an integral part of meaning. (ii) Stylistics may help us to acquire a “sense of style” (iii) Stylistics prepares the way to the intrinsic study of literature.2021/7/2615Langue(语言)(Longman Dictio

17、nary P382)The French word for “language”. The term was used by the linguist Saussure to mean the system of a language, that is the arrangement of sounds and words which speakers of a language have a shared knowledge of or, as Saussure said, “agree to use”. Langue is the “ideal” form of a language. S

18、aussure called the actual use of language by people in speech or writing “parole”.2021/7/2616Langue vs Parole (Routledge Dictionary P268)A term introduced in de Saussures Cours de linguistique gnrale to distinguish between language (Fr. Langue) as an abstract system of signs and rules, and the spoke

19、n word (Fr. Parole) as the concrete realization of language as it is used. Langue is characterized as a static system of symbols with broad (social) value, due to the invariant and functional nature of its elements.2021/7/2617Langue vs Parole (Routledge Dictionary P268)Instances of parole are based

20、on this system of langue and vary according to register, age, dialect, among other factors.The goal of structualist linguistics is to research the systematic regularities of langue (referred to corpus in P106) using data from parole, while parole itself can be researched in various disciplines, like

21、 phonetics, psychology, and physiology. 2021/7/2618Langue vs Parole (Routledge Dictionary P268)The type of difference descibed between langue and parole has been teken many forms: among them, ergon vs energeia (W.von Humboldt), Sprache vs Rede (H. Paul), Sprach-system vs aktualisierte Rede (G. v.d.

22、Gabelentz), Sprachgebilde vs Sprechakt (K. Bhler), register vs use, type vs token (referred to type-token-relationship). (M.A.K. Halliday)2021/7/2619Text (篇章)(quoted from Qian YuanP11) A TEXT is any passage, spoken or written, of whatever length, that forms a unified whole. It may be the product of

23、a single speaker/writer (e.g. a sign, a letter, a news report, a statute法令 a novel), or that of several speakers (e.g. a piece of conversation, a debate). A text may take in forms of a dialogue, or a monologue; it also can be a casual talk. 2021/7/2620Text (篇章)(Longman Dictioanry P705-706)It is norm

24、ally made up of one or several sentences that together create a structure or unit, such as a letter, a report, or an essay.It has distinctive structural and discourse characteristics It has a particular communicative function or purposeIt can often only be fully understood in relation to the context

25、 in which it occurs2021/7/2621Context (语境) (Routledge Dictionary P100-101)As a comprehensive concept in communication theory, “context” refers to all elements of a communicative situation: the verbal and non-verbal context, the context of the given speech situation and the social context of the rela

26、tionship between the speaker and hearer, their knowledge, and their attitudes. Catford distinguishes between linguistic context and situational co-text.2021/7/2622Context (Longman Dictionary P149)That which occurs before and/or after a word, a phrase or even a longer UTTERANCE or a TEXT. The context

27、 often helps in understanding the particular meaning of the word, phrase, etc. For example, the word loud in loud music is usually understood as meaning “noisy” whereas in a tie with a loud pattern it is understood as “unpleasantly colorful”. The context may also be the broader social situation in w

28、hich a linguistic item is used. For example, in ordinary usage, spinster refers to an older unmarried woman but in a legal context it refers to any unmarried woman2021/7/2623Contextual factors Characteristics of the USER of language: a. Age b. Sex c. Socio-regional or ethnic background d. Education

29、Characteristics of the users USE of language in situationa. Medium of communication: speech or writingb. Setting: private or public(to be continued)2021/7/2624Contextual factorsc. Role-relationship between addresser and addressee: the degree of intimacy; the degree of social distanced. Purpose for w

30、hich language is used: e.g. to inform; to command; to express feelings; to establish social relations, etc.e. Subject matter (of limited stylistic significance)2021/7/2625AppropriatenessWhen producing an utterance, a speaker needs to know that it is grammatical, and also that it is suitable (appropr

31、iate) for particular situation. ( Longman Dictionary P38)2021/7/2626语境与言语交际的得体性美国语言学家J. A. Fishman: Who Speaks What Language to Whom and When(谁何时对谁说什么话)美国社会语言学家 Dell Hymes: 语境要素SPEAKINGSSetting and Scene(背景和场景)PParticipants(参与者)EEnds(目的和结果)AAct Sequence(信息的形式与内容)KKey(信息传递方式)IInstrumentalities(使用何种语言

32、或方言)NNorms(在特定情况下应该遵循的常规和规范)G-Genres (体裁)2021/7/26271.2 语境与言语交际的得体性(一)狭义: 语境可指语篇内部的上下文 (co-text; linguistic context) e.ghot temper, hot newsBut she turned it down ( Sam committed theft and was caught red-handed by Mary. Sam offered Mary 2,000 to hush the matter up. But she turned it down The sound f

33、rom the radio was so low that I asked Bob to enhance it, but he turned it down2021/7/26281.2 语境与言语交际的得体性(二)语境可以指言语事件发生时的社会情境特征 (socio-situational features) 。社会情境特征有两种: 一种与语言使用者(the user of language) 有关, 如社会地位社会角色文化修养职业所处的时代与地域处境与心情及其语言的可理解程度和范围(range of intelligibility); 一种与语言使用者对语言的使用(the users use

34、 of language)有关, 如交际双方(或多方)之间的关系熟悉程度、具体的交际时间、地点、交际方式、交际目的、交际的领域和题材等2021/7/26291.2 语境与言语交际的得体性Michael Gregory 三种情景语境划分:field of discourse话语范围 mode of discourse话语方式 语域(register)tenor of discourse话语基调 (三)语境可以指交际双方(或多方)的言语社团之历史文化和风俗习惯,乃至价值观念等因素,故可称作“社会文化语境”(socio-cultural context), 我们平常所说的社会文化背景知识.2021/

35、7/26301.2 语境与言语交际的得体性对语境的了解既要考虑到语内因素(篇章或话语本身的上下文)又应考虑语外因素。这些复杂因素决定了人们语言形式的选择言语内容的信息传递和言语功能的实现,同时也决定了言语交际的得体性(appropriateness/ appropriacy)2021/7/26311.2 语境与言语交际的得体性 John Lyons (Semantics): 得体性(1)言语活动的参与者必须知道自己在整个言语活动中所起的作用和所处的地位(2)参与者必须知道言语活动的空间和时间 (3)参与者必须能够辨别言语活动的正式程度(4)参与者必须了解特定的情境所需要的合适的交际媒介(5)每

36、个交际者都应该知道如何使自己的话语与言语活动与主题想适应, 还应了解主题在选择方言或语言(如在多语社团)中所起的重要作用(6)每个参与者都必须知道如何使自己的话语与言语活动的情境所属的领域(province)和范围(domain)相适应2021/7/26321.2 语境与言语交际的得体性(Qin P17)1. Out!2. Run along, now.3. Would you mind leaving the room a moment, please?4. The audience is required to kindly leave the room for a few moments

37、.5. The management respectfully required the conferees to vacate the auditorium between sessions in order to facilitate the operations of the custodial staff.2021/7/2633Discourse (语篇/话语)Discourse is the language which has been used to communicate something and is felt to be coherent as a unified who

38、leDiscourse is real language used by real people in real communication for the real communicative purposeDiscourse is language in use within multiple contexts textual, social, cultural, and psychological.2021/7/2634Discourse (语篇/话语)(Textbook Discourse and Analysis P2-3)Discourse language beyond the

39、sentence is simply language as it occurs, in any context (including the context of linguistic analysis), in any form (including two made-up sentences in sequence; a tape-recorded conversation, meeting, or interview; a novel or play) Tannen (1989) A general term for examples of language use, i.e. lan

40、guage which has been produced as the result of an act of communication. (Longman Dictionary, Richards, et al, 1985:83)2021/7/2635Discourse /TextFirst , people often talk of spoken discourse versus written text. Or alternatively, discourse often is naturally occurring spoken language, as found in suc

41、h discourses as conversations, interviews, commentaries, and speeches, which implies interactive discourse; whereas text is written language, as found in such texts as essays, notices, newspaper articles and chapters, which implies non-interactive monologue, whether intended to be spoken aloud or no

42、t.2021/7/2636Discourse /TextSecondly, discourse implies length, whereas a text may be very short. Another theoretical way to draw a distinction is proposed by van Dijk (1977). He uses the term text to refer to an abstract theoretical construction which is realized in discourse. In other words, text

43、is to discourse as sentence is to utterance.Note: Halliday (1978:40) uses the term text to point to the same distinction, but he chooses the opposite term to refer to surface realization, and talks of language being actualized in text.2021/7/2637Register(语域)(Longman Dictionaryof language teachingand

44、 applied linguistics0A speech variety used by a particular group of people, usually sharing the same occupation (e.g. doctors, lawyers) or the same interests (e.g. stamp collectors, baseball fans). A particular register often distinguishes itself from other registers by having a number of distinctiv

45、e words, by using words or phrases in a particular way (e.g. in tennis: deuce局末平分, love零分, tramlines双打时球场两侧的加道), and sometimes by special grammatical constructions (e.g. legal language)2021/7/2638Register(语域)(Routledge Dictionary of language and linguisticsP402)Manner of speaking or writing specific

46、 to a certain function, that is, characteristic of a certain domain of communication (or of an institution), for example, the language of religious sermons, of parents with their child, or of an employee with his/her supervisor. Registers play a prominent role in Hallidays school of Systemic Functio

47、nal grammar. (systemic linguistics)2021/7/2639Register(语域)The difference between formal and informal language is also called a difference of register.A formal register is appropriate for legal documents and official occasions like the opening of Parliament, while an informal register is appropriate

48、for casual conversations.2021/7/2640Field of Discourse(话语范围)Events and experiences of the speakers or the writers referred to in the use of language in communication, which manifests the intention to be realized. It is concerned with discourse as presentation, i.e., how reality is represented in lan

49、guage. (e.g. technical English, non-technical English)话语范围指的是言语交际过程中发生的事情进行的活动论及的事情或表达的经验等, 它能体现语言使用者在特定情景语境中所要实现的交际目的.2021/7/2641Mode of discourse(话语方式)The way people are talking. It concerns discourse as message, i.e., how the language being used is organized in its own right.话语方式指言语交际的渠道或媒介. *spe

50、aking(讲话): Conversing, monologuing; (spontaneously) reciting,the speaking of what is written (non-spontaneously) *writing(写作): writing to be read, writing to be spoken2021/7/2642Tenor of discourse(话语基调)Whom we are talking to and how we express our feelings and opinions. (interpersonal function) 话语基调

51、指的是交际情景中讲话者与受话者之间的关系和讲话者的交际意图(intention) 。 personal tenor degree of formality(个人基调): 角色关系(如父与子、母与女、夫与妻、至亲、好友、上级与下级等)决定个人基调, 而 个人基调又影响交际双方使用语言的正式程度() functional tenor (功能基调):instruct(传授)、persuade (劝说)、advise(告戒)、educate(训导)等等。功能基调可分为phatic(寒暄性) 、 expository(说明性) 、 persuasive(说服性) 、 didactic(说教性) 等202

52、1/7/2643Roman Jakobson: 语言交际六要素及其所对应的功能发话人(addresser) 情感功能emotive function受话人(addressee) 意动功能conative 语境context 指称功能referential 代码code 元语言功能metalinguistic接触contact 寒暄功能phatic 信息要旨message 诗学功能poetic 2021/7/2644Varieties of language A language variety is a sub-set of formal and/or substantial features

53、 which correlates regularly with a particular type of socio-situational features. (J.C. Catford: A Linguistic Theory of translation, P.84,1965)(语言变体是其形式和/或实质特征的一种分化,这种分化经常地与某一特定的社会情境特征相互关联。2021/7/2645Varieties of languageDialectal varieties: 方言变体1.Individuality(语言使用者的个人特征)2.Temporal features(时代特征)3.

54、Geographical features(地域特征)4.Social features(社会特征)5. 可理解的程度和范围2021/7/2646Varieties of language (Qin P20-21)Diatypic varieties (register)话语类别变体( according to the users use of language) Halliday: 1)ideational function; 2)interpersonal function 3)textual function 1)field of discourse- Ideational functi

55、on 2)tenor of discourse- interpersonal function 3)mode of discourse -textual function (Gregory & Carroll:1978:46)2021/7/2647Varieties of language (Discourse analysis P27-28)The ideational function refers to the use of language to organize the speakers or writers experience of the real or imagined wo

56、rldThe interpersonal function means the use of language to indicate, establish, or maintain social relationships between peopleThe textual function is to create written or spoken texts which cohere within themselves and which fit the particular situation in which they are used.2021/7/2648OccasionTim

57、e or place in which an event is taking place.2021/7/2649SaussureSwiss linguist. The founder of structural linguistics, he declared that there is only an arbitrary relationship between a linguistic sign and that which it signifies. The posthumously published collection of his lectures, Course in Gene

58、ral Linguistics (1916), is a seminal work of modern linguistics. 索绪尔,费迪南德德(1857-1913)瑞士语言学家,结构主义语言的创始人,他声称在语言符号和其所指含义之间仅有一种模糊的关系。他死后,他的讲演集出版为 普通语言学教程 (1916年),是现代语言学的开山之作2021/7/2650第一章 导 论1.1 什么是文体? 1.1.1 对STYLE一词的不同理解 1.1.2 文体研究中的“一元论” 、“二元论” 和“多元论” 1.1.3 小结1.2 语境与语言交际的得体性1.3 语言变体 1.3.1 方言 1.3.2 语域话

59、语范围、话语方式、话语基调2021/7/2651第一章 导 论1.1.1 对STYLE一词的不同理解 “风格”既可指一个作家运用语言的特色,又可指某个时代盛行的“文风”既可指某种语篇体裁的语言特征, 又可指某篇作品的语言格调和表现风格“文体”*狭义的文体指文学文体*广义的文体指包括文学文体在内的各种语言变体2021/7/26521.1.1 对STYLE一词的不同理解 (1).“表达方式说”Leech & Short(1981:38) 文体是“语言使用的一种方式,它属于言语, 而不属于语言”Enkvist et al(1964: 11-12) 文体是“以最有效的方式讲恰当的事情”Ohmann(1

60、964, in Freeman: 1970:259)文体是 “写作的一种方式”语言学家 C. F. Hockett也认为: 在同一种语言中,如果两段话语(utterance)表达大体上相同的信息,但其语言结构不同,便可以把它看作是属于不同的文体.(参见 Hockett, C. F. : A Course in Modern Linguistics, p. 556, New York: MacMillan. 1958)2021/7/26531.1.1 对STYLE一词的不同理解 ( 2) “外衣说”Leech & Short(1981:18)文体是“思想的外衣” Samuel Johnson “


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