1、课例分析课题:七年级下Unit 6 Im watching TV.(Period 1)枞阳二中 胡四六学科:英语教材分析:主要是向学生介绍什么是现在进行时,语法重点是现在进行时的构成和用法,包括动词的现在分词形式和构成规则,并通过看图说话、听力训练、情景对话等任务型活动,学习运用它。使学生能够运用这个时态对发生的事做现场报道,了解西方人是如何表达或描述正在进行的动作。学情分析:现在进行时,对于七年级学生来说是略有难度的,因为在此之前只学过一般现在时,所以要加强学生对时态的认识,要让学生知道英语中用不同的时态表达不同时间发生的事情。应通过听力和对话反复训练现在进行时的结构,使学生能熟练运用不同人
2、称的现在进行时。学生对上网很感兴趣,因此,本人决定利用学生对上网的热爱,通过多媒体技术来优化学习环境,将枯燥的语法教学融入其中,努力营造出一种自然、生动、活泼、有序的学习气氛,以吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣。教学目标分析:1.知识目标:词汇:newspaper,tea,movie,house,pool,supermarket,短语:do homework, watch TV, eat dinner, talk on the phone交际用语: What are you doing? Im watching TV.Whats he doing? Hes reading. Whatre
3、Dave and Mary doing? Theyre eating dinner.2.能力目标:学会谈论人们正在做什么,能就现场发生的事做现场报道。引导学生自己归纳出现在进行时的用法、结构、时间标志词,特别是现在分词的变化规则。能自己用英语制定一份工作计划。3.情感目标:通过合作学习谈论正在发生的事,培养学生的团队合作精神:通过询问周围的人正在做什么,引导学生进行积极健康的活动并学会关心他人,同时培养学生的观察、思维能力,提高自身交际水平。教学重难点及解决措施分析:1、教学重点:A)新词汇及动词短语(如newspaper,tea,movie,house) B)目标语言: What are y
4、ou doing? Im watching TV. Whats he doing? He is reading a book.2、教学难点:A)正确把握和使用现在分词; B)应用目标语言自如地进行口语交际。3、解决措施:就学生日常生活中的实际问题入手,让学生感到英语学习就在身边。通过老师引导、学生识图、听力配对和口语问答能力拓展训练等措施使学生逐一突破教学重难点。教学方法:观察归纳法、听说法、识图法、情景对话法。教学手段:采用多媒体和实物。教学准备:教师在课前收集并下载有关图片和资料制作成课件。教学策略选择与设计在向学生进行简短的问候之后,从同学们的自身情况谈起,交流互动,复习所学过的动词短语
5、及一般现在时,引起学生注意;然后通过实物的形式和肢体语言导入今天的重点内容 现在进行时。再利用多媒体辅助教学手段幻灯片来呈现本单元的新授单词及动词短语。在此基础上利用大屏幕上所有图片集合,学生们展开一个识图游戏,强化动词短语,激发学生兴趣,再通过图文配对来强化新学词汇,同时,开展一系列的能力拓展活动,如完成听力任务,利用网上搜索的短片,描述名人周杰伦、姚明等正在做的事。其后,呈现所说句子,引导学生总结归纳出现在进行时的结构、用法以及现在分词的变化规则,突破本课难点。最后的猜测游戏将课堂气氛推向高潮。整个教学过程一气呵成,同时也遵循循序渐进的学习原则。 对于作业的设计,要求学生用所学的现在进行时
6、描述家人或朋友正在做的事,既对学生进行了写作训练,又对学生进行了德育教育,团结同学,关心他人,孝敬父母等。总之,用科学合理,高效的教学过程设计来形成清晰的教学思路,课件选用精美逼真的图片或短片来创造意境,新学词汇在对话练习时以图片形式展现出来,便于学生掌握,用纯正标准的对话录音来训练学生的听力和纠正口语发音,能收到最佳的教学效果。教学实施过程分析:Step1 Warming up and lead-in1. Greet the whole class as usualT: What do you usually do on Sundays? (Students answers can be v
7、arying.) Make a list of the verb phrases they have learnt as much as possible. do homework, watch TV, go shopping, listen to music, play basketball, swim, Lead students to read and repeat.(在第一个环节中,教师将询问的重心落在学生周日的活动上,有利于复习所学的动词短语和一般现在时,为本节课的教学奠定基础。)2. Open a book and read it. T: What am I doing? Im r
8、eading a book.Ask the students to repeat.Take out a banana and eat it.T: What am I doing? Im eating a banana.Ask the students to repeat the two sentences several times.Take out a MP5 and listen to music.T: What am I doing?S: You are listening to music.(以实物和肢体语言导入时态现在进行时,更加直观、形象,便于学生理解这个时态的意义和用法。)Ste
9、p2 New-word learning and practiceAsk the students to look at the screen. Present a few pictures. Teach and repeat the new verb phrases in this unit.(such as clean, read a book, eat dinner,.)T: Whats he doing?S: He is reading a book.T: Whats she doing?S: She is watching TV.T: Whats he doing?S: He is
10、cleaning.T: What are they doing?S: They are eating dinner.After that, ask the students to play a looking and speaking game about all the ten pictures on the screen. (One student comes to the front and control the computer. No matter which picture he clicks on, the other students answer together as q
11、uickly as possible.)(利用多媒体幻灯片呈现本课新授单词和动词短语进行教学,有利于吸引全部学生的注意力,使他们对新知识产生浓厚的兴趣。特别是将机械性的操练融入接下来的识图活动中,一名学生操控电脑带大家一起学习,不仅让学生明白多媒体是教学的有效辅助,而且增强了学生自主学习的意识。总之,这个环节让学生敢于张口、乐于张口,他们的竞争意识增强,比着学。)Step3 MatchingAsk Ss to open their books and finish 1a (match the words with the activities in the picture ) and then
12、 check together. (完成书本教学任务,强化新学词汇。)Step4 Listening Ask Ss to listen to a recording about Jenny, Dave and Mary, John. Play it twice and ask them to write the number of the activity each person is doing alone. Then check the answers.(完成书本教学任务,运用听觉器官接收和强化信息)Step5 Oral practiceT: Today we invite some fa
13、mous people. Do you want to know what they are doing?Show them a short movie.T: Who is he?S: He is Zhou Jielun.T: Whats he doing?S: He is playing the piano and singing.Show them another two movies.T: Do you know him?S: Yes, he is Yao Ming. T: Whats he doing?S: He is playing basketball.T: And whats s
14、he doing?S: She is playing tennis.Then show the movies again and ask students to work in pairs to use the target language to ask and answer about them.S1:What is Zhou Jielun doing now?S2:He is playing the piano and singing.Five minutes later, ask some pairs to come to the front to act out with the s
15、hort movies on the screen. (本环节中,使用名人效应可引起学生的好奇心。通过短片呈现周杰伦等一些名人正做什么,为口语对话训练创设情景,不仅便于在虚拟情景中操练本课的目标语言,而且话题及情境贴近生活,让学生达到学以致用的目的。)Step6 Present the structures Show the students the following sentences.Im reading a book.Im eating a banana.You are listening to music.He is reading a book.She is watching TV
16、.He is cleaning.They are eating dinner.Lead the students to find the form of the Present Progressive Tense be(am,is,are) +V.ing(now)Then lead them to find the rules of the present participle(1) add “ing”read-reading,eat-eating,listen-listening,watch-watching,clean- cleaning.Add more rules.(2) take a
17、way “e” and add “ing”: become- becoming, give- giving, come coming, write writing, take - taking(3) double the last letter and add “ing” : sit- sitting,get- getting,swim-swimming,shop-shopping (引导学生通过自己细心的观察、分析和归纳,不但思维能力得到锻炼,而且对英语语法结构及其内在的联系也能梳理清楚,学生既掌握了一定的学习方法,又提高了整体性思维能力,使学生更有效地掌握知识,本课的教学难点在此轻松突破。
18、同时,考虑是第一课时,规则讲得过多、过细,反而让学生难以消化、吸收,所以没有讲全,留待后续)Step7 Pairwork1. A game.Ask some students to perform some actions ,the others guess what heshe is doing.Sample conversation 1:Boys: Whats he doing?Girls: He is cleaning the room.Girls: Whats she doing?Boys: She is eating.Sample conversation 2:S1: Is she
19、reading?S2: Yes, she is.S1: Is he watching TV?S2: No, he isnt.(通过猜测游戏进行教学,使学生感受到英语教学形式的多样化。此环节重点强化今天所学的短语,牢记今天所学内容,达到教学目的的同时将课堂气氛推向最高潮;引入现在进行时的一般疑问句形式,为下一课时的内容作好铺垫,)2. Ask the students to work in pairs and make their own conversations.(此阶段练习可以巩固并活用所学知识)Step8 HomeworkWrite a passage about your family
20、. “Its 8:oo in the evening. What are your family doing now?”(课后作业是用现在进行时写一篇笔头作文,它是课堂学习的延伸,属于拓展训练。作文主题是关于每位学生自己及家人在晚上八点钟时正在做的事情,这就要求学生学会去观察且关心周围的人。对学生进行知识、能力教学的同时,关注对其进行德育渗透。)教学反思:本课利用多媒体、实物、肢体语言等多种形式进行教学,充分发挥了多媒体声音、图像、文字、动画为一体的优势,呈现直观,让视听有机结合,能使学生自然地将英语学习直接与现实生活中的事物建立联系,有助于培养学生用英语思维的习惯。此外,在教授语法的过程中将
21、传统的填鸭式教法转变成教师引导、学生自主归纳,这样更能凸现学生的主体地位。整节课不仅激发了学生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛,而且循序渐进地落实了各教学步骤,取得了较好的教学效果。课堂组织以小组为单位,为全体学生创设使用和提高交际策略的环境,提高了活动效率,培养了学生的合作精神。评价过程采取评比的方式,提高了学生的注意力,又增强了他们的集体荣誉感。 教学设计Unit 6 Im watching TV.(Period1)枞阳二中 胡四六Section A (1a1c)Teaching Aims:1. Target language:(1) Key vocabulary:doing homework,
22、 watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner, reading, talking on the phone, happy, apartment(2) Key sentences What are you doing?Im watching TV.Whats he doing?Hes doing his homework.Whats she doing?Shes reading.2. Ability goals: Enable the students to listen to and talk about what people are doing.3. Lang
23、uage Goal: Talk about what people are doing.4. Learning ability goals Help the students learn how to listen to and talk about what people are doing.Teaching key points 1. Key vocabulary 2. Learn present progressive tense.Teaching Difficulties 1. What are you doing? Im watching TV. 2. Whats he doing?
24、 Hes reading.Teaching aids: Multimedia and real objects.Teaching procedures and waysStep1 Warming up and lead-in1. Greet the whole class as usualT: What do you usually do on Sundays? (Students answers can be varying.)Make a list of the verb phrases they have learnt as much as possible.do homework, w
25、atch TV, go shopping, listen to music, play basketball, swim, Lead students to read and repeat.2. Open a book and read it. T: What am I doing? Im reading a book.Ask the students to repeat.Take out a banana and eat it.T: What am I doing? Im eating a banana.Ask the students to repeat the two sentences
26、 several times.Take out a MP5 and listen to music.T: What am I doing?S: You are listening to music.Step2 New-word learning and practiceAsk the students to look at the screen. Present a few pictures. Teach and repeat the new verb phrases in this unit.(such as clean, read a book, eat dinner,.)T: Whats
27、 he doing?S: He is reading a book.(Help them if they cant)T: Whats she doing?S: She is watching TV.T: Whats he doing?S: He is cleaning.T: What are they doing?S: They are eating dinner.After that, ask the students to play a looking and speaking game about all the ten pictures on the screen. (One stud
28、ent comes to the front and control the computer. No matter which picture he clicks on, the other students answer together as quickly as possible.)Step3 MatchingAsk Ss to open their books and finish 1a (match the words with the activities in the picture ) and then check together.Step4 Listening Ask S
29、s to listen to a recording about Jenny, Dave and Mary, John. Play it twice. The first time, students just listen. And the second time, ask the students to write down the number of the activity each person is doing alone. Then check the answers.Step5 Oral practiceT: Today we invite some famous people
30、. Do you want to know what they are doing?Show them a short movie.T: Who is he?S: He is Zhou Jielun.T: Whats he doing?S: He is playing the piano and singing.Show them another two movies.T: Do you know him?S: Yes, he is Yao Ming. T: Whats he doing?S: He is playing basketball.T: And whats she doing?S:
31、 She is playing tennis.Then show the movies again and ask students to work in pairs to use the target language to ask and answer.Sample conversation:S1:What is Zhou Jielun doing now?S2:He is playing the piano and singing.Five minutes later, ask four pairs to come to the front to act out with the sho
32、rt movies on the screen. Step6 Present the structures Show the students the following sentences.Im reading a book.Im eating a banana.You are listening to music.He is reading a book.She is watching TV.He is cleaning.They are eating dinner.Lead the students to find the form of the Present Progressive Tense be(am,is,are) +V.ing(now)Then lead them to find the rules of the present participle(1) add “ing”read- reading, eat-eating, listen- listening, watch-watching, clean- cleaning.Add more rules.(2) take away “e” and add “ing”: become- becoming, give- giving, come
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