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1、核准通过,归档资料。未经允许,请勿外传!9JWKffwvG#tYM*Jg&6a*CZ7H$dq8KqqfHVZFedswSyXTy#&QA9wkxFyeQ!djs#XuyUP2kNXpRWXmA&UE9aQGn8xp$R# the Ba;a C,a Dthe; the22Wheat the others had gone, he and put back the furniture Aremained Bleft Ckept Dwas steel23According to the investigation, the driver of the car wasfor the tumble a

2、ccident Ablamed Bto blame Cto be laming Dto Zoe bled24- This dress is last years style, -I think it still looks perfectit has gone out this year Aso that Bas if Ceven though Deye since25Problems because there was a lack of cannon citation Araised Badded Cshowed Darose26in her best skirt? the girl tr

3、ied to make heresy at the pa-tee ADressed; noticed BDressing; noticing CDressing; noticed DDressed; noticing27Bob, are you free at the moment? I have to ask you some questions AIts a pleasure BAsk, please CHelp yourself DYes, go ahead28Sonny is often late for school! ? and _ makes her feather very a

4、ngry Ait Bthat Cwhich Dwho29Can you tell me if you have found the key _ your car? A, for Bto Cabout Dby301Fhe doctor recommended that you _ swim after eating a large meal Awouldnt Bcouldnt Cneednt Dshouldnt31 Im very sorry to see your watch you had _ goes wrong again Ait repaired Bit repair Cto repa

5、ir Drepaired32Ten routes an hour when one is way/ting for an important call Aseems Blooks Clikes Dfeels33Fee worked day and night, thus _ his task ahead of time A, finished Bfinishing Cfinish Dto finish34 breaks the law should be punished AThose who BWhomever CNo matter who DWhoever35 It was to watc

6、h sunset _ evening Afunny; to Bfun; towards Ca fun; towards Dfun; in第二节完形填空共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分 阅读短文,根据短文内容从A、BCD四个选项中选出最正确答案。第三局部 阅读理解总分值25分AOn October 6, 2021, Charles K. Kao was awarded the Isohels Prize in Phys/cuss forth/s contributions to the study of the transmission flight in optical fibers 先纤a

7、nd fiber communicationsHe said, I am absolutely speechless and never expected such an honorKao was born in Shanghai in 1933 , but his ancestral home is in Incan, now part of ShanghaiHe studied Cerise classics at home with his brother, under a tutorHe also studied English and French at an internation

8、al school in ShanghaisKaos family moved to Hong Kong in 1948 where he completed his secondary educationHe did his undergraduate 本科studies in electrical engineering at Woolwich Polytechnic 0btainine his Bachelor of Science degree issued the University of LondonKao met his future wife in London alert

9、graduationThey were mammal in 1959 in London, and have two children, a son and a younger daughter, hot of whom now work in Silicon Valley, CaliforniaFiend pursued research and received h/s PhD in 1965 from University of London while working at Standard Telecommunication Laboratories in Harlow, Engla

10、ndIt is there that Kao did his first groundbreaking work as an engineer and researcherKao has been suffering slightly from a disease since early 2004Kao and his wife would like to donate part of the prize money to aging research and care 根据短文内容,刿断以-F句子的正T误F共 5小题;每题 1分,总分值 5分46Charles KKao was very e

11、xcited to receive ten throbbed Prize47Kao and his brother were taught physics by a tutor at home48 Kao finished his mice school in Shanghai49Kao received his doctors degree in the USA50Kao would like to give some money to fiber researchBIt was 3:30 in he morning and 8-year-old Walt Disney was doing

12、what he did at that time every morning - rouging hundreds of newspapers he would soon deliver in his neighborhoodIt was hard work for a little k/d who had to go to school, fine cleaver anotherround in the eveningBut delivering papers beat picking apples for a inThats what hed been doing before pun h

13、is familys failing fans in MissouriWalt Disney, horn in December, 1901, never had time for a childhoodAs a re-salt, he spent all of his adult life attempting to indentone iron himself In the process- almost by accident - he created won careful childhood memories for generation after generation of ch

14、ildren woodwindRheon the Disneys moved to Chicago, rat signed up for cartooning classes, rocking three part-tine judos to pay for themAt 24, l-e created a cartoon cha-altercated Oswald the Lucky Rabbit 7wMeh was a great successHe hen shifted his ate on to mice, or one partocular mouse ceded cakey An

15、d Vicky Mouse bearer air overnight success Success folio red success Exalt Disney pulsed himself even airier He produced Sorrow White and Essen, Dwarfs, for which he work, a special OscarAfter the Second World War, Walt came up with the idea of Disneyland Everyone said it was to costly a dream 7 hut

16、 he wouldnt listen His great world of fantasy opened on July 17 g Z955In the next seven weeks, more than one minion people walked into DisneylandThe man who had spent a painful childhood POW retched other people frijol the perfect childhood world at hat he had creamed根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能答复所提问题或完成

17、所给句子的最正确答案。共3小题;每题2分,总分值6分51What can be said avow Disney hoi chord? AHard but enjoyable, BBoring and unhappy CTiring but joy DGood and unforgettable52Which was Disneys first successfully Crafton character? AOswald the Lucky Rabbit BMickey Mouse CSnow White DDonaldDuck53According to the passage, Disn

18、ey- Awas given two Oscars for his cartoons Bwas successful built not happy Cstopped making cartoons after Wolli War II Dcreated Disneyland, a perfect childhood world根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能答复所提问题或完成所给句子的最正确答案。共3小题;每题2分,总分值6分55How many of Hong Kongs means of transport are mentioned? AFour BFive CSix D

19、, Seven56What right e talked afoul in tire ne pastels AHow to find a persor2ai tutor BHow to deal with the difficulties in study CHow to cooperate With other language learners,DHow to find the best studying methodDThere is no best way to learn a language, just different ways that suit different peop

20、le. Some people prefer to “pick up the language by reading books or magazines, watching films, visiting the country where the target language is spoken, etc. They focus on the meanings of words and dont worry too much about the language forms used. This method often suits children if they find thems

21、elves in a foreign country or with foreign friends. However, this approach doesnt suit everyone if your aim is to become good at writing.Probably the most common way to learn a language is in a classroom with a teacher. The teacher can explain difficult words, give guidance, provide extra motivation

22、 and feedback on progress. Unfortunately, some people do not have very pleasant experiences of learning a language in the classroom. Language learning can be great fun. But your writing level will be increased most efficiently this way. Besides learning in a classroom, you can use a personal tutor a

23、nd arrange a very flexible system of tuition. That means if you are busy at a particular time, you can still arrange to have your language tuition at a time that suits you.With recent improvements in modern technology, it is now possible to purchase a wide range of multi-media materials for learning

24、 a language. You can teach yourself using cassettes, videos, CD- ROMs, books, and any combination of these. This approach is best suited to students who are self-disciplined and well-organized. It also tends to assist with the development of reading and listening skills. But be sure to pick out mate

25、rials of high quality. If you want to become fluent at speaking and writing a language, youll also benefit from cooperating with other users.57. The method mentioned in the first paragraph can be considered _.A. passive learning B. natural and active learningC. the most effective learning method D. a structured learning method58. The underlined word “flexible in the second paragraph means “_.A. strict B. pleasant C. safe D. free59. From the passage, we can NOT learn that _.A. peopl


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