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1、SAT writingTailored tSATPRESENTEDBYLiuYuan yuanLecture Two% ( ($ % # %& % #OG P178two ratersreading,ysis, and writing14 2-83/3/43/4/3 % Reading- 4 Advanced Qf xh:YRQok g Qf xh: YRQok Cc*0!v ( 2 m ykg Q 4+ 6D:QXkg Qzte, iQXIlJAi* f :YRQok5Pg % ysis -4 Advanced Q:YRQo b$!Z f :!Z &kBg Q ,!Z YRQokI* Q !

2、WO,MH xhc Qc!Z YRQo SV8m k! % Writing- 4 Advanced Qf xhkz% QWTnk S QW=3k?1*w;k * 4+WOJ)/ nQ K7 |aW ( ($ % # %& # %&OGP203Bag Ban Bad for Freedom and Environment # %&Reading4!This response demonstrates thoroughReading3!comprehenof the source text.The writerThis response demonstrates effectiveprovides

3、 a brief summary of Summers main poincomprehenof the source text, with thetheroductory paragraph and throughout thewriter showing an understanding of both thecentral idea and important details of the passage.response uses a mixture of direct quoion andparaphrases to show an understanding of the cent

4、ral idea and important details from the source text.Further,the writer demonstrates an understanding ofThroughout the response, the writer conveys anhow the central idea and important detailserrelateunderstanding of the text wippropriate use ofby consistently relating details to the main argument ar

5、gument.both quoions and paraphrase.The response is free from errors oct orThere are also no errors oct orreion.reion. # %&ysis 4ysis 3This response demonstrates an understanding of theThis response demonstrates a sophisticatedytical task by offering an effectivesource text.ysis of theunderstanding o

6、f theytical task by offering aninsightfulRatherysis of the source text.n relying assertions asysis, the writerThe writer centers theysis on how Summersthoroughly evaluates how Summers uses words and research to reason with the reader, how evidence is a key component and how persuasive elements.The w

7、riter is able to fully discuss each of these aspectscoveys his argument through citing sistics, appealingto the audien emotions and sense of self-erestand utilizing sarcastic diction.The response is consistently focused onyzing theof Summerss piece, using relevant exles from theysis.Theeffect of var

8、ious argumenive strategies on thesource text apport for the writersaudience and the wrier choose relevant support forwriter consistently focuses on the features oftheysis. Overall, this response demonstratesSummerss text t are most relevant and offers well-proficientysis.considered evaluations throu

9、ghout the response. # %&writing3!The response is mostly cohesive and demonstrates effective use and control of language.writing4The response demonstrates highly effectived oflanguage and coheThe response is response is highly deliberate progres.anized around the writer anized and demonstrates aof id

10、eas.Theroduction is brief but effectively provides a clear.Thecentral idea.The rest of the response isanizedaccording to this three-pronged stricture, with each body paragraph remaining on topic.A clear progres of ideas is demonstrated both within paragraphs andthroughout the response.Sententructures are varied and often sophisticated.Word choice is precise without missteps.There is a variety of sentenThere also are some extructure.les of precise word choice.The response shows a strongd of standardwritten English and is virtually free of errors. #


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