已阅读5页,还剩23页未读 继续免费阅读




1、目 录执行总结 1服务介绍 2公司介绍 2市场分析 3营销策略 5经营管理 7创业团队 8财务状况 9融资方案和回报 10关键的风险与问题 10法律与政策 10附录 11一、执行总结1)公司:雅蜜(Yammi,音同英文yummy,意为:好吃)饮食文化传播股份有限公司是地方特色饮食文化传播的机构。从事地方特色饮食项目、食品研究与技术开发、餐饮运营培训、餐饮咨询策划与品牌规划服务,专心致力于地方特色饮食文化的传播与推广。雅蜜饮食文化传播股份有限公司在现有餐饮经营模式上努力创新,采取连锁经营、统一管理等现代化模式。 2)服务:公司服务特色:与小吃加盟商和谐共建“袖珍”小吃一条街,产生并运用规模效应。

2、力争达到多“赢”的效果。公司致力打造并推广一种全新的小吃饮食文化理念。力图改变小吃(零散商贩所卖小吃)在人们心中不卫生,不地道,档次低,规模小等一些不好的印象,同时发扬小吃的风味独特,实惠等优点,再加强地域文化的注入。给消费者一种吃小吃就是品味享受当地文化的感觉。 这正是本公司服务与其他同行业公司相比的优势所在。3)市场:行业趋势:随着我国国力的加强,人民生活水平的提高,居民的个人餐饮消费已成为拉动我国餐饮业的主要力量。而且我国的餐饮业销售额已连续16年保持两位数的增长,2006年全国餐饮业零售额将实现1万亿元的跨越。餐饮业有“百业以餐饮为王”之说,且一向被视为一枝独秀,也是最具吸引力的行业之

3、一。它利润高,资金回流快,每天经营所收的都是现金。而货源方面,可以用赊账方式购入原材料,定期结账,胜于其他行业。通过我国专业机构研究调查报告和国外发达国家对比表明,中国的餐饮市场远远没有达到饱和。因此,餐饮业仍有无限的商机。目标市场:本公司的前期目的市场是大学城与开发区(以中青年为主的人口密集但场地租金相对便宜的地方)。4)竞争状况:就大学城与开发区这一地域而言。现有竞争对象决大多数为个体小吃商贩,潜在竞争对象各类特色小吃小吃连锁店。现有竞争对象:私人商贩 优势:多小摊的形式存在 数量很多,产品价格便宜。缺点:市场较窄且集中,档次较低,不卫生,不地道,不能满足现在广大群众以饮食作为消遣娱乐的高

4、要求。潜在竞争对象:小吃连锁商铺 优势:品牌效益 档次相对较高 产品价格较贵缺点:数量很少,多在地段繁华的闹市区。以外卖形式为主,不能普遍的完全满足顾客的需求。而本公司的“袖珍”小吃一条街正是能扬长避短,同时利用小吃在饮食行业的独特性产生规模优势。5)资金筹备:资金主要来自与风险投资公司和公司内部人员入股以及小吃加盟商入股等。二、服务介绍1)特色小吃商大多为私人“企业”,市场宣传差,市场狭窄,消费档次较底,利润较低,竞争力薄弱,而异地销售是小吃的一个优势所在,但个体小吃商资金较少,对外地市场不了解,原料运输成本高,无保障,风险高等劣势,致使地域小吃推广困难。而本公司致力为小吃加盟商提供一个优良


6、Outsourcing)(非核心业务委外给外部的专业公司或组织)做为经营理念。即小吃的制作与经营由当地(地域小吃)富有经验小吃商(加盟商)负责。商业模式:概括讲就是 为加盟本公司的小吃商提供一个优良的运营环境(统一的市场宣传,服务管理,原料配送等),以从加盟商手里获得回报为公司收益的主要来源。目标和商业策略:雅蜜饮食文化传播股份有限公司是地方特色饮食文化传播的机构,以倡导“传统与时尚、美味与健康”的饮食新文化为己任,从事地方特色饮食项目、食品研究与技术开发、餐饮运营培训、餐饮咨询策划与品牌规划服务,专心致力于地方特色饮食文化的传播与推广。雅蜜饮食文化传播有限公司在现有餐饮经营模式上努力创新,采

7、取连锁经营、统一管理,致力于饮食文化的传播与推广、广泛收集各地特色饮食项目。公司状况: 公司初期成立的时候采用直线性的组织结构,由总经理直接向懂事会负责,2年后随着饮食项目的推广将采用事业部型组织结构。公司初期创业团队主要来自华东交通大学的学生,成员各司其职,都具有相关领域的专业知识和运作经验,且优势互补,同时公司拥有交大老师的支持,请经融界资深教授为公司的经营顾问,请人文学院法律系资深教授为公司的法律顾问,并且还将由一家实力较雄厚的律师事务所处理公司相关的法律事务。公司未来发展方向和策略:本公司始终以市场为导向,在国内市场,注意品牌和销售服务体系的建立,运用配送、连销等现代化营销流通的理念和


9、。不断占据整个国内市场。并以联营模式与知名餐饮企业合作,开辟国外市场,进一步开设连锁店铺,出口小吃产品等。四、市场分析市场分析:中国历来有“民以食为天”的传统,餐饮业作为我国第三产业中的一个支柱产业,一直在社会发展与人民生活中发挥着重要作用。特别是最近几年,我国餐饮业呈现出高速增长的发展势头,成为“热门”行业之一。中国的餐饮业已连续16年保持两位数的增长,2006年全国餐饮业零售额将实现1万亿元的跨越,人均餐饮消费支出将增长17.6%,达到800元。中国居民的个人餐饮消费已成为拉动中国餐饮业的主要力量。图表1 94-2006年我国餐饮业销售额许多人看到大街小巷都是餐馆饭店,而且关门倒闭现象比比

10、皆是,认为中国餐饮业竞争惨烈,必须有雄厚的资金和优良的技术作保障才能在餐饮业有一席之地,那你就错了。我们不妨看一看来自世界各地的有关餐饮业的状况。据了解,中高收入国家平均每268人就拥有一家餐馆,而在我国约2000人才拥有一家餐馆。这一数字表明,中国的餐饮市场远远没有饱和,潜力很大。餐饮业有“百业以餐饮为王”之说,且一向被视为一枝独秀,也是最具吸引力的行业之一。 它利润高,资金回流快,每天经营所收的都是现金。而货源方面,可以用赊账方式购入原材料,定期结账,胜于其他行业。商界有句很流行的名言,叫做“不满意就是商机。”用到餐饮业中,意思就是你分别到10家餐厅去用餐,如果只有1家令你不满意,你就不要


12、小吃在其发源地早不是什么新鲜事,由于同行很多,竞争激烈,而且市场相对狭窄。当地的小吃行业甚至是餐饮业中被冷落的对象。所谓物以稀为贵,如果在外地开一间特色小吃店,投资不多,店面不大,员工也不需要很多。它既能满足顾客的口味,价钱又便宜,往往很受欢迎。而小吃一条街更是广大群众消遣娱乐的好去处,常常出现 “摩肩接踵” 的现象。然而小吃一条街却往往只在少数大中型城市才有,而且数量也很少。小吃大多都风味独特且价格便宜,但现在的小吃界普遍的情况是多而杂,档次不高且不地道,而随着生活条件的日益改善,这种情况远不能达到广大群众的需求。本公司正是瞄准了这块还没有被完全开发的巨大市场,提出“袖珍”小吃一条街这一全新

13、理念。并且主要面向竞争相对弱的各个中小城市,在租金便宜且人口密集的地区(如大学城或各种开发区等)开设连锁店铺,获得规模性的竞争优势。竞争状况:虽然现在的各地的特色小吃在外地的发展也比较迅速,但相对来说争环境比较乐观,市场潜力 巨大。而且由于地域性小吃其本身的特点,不同地方的小吃基本上处于良性竞争,这是与正餐行业截然不同的:比方说 人们吃正餐,在一个时间段只会在一家餐馆消费,而对于同一条街上的其他餐馆或是同一特色的餐馆而言,无疑是一种“损失”,属于完全竞争,而异地销售小吃则不然,属于不完全竞争(当个别出售者具有一定程度的控制某一行业的产品价格的能力时,该行业就处于不完全竞争之中。)目前的餐饮市场

14、上小吃商家虽然不少,但多以小摊的形式存在且他们的市场较窄,档次较低且不十分地道,不能满足现在广大群众对饮食消遣娱乐的高要求。中档次的小吃多以连锁商铺的形式存在,且数量很少,多在地段繁华的闹市区且以外卖形式为主。竞争优势:我们的前期目的市场是大学城与开发区,现有竞争者多为规模小的散户,相比之下我们的竞争优势体现在服务周到,环境优越,消费档次与小吃风味地道等方面满足这类市场(大学城与开发区)消费需求的空白。潜在竞争者为各类连锁小吃店,相比之下我们的竞争优势体现在小吃种类“多”,在广大消费者形成 “小吃一条街”的印象,获得规模性的竞争优势。五、营销策略市场定位:小吃大多都以味美兼实惠著称,被广大人民




18、习惯差异)以及对服务用语的要求。 5)产品风味独特化:一、口味特色;二、形式特色;三、地域特色。销售渠道如何建立和发展:与原料批发商和小吃家盟尚签定合同,建立长期互利合作关系。图表2 物流-销售过程图:雅蜜公司各地方原料批发商各加盟商广大消费群体 销售 配送 销售统一购买、反馈 反馈 购买图表3 开发经营流程图:七、创业团队企业所在地:南昌经济技术开发区是经国务院特区办同意设立的国家重点开发区之一,处在中国十大经济纽带之一的“昌九工业走廓”南端的起点,是江西省和南昌市重点开发建设的外向型经济区域。南昌经济技术开发区位于南昌市昌北新城区的北缘,与老市区仅一江之隔,有新八一大桥、南昌大桥、赣江大桥


20、专业。获三等奖学金等荣誉。特长:勤问好问,吃苦耐劳,不惧挫折。喜欢钻研,有良好的团队合作精神。电气学院财务部总经理苗淑宁现在就读于华东交通大学经管学院,会计工程专业。有扎实的专业基础知识和良好的团队合作精神和人际交往能力,勤问好问,吃苦耐劳,不惧挫折。经济管理知识丰富,财务分析能务较强。经管学院八、财务状况首先,认真分析公司可能的财务状况及其目前情况。纵横财务状况,从公司的经营能力、盈利能力、财务能力、成长性、偿债能力、现金流量六方面全面展示初期公司财务优势及问题所在。通过在全市场及行业综合排名,揭示公司财务实力,给投资者选择本公司的最佳依据。 其次,制定详细的财务状况目标。综合我国目前企业的

21、实际情况和市场经济条件下对企业财务管理的要求,财务状况最优化是市场经济条件下的我国财务管理目标的现实选择。财务状况最优化则是本公司财务管理目标的现实选择。 然后,对公司财务状况的解读也是本公司年报分析的一个重要方面。为了对公司财务状况的良好管理。在解读公司的财务状况用以下方法: (一)比较法。这是报表分析最基本,最普遍使用的方法。它可用于本公司历史数据的比较,找出变动趋势;它也可用于与本行业的其他上市公司进行比较,看公司在本行业中的竞争力;它还可用于与本行业的总体指标比较,看公司在本行业中的地位,如将企业的销售收入与行业的总销售额比较,可以看出企业占有多大的市场份额。(二)比率法。通过对财务报




25、有丰富的经验和良好的信誉的律师事务所负责处理,尽一切努力确保公司的利益不受到损害。政策(当地):一个公司的建立与发展和一个国家的经济政策有密切的关系。如果一个公司无视政策法律,那么这个公司将无法生存于这个竞争激烈的社会。因此我们公司必将时刻关注时事政策动向,与党中央的路线方针一致。同时迎合各类消费群体的需求,把我们公司的文化“以人为本,服务大众,求实创新”发挥到极致。十二、附录:1、公司商标: 2、策划书英文版I. Executive Summary1) Company:Yammi (pronouces yummy) Dietary Culture Corperation is the reg

26、ional unique diet cultural dissemination agency. To promote tradition and fashion, taste and health new culture of responsibility diet, we devolope diet items of the regional characteristic. We make food research and technological development, restaurant operations and training, programming and cons

27、ultation for diet items, and focus on the dissemination and popularization of regional feature dietary culture.Yammi Dietary Culture Corperation which makes innovation strugglingly on the bases of traditional business pattern, takes the measure of chain operations and unified management.2) Services:

28、 Company service characteristics: set up a mini snack street harmonily with aligned snacks agencies, create and apply a scale effect and strive to achieve multi-win fruits. The company is committed to create and promote a new concept of snack food culture. Try to change some negative impression of s

29、nacks (sold by vendors) in peoples minds such as unhealth, adulteration, low-grade, small scales. At the same time, promote the advantages of unique flavor snack and cheapness, and enhance the injection of regional culture. Supply consumers the feeling of enjoying the local culture.This is the advan

30、tage of the companys service which is better than other companies.3) Market: Industry Trends:With the development of Chinas comprehensive national power and the improvement of living conditions, residents dietary consumptions have become the main force fo profiting the restaurant industry. Whats mor

31、e, sales volume of Chinas restaurant industy has maintained the increacing by over 10% every year for this 16 years, and the 2006 National sales volume of restaurant industry achieves 1 trillion yuan. It is said that restaurant industry is the King of Service Industry, which has always been regarded

32、 as not only the brightest spot, but also one of the most attractive industries. It makes high profits, and capital cycles soon. The income is often cash. But the raw materials are usually bought on credit, and then regularly settle accounts, that is better than other industries. According to the in

33、vestigation and research from some professional institutions show that the restaurant market in China is far from saturation, compared with the developed countries. Therefore, the restaurant industry has unlimited business opportunities.Target Market: The initial purpose market is the University Cit

34、y and Development Zone where are gathered with a great deal of young and mid-aged people and rent is low relatively.4) Competitive Situation:Existing competitors in Development Zones and University Cities are mostly individual snack vendors, and potential competitors are various chained restaurants.

35、 Existing Competitors: individual snack vendors Advantages: manage in the form of multi-stands and low pricesDisadvantages: limited and concentrated market, low quantities, unhealthy, adulterated and could not meet public high demand of diets for entertainment to the masses for the.Potential Competi

36、tors: chained restaurantsAdvantages: high grades, brand-effection Disadvantages: high prices, low quantities, and gathered in downtown. Sales often in the form of “Fast Food”, which can not completely meet the demands of customers.While the companys mini snacks street is that the non-use of snacks a

37、t the same time in the restaurant industry have unique advantages of scale.5) Capital Sources: Capital are maily from venture investment agencies, staffs and th aligned cooperators.II. Products or Services1) Feature snacks supplers are mostly private comopany market poor publicity, the market is nar

38、row and more consumer grade at the end, rather low profit margin, weak competitiveness, the Company is committed to joining with the snacks to provide a good operating environment for joining to open up the market, raising the grades, lower wind Distribution of raw materials, such as insurance, to p

39、rovide customers with the first-class services.2) As to snack strong regional market in the field of basic exclusion from other snacks, this feature makes the same venue to a number of snack coexistence possible. After careful investigation and research, will be different flavors, different regions,

40、 different forms of snacks to get together. The publicity and through unified management will not exclude each other, but easy-scale effect, to attract more consumers.3) Consumers can not spend a lot of money will be able to breath world delicious. Snack Street is a most welcome one of the reasons,

41、coupled with the taste authentic, first-class service and comfortable dining environment, and create a new snack cultural ideas. This is the Companys service industries and other companies with comparable advantage. III. The CompanyManagement Concept:Prior to the Companys medium-term outsourcing (Ou

42、tsourcing) (outsourcing non-core business to external professional companies or organizations) as a business concept.Business Pattern:Generally, it is to join the companys snacks to provide a good operating environment (unified market advocacy, service management, materials distribution, etc.), are

43、to join hands from the return on the companys main source of revenue.Goals and Business Strategy: Yammi diet Culture Communication Co., Ltd. is the local characteristics of the spread of cultural institutions catering to promote traditional and fashion, delicious and healthy new culture of responsib

44、ility diet, diet item in the local characteristics, food research and technological development, restaurant operations training, planning and Brand Food Advisory planning services, focused on the local characteristics of culinary culture dissemination and popularization. Yammi in the diet culture Co

45、mmunications Limited catering business model on the existing efforts of innovation, take chain operations, unified management, committed to the food culture of communication and promotion. Features extensive collection of restaurants around the project,Company States: When the company initially esta

46、blished by the organizational structure of a straight line from the general manager will be responsible directly to the sensible, after two years as catering projects will be used to promote the cause of the type organizational structure. The initial venture team mainly from the East China Jiaotong

47、University students, members carry out their duties, all relevant areas of expertise and operational experience and complementary advantages, teachers at the same time company has the support of East China Jiaotong University, as Professor Rong sector senior consultant for the companys business, ple

48、ase College of Humanities Faculty of Law senior Professor of Legal Counsel for the company, and will by a relatively strong strength of the law firms handling company-related legal matters. The companys future development direction and strategy: The Company has always been guided by the market, in t

49、he domestic market and brand sales service system and the establishment, use of distribution and marketing chain and other modern flow of ideas and forms, and further enhance product visibility and market share. Early: mainly to the local market (Nanchang, Jiujiang, Ganzhou. . .) In the relatively i

50、nexpensive rents and densely populated areas (such as University City and all kinds of development zones, and so on) set up chain shops, access to the competitive advantages of scale, and initial recovery funds. Medium-term: In the basic cost recovery, a local chain established by the various templa

51、tes to establish a child care a model, in batches, at different levels throughout the country one after another into the market, if the market outlook is good, timely bid to become a listed company. Late: When in the domestic market made extensive better performance at the right time to seize the op

52、portunity and succeeded in entering the international market,! Large and medium-sized food enterprises and adopt strategic alliances, large and medium-sized food enterprises with the brand effect, export characteristics instant snack products, it is necessary to marketable products, but also the qua

53、lity and credibility to win. The company later expanded business to establish their own raw material production bases and improve the system should be set up one-stop production and marketing services. Constantly occupy the entire domestic market. Model and joint venture enterprises with well-known

54、Food cooperation, and open up foreign markets, and further open chain shops, export snack products. IV. Market AnalysisMarket Analysis: China has always been a Food isthe happiness to people tradition, the restaurant industry as Chinas tertiary industry in a pillar industry, has been in social devel

55、opment and peoples lives and play an important role. Especially in recent years, Chinas restaurant industry showing a rapid growth momentum of development, become a hot one industry. Already Chinas Food consecutive 16 to maintain double-digit growth, the 2006 National retail sales of restaurant indu

56、stry will achieve 1 trillion yuan by leaps and bounds, and the per capita food consumption expenditure will grow 17.6% to 800 yuan. The Chinese peoples personal pulling Food consumption in China has become the main force in the restaurant industry. (Chart 1 94-2006, Chinas restaurant industry sales)

57、 Many people see that the streets are hotel restaurants, and closed collapse phenomenon can be found everywhere, that the Chinese restaurant industry competition horrible, we must have substantial funds and the technical quality can be guaranteed a place in the restaurant industry, then you are wron

58、g. We might as well take a look at from all over the world on the state of the restaurant industry. It is understood that in high-income countries on average every 268 people has a restaurant, and about 2000 people in China owned a restaurant. This figure shows that Chinas market is far from being s

59、aturated restaurant has great potential The restaurant industry is Food for businesses to Wang, said, and has always been regarded as the brightest spot, but also one of the most attractive sectors. Its high profits, capital return soon, the daily operations are collected cash. The sources, methods

60、can be used to buy raw materials on credit, regular settle accounts, better than other industries. The business sector had a very popular saying, which is called is not satisfied with the opportunities. Use the restaurant industry, means that you go to 10 restaurants to dine, and if there is only on


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