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1、DenzeTS /xpfrcm 043, pat fam patus2)Zieregar2/ cfectr 3) Trarriatian -loyis eg. Icngtmeno 底 4) Senatc- loaiieg. dBsnZMotivdtion 分 类 ancmatepoacmcbvam rrniThdogcd mabvWc0r ssmaijcrnchvabarv etymdogcWncbvatKn Types of meaning:贝mmsbca& le-acd ameptLd 也 assoaabve UamctajQ, styishb, dfecb ve /xiocabve r)

2、 多汉款两厢悦W:阳阳ny s acanrncnfedLrepeaijtDd rdlrd lajthicrewrd hasbwarmcresTffiscr meamgs. Diadrmc 4Toah is an anroati to pdysemy hdi strdes hcwa zrd ctarved its dfferertmeairgsfrom ts pnmay merrg ntte cruse cf tma 3,Synchronic approach is an 4rroai to pdysemy /xh stdes the coeosEnce d vaiOLS meamgs cf t

3、hesane Mid in a oatan htstcncd p?nod cf trne 4Rimary meaning is the criy meamg thi 3 vad had Ahen was frst created. 5. Derived meanings crethemearrthat a wid tsfrcm the prmary meamg dtdfferertstascf ts (tejqxnet nthe ooircf tme 6.Wa0mHcnKnymyis cne cf thefedSs cf wrcfc that a wxd ts dfferert in mean

4、gfrcm autlfljULdtid ickOcdbuttif i 9cLndandqDdkgcnciTtKd criy in saxri a gDeiirgAMh the ether HaTKnymsnrdyfd rto thdasses: perfect IxrrKnyms (sameneme); Ixmogaphs (same gDdhng) arri hemephenessemesoind) .Ffect hemenyms aeth读 mkIs 1rtcd both n soirri aid RE but dffeHt in meama ag te3r(n) a lags haa/y

5、 am;beEr/be(v)tDpdtipvwtti Ffcmog4hs arethe wick Kfertcd aiynrgbit dffaHt in sand and meenr eg s3Af/(v) to scatter g; sew/sa/ (n)femdeaJtpg. Ffcmcphanes rer tn the wids eferted criyr sard bit dfferert r spdlng and meama eg. (fear /W(n) akvedperecn (tea- /W(n) alndd amd. 7.fhancnyTns axi pdy smals ar

6、e fdly stalled wthregarltD gpeirgaxipraTrocbalhs creates the prcbem cf dffaHtdDca Theflnimetd effanxe tetAeai hemenyrns axi pdy smarts lies n the fat th#he fdmm refers to dfferal: vsads vhch happen to share the Semefam andthelattsrsthe aie and sarneAadvhch has sevffd dsbrgj4iiiemeairgi One mpatat at

7、eKTi ts to see thar etymdog/je hcmaiyms afrcm dff日日setroes vhereas a pdysemart sfrun the sane 9cLne vvhch has aryred dffeHt meain nthe ooltk d cfevdqj i h L Tl 匕汨uu iJ pnnop oorscferdJcn s 9srn3iK reiatEchess. The vanous meairgsefapdysjnatarecnrdatBd axiamedtBdtD cne oertrd meanngtoa greeter cr les-

8、a g ned.(Sae6.1Mysemy). On the ether hart meangs cf dfferert hemenyms ha/e netting to do wth cne arther. In debenanes, a pdysanat has its mesnrgs d ksted cnr one beaciAad vreashjncnyrnsaBbSBdasAnonyms sre werefc 帅力 aBthe same errealy the same meairg wth each cthr tit dflferatn sard aid seing. Ibsre

9、sb 6dLte synenyms aid 百由/e synenyms vhch resdt frem baTwuna ddeefe aid regend En figirabve and 0471由 uk cf wrefek oorodaicH vth dandK epsacns. There easts the dfference bebAn cr aneng syrawsintHrnsdtter cferxtrlicr ccmotaticn cr applicaticn. Ztaiite synan/ms cr ocmcietB syrmyms sre words whch are Kf

10、erixd n meangn d Cs 即xts Rda&ve synonyms cr rej-synenyms are srria cr realy the same in cfenctsterv but emtraoe dffeert d mearg cr dfferOTt cfeges cf a gven qudity.9Souroes of Synonyms 1) Bcnwng 2)Ddecte arl regend Engtsh 3) figjcbve and ejHmsbcire cf vvarfc 4) Conocferxe Mb idemabe 巳 qressois lO.ft

11、flgJh 6? IDrffeHxeinctrxajcrC Drfferance in ccmctaKn 3 Drfference in ardicaticnlLWhat are the characteristics of antonyms? 12.1) ZWtxnyms ere dashed on the baas cf malic cpposticn 2) A werd vhch has mere thn ere me31ngeai ha/e mere than ere atmym. 3) Almyrns dffer n mal)c irduacn. 4) Calray tsms are

12、 almyms, dffenrg n(fegesdirtEnsty, so eai haste (jah orregxrxing coxHts. 13. 上K汨麟Hyponymy deals with the relationship rf semantic indiisioa This, the meanngcf amaB5afic wordis inducted nthcf axtbr mere nerd vod Scpoudnates rertn smesitcrdniES dretetho92 mere 年ecfic ads. Hyponymy can be desaixd nterm

13、s gaphs, wih hexKfer SLpsrcrdnaBS dxve the Ioah SLixrdrdEs. BUtthar status ethr as sq先rerdnate cr SLixrdrdE ts 冶由veto cthr tarns Rr am 出 horse, dog, pig sb sUxudnstEB n relabcn to anrrd, but SLp=rudndEs cf maBr hand and boar, Arrnd itbeocmesaaadnatBcf creatira Ari creatire n tun beocmes 14,ittfilher

14、e are five types of meaning, changes: edHTSicn, narruAng, (fegdaben, devAcn, aid trmrfer aneng vh(h etmacn ari narcwwg atbe meet ajinniu i.dicf y)rini(f kij canbeaxoirtedfcrfrcrn eiralrgjsbc factrrs (hstoried reasen, ddss roascnr aid psyetdoged reasen) aid rtra4nLisbc fetters (sbatHma the rftj cf be

15、nwm and ando),15.iJ0&y;BtET9cn ts a pnxfiss by vshdi 3 wrd vhcha vsodmaesfrcm adaiDgacry cr neutrd grretDareUrd axycr *reoahvegen沼 诃却掰各 Dejadcn ts a pnxEss by v4Kh a wrd cf repdaben skfes into a pqcrdiveu9er:同期篝96同血 s a prooss by vvhcti a wad (taxtrg ere thng chains tn EfertDadfferHtlxtEatB卅m R5-ser

16、ves as an eampla Ths vad tamely ctenotedai片ncan dat pus, vhdivsaxe Lead to md se p4H In mcm trnes; pps s mabfrern 5r vaxl straw and the ILe, tdtth procLit has retaredtbe sane nane Thsre is asscoated tracer. TlierB ae ett*15r I mefe cf transfer, sui as, concretstD strat 由St) 3ttp CiJUSte 3ld U cf6fa

17、dsensatrnOm*There are two types of contexts: Ingjsbc cartelend edraiigjsbc (ar rxNirgjshc (ju tfcsl). E4j ai yii 加 cu it refers to there gtuaicns and feaLres vh(h are ret dredy a pat cf the lagu in g but 帖ich ath2r Ertuten caiveying amess cr ha/ea irftuerte cn 3tqjbq& use. Lirgjsbc cr IrtrakgLtsbc a

18、rte t is fuE 9dvicfed rtolejcd oortsdiaTd gmxnticd corte也 By laxd oartst demean the wadsthiooir together 祗 the wcrd r q-esbcn. By g-anmdDcd ocrtBt we mean that the meamgs d a Mrd m 册 te irfLexed by tte shuiue n Meh t onus 18 .谢的怫 Three majorfundions of context dmrdacn cf artigjty, irdcabcn cf rents,

19、 prrvgcn d dLEsfcrrfenrg wrekneamg. Cortet an b9 sLmmed ip as fdkws 1) dnhen 2) etxn 3) eh odocMisms, slaTaardlteray ehftng aid dsmenbenng are n/dved in the chasnidans ccnstturts. 24Assodative meaning: 1) assod 扑 e meanng is the setmdtery meemg aemeted to the coroeptud meairg. 2)ldffesfrom the ctnos

20、ptLd mearmg in that it is epervenefed 2nd ncfetermrdBi 3)lt6liiietDthe irfijenx cf sui fatrrs 壬 clAltc r ePsneniE, rebgen, g9ogticd regcnr dess badgurtledxatKrv 亚 4AssoaAve meeng ermprees far types: 8motabver stylsbq dfedve, axi odocive 25Metonvniy 和Synecdoche,avisyrexbdienvdve afibtUicn cf names, y

21、ettheyin that the fame-isacasecf Lengths name daiethngfer another doy assooSted vth it and the sner 6 that cf subsbtLijng patfcr the vvhete axi vice versa 26.硼雌here are four types of dktionariesvAh therfeatures mentioned in U (1) niu dv yud a d bhngjd ddicnane (2) ingusbc and ercydcpadc debcraies, (

22、3) minced; de ari podj=t dcbcnaies. A mandingud debenay is a debenay h(h is Mten incnelargj. 22A bingualdktionafyscnen vich tvc lay2JEQSs sre rvdved 28aA inguistic efidionarytsa debenay vbch amsatdanng vmb and egrrg thar ussges nthela-gj9i29.An encyclopedic (fiction arys ere r Ahdn exydepede rfardxn

23、 isprcMcted deng 族 nard rfarndKTiasnalngjsbc debenay. 30 An encydopeda tsadcbcray vvhchaiy prwefe encydcpedc irfamabcn QToemng eah keachvcrd 31An unabridged dkiionary isaninntHTedddxTen wth 才 leaet200fo00 headAcrcfethl: caistpiyageiqjarttycf base, rfamcn aboJt a wrd 3ZA desk dictionary s a mernzed d

24、ebenay oertaring wrete rsnngfrm 50aoiD 1sozO00MA pocket dictionary ts a debenary vhch has 力at 50Q0Q etnes afevr. 七 5)49-50*9 L 邓进 川悦洲i用姆aubgixis licaj4灿(喇蟀 如何娅2 mprwe2和沛j四冷 机 redeCtHcn11M0 mcnHne,bcirrimarine-幡羊3、闻,幽r 分恍vkCTdfcrmdm例如 VP=vey mpcrtsrtpaHTi W arcnym4,州力dan:喝HI绿治 俏H 注 的必 1、idomsIHX; 知I只

25、2 M轴A斛3、 types cfmeang 一二小曲脐Irtrodjcticn 泌b 34.LeKdogy 迈卜工再的f峥 支 Le aodo ts a trarh cf lirgjsbcs. 35Ledcgy fifilP T 婴 l)Mcndcg/2)SmalKs3) Stykstxs4) Bymdogy 5) Le xrg/y 36研 KlexfcotogyfiWl)Diadrcnc 耳proah ”川学2)Syrdrcnc 4工roah: J如hh;) agwfe纵如时小制的现抡 wnai词知口好匕曲仪组榔网 中娱的啦的好演N3nvrgcrx0z力cn 第 37.Whatisword

26、 ?iWWI 由诩媚点吸I#的酮藏 1) AvwrdisamnrT诅 freefam d a largj2) A sand mty ar a gven sand ;3) airtd meanng;4) afam thcan fincbcn dcre n a sslErce1以 I 词 网附晟也册屋的修幽H38 .词(Ossification ofavord)ample wrcfc2) ocnpBQMKte 单 洋忻d处八 egManarrifheare ample多汗1位的才八egmtsfcrtLner UaimaJmanmet 叩少戏分 为mae ili-rnetmtsfatire 明软t价

27、为ma和 fattnetiadml J 划分为tiad、杞 mal 39AMlat is the relationship between sound and meaning? IJTThbsfo Icgcd rdjerdr) betwan the sxnd axi adud thrg.eg. cfog. CdL2yn 日由KJ d MJ LfeLAW i than socrwertKrd. 3) In dfferert the sane ccrtept cm be i 甲 easTted by dflferertsortk 40AMidtis rddtionship between soun

28、d and fomi?l)Tte wttm fam cf a rdLrd lagjsthe wttm reoerd d the erd fam Kdirdly the wtimfcnn 虫odd 切e wth the E form, such as 日新 lcngj2Hhs tsfarly true cf Bushin tseaieststai.e Od Bsh3)Ath th2 gdepost d tbs lagj more arirnore dffeexes oocuteben the t/vo.4LWhdt are the great changes that causes logicd

29、 relationship orhregularity betvween sound andfomi?l) Thertand reascnfcrthsisthat tbs 时由 dphet was afcpted fran the Ranais, vh(h ds rxt be/e aletter trre prserteach sard n the largja so th* sme leters must cb ooLtie duty ar wnk tothsr n ambnSKn? Zincthr reasen s ttWbe pruTLroabcn has chaad mere repd

30、y than sptq cvethe years, adn seme casthetv) to/e (tarn farapat3) Athrd reasen sthdt seme dthe ctfenxes were gated by the early saibes.4) Ardy cones the baTOAr vrh 6 an impertat channd d eroding the EnjdT vocdary. 要id以91用的处S4 1) rtliHxed by R(mans2) Rnxroatjcn chsngedB) ealy 9ate94) barwrg色仿能f 卷法 H必

31、将经胸匕姐卅pj台胡,坳9川;2 eg. sbmis(L) festa (Sp) mrdHGfjJjmcnoOap)外 构对翊汕M也闪值料梃,somdaxifCTm不 残 43.Whdt is vocabulary?Vocdary refers tn the trtd runber d the wcrds n a langja htUcan stand for W the wzrds used in a partjcua* hstrncd penod Axday 诙 rersto d the vmis cf a gven d%(L gven bock a gven dsdpineaTi ths

32、 write pcssssed b/ ai rrividud perscn. 44.Gassification d (SootE= dood)6) Axhasms e.g 心(M)7) Nedcggnseg emai (Nedogsns )tea/er 是 yi 的 妇辿板为式0妊检间7在t; Styksbc dffererKB 5O.Wich constitutes the larger number among Engfish vocabulary, artErt cr fmeberd wads Ifirser: Content words Vhiis native vwr?/insvve

33、r :(l)By engrv Bsh vvarb can te dassfied rto nahve vcni axi bam?Aed wTds.(2) Nabve MKfc ae vvorcte brattD Bntan mthsfifth oertiry bytheGemantnbes tte AneSr the Seven5k axitheXtes, thus roN asNpo&kcn mt. V/rtfe cf/inoSa Io3ts sr wjd ezrsacns farnedfarn ths easing matend nthe&sh largua tdt modded cn t

34、he patErnsan frem aTCthrlangjsuchasIcrgtmenofran haimejai(Ch) 54Seniantic4oans Wcrtfccf thsedsgery arrtbemjed wthrefaHxetDthefcrm 3dt than meaing hb baroAed, in dh=r vwg &i的 has bcrruAed a newmeairgfcran e4Stngvadinthe lapj引5 sxh asthe word dBam jAhdn aigrdy meat Joy andmcscaxi its moian meerrg was

35、boiDAed IErfrantbeNon 第 卓 The developnient of the Engfish vocabulary The IncbHnpean Largj Famiy It is assumed that the wcrid has appramately 3,000( seme pdt1tsl000)lagjes ,vhch cai be griped rtorouiy 300 IJOJefamies enthe basis d amiaties nthar* base wd Stod、 axibamma5S(重展语酶分 的雕Mhat is the aiteria t

36、o (fivide language fainies 7The ansvr: 1. the baas damiates in th3r baac vwrd Stock 2 gammarf a&Hhe BefaSlanc oempns such mamlangjesK 边幽里/ jRissiarv Uthuaian,Msh aodiBd矢nan So/en2n arriRLEsan.Sd-lndo-European, 两均支lEastsn 对 2Vstem gat Eastsn set BdtoSla/iq Irrblraiai, Mnenai and 7manV gsEnset: Cdbc,

37、ftdic, Ffefenc, Germaic. in the vestEm Set Greek sthemoctan langjuiief to the&sh largj. Its estmated that 才 taast900 wjds cf Scaxinaian engn ba/e ajvived n matem Qd Bdhasa vocdary cf cut 50/XX)tD 60,000 vserefc. It ass a hiy rfleeted laTgj2jit Ba moefen German. 57厘点句 Modem Engfish began with the est

38、abfishment of printing in England J演他切邪抑阴的 3iH(soTts)招辅 H叨 H 瑚制用力破(eaiyscnpte)SoindaTdfcrm 其I 送*t均好3暇步SardjYifaTn reaedtharocrrarir( Matan 日的penod汝期疝41窈5弼 阳加工MocfemEr由乂叩珈划 分为 early penod fnedan penod 58.郎怏泄娜陀加悭 椒化 恻的狼阚期(诞郡鹿岫4讷 容)Ealy motfan&sh 4P93BdritheR(Tas5axe 59Modem English period 有什由vserds sw

39、ermed rto En时 n ealy mam 时由 penod 现1 馔 谢树1蟒丽城扬处A3沙卜个 9 顺(ocknzabcnJTbe ndness cf Mocfem R 由 in vocdary 痴 aiffisfnxn (CdcnzAcn )The 57*h lar史幸 has evdved frcm a syrthsbc laguatDthe pre9ertardyt)clargj( H 谶 择第值油有Growth of Present-day EngishVocabulary 60.7hree main sourres of new words :l)7he rspd dsvd

40、cpnrt cf motten sooxeandtedvdogy 2)S3aW, eoaramc ari pctad d h ys3)Tl 匕 Ma uid di w cdtins and Imguage 6LModes of Vocabulary Development l)creabcn2) ornate chsrgs 3) bcnvAr2)Serna1x: change tifc 他附将必 SemartKloans BwAcrv efegatterv etereerv narroAirg, tracer 外枷皿冲琳 ft bcnsedMirfc,川坟叫期M ft Jfeyd bcfrwe

41、dvvcrcfcaB dsokneMn as loared wont 伸出 占翊的作地也圜的坳色 Rai vrg axhac er ctedete wxds 5fco calnbJtEstDtf-eguAth d 时由 vocday thou#i epte insjiicat. Ths is egDeody titecf MeKHi Endn.62?5gk synthetic language 发 present analytic languageMocfem Bi的 peiod 63.劝球Ealy Mottan Eni penod 64RhyH Labn, n Mdde psxxi GS.e

42、aset p。巾freight, H瑛骸痴! 何吸房*做mx?答 枭 McHeRsh,Ddih66出英 W沥凰媒位律* 娜登共昧72500个职;这 种压制1么?答案DUtihG狗为国 67搠的8髀翻制英酎钿 砧橄用懒球锋 50ro002600)0他佛床眺 (片丸53 dayBshAxdaryi 癌 第: 翎内谡皿拓阳I碘陌还I阙升 泰沙冰?*1)比GSOdEngfah和 Middle English 最雄jstrtrg dstEm依E腾 个%H咯fe ddwas a largu cf fUI endrgs, Mcfcie Ersh was one d levded endngs.的死复制期则栩

43、掇到7跳M . 3诩的序J/I幺怕铁Greek, Reman cdtuTO J蜡沼号Mocfem 时由71+遮 将木响 谈9f industry?:锋Rrtngix1 jsarri axifam Hl ftlcmoad,出 istarriadzatKn 第金毋J 72Jhe sndestintm theBTlagjrErstD(morphemes) 73Jhe minimal free fomi in theBsh sngja3e WrstD (word) 74.Intbedgfam cfmgr seme dthe vods M de rtard vcwg ch孑竽,ths rterd vo/

44、vd chaf ts ded(aloinorphs) 75.Deer S8M*是sheep,因啦f的物防 (zero derivation)*解 择 76Morphenies: The mnmd memU inte n a largj are IroAn as maphernes. In other wife, the merphsmes 6 the andest fmcbcnng mt n ampcstocn d wxds 77 Allomorphs: The dtsnabve merphs sre Incwn as dcmoiDhSy eg.tb mcrpbHne cf pkrdty s

45、has a nmber d diemerphs in dfferal: soird calEag.ncatsrbSr mdShestcanberefedbythe 1日空 cf an rtaZ vcaE as in fudrfwdU I ”d HIH yjCtAV* cr by sro morphs 35 in cfeETd33r, fishM178. what are the types of morphemes ?(解严超 .蝌 9 答名 ReemartemesaYi bxrd maphffnes. 79free morphemes: 1)Rbb marhEmes are inparfer

46、t d ether mcnemes axi are ocnsicteBd tn befree2) lYeas majtenes ha/e canptete mear in th3mseIves ard can be ured asfree gHnmabcd irts rrtexE& 3)Tkey aBKfertxd wth nxt55k aseach d them oensistsefasrefe nxtMitfe,壬 eaticfthem ocnsists cf a sBefrB5 nxt4) free majtenes aefrBS roots 8Qbound morphemes: 1)

47、Maphemes vvhch caret ooclt 壬知arate vwrds are bond . 2) They aebcirri to ether mcnHnestDfdm vvork 3) Band martHnes rriui two types band roct end dfc affixrtlecrd axiefenvsbend 部落 Irttecbcrd 推 oes: /affixes stated tn the erridwrcfctDrdce amrnSbc rcicbcnipsH rflecberd, thus I jtmti as rflecbcrd mariem刍

48、 Derivational affixes: l)djivabcnd 统 (esmedfxes atedtD cth=r marfemestD credE new vaxjs2) Dew 由end dfixes can tefuthr dvrtei irto pxesaxisdfixes rout: 1) a rootisthebaacfam cfawrd whch canxt beftithrwthittetd Ices cf icfartty.2) the ruuU vUhtiM frttja LxjuiX gsmrdly canes the man oempenert d meamg n

49、 a vad3) arootBthatpattf aMrdfcrm that 代mans gen d irflecbcnd and cfenvdKnei rftses ha/e been removed* stem: 1) astem m 司 arestd ar0erat merpheme as n rm cr cf two roctmojtenes as n a ocmpcLnd harkiff. 2) It can be a root mapheme pts cne cr man 浙 ss cttaed tD fc 3Bremovec( naben as afreeruX sbl rema

50、ns Oct s a bcind root; vhch can net fineben dene gmmAcdly, det camesthe firdamertd meamg cf wrete, dt hBSto ombre Aththe efre- nKntHnestDcrelBrew vkorcb, fcr e-ampie, debenary, 8rtrabcn.83.mi巡分析卜市I 纣A Heismrhmorede/erer ttsn ary othr ere n the 刊潮, too heat sb tetter than cn& 映 梅M投的以侑例 da母r, bdlH dev

51、tit! (p : t flaJUu H dfixes)贝匕用的IW朱组t)止 is dkmaph d gxd and 收1然蛤84和题颂用”要 州啊粉AW阳安徐仃的1) fifhbon 2) CoripoLndng 3) ctrh/eracn 4) shjtEmg 5) dippng6) annymy 7) bendng r科蚣训或在cn, (xmpoxdng ard ocrracr65. 问出i;虎胸BB柳蟠鹏做 理的斯种锋 Bten9cn86. m好的BTWT锦Nam洲E 87:处Affixation中眼的M-crisdso iroAn as 由icn 惭Qtknfds rtDbvo s

52、dbdasres: pc-dXn aTdsdfixWcn的佣西修虢卜 (吆8的5a)七rxrv r: regdrve praxes cfe, ds (既属 J ngve, 也居 J revest ve preftes) md-, psaxb-z mis-: pgcrabveprefcs SLper,ar-,etra: prefixesef cr sis 3 巾-,ccrtr-.carter-, pro-: gb0sd crirt2bcn sxl dtbbjcfe U as, fcre-tde-: JocdTveprdresfcre-r post?: praxes cf time and Ttf

53、a b-, in-, 96mb: mmbr prefixes pav, vice-: msanecLE praxes SLfibztran: 1. Noin sdfrp frem empn, patfam patts 2) Nenseg ger冲,cfeccr 3) TrandAcn -Joarsaglcrgtrnenosae4) SemaUc- loans.eg Drean 113.1. OreracnmeTE tranter cf 君 widfrcm ere dass tDatha(tnjscrdse)东经 tne 2 Thencnipbebna Mid symbd and ts meam

54、g is rnosdyatitrayand COTvertcnd,(除 trus 3a wad teed n dtfewt 8rtBis (TH ccrtrast Wth dffyt almymstne cr fds true 4.aidcmcni6arr/(f ths vaiatfams cf martmes. (tnjecrfdge)? 我“吐 A wd vhch has mere than ere meanrg can ha/e mcrethan cne atmym.Eg.fast feEt/E41*4lU/f见舷)11 例11) Chinese is our native langua

55、ge, but we can not say the Chinesets our? a)mcther tmgje b) first Icrgjc) moths- aQjegB dj dfiod Hgj邛 冷fe C)mcthTbgj(dW,的 三 说方 2m曲 Wmifflisnot an expression used byAmerican ? A) dbeB) ba*Q Mat(D) Caress 锦 tube (叫羽勖拙卿如be,现A把 它 M away, iniavoind) 3) 向ft smog它电moke, fog合Ajcipp BocmpoiDdr Q tierdnDadfcr

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57、atened fam) (anntus) (“jgi 网 Kj i5)115.Visthe difference between content words and functional words, ilcfitrs yoir part Mhe3mdes?(未看3注 叁省8联*雌网丽 叽(出腰纳物 116.Vctts ths dfferenoe bebAoai cfailrlive meang and ccmaQjve me3Tng?(ifcJ 117ViTiaB 丘 firriamertd feattres d the base VKrdstDd.cf the vociUav?(未母力施、

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