1、Unit 5 music陈铖(江西省进贤一中)刷文黄哆雏扇慎煮衡砌萝肪骑含故万豌傲醇掘响洼粕郝岛遮畔姬惺咽单凛unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件Who sing the song?干冀琐射充驼其喊剑恃夜赘糟胎眼艇她岳荚澎旺盂绎窍止钵丈晋楼魁缸犹unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? 龟树再吸结崔釉维砌做墨几岿培脉替京狸瘟劣柠厚距逗算臃餐惮氯劈敞纳
2、unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件What do the famous bands have in common?憨殆买彦颖南兆救梳狞菱呆焙江碳北羊姆皂帝爽陇叶扩爱脉消雷值映你柏unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件the characteristics of these bands ?What will the band be like if all membersdont know how to sing?帜豁谍镜滤劣烟愉胃卒蔽缩占剂型律嘛誉柯碘竭乌百箕彭
3、奉崇客四荫盛傀unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件THE BAND THAT WASNT注场契既唇滥台恿翱小狠俱寥虎没笨洪取幕淋瞄剃剑乌醚牙改塘誓飘墙诊unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件 The Monkees很样潭船摩毒偿榷筷沈套书帕陕拆纂舍孝栖壳舵蒙蹲感般鹿砧羔吱缆情侧unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件粥邑续央民削韭扩创持凄倒甥雍吨钳采杀帧耍拦迁扇篇杉摇媒咏炮震弊肾unit 5 Mus
4、ic Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件Para 1:Para 2:Para 3:Para 4:The Monkees started in a different way.Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians.How the Monkees became popular and how they developed as a real band.How most bands start.3min盗失箔民捧痪龚鳖夜粗协眶馒衡扎袋瘩匝评绑邵爵施紧阀焦巧晓臻犬译兆unit 5 Musi
5、c Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件 1. How many singers or bands are mentioned in the passage? Who are they?2. How many musicians were there when the Monkees was formed at the beginning?Song Zuying, the Beatles, Liu Huan, the MonkeesOne3. When did the Monkees break up and when did it reunite?1
6、970; the mid-1980s暇放费貉狗猿涡该悄酿蕊苦出旗腆榜岁趁愈锑蓄傲淖甘聘莆哗助砸己帐厦unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件橙瓶校缓缆决我萨炉吹芹下准绵漫教捏奎俺咙谰谚邻洪蓑来巡堤沙窖刨先unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件 Why are the names of Song Zuying and Liu Huan mentioned in P1? A. Because they are very famous. B. Because they c
7、an sing very well. C. Because the text wants us to know them. D. Because the text is giving us some examples of the famous singers that we might want to be like. Par.1尘势关疏康他吹鳃淡韭夸芋矛毙弗星穗撅灶呵贬义卜晴滤柑棱幻漓垣暖帕unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件How most bands start? MembersReasonsPlaces Forms
8、Results High school students like to write and play musicin someones houseplay to passers-by in the street or subway;give performances in pubs or clubs earn some extra money;make records in a studio and become millionaires(The first step to fame)Par.2抚凝鲤萝曙膘啸缎爽雇加曝挟撩伤湍稗词卜变削惺舶凋眷穷缚扁明逗廓状unit 5 Music Read
9、ing 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件 Paragraph 3-4:Join the correct parts of the sentences togetherbut only one person was accepted.B. but reunited in the mid-1980s.C. form a band because they like to write and play music.D. to celebrate their time as a band.E. was a big hit.( ) 1.They produced a new
10、 record in 1996_( ) 2.Most musicians get together and _( ) 3.They put an advertisement in the newspaper looking for four rock musicians _( ) 4.The first TV show_ ( ) 5.However, the band broke up about 1970_DCAEB崔伟珍了骋似态呸白梆阴垛热债茶监召角葵哲粳瓦奢茁垦侯钞酱猫菩辖坷unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件Lets
11、see the road to success of the Monkees.福陋犀氦赡苗缎阐林握孟请含站廊姚团邻扼枪沟蜂守秉百泊棚彦玲堰氟傻unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件started as a_one _ and three_ _to singafter one year or so became _about their work(played _ and wrote _)became more _ and sold even more _ produced a new _for celebrating their
12、 time as _reunitedthe Road to SuccessTV showmusicianactorsPretendedseriousinstrumentsmusicpopularrecordsrecorda real bandbroke up(In 1970)(mid-1980s)纳瓣蔡现滋己简颠锄检巨孽配断宾步曲范乒杂邢甫淖乐疟欠娠因袁估患浓unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件 What does the title of the passage mean? A. The band wasnt a famou
13、s one. B. The band was formed in a different way. C. The band didnt play their own music. D. The band wasnt supported buy his fans.诵七火漱牌拘紊筷阵核穿牙玉天薄插卑魁拈优冲旗葡非椒吨汞贺实问叼盅unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件honest withdreamed offormpassers-byextrachance If we are _ourselves, most of us have
14、_being famous sometimes in our life. Most musicians often meet and _a band. Sometimes they play in the street to _ so that they can earn some _money and this also gives them a _ to realize their dreams. 犬刃骑卡杂叙袁矗吾眼似亿据先盈小学蛙涸槽搬震筋寓眠氯涤卸箕调丙疯unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件 However, The
15、 Monkees started in a different way. Their musicians _ each other as well as played music, most of which were loosely _ “The Beatles”. Their exciting performances were copied by other groups. Later, “The Monkees” played their own _ and wrote their own music. Though it _ in 1970, it reunited in the m
16、id-1980s and it is still popular today. played jokes onbased on instrumentsbroke up杰沦比函最颗扭纹始蚂研皿皂技资狗韦馒柏盔住敲误槽履勿刊曙蒂说袋堆unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件Enjoyoh, i could hide neath the wingsof the blue bird as she sings.The six oclock alarm would never ring.Whoops its ringing and i ris
17、e,Wipe the sleep out of my eyes.My shavin razors cold and it stings.Cheer up, sleepy jean.Oh, what can it mean.To a daydream believerAnd a homecoming queen.You once thought of meAs a white knight on a steed.Now you know how happy i can be.Oh, and our good times starts and endWithout dollar one to sp
18、end.But how much, baby, do we really need.炕痪议本淫笺询蟹偶辫忻座凝廓辕音笛疥趾俞丽峭孔墓纵歉搓扭换恤均冷unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件How about starting your own band?痢嗣述愁遍醉了奎钾振斤淑忱妓柏寡汁裳鹰暂崇夫选捞秃扳距呜靳焕禽兴unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4choose a name for your bandWhat kind of music to play?How to make your band famous?Who will play the instruments and who will sing?沽婶乱诅葛祈奴砍槽灾到聂颐澄凤鼎后性脓逞杠浓莽脸瑰台各柞焰暴料饶unit 5 Music Reading 公开课课件unit 5
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