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1、Asking for Extension of L/C21Words and ExpressionsWords TextExercisesContentas stipulated 按规定under such circumstances 既然如此,在此情况下make up 弥补,配齐货extend 延长;展期owing to 由于Asking for Extension of L/C21上海东盛土产贸易有限公司因客观原因,难以如期发货,不得已去函丹麦埃里克糖果有限公司,解释原因并要求信用证展期。Words TextExercisesContentAsking for Extension of L

2、/C21Dear Petty, We refer to your L/C No. 631 covering 2,000 m/ts of sugar.Under the clauses in the L/C, the total quantity should be delivered by the end of June. Though we have been trying our best to do it as stipulated, it is rather hard for us to make up the order owing to unexpected heavy deman

3、d. The earliest possible date of shipment would be in July. Under such circumstances, we regret having to ask you to extend the above L/C to July 30th and August 15th for shipment and negotiation respectively.Thank you for your cooperation.Best Regards,Words TextExercisesContentNotesunder the clause

4、s 根据条款Under the current regulations, we have to file an application for the import of the goods in question beforehand.根据合同条款,商品应使用木箱包装。 Under the clauses in the S/C, the goods should be packed in wooden cases. as stipulated 按规定类似的表达:as requested 按要求as agreed 按协商as contracted 按合同按照合同的规定,你们应该在六月装运。 A

5、s stipulated in the S/C, you should ship the goods in June.Notesextend v. 延长,展期 extend to 把 延展到 (某个时间) extend for 把延展(多长时间)We propose that you extend the shipment date and the validity of the L/C to May 15 and May 31 respectively.extension n. 延展 We would like to make it clear that any further extens

6、ion of the L/C is impossible.NotesAsking for Extension of L/C21Exercise IFill in the blanks with proper prepositions.Exercise IIChoose the best answers.Exercise IIIAnswer the following questions according to covering L/C.Exercise IV Choose the best ones to well TRANSLATE the given sentences.Words Te

7、xtExercisesContent12341. Please pay attention _ the fact that the L/C covering your Order No.659 has not reach us .2. Owing _ these discrepancies, we had to ask you to make the following amendments.3. _ the clauses in the L/C, the goods should be delivered in September.4. We suggest payment _bill of

8、 exchange drawn _us at 30 days sight.5. We would like to make it clear that any further extension _ the L/C is impossible.totoUnderbyonof12341. Owing to unforeseen difficulties,we find it impossible to make shipment in April,and would appreciate_the shipment date and validity of your L/C to May 15 a

9、nd May 31 respectively. A. your extendingB. you to extend C. you extend D. your extended2. We instruct our bank to _ L/C NO4655 to read “Partial shipment to be permitted”. A.change B. amend C. alter D. add3. We are faxing you this morning, asking you to amend the L/C _“Transshipment allowed”. A. to

10、read B. to reading C. as reads D. reading12344. Any discrepancy _the quality of the delivered goods against the contractual stipulations is not allowed. A. to B. among C. in D. on5. It _ if you _the L/C for another 15 days. A. is appreciated; extend B. will be appreciated; could extend C. should be

11、appreciated; could extend D. should be appreciated; can extend23141. 开证申请人是 _.2. 议付行是 _.3. 允许有百分之几的溢短装?_.4. 最迟装运期是 _.5. 最后交单日期是 _ .MEIJI SEIKA (SINGAPORE) PET LTDBANK OF CHINA, GUANGDONG BRANCH5 percent09/04/0509/04/1523411. 因下月无直达船驶往你港,请将信用证修改为“允许转船”。A. As no direct steamer to your port next month,

12、 we have to request you to amend the L/C to read “Transshipment allowed”.B. Owing to there is no direct steamer sailing for your port next month, please amend the L/C to read “Transshipment allowed”.C. As there is no direct steamer sailing for your port next month, please amend the L/C to read “Tran

13、sshipment allowed”.D. Owing to no direct steamer to your port next month, we have to ask you to amending the L/C to read “transshipment allowed”.23412. 务请于下月初开出信用证,并允许分批装运和转船。A. Please pay attention to open the L/C at the beginning of next month, allow transshipment and partial shipments.B. Please s

14、ee to open the L/C at the beginning of next month, to allow transshipment and partial shipments.C. Please see to it that the L/C must be opened at the beginning of next month, allowing transshipment and partial shipments.D. Please draw your attention to the fact that the L/C should be established at

15、 the beginning of next month, allowing transshipment and partial shipments.23413. 请速开证,以便准时装运。A. Please rush your L/C, thus making it possible to effect timely shipment.B. Please expedite your L/C, so that shipment on time.C. Please open the L/C as soon as possible, so as to enable us to effect ship

16、ment on time.D. Please urge your L/C establishment, so as shipment is on time.23414. 若交易总额在USD 1,000,000 以上,必须用信用证支付。A. If the amount exceeds USD 1,000,000,an L/C is required.B. If the amount exceed USD 1,000,000,an L/C is required.C. Should the amount is up to USD 1,000,000,an L/C is required.D. Should the amount be exceed USD 1,000,000,an L/C is required.23415. 若能接受45天承兑交单,就可望成交大交易。A. Should you be accept payment by D/A at 45 days, substantial orders wil


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