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1、学院2007-2008学年度第一学期期末考核试卷考核课程:计算机专业英语 考试类型: 理论考试方式: 闭卷笔试学生所在院系:计科系年 级:20所级 试卷:A姓名: 班级: 学号:题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分阅卷人一、Give out the full names for the following abbreviations(写出下列缩写词的全称)(15%)ROMCPUBIOSITWWWHTMLPCIHRGUIMHz得分阅卷人二、Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar

2、in meaning in the righta.半导体存储器b.机制c.存储单元d.数据定义语言e.通信f.机器语言g智能column(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配)(10%)memory unitintelligencesemiconductor memonrdata definition languagemechanismmachine languagecommunication1.()6.()2.()7.()3.()8.()4.()9.()5.()10.()8. distance education9. pattern recognitionlO.enterprise resour

3、ce planningh.远程教育i.企业资源计划J-模式识别得分阅卷人英语)(10%)三、Translate the following phrases into English(将下列短语翻译成板逻码菜技 统术器助形 系算机帮图得分阅卷人四、For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the most appropriate one (从下面给出的四个选项中选择最恰当的答 案)(30%)The basic units of a computer system are as follows:A. CPU,

4、memory and diskB. CPU, input and output unitC. CPU, memory and I/O system D. CPU, memory and ALUToday, can give you a music synthesizei; a fax machine, a CD-ROM drive, ect.A. input devicesB. expansion cardsC. output deviceD. joystick*3. The control unit fetchesfrom memory and decodes them. VA. dataB

5、. informationC. resultsD. instructions*4. When power is removed, information in the semiconductor memory isA. reliableB. lostC. manipulatedD- remain*5. Please find the Item that is not belong to the DBA )A. storage structure and access method definition B. schema definitionC. integrity constrain spe

6、cificationD. DDL6.is designed to manage large bodies of information.A. a file systemB. a transactionC. a database systemD. a database languageA characteristic of operating system isA. resource managementB. memory managementC. error recoveryD. all the aboveAssembly-language instructions are a series

7、ofA. Os and IsB. abstract codesC. machine codesD. gram also has potential benefits in parallel processing.A. MachineB. AssemblyC. Object-orientedD.Process-orientedAn advantage of a ring network is that it needs lessA. computerB. networkC. cableD. informationAn ISP supplies a that you can d

8、ial from your computer to logon the internet server.A. public keyB. private keyC. service numberD. help fileTo open Internet Explorer, Just click Start, point to, and then click Internet Explorer.A. ProgramsB. ViewC. LayoutD. Control PanelElectronic bulletin boards are communication platforms.A. one

9、-to-manyB. one-to-oneC. many-to-manyD. all aboveFollowings are some image data file formats, which is wrong?A.*. TIFB. *. DOCC. *. BMPD.*. GIFit can rotate a three-dimensional modeLit can do all above at the same time.By adding to your programs, you can make computers moreinteresting and much more f

10、un for the user.A. multimediaC. musicB.textD. picture得分阅卷人五.To Identify the following to be True or False according to computer knowledge(根据计算机知识判别是非题)(10%)Registers in the control unit are used to keep track of the overall status of TOC o 1-5 h z the program.()The basic resources of a computer syst

11、em are software and data. (The chipset consists of two parts: North Bridge and South Bridge.()The *.BMP file can only be used in the IBM system.()ROM does not have the inputs and writing controls.()“ADD AX, BX” is a instruction of machine language.()A data definition language can be used to define a

12、 database schema.()People can only use the ISP to connect Internet.()We can use E-mail only as a one-to-one platform.()Hypermedia is the same as multimediae()得分阅卷人六.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(25%)(一)Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below, and change the form

13、 where necessary (从下面所列词语中选择合适的 词语,以其适当的形式填空)(10%)high-level language assembly language written machine language notationA programming language, designed to facilitate the communication between human and computers, is a for describing computationin readable form. There are 3 levels of programming la

14、nguages, they are , which can be run directly by computer; and There are different high-level programming languages. Fortunately, most of them have many kinds of construct in common and varv onlv in the wav that these must be Therefore first thing to be decided about a task is to choose which progra

15、mming language is best suited for the job.Passage AThe central processing unit (CUP) is the heart of the computer systems. Among other things, its configuration determines whether a computer is fast or slow in relation to other computers. The CPU is the most complex computer system component, respon

16、sible for directing most of the computer system activities based on the instructions provided. As one computer generation has evolved to the next, the physical size of the CPU has often become smaller and smaller9 which its speed and capacity have increased tremendously. Indeed, these changes have r

17、esulted in mlcro-Computers that are small enough to fit on your desk and your lap.The CPU comprise the control unit and the arithmetic/Iogic unit (ALU).The control unit is responsible for directing and coordinating most of the computer systems activities. It determines the movement of electronic sig

18、nals between main memory and the arithmetic/Iogic unit, as well as the control signals between the CPU and input/output devices.The ALU perforins all the arithmetic and logical(comparison) functionsthat is, it adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, and does comparison. These comparisons9 which are ba

19、sically “less than”,“greater than”, and “equal to”, can be combined into several common expressions, such as “greater than or equal to”. The objective of most instructions that use comparisons is to determine which instruction should be executed next.(二)Tell whether the following statements are true

20、(T) or false(F) according to the passage A(根据上文的内容判断下列句子的正误)(15%)With the development of computer, the physical size of the CPU has often become bigger and bigger()The movement of electronic signals between main memory and the ALU as well as the control signal between the CPU and input/output device

21、s are controlled by the control unit of the CPU. ( ) TOC o 1-5 h z The CPU comprises the control unit and memory.()The control unit performs all the arithmetic and logical functions.()The central processing unit (CPU) is the heart of the computer systems. ()【第页共页】学院2007-2008学年度第一学期期末考核试卷参考答案及评分标准考核课

22、程:计算机英语考试类型:理论 考试方式:闭卷笔试学生所在院系:计科系 年 级: 2016 试卷:A执笔人:要求:明确标注每小题或每步骤得分点一 Give out the full names for the following abbreviations(写出下列缩写词 的全称)(15%)(本题共15分,每小题1.5分)ROM: Read Only MemoryCPU: Central Processing UnitBIOS: Basic Inpiit/Output UnitIT: Information TechnologyWWW: World Wide WebHTML: Hypertext

23、 Markup LanguagePCI: Peripheral Component InterconnectHR: Human ResourceGUI: Graphical User InterfaceMHz: Megahertz二.Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配) (10%)(本题共10分,每小题1分)1.(C)6.(f)2.(g)7.(e)3.(a)8.(h)4.(d)

24、9.(J)5.(b)10.( 1)三. Translate the following phrases into English(将下列短语翻译成英语)(10% )(本题共10分,每小题2分)the system boardArithmetic logical operationsmachine codeHelp menugraphics technology四.For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the most appropriate one(从下面给出的四个选项中选择最恰当的答案)(30%)(本题共30分,每小题2分)1. C 2,B 3.D 4.B 5.D 6 C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C IL C 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. A五


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