



1、这个句型是这单元我们重点接触的一个语法项目,你观察两个句子,看看有什么区别: 一本有趣的书 an interesting book 形容词interesting做定语修饰名词book a book that is interesting that is interesting这个句子做定语修饰名词book interesting/that is interesting作用是相同的,都是用作定语来修饰名词book, 我们把这种在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。再如: 一位漂亮的女孩 a girl who is beautiful 从句做定语(girl是先行词) 等于a beautifu

2、l girl beautiful是形容词做定语 一本有趣的书 a book that is interesting 从句做定语(book是先行词) 等于an interesting book 形容词做定语 复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。既这个从句起的作用与形容词完全一样,起修饰和限定主句里名词的作用。可以形容人,物和事件,在主句中充当定语的作用。试比较: I like quiet music. I like music that is quiet. 定语从句要跟在所修饰的名词或代词后面,被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。定语从句一般用关系代词who,that,which和

3、whose来引导,放在从句的句首使从句与主句相连,并在句中担当一定的成分,关系代词如果在从句中作主语就要用主格,如果做宾语就要用宾格,如果做定语就要用所有格。此文转自斐.斐课件.园 FFKJ.Net I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢可以随之跳舞的音乐。 music作先行词,that I can dance to 是定语从句修饰music,其中,that是关系代词引导定语从句 I prefer singers who can write their own songs. 我喜爱能自己写歌的歌星。 singers作先行词,who can write the

4、ir own songs 是定语从句修饰singers,其中,who是关系代词。 定语从句是高中的一个重要语法项目,这里就各关系代词举例如下: That在从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语时that 可省略)指物 1.A plane is a machine that can fly. (作主语) 2.The noodles (that) I cooked were delicious. (作宾语) 指人 1.Who is the man that is reading the book over there? (作主语) 2.The girl (that) we say yesterday was

5、Jims sister. (作宾语) Who / that 在定语从句中做主语时,需要注意的是谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致。例如: I like a sandwich that is really delicious. I love singers who are beautiful. I have a friend who plays sports. I prefer shoes that are cool. Which在从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语时可省略) 指物 1.The silk which is produced in Hangzhou sells well. (作主语) 2.

6、The songs (which) Liu Dehua sang were very popular. (作宾语) Who, whom在从句中分别作主语和宾语(若介词放在从句后面,则whom可以省略)指人 1.The foreigner who visited our class yesterday is from Canada. (作主语) 2.The boy who break the window is called Roy. (作主语) 3.The person to whom you just talked is Mr Li. (作宾语) 4.Mrs White is the per

7、son to whom you should write. (作宾语) Whose 在从句中作定语指人或物的所有格 I like the girl whose hair is long. (作定语) 任务设计 任务I. 阅读下列句子,再用who/that 填空。 1.I have a brother _ likes soccer. 2.Tom doesnt like movies _ are too long and too scary. 3. We prefer groups _ play loud and energetic songs. 4. He likes friends _ oft

8、en help each other. 任务II. 请将下列题中的两个句子合并成一个句子。 1. I like music. The music is loud and exciting. _. 2. She loves movies. The movies are romantic. _. 3. Tony likes music. He can dance to the music. _. 任务III. 请完成下列句子。 1. I like singers who_. I prefer singers who_. He likes singers who_. She prefers singers who_. 2. I like mobile phones that_. 3. I like ( )that_ Key: 任务I. who, that, that, who 任务II. 1. I like music that is loud and exciting. 2. She loves movies that are romantic. 3.Tony likes music tha


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