已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、专项练习(一)单词辨音一读一读,判断划线的部分发音是否相同,相同打“”,不相同打“”。( )1.man woman ( )2.boy toy( )3.baby bag ( )4.like in( )5.six is ( )6.time meet( )7.close open ( )8.pen nine( )9.pig dog ( )10.farm welcome( )11.orange go ( )12.father for( )13.up pencil ( )14.lunch peach( )15.like cat ( )16.there here( )17.hurry uncle ( )1

2、8.class clock( )19. dog robot ( )20.story stand( )21.behind door ( )22.close sit( )23.bird parrot ( )24.rubber ruler( )25.window now ( )26.colour nice( )27.sorry come ( )28.ball big( )29.eat aunt ( )30.farm name( )31.talk egg ( )32. sorry apples( )33. that thank ( )34. lunch ball二根据所给例词选择与其画线部分发音相同的

3、单词。1.book pie blackboard big please blue robot peachball:_2.apple cinema father mango cat cake that jacketstand:_3.up book farm sit black look ball drink cap grandpasleep:_ cook:_this:_ brother:_grandma:_4.behind please friend under ruler in library sleep stand crayon rubber desk milk guessEnglish:_

4、 bike:_door:_ pen:_eat:_ read:_三根据发音规律,补全下列单词。1.book robot _rown 2.door bird _og3.cap pencil _uppet 4.sit class _tand5.ruler run _oom 6.robot eight _alk7.nice new _ine e farm _other专项训练(二)排序一、根据上下文提示完成对话(填序号)。 Aball B.What C.afternoon D.blackboard E.colour F.blackA: Good_.B: Good afternoon.A: Look a

5、t the_. _ is this?B: Its a_.A: What_is it?B: Its_.二、将下列句子排成一段完整的对话。Gao Shan, please open the book.Yes, Mr Green.Good morning, class.Stand up.Thank you, Mr Green.Sit down, pleaseGood morning, Mr Green. D_ _ _ _ _ _ 三、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。No,thank you.What about a cake?Yes,please.D. Would you like a pie,Bo

6、bby? _ _ _ _四、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。Eat the sweet,please.Whats this?Thank you.Its a sweet. _ _ _ _五、根据上下文提示完成对话(填序号)。A.No,it isnt. B.Its over there. C.This rubber is for you. D.Its a pencil case.1. Wheres my lunch box? _ 2.Is that your schoolbag? _3.What is this? _ 4. _ Thank you.六、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。A. Is i

7、t a ruler?B. Is it a pencil?C. Whats this?D. No,it isnt.E. Guess. F. Yes, its a pencil. _ _ _ _ _ _ 七、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。A. Guess. B. Yes,it is. C. Wheres my schoolbag? D. Is it in your desk? 八、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。A.What about some milk?B.Would you like a hot dog?C.Im sorry.D.No.Dont eat here.E.No.Dont dri

8、nk here. 九将下列句子排成一段完整的对话。AThank you.B.Hi.,Wang Bing.Happy Birthday!This cake is for you.C.Hi,Mike.D.I want a toy robot.E.Make a wish,Wang Bing. 十、根据上下文提示完成对话(填序号)。A. Its time for breakfast. B. Wheres my book? C. Good afternoon, Jack. D. Yes,Dad. E. What time is it?_ Its over there. 2.Good afternoon,

9、Mike. _ 3.Wake up,Liu Tao. _ 4. _ OK,Mum.5. _ Its eleven oclock.十一、将下列句子排成一段完整的对话。Guess.Is this you?Yes,youre right.Whos the boy? 十二、将下列句子排成一段完整的对话。Would you like a pear?Whats this?Yes,please.Its a pear.No,thank you.FWhat about an orange? 十三、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。Whos that girl?Are you twins?Hello,Su Hai.

10、Yes,we are.Hello,Liu Tao.F. Shes my sister,Su Yang. 十四、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。Yes,she is.This is my family picture.Hes my father.Is this your mother?Whos that man? 十五、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。How old is she?Whos that girl?Im eleven too.Shes my cousin.EShes eleven. 专项练习(三)连词成句并写中文。1. door close please the (, .)_ 2.

11、English close please your book (.)_ 3. parrot listen dont the to (. )_4. you like would an cap orange (? )_ 5. dont milk in drink the class (. )_ 6. is English your book this (?)_ 7. my is lunch where box (? )_ 8. apple red for is this you (. )_ 9. bird is the in little the tree(. )_ 10. you old how

12、 are (?)_ 11. a lovely what baby (! )_ 12. want a yellow I pear (. )_ 13. time is now please what it (,? )_ 14. are under what these tree the (? )_ 15. your here milk is (.)_ 16. is that who girl there over (? )_ 17. is my aunt the door behind (.)_ 18. is Sam brothers name my (.)_ 19. are what in th

13、ose tree the (? )_ 20. those little are dogs (? )_ 21. the dont library eat in (. )_ 22. is my he uncle not (. )_ 23. blackboard look the Yang Ling at (,. )_ 24. your wheres lunch over its there box ( ? . )_ 25. colour is what new your skirt (?)_ 26. for its cake time the (.)_ 27. eat time cake its

14、the to (.)_ 28. man is her this father ( . )_ 29. man is her this father (?)专项练习(四)选择题( ) 1. Welcome _ the library. A. for B. to C, at ( ) 2. _ oranges. A. This is B. Are these C. These are ( ) 3. Look at these_ . A. cow B. picture C. pictures( ) 4. -_ is this? -Shes my sister. A. Who B. What C. Whe

15、re( ) 5. -Whats this? -_ A. Theyre apples. B. Its an apple. C. Its red.( ) 6. Please _ the apple. A. drink B. close C. eat( ) 7. Please look _ this picture. A. at B. in C. to ( ) 8. _ drink my milk. A. dont B. Not C. Dont ( ) 9. Would you like _ apples? A. a B. an C. two( ) 10. This is _ book. A. yo

16、u B. my C. hes( ) 11. Whats _ over there? A. this B. those C. that( ) 12. _ is my pencil case? A. Wheres B. Where C. What( ) 13. The oranges _ on the desk. A. is B. am C. are( ) 14. The bird is _ the tree now. A. on B. in C. for( ) 15. Its time _ eat the cake. A. for B. to C. out( ) 16. _ a nice bag

17、! A. How B. What C. Where( ) 17. Dont _ late again. A. is B. are C. be( ) 18. Its time for _. A. eat B. class C. drink( ) 19. This is my sister. _ is eight. A. He B. She C. They( ) 20. Were _. A. brother B. sister C. twins( ) 21. That _ is my aunt. A. man B. woman C. girl( ) 22. Dont talk. I want _

18、sleep. A. to B. at C. for( ) 23. -Dont drink here. -Im _. A. nine B. sorry C. late( ) 24. -_ is it? -Its nine oclock. A. What time B. How old C. What( ) 25. -Is this _ uncle? -Yes, he is. A. you B. he C. your( ) 26. - What are these? -Theyre _. A. pig B. cow C. ducks( ) 27. - _ are you? - Im nine. A

19、. How old B. What time C. Who ( ) 28. -Where _ the birds? -Theyre in the tree. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 29. - _ is that boy? - Hes my brother. A. Where B. Who C. What( ) 30. _ a nice cake! A. Where B. What C. How( ) 31. Its time for _. A. bed B. sleep C. eat( ) 32. -_ are her friends? - Theyre in the

20、library. A. Who B. What C. Where( ) 33. - _ is that boy? - Hes nine. A. How old B. What time C. Who( ) 34. -Are these _? - Yes, they are. A. duck B. a cow C. pigs( ) 35.- What are_ over there? -Theyre cakes. A. this B. those C. that( ) 36. -Here _ are . - Thank you. A. my B. you C. your( ) 37. This

21、is my brother. _ is eight. A. He B. She C. They( ) 38. _ your bag. A. Heres B. Here C. It( ) 39. _ , Liu Tao. Its time for breakfast. A. Wake B. Wake up C. Goodbye( ) 40. -What are _? -Theyre eggs. A. this B. these C. that( ) 41. -Whats this? - Its _. A. a apple B. an apple C apple( ) 42.- _ is it?

22、-Its two_.What time ; clock B. What ; oclockC.What time; oclock.( ) 43. -_ that boy? - Hes Liu Tao. A. Who B. Whos C. Whats ( ) 44. This is _. A. me B. I C. my ( ) 45. 当你想让某人不要坐下时,你说: A . Sit down, please. B. Dont sit down. C. Open the book, please.( ) 46. 当你想知道远处的妇女是谁时,你说:A.Whos that woman? B. Whos

23、 that man? C. Whos that girl?( ) 47. 当你想告诉别人该上课了,你说:A. Its time for school. B. Its time to class. C. Its time for class.( ) 48.当你想知道某人的年龄时, 你可以说:A. How old are you? B. How are you? C. Who are you?( ) 49. 当你想知道这是不是你的书包时, 你说:A.Is this your schoolbag? B. Is this my schoolbag? C.Is it in my schoolbag?(

24、) 50.当你要告诉别人那不是你的铅笔袋时,你说:A.That isnt my pencil case. B. That is my pencil case.C. This isnt my pencil case.( ) 51. 当你要将某物给某人时,你说:A.This is a schoolbag. B. Here you are. C. Thank you.( ) 52. 当天气很热时,你对窗户边的同学说:A. Close the door, please. B. Dont open the window. C. Open the window, please.( ) 53. 当朋友不知道

25、这些是什么时,你告诉他:A. What are these? B. Theyre chickens.C. What are those?( ) 54.迈克请你不要关窗户,你应该说:A. Please close the window. B. Dont close the window. C. All right.( ) 55. 你做错了事情,你应该说:A. Im sorry. B. Thank you! C. Goodbye!( ) 56. 刘涛在图书馆里睡觉, 你应该说:A. Dont run, Liu Tao. B. Dont sleep, Liu Tao。C. Dont talk, Liu Tao。( ) 57.问对方想不想要一个苹果,你可以说:A.Would you like an apple? B. This apple is for you.C. Wheres my apple? ( ) 58. 不想要对方建议的东西,你应该说:A. OK. B. No, thank you. C. It isnt a nice crayon. ( ) 59. 你想知道这是不是海伦的椅子,你可以说: A. Helen, this is my chair. B. Helen, is


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