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1、【春游相册】All roads, active or passive, are your choices. There is only one taste in a certain period of life. No matter how bitter you are or how envious you are of others, you can only immerse yourself in this taste, either numb or self rescue山间采茶CONTENTS田园赏花畅享美食目录PICK TEA-LEAVES采茶All roads, active or

2、 passive, are your choices. There is only one taste in a certain period of life. No matter how bitter you are or how envious you are of others, you can only immerse yourself in this taste, either numb or self rescue“早采三天是宝,迟采三天是草”,告诉我们要适时采茶,不误茶时;而“春分清明撷灵芽,捷足先登黄金价”,告诉人们名优茶采摘的问题;“前期适当早,中期刚刚好,后期不粗老”,讲的

3、是乌龙茶叶采摘Although the quality of tea depends on the processing technology to a large extent, the picking of tea is also an important factor that can not be ignored. In fact, tea picking is very particular茶叶的好坏虽然在很大程度上取决于加工技术,但是茶叶的采摘也是不可忽视的一个重要因素。事实上,茶叶的采摘是很有讲究的一件事ALTHOUGH THE QUALITY OF TEA DEPENDS ON

4、 THE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY TO A LARGE EXTENT, THE PICKING OF TEA IS ALSO AN IMPORTANT FACTOR THAT CAN NOT BE IGNORED. IN FACT, TEA PICKING IS VERY PARTICULAR“早采三天是宝,迟采三天是草”,告诉我们要适时采茶,不误茶时;而“春分清明撷灵芽,捷足先登黄金价”,告诉人们名优茶采摘的问题;“前期适当早,中期刚刚好,后期不粗老”,讲的是乌龙茶叶采摘PICK TEAPICKTEA-LEAVES茶叶的好坏虽然在很大程度上取决于加工技术,但是茶叶的采摘也

5、是不可忽视的一个重要因素。事实上,茶叶的采摘是很有讲究的一件事Although the quality of tea depends on the processing technology to a large extent, the picking of tea is also an important factor that can not be ignored. In fact, tea picking is very particular人间三月正是采茶时,采茶之候,贵及其时,太早则味不全,迟则神散。此刻,早已约好了采茶女,骑着单车无比的悠闲自在,一路青山绿水,鸟语花香,一片春色盎然

6、,在阵阵欢声笑语中迎来了茶园All the way green mountains, flowers, a spring, in bursts of laughter ushered in the tea gardenPICK TEA-LEAVES赏花All roads, active or passive, are your choices. There is only one taste in A certain period of life. No matter how bitter you are or how envious you are of others, you can on

7、ly immerse yourself in this taste, either numb or self rescueCANOLA FLOWERS油菜花的外貌极是平凡。它们没有月季、玫瑰、牡丹那样层层叠叠的花瓣与多变的姿态,奇异的色彩。它们只是自始至终的黄色,那样充满朝气的黄色,仿佛那阳光沉淀下来了,沉淀在薄薄的花瓣尖上Under the sun, rape flowers are unrestrained. When the south wind blows, one golden wave after another rises, shining in the sunshine, wa

8、ve after wave of light油菜花开得正旺的时候,远远望去大地像铺上了一条金色的地毯,又像大自然撒了一地的金子,还像一副美丽的图画。走近它,浓浓的花香弥漫了整个世界。当时我觉得自己也是棵油菜花了RAPE BLOOM油菜花的外貌极是平凡。它们没有月季、玫瑰、牡丹那样层层叠叠的花瓣与多变的姿态,奇异的色彩。它们只是自始至终的黄色,那样充满朝气的黄色,仿佛那阳光沉淀下来了,沉淀在薄薄的花瓣尖上CANOLA FLOWERS春风清拂盈盈的心事,流水静听心灵的声音,四月的天空韵染了芳菲的故事。一份份生日祝福让我陶醉在美丽的春日里,与温暖有约,与阳光相伴,与真情相依。感谢着亲人和朋友的牵挂,

9、在这个幸福的日子里,我只想安静地守望春天,安静地在每个花开的季节里相守相约。漫步在岁月的岸边,享受一份漂泊的浪漫,在蔚蓝轻暖的四月天,用心情和诗意在人生的画卷上描绘生命的隽永与辽远。感受生命的色彩,感受平淡的幸福,原来爱一直在心中Feel the color of life, feel the plain happiness, the original love has been in the heartDELICIOUSFOOD美食All roads, active or passive, are your choices. There is only one taste in a cert

10、ain period of life. No matter how bitter you are or how envious you are of others, you can only immerse yourself in this taste, either numb or self rescueFOODIMPRESSION美食印象香浓细滑的巧克力和奶油,再加上酥脆的姜饼干,口感丰富层次鲜明。搭配上一杯清甜的果香红茶,清新的口感,迷人的色泽、馥郁的水果香,马上让你心旷神怡,唇齿留香The green color in the fire shows that the steamed d

11、ough is as thin as paper, just like emerald. If you bite it lightly, the skin will break. When you eat it, its made of shrimp, leek and egg. Its refreshing. After eating, the mouth is full of shrimps, which is really fragrant烧卖里碧绿的颜色,透出蒸熟后薄如纸的面皮,犹如翡翠一般。轻轻地咬上一口,皮一点便破,吃到里面由虾仁、韭菜和鸡蛋制成菜茸,爽口清润。吃下去后嘴里都是虾仁

12、的,真可谓齿颊留香品/尝/最/好/的/心/意DELICIOUS FOOD大家制作的水果蛋糕:用勺子轻轻挖下一块带着水果奶油的蛋糕,放入口中,根本不用嚼,含在口中一会儿就化掉了,唇齿间留下一丝淡淡的清香。细细回味,奶油浓浓的气息回旋在口中,甜甜的,香香的【春游相册】All roads, active or passive, are your choices. There is only one taste in a certain period of life. No matter how bitter you are or how envious you are of others, you

13、can only immerse yourself in this taste, either numb or self rescue感谢您的下载,本PPT模板内容均可自由替换和编辑。Thank you for downloading, the PPT content can be freely replaced and edited.本PPT模板经过精心编排,使用者可根据实际情况需要自由替换和编辑,再次感谢您的下载,有您的支持,是我们不断进步的动力与源泉。This PPT has been carefully arranged. Users can freely replace and edit it according to the actual situation. Thank you again for your download. With your support, it is the driving f


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