B级真题(2019年6月) 试卷+答案+解析_第1页
B级真题(2019年6月) 试卷+答案+解析_第2页
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1、2019年6月B级考试全真试题Pat IListening Compehension25 minutesDirections: Tliispart is to test your listening ability. It co 邓 ists of 4 seclio 邠Section ADirections:Thissectionis to test your ability to giveproper respo邓es.Thereare 7 recorded questionsinit.After eachquestion,thereisa pause.Thequestio 邓 willbe

2、 spoken two times.When you 加 ar a question,you shouldecideont 加 correct a 邱 wer from the4 choices marked A),BJ, CJ and DJ giveninyour test paper.Thenyou shoulmd arktheco竹esponding letter on t如A 邓wetSheetwitha single -linethrought如 center.Example: You willhear:You willread: A)Im not sure.Youre rig凡Ye

3、s,certainly.Thatsinteresting.Fromthe questionwelearn that the speakerisaskingthe listener toleave amessage.ThereforeC,)Yes, certai11lyisticorrect answer.You shoul. dmarkCJ ontheAnswer Sheet伲witha single linethroughthecenter.Now thetest willbegin.A B回DA)Yes,I am.,Dont mention it.Sit down, please.D Le

4、ts go now.A)Never mind.A)Nice.;! ,B)Allright.I thinkso.Sure,I.Sure.w诅Yes,it is.邸D)Yes,ple e.A)Take it easy.No, thankyou.Not at all.See you later.A)Take care. .B)Go ahead.A)Very nice. B)Mind your head.Here you are.C)Gladto meetyou., , . rrD). Quittconvenient.No problem.A)See you agai!. . tB)Id loveto

5、.Section BDqntYony.Dont be late.Directions:Thissectionisto. testyour ability. to .understandshortdialogues. 劝 窃eare7 戏 co1rled d吵guesinit.After_ each_ dial_oguf!th,ereisa recorded _question. Boththedialogues and questions 11:illbe spok叨two t_i1tes.师enyou heara question,you shouldecideonthecorrect an

6、swerfrorrJt, he4 chotces markedA),BJ,CJandDJgiveninyour testpap你Thenyousho叫dmarkt朊correspondingletter ontheA邓 W钉S如etivith asingle line throught朊center. Now listen to thedialogues.A)Sheis 邸operator. B)Sheis aurse.A)To go to study abroad. B)To .move to another city.A)A new product design.Afr-saltes se

7、ervice.A)Book a ticket . B)Plcae an order.Sheta doctor.Sheis a drivt r. C)To pay for herdebt.D)To raise money for herbusinesst C)Thepay raise.D)Thesalesplan. C)See a doctor.D)Rese1vea room.B19.6-1A) Havingan interview.C) piscussinga new design.B) Doingan experiment.D) Planninga budget.A) On TV.C) Fr

8、oma magazine.B) In a job fair.D) Online.A) She isoverthe speed血讥C) She ismakinga phone call.B) She ison the wrongway.D) She issmokingwhiledriving.Section C?DirectioInns: thissection, ti花?噜e are2 recordceodnversationAsf. tereach conversatiotnh,erearesome 攻ecordedquesti0岱1 . Both the conversationasnd

9、questions will be spoken two times.Whenyou加ara question, you should decideon the correct answer fromthe 4 choicesmarkeAd), B_入CJ and D) giveninyourtest paper.Tl砌you should markthe correspondilenttgeron theA1iswerS加et witha singlelinethroughthe centerN.ConversatiIonow listento the conversations.A) To

10、change an order.C) Tocancel an appointment.B) Toask forleave.D) Toapply fora job.16. A) 80.B) 100.C) 118.D) 180.Conversati2onA) A sun hat.B) A T-shirt.C) Sportshoes.D) Sun gl邸ses.A) He isthe managerof the store.C) He isa regularcustomer.B) He isone of herfriends.D) He isa new customerof the store.A)

11、 140 dollars.B) 200 dollars.C) 240 dollars. D) 300 dollars.Section DDirectioIn:thissectionyou willheara recordsehdorpt assage. Thepassage isprinteidn the testpaper,butwith some wordsorphrasesmissing.Thepassage will bereadthreetimes.Durintghe second readi, nygou arerequirtoedput the missingwordsorphr

12、aseson the AnswerSheet in orderofthe numberedblanks. accordintgowhatyouhear.Thethird readinigsforyou to checkyourwritinNgo. w the passage willbegin.Thankyou vermy uch formeetingwithme yesterdayabout ourprojectI.reallyappreciayteourIt was _zl_to have someone likeyou who has had experienwceithsimilapr

13、rojects.I appreciaytoeurtag the timeout of yourbusy schedule to22me.Ill23to send you a follow-up when thisprojecit scompleted. Please let me如ow ifI can24help. And well take yoursuggestionsintoconsideratiwohnen we20forthe next year.the favorand when.Part IIVocabulary & Structure10 minutesDirectioTnsh

14、: ipsarit2 sections.Section Asto test yourabilityto construcctorraenctd meaningfulsentences. It consistsof.l1 lDirectioInnst:hissection;theraereJO incompletesentences. You arerequirtoe. dcomplete each one bydecidinogn the most appropriwaotredorwords frothme 4 choicesmarkeAd), BJ, CJ、andB 19.6-2D).Tl

15、n芘you slwuldnialcthe co门espondingletteon加Answe Sheet witha single linethough the cmite.25.ca巧wee invented, mu曲nd h邸山ent of self-divingcas o divelesscas.扣EventhoughJust becauseC) Eve sinceD) AsifIn yeu1,to come,obots willbe much moe iI11povedtl1anwe have now.whatwheewhichD) whenIt .Vas not U11til2016

16、the company opened a banch office in thlscity.whichwhatwhothatShesaid that when they fu1,tthe finn, shefoundit difficultto fmd an ideallocation.s尥1tedw山statC)statD) have statedMostof themsaid they felta血ouswhena new job.seachfoC) seachedfoB) seachingfoD)weeseachlngIf you need futhe guidance, feelfee

17、 toan appointment withou adviso.seeelatemakeageeTheteam leadefequentlyhlsmembesofthe goalsand objectives of the poject.enlindedthoughtappointedconsideedCompanieswhole.that encouage abalancebetweenwok andhomelife willbemoestableawithB) asC) oveD) ofSomeexpets believe that theace fo the Intenet of Thi

18、ngs ssimiltheelyhistoy of扛扛Windows and Andoid.foB) inC) withD) toNomatte what sizeofyou business,you successwillalwayslie inyou abilitytocustomes.give in. B) deal withC) tun outD) lookatSection BDiections: Thee ae 5 incomplete statements hee. You shouldfillineach- blankwith thepo严fomof加wod giveninba

19、ckets. Wite the wod o wods inthecoespondingspaceon theAnswe S如et._thisI enjoy(wok)focompany because they take cae of theiemployees as wellas theicustomes.The job maket fo colleggeaduatesIS mpoving (slow). . ,accoding to a ecent epot.Thecompanyhasceated 3Dpinted pats that ae (stong)than eve befoe,To

20、applyfoteeposition,appliec 区(equie)_to ceatean, onlineaccount.We have toconsidewhat we shouldgain and what weshouldgiveup unde this(aange)Part IIIReading Comprehension1 l35 minutesDiections:Thpiatsisto testyou eading ability. Theeae5 tasksfoyouto fulfillYo. u shouldI)e叫thee叫ingmateialscaefullaynd do

21、thetasks(is youaeinst1-u- cted.B 19.6,3Task 1Directions: After reading ti 比 following passage, you will fi 切 d 5 questions or unfinished statements, nunibered 40 to 44. For each question or stat彻ent, there are 4 c加ices marked A), BJ, CJ a 叫 DJ. You slwuld nialce the correct clwice and mark the corre

22、sponding letter on the Answe1Sheet _with a single line through the ce讥er.Does it seem like hotel cos 岱 just go up and up? Its true that they rise each year. Rates for roomsin 2019 are over 15% more than 2018. Here are some tips to help you make the best decision.Look forextras.The more services yo皿r

23、ate includes, the more you can save your money. Make sure you use the facilities you will actually need, or youll spend more than you need to. Common extras that can save you a lot are free breakfast,free Wi-Fi, and kids eat free. Sotake advantage of them during your stay.Stayin hotels right outside

24、 the city center.If the costs for transportation wont be high, you can frequently get a good deal this way. You could also look into staying in the university district of a city. Hotels are more affordable(廉价的), cheap eating places are plentiful (充足的) and public transportationis convenient.Go out to

25、 eat.Though room service sounds really great, prices for food on the hotel menu can be twice as much as you would pay forthe same food at a restaurant.汀What is TRUEof hotels according to the flst paragraph?More hotels are to be built soon.C) Hotels are in great demand today.Hotel costs increase year

26、 by year.D) Hotel cos 岱 rise over 15% each year.One piece of advice to hotel guests isto use all the hotel entertainment equipmentto take your familymembers along with youto take advantage of the common extras included in the rateto eitjoy as many facilities provided by the hotel as possibleOne adva

27、ntage of staying in the university district is. .the friendlyenvironmentmore entertainment activities, C) easy access to the university libraryD) the conve nient public transportationWhy areyouadvised !O go out to eatYhenyou are. sta1g at a hotel?、Food served in hotels is too expensive.C) Food in a

28、restaurant is really great.Restaurantsofferbe杠er services.D) Room service has liinited food varieties.The passage is mainly about how tobest enjoyroom se忒ce in hotelC) choose a hotel in a university districtsave money while staying in a hotelD) make use of common extras in a hotelTask 2Directio郎: Th

29、e Jo肋wingisa poster. After readingit,!fOwill- find3 questions oru可inished乓归.statmts, numbered 115 to 47- For each question or stat叩ent, the re are 4 choices marked你AJ, BJ, CJ and D).You should rnekethe correct choice and mark the co1responding letter on t 如 Answer Sheetwith a single line through the

30、 centB 19.6-4Jones Cleaningonstruction Clean-Up Byrv1cesHI! Mlle Jones here from Jones Cleaning Services. I see you have a pretty big project going on here and I thought you.may need some helpcleaning ft up for the new occupants.My company Is experienced in all phases of construction clean-up and we

31、 would love the chance to bid the final cleaning of your project. Give me a call at the number belowJones Cleaning ServicesThe construction clean-up specialists HYPERLINK / fully lnsured-Bonded-1000/o Satisfaction GuaranteedNotes:bid投标bonded_有担保的Whatkindof serviceis providedby the company?Equipmentr

32、ental.Machinerepairing.Softwaredesigning.、Constructionclean-up.Whatshouldyou do- if you want to . invitethe companyto bid for your project?CallM让e Jones.Visitthe companysmanager.Post your invitationfor bid online.岱Send a bid formto JonesClean-upServiWhatguaranteedoes JonesCleaningServicespromisein t

33、he poster?The latestdesign.C) 100 percentsatisfaction.The lowestprice.D) The use of green materials.Task 3Directions:The followingisa posteraboutthe servicep?ovidedby Norris& Stevens.加 泗 di 叨 it, yous加ucldompletethe informationby fillinginthe blanksmarked48 to 52 (in no morethan3word$)inthetablebelo

34、w.Youshould皿iteyourasonthe AverSheet汀coespondingly.AttentionResidents:。讼沺窃农九Norris& Stevensis pleasedto offerresidentsthe abilityto pay1血e viaPayLease!PayLeaseis aleadingpaymentprocessingcompanyinthepropertymanagementil1dust1-y. Residentswille1oyjfollowingbenefi区:Online paymentsvia creditcardor elec

35、troniccheck.theB 19.6-5One time payments at yolrr convenience.Automatic payn1ents to pay rent.Call center for support.,1 Secure and easy to use payment system. Here ishow to get started:Please visit PayL.Click on Pay Rent Online to register(注册)You will need your Slcyline account n 皿 ber to register.

36、Once registered,you can processa one-time payment or set Up automatic pay.If you should have any questionsregardingyourbalance oryour account withNorris & Stevens, please contactyourpropertymanager.Ifyoushould haveany questionsregardingPayLease,please contact ( 联 系 ) PayLease Support at 1-866-734-53

37、22.Thank you for using PqayLease!Norris& StevensNew Service Paying online via PayLease,. a_ leaeg48.eompanyBenefits of using PayLease: 1) paying online via49and electronic check;converuentautomatic rent payments;call center for50secure and easyRegistration: visiting51and clicking on Pay Rent Online

38、Contact1) you r proper ty manage,r2) PayLease Support at52Task4Directions: The following is a list of terms related to qualitycontrol. Afterreddingit,you arerequired to findthe itemsequivalentto those giveninChinese inthe table below. Then you should markthe corresponding比tters withaline . throughth

39、e centerinord 衍 of the numbered blanks,53 through57,on the Answer Sheet.A-cost of qualityJquality engineeringB-qualitylevelKsample sizeCquality controlLinspection costD-quality managementMrejectionnumberE-supplychainNlaboratorytestingF-qualityassuranceOquality inspectorG-majordefectPconsumer safetyH

40、-inspectioncertificateQ-appearancecheck I-checklistExamples: (G)主要缺陷(M)退货数量)质撒控制()消 费者安全)检验证书)质最等级()质批工程)检验成本)质检员()供应链)样本大小()外观检查53. (54. ( 55,( 56. (-57. (B-19.6-6Task 5Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the answersthatfollow the questio 邓(No.58 t

41、o No.62).You should write yoswers(in no more than 3旷吓words) on lhe A 邓 wer Sheet correspond ingly.Return Policy:We want you to be 100% satisfied with yam pmchase.If for any reason you aie not satisfied, you may return your product within 30 days of your purchase. All re 血 11ed items must be in new c

42、ondition as it is received, including the original box, packaging and access01ies (rH4-).Missing or damaged accessories will result in additional fees.Replacements of Defective(有缺陷的) or Damaged Items:叩叩If you have received a defective (iI1clu伽g nussing, broken, non-functioning)ordamaged item, please

43、 contact us withi11 1 week so that we may solve the issue and send you the replacement under our cost. For damaged products, pictmes me req皿ed. If for y reason, pictures c not Qe provided as proof of damages, items must be slupped back to us (prepaid pos 扫 ge is not covered by us).Please email us at

44、 HYPERLINK mailto:sales sales to request a RMA number and . return instruction before retm11.58. Wl1en can you return the product if you are not satisfied with the purchase? Withinof your purchase.59. . Wl1at is required of your product if you want to return _it?All it:s returned items must beas it

45、is received.Wl1at would happen to you if any accessories were found missing in your returned item? You will have to payWl1at is required of damaged product:s when they are returned?For the damaged products,are required.What should you do before returning the product?Ask for a RMA number andPart IVTr

46、anslation before return.English into Chinese25 minutesDirections:Tliis part,numbered63 to 67, isto test yourabilityto translateEnglishintoChinese. Edchof thefour sentences(No.63toNo.66) isfollowed bythreechoicesof suggested translationmarked A),BJ, andC). Make the best choice and write the correspon

47、dingletter on t 如AnswerSheet with a single line through the center. Andthen write your translation of the paragraph (No. 67) in the corresponding space on the Translatio似CompositionSheet.This online business training site not only provides an introduction to its online programs, but also offers busi

48、ness information.此在线商务培训网站不但介绍了线上活动的内容,另外还提供联系方式。该在线商业培训网站不仅提供其在线项目的内容介绍,还提供商业信息。参加本期网上业务的培训,你不但能学会如何编程,还能获得就业信息。If you had checked the engine more carefully, you would have found out what was nlissing.假如你当时能更仔细地检查一下发动机,你就会发现少了什么东西。一旦你对发动机有了兴趣,你就可自己动手拆开看看它的构造原理。如果你对照了发动机的基本工作原理,你就会知道它缺少什么部件。Accordin

49、g to this contract,if your job doesnt meet your expectation, you have the right to end yo山、contract with no notice.据木合同条款规定,如你对工作感到不满意,你有权随时提出修改合同的建议。B 19.6-7本合同的条款规定了你工作的职责、权利和福利待汹,以及对违反合同的惩罚。,根据本合同,如果你的工作不符合你的期望,你有权终止合同 无须提前告知。Algluestsare required toc1-y theiroriginalpassportand room card when th

50、eyleavetheship.扛A) 所有的游客在登船时应该主动出示身份证。B)所有旅客在离船时需携带护照原件和房卡。C)所有客人在离船前要仔细核对护照和房号。If you do decide togetawebsite, make sme itlooksprofessionalD. esigners may costmore atfirst,.but agoodwebsite is i.J.npm扭nt. Itneeds tolookprofessionaland work with ease. A good designwillclearlsy组te what youdo,howyou d

51、oit, andwhat you charge.When making your website,remembertoemphasizewhyyouare thebestsolutiotn oa clientpsroblem.Part VWriting25 minutesDirections: This part istotestyourabilityto do practicalwriting.Youare requiredtocompletteheformacc01dingto tlwfollowinginformationgiveninChinese.Rememberto doyour说

52、明:writing on theTranslatioInComposition Sheet.假设你是办公室秘书王晓虹。 你接到约翰史密斯(JohnSmith)先生的来电,他的电话号码为 021-77542*1,传真号码为 021-7754*43。 你接电话时间是6 月 20 日上午 9 点。史密斯先生要你转告安泰勒(Ann Taylo女r)士以下内容:你所需要的资料都已准备好了,请告诉史密斯先生需要打印多少份,他什么时间派人去取。Important MessageFor: From: T扛ne:TelNo.(1 )(2)9 am.021-77542*1Date:(3)Fax: (4)Pleas

53、ecall口Willcall again口Returnedyour callUrgentMessage: _:. - -:- I- - -!- . 一. 企 -、- 、 一-,一 - - - - -一-气一一一-.-酝于 , -一-.-. . . . - - - . ,- -;-. .II一. -一.-CTaken by: .(5)., .;凸 一一.: . ,.:.,t.,- - - - 丁-他们公司打算举办一个培训班,想邀请你作一个有关电子商务的发言。B 19.6-89年6月B级贞主题精解Pait IListening Con1prehensionSection AI. Q: Ae you

54、 hee 011 holiday?(旬汹1分)闪详解考杏一般疑问句的回答。通常情况下,一殷疑问句用Yes或No来回答,肯定回 答用 yes, 否定回答用no。此句可理解为“ 你是在这里度假吗? A项Yes, I am (是的,我是)为正确答案。避错指南B项 Dont mention it(不客气),常用于回应他人的道谢。C项 Sit down, please(请坐),常用于示意他人坐下。D项Lets go now(咱们现在走吧),表示提议出发。Q: Excuse me, is this seat takell?lDl 详解 考查一般疑间句的回答。通常情况下,一般疑问句用Yes或No来回答,肯定

55、回答用 yes, 否定回答用no。此句可理解为 “不好意思,请问这个座位有人坐吗? D项Yes, it is(是的,它有)为正确答案。避错指南A项Neve Mind(没关系),常用于回应他人的道歉。B项All igh(好,行),常用于对他人的意见表示赞同。C项Sue, I will(当然,我会的),常用于表示接受他人的提议。Q: M. Wang, could you tell May to call me back, plese?IC详解】考查对Could you“请求问句的回答。肯定回答通常可使用Yes./Cetainly./Sue.等表达。否定回答可用Soy表示拒绝。此句句意为“ 王先生,

56、能请您帮我转告玛丽,要她给我回电话吗? C项Sue(当然) 为正确答案。【避错指南】A项Nice(棒),常用于称赞。B项I think so(我也这么认为),通常是跟别人讨论或对话时做回应用的,so指代对方刚说的话。D项Yes, please(是的,请),常用于礼貌回应他人的请求或询问。Q: 如 help you with you luggage?1 ll详解l考查May I“请求问句的回答。肯定回答通常可使用Yes./Cetainly./Sue等表达 。否定回答可用No,thank you./So y.表 示拒绝。 此句可理解为答案。“ 我可以帮您搬行李吗? B项(不用了,谢谢)为正确避错指

57、南)A项Take it easy(放轻松),常用于安慰他人不要紧张或焦虑。C项Not at all(不客气),常用于对致谢的礼貌回答。D项See you late(再见),常用于道别。S. Q: Could I make an appointment with you manage?叨详解考查对Could I“请求问句的回答。肯定回答通常可使用Yes./Cetainly./Sue./No poblem. 等表达。否定回答可用Soy.表示拒绝。此句句意可以理解为“我能和你的经理预约吗? D项No poblem(没问题)为正确答案。【避错指南 A项Take cae(保重),常用于道别或叮嘱他人出门

58、要小心。B项Go ahead(开始可以做某事先行),口语中常用于给别人许可或让别人先说。C项Hee you ae(给你),常用于向他人递东西时。6. Q: What do)OU think of the weathe hee?囚【详解考查what引导的特殊疑问句。 此句句意为“ 你觉得这儿的天气怎么样? A项Vey nice(很好)为正确答案。(避错指南)B项Mind you head(小心碰头),常用于提醒他人注意头部障碍物。C项Glad to meet you(很高兴认识你),常用于见面的寒喧语。D项Quite convenient(非常方便),常用于他人对某事物便捷程度的询问。1. Q:

59、 Would you like to come to ou business paty?BJ 详解) 考查Would you like.的问句。此句句意为“ 你愿意来参加我们的商业聚会吗?B项Id lovto(我愿意)为正确答案。(避错指南)A项See you again(再见),常用于道别。C项Dont woy(别担心),常用于安慰他人不要担心或焦虑。D项Dont be l?,te(不要迟到),常用于提醒他人不要迟到。B 19.6-9SecfifionB(纷题1分)M: Do you have a job right now?W: Yes, I an1旦皿a local 翌hospital.

60、Q: What is the womans job?it1,男:你现在有工作了吗?,女:是的,我现在在当地的一家医院里当护士。,问: 女士的职业是什么?BJ 详解 ) 巾实细节题。题日问女二十的职业。 对恬中男十问女I 寸否扫付T作, 女十给出了肯定向答,并告知男士自己打芍地一家朕院T作当护-L D项She is a nurse (她丿L一 名护十 )为正( i(f 答j 案。m.避错指南)四个选项开头均小现了she, 听秤时应 意和女十行义的(九息, A项She is an operator(她是 一名橾什员)、C项She is a doctor(她是一名医生)和D项She is a dri


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