the international food festival知识精讲_第1页
the international food festival知识精讲_第2页
the international food festival知识精讲_第3页
the international food festival知识精讲_第4页
the international food festival知识精讲_第5页
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1、Unit 4 The internationalfoodfestival一. 本周教学内容:Module 3 Unit 4 Theinternational food festival学习过程一、重点词汇cucumber hope 希望dough mustard 芥末England 英国naan homeless 无家可归的neighbour 邻居newspaper 报纸 pleasure 愉快;乐事pour 倒;注raisin 葡萄干samosas 五香三角菜饺scone 烤饼 tray (浅)盘well 健康的get ready for 为做准备self-raising 自行发酵的二、重点

2、短语1. take careof homeless animals 照顾无家可归的动物2. raise money for 为筹钱3. have an international food festival 举办一个国际食品节4. different kinds of food 不同种类的食品5. around the world 16. be fun 有意思7. get ready for 为作准备8. make different kinds of food 作不同种类的食品9. hot dogs 热狗10. apple pie 苹果派11. egg sushi (tuna/cucumbe

3、r/carrot) 鸡蛋寿司12. scones with butter 带黄油的烤饼13. tea with milk 带牛奶的茶14. ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事15. how to make scones 怎么做烤饼16. sift flour 筛面17. mix in thebutter 混入黄油18. add thesugar 加入糖19. pour in thesugar 倒入糖中20. make it into 把它制成21. sprinkle theshapes with flour 用面洒成各种形状22. buy somefood 买些食品2三、重点句子

4、1. What arethey going to do? 他们打算做什么?2. Why /Where/When/How/are they going to do it?为什么/在哪/什么时候/如何/他们打算做它?3. Who is going to help them? 谁打算帮他们?4. To make scones you will need 50g of butter.做烤饼你将需要 50 克的黄油。5. Would you like to buy somefood?你想要买一些食品吗?6. What kind of food areyou selling?你正出售哪种食品?7. How

5、 much do they cost?他们值多少钱?10. May I have a hot dog?我能来个热狗吗?11. A hot dog costs eight yuan.一个热狗 8 块钱。12. We raised ¥2,000 for theSPCA 我们为 SPCA 筹集了 2000 元钱。四、语法(1)wh 特殊疑问句when 表示时间how 问情况如何what 问内容why 问原因where 问地点who 问人根据答句补全问句1. _are they going to do?3They are going to have an intenational food festi

6、val.2. _are they going to do it?Its becausethey want to raise money for the SPCA.3. _are they going to do it?Theyregoing to do it at school.4. _are they going to do it?Theyregoing to do it on Saturday 1 March.5. _are they going go do it ?Theyregoing to makedifferent kinds of food.6. _is going to hel

7、p them?Peters father is going to help them.(2)一般将来时 begoing to 表示打算陈述句 主be +going to +动词原形否定 主be +not+going to +动词原形提问 特殊疑问句be+主going to +动原其它Im going to havea hot dog .Im not going to have a hot dog.Are you going to have ahot dog ?(3)用表示命令的动词表示命令,也是祈使句1. sift the flour and the salt42. Add thesugar3

8、. useyour hands to make it in to a dough五、重点难点解析1. homeless 无家可归的在英语中,有很多的词汇是由词根加后缀所构成,如果我们掌握了这种构词法的知识,就能大大增加我们的词汇量。homeless 就是由词根 home 加后缀 less 构成的。其它“名词less”构成形容词的单词还有 sleep(睡觉)sleepless(不睡觉的,睡不着的),use(用,使用,用处)useless(无用的,没用处的),care(小心,谨慎)careless(粗心的)等。2. That will give us two weeks to get ready

9、for it.那将给我们两周时间去准备它。 ready 与 prepare 辨析ready 是形容词,作谓语时应在其前面加上连系动词。不可以单独充当谓语。句型为:(1)be/get ready for sth.准备好做某事We are all ready for thetest.我们都为考试做好了准备。(2)get sth.ready 把准备好We are going to have our lunch.Get everything ready,please.我们就要吃中饭了,把所有的东西准备好。prepare 作及物动词或不及物动词,可以单独充当谓语。句型为:(1)prepare for s

10、th.为某事做准备(间接的事)5We are all preparing for the meeting.我们正为开会做准备。(2)prepare sth.准备某东西(直接对象)Ann,could you help me preparesupper?安,你能帮我准备晚餐吗?3. My father is a good cook.我父亲是一个很好的厨师。把 cooker 当作“厨师”来使用的学生不乏其例。他们是这样推论的:teach(教)teacher(教师),cook(烹调,做饭菜)cooker(厨师)。其实,cooker 完全不作“厨师”解,而作炊具(锅等)解。(1)His wifeis a

11、 good cook.他的妻子很善于做饭菜。(2)She has an electric cooker.她有电炊具(电饭锅)。(3)I cooked somepotatoes for him.我给他煮了一些土豆。4. tea with milk 奶茶 scones with butter 黄油烤饼 在英语中,当谈论食物、饮料时,常使用 with 结构,表示“含有”“带有”。如:I like themooncakes with nuts.我喜欢带核桃仁的月饼。With 的基本用法如下:a. with 表示“和一起”(1)“Wheres your mother?”“Shes with grandm

12、a at home.”“你母亲在哪儿?”“她在家里和我奶奶在一起。”(2)Lets dancewith theteacher.让我们和老师一起跳舞。6(3)Come with me. This way ,please.跟我来,请走这边。b.with 表示“带着”(1)Take your little brother with you.把你的小弟弟带去吧。(2)Please take a coat with you.请带上一件外套。c.with 表示“具有”“带有”“拿有”(1)Thegirl with long hair is my sister.那位留着长发的女孩是我的姐姐。(2)Thegl

13、ass with tea is for you.有茶的玻璃杯是你的。5. It will be a pleasure.那将是一件快乐的事。当笼统地指与痛苦相对而言的“愉快”、“快乐”时,pleasure 是个不可数名词:I get alot of pleasure from listening to music.听音乐使我得到许多乐趣。当具体地指“愉快的事儿”、“乐事”时,pleasure 是个可数名词:(1)Its been a great pleasure to talk to you .和你交谈真是一大乐事。(2)“Thank you for doing that!”“Its aplea

14、sure.”“多谢你做了那件事!”“不客气。”注 with pleasure 与 its a pleasure 辨析with pleasure 与 its a pleasure 的意思不同,因而,使用的场合也不同。前者表示“答应对方的请求”或“接受对方的建议”,意思是“很愿意(这么做)”、“很乐意”。而 its a pleasure是回答对方感谢的用语,意思是“不客气”、“不用谢”。(1)“Will you comefor awalk?”“Yes,with pleasure.”7“和我一起散散步好吗?”“好的,非常乐意。”(2)“Thank you for helping me.”“Its a

15、pleasure.”“谢谢你的帮助!”“不用谢。”6. Add thesugar. 加糖。 这是表示请求或命令的句子,称为祈使句。祈使句的特点是:谓语动词无时态和数的变化,与动词原形同形。祈使句有两种类型:含有第二人称和带有第一、三人称主语的祈使句。每种类型又有肯定形式和否定形式。用 dont 否定时,只能用其缩略式。(1)含有第二人称的祈使句Be sureto comeon time.请务必按时来。Dont ever do that again.请不要再做那事了。(2)带有第一、三人称主语的祈使句通常以 let 为引导词Lets have a rest.咱们休息一会儿。Let the chi

16、ldren not makemuch noise.让孩子不要发出太大噪声。7. would you like 与 would ratherwould you like 想要=do you want后加 to do 形式或名词Would you like acup of tea?Would you like to have a cup of tea?8would rather 宁愿后面加动词原形Id rather have a piece of bread.8. May I have somehot dogs?may 为情态动词,这里表示请求。some 不变 any ,因为此句希望得到肯定回答。9. How much do they cost? cost 花费 It 做主语/It co


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