1、English Resume撰寫英文履歷表弘光科大應用外語系蔡智欣Jennifer可運用的資源自行設計履歷表 運用Microsoft Word製作借助人力銀行(database/bank)刊登履歷1. 104人力銀行2. 汎亞人力銀行 英文履歷範例1. 全國就業e網 2. Susan Ireland Resumes :/疑難雜症諮詢1. 104人力銀行06社會新鮮人 2. Susan Ireland Resumes :/撰寫履歷表之後1. 透過萬寶華人力銀行 Manpower gmp&lang=zh&cid=twn運用Microsoft Word檔案 開新檔案 從範本新增 英文履歷表精靈* 選
2、擇樣式* 選擇類型* 輸入個人資料* 選擇標題 完成 撰寫各項標題的內容撰寫英文履歷的注意要項Correct, Clear, ConciseHonest,Relevant,&Marketable!Keywords履歷中的keywords應能展現如下的重要個人資歷或特質:Technical expertiseManagement skillsIndustry knowledgeEducation and trainingGeographic locationEmployment history 運用 Keywords由徵才廣告或應徵職務的工作性質中找出適合自己的重點字詞。盡量使用名詞。使用專業詞
3、彙的縮寫如“ISDN(整合服務數位網路) ,最好能在其後補上完整的辭彙“Integrated Services Digital Network 。Eg.1 (Computer applications) Computer Skills Adobe PhotoShop and QuarkXpress Eg.2 (Business management skills) conflict resolution and negotiations Summary of Qualifications Skilled at contract negotiations, conflict resolution
4、, benefits administration, and internal communications 將keywords編入履歷中:Eg.1-1 (Tina Juans list of keywords)摘自Eg.1-2 (A portion of Tinas resume containing those keywords)英文履歷的主要結構Personal Data/Information必要: Name, Contact information可加上或省略: Date of Birth, Age, Gender, Marital Status, Nationality (Coun
5、try of Citizenship)防止: Religion, Hobbies, Favorites, Weight, Height, etc.When Age MattersFor a younger look 只寫明學位,不列年代 只列出較近期的工作資歷For an older look 只寫明學位,不列年代 列出早期的工作資歷 (包括工讀)Two Musts:(1) Name 置於resume開頭(置中或右上), 字體字型要醒目 注意拼法! 可於英文名後加上中文原名(2) Contact information 包含 address (需確認英文拼法,其後 可補上中文;郵政信箱較不適宜
6、), telephone number, cellphone number, email address 可註明標題: Address (常省略), Tel, Fax, Cell, E-Mail 亦可省略標題,以圓點隔開 (如美式 履歷) Eg.1 摘自 :/Eg.2Eg.3ObjectiveIts a marketing piece, not your life history.Be concise!註明:應徵工作性質 (如 “Marketing, “Sales)職務頭銜 (如 “Manager, “Sales Representative) 須配合徵才廣告上的要求 (keywords!)
7、職務的英文名稱可上目標公司的網站搜尋 防止空泛模糊的用詞 (如 “challenging position, “opportunity to grow) Eg.(1) Position as a Broadcast / Electronics Engineer(2) Management position in marketing communications(3) Program director, Business management, in an adult education environment(4) (較概括) A position in Sales / An accounti
8、ng positionSummary of Qualification背景資格概述 以條列式簡述(約3-4項) 背景經驗、專業、個人價值等 較適合有多年實務經驗者 新鮮人可強調社團活動或工讀經驗 內容須符合申請工作的要求 (Keywords!) Be relevant and honest!建議寫法 轉換含有 “I “me 的敘述句Eg.1“I am very diplomatic, so I get good results. Outstanding diplomacy that consistently produces win-win results for customers and
9、company.Eg.2“I can speak English, Japanese, and French. Multilingual: English/Japanese/FrenchEg.3(1) Seven years of experience as a highly organized Broadcast Engineer (2) Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering; MBA in marketing (3) Skilled in teaching law in classroom (4) Conversational in J
10、apaneseProfessional experience /Work History註明任職的期間、工作機構、職務名稱條列式說明 (由近期到早期)時間置於最前端,其餘項目內縮對齊最好說明工作機構性質及工作內容及業績“貢獻 (盡量與應徵職務相關;英文可參照工作說明書或查詢其它公司的英文網頁)Eg. 12001 present Global Enterprise, Taipei, TW(簡寫成pres.) Sales ManagerSupervised and trained six salesmanIncreased sales volume by 27%; increased profit
11、s by 9%Eg. 2 (工讀經驗)Jun. 1997 Mar. 1998 Clerk, Ken Fast-food RestaurantJan. 1995 May 1997 Student Aid, Library, National Taiwan Univ.Eg. 32002 2005 Part-time during school / Practical summer business experience, Rosa RestaurantEg. 42001 2003 Full-time summers and winters at Farmers Supermarket * Prep
12、ared data for inventory control* Marked sales and inventory reports* Earned 40% of college expensesWhen Employment Gaps MattersWork History 只註明年份,不寫月份解釋空窗期 需與應徵職務相關Eg.1 1998-2000 Home Care Provider for terminally ill relativeEg.2 1998-1999 Independent Travel: Europe, Asia, and South America 可使用的另類 u
13、npaid experience (標題應為Work History 而非 Professional History):- Full-time Parent- Home Management- Family Financial Management- Independent Study- Personal Travel- Adventure TravelEducation註明在學的期間(或只寫畢業年份)、學位名稱、系所(主/副修 ) 、學校名稱 社會新鮮人可著重此項目 寫法同Work experience 可参加遊學/交換學生經驗 、社團經驗、榮譽事項,或曾參與撰寫的計畫案及論文題目(皆須與應
14、徵職務相關) Eg. 1 University of Utah, Lincoln School of Law, Salt LakeJ.D. (Doctor of Laws) 2001Class Rank: Top 10%Deans Honor List: Two yearsPresident, Asian American Law Students AssociationEg. 2Sep. 1995 Pres. B.B.A. (Bachelor of Business Administration)Department of Information ManagementNational Cen
15、tral University, Chung-Li, TWMajor: Management information systemExpected graduation date: July, 1999Eg. 3June 2004 (expected)B.A. Fu-Jen Catholic University in Business AdministrationSummer 2002Certificate English Program, U. of British Columbia Vancouver, CanadaEg. 4 (目標工作: Marketing)M.B.A., Marke
16、ting, New York University, New York, NYRelevant Coursework: Brand Management, Marketing Strategy, Data Analysis, Global Management, Leadership, Decision Modeling, Managerial Accounting OthersSkills Eg. Technical Skills: Illustrator, Photoshop, Filmaker, MS Access, Excel, PowerpointCertificateEg.Regi
17、stered Nurse (執照護士)Real Estate Broker Licensed (不動產仲介執照)GEPT Intermediate LevelLanguagesEg. Fluent in (spoken and written) Chinese and English; some Japanese Chinese and English (fluent in both speaking and writing); Japanese (reading only). CBT TOEFL 230 ITP TOEFL 570TOEIC 800Activities / Personal
18、InterestsEg. Vice President, Student GovernmentMember, Football Team at New York UniversityMember of Drama ClubAwards (support your job objective)Eg. Business and Professional Foundation Scholarship, 1996 Outstanding Service, 1998Reference Available upon request (須先徵求主管或老師作為推薦人;一但要向應徵機構提出推薦人名單,則須寫明其
19、姓名、地址、職稱及電話)Eg. Acustomerservice/3.htmlEg. Bhospitality/1.htmlEg. Csampleresumes/problem/newdegree01.htmlEg. D (Yu-Yun,Wu ) Eg. E (Kimberly Yu) Cover Letter 說明函與resume一併寄出正式商業信函格式;以單頁為原則字體最好與resume一致Make a personal connection.Show personality Initiate action. Make it quick and easy to read. Cover Le
20、tter Format Guidelines:Your Street AddressCity, State Zip CodeTelephone NumberEmail Address Month, Day, YearMr./Ms./Dr. FirstName LastNameTitleName of OrganizationStreet or P. O. Box AddressCity, State Zip CodeDear Mr./Ms./Dr. LastName:Opening paragraph: 說明寫信的原因,如何得知此公司及職務空缺,簡介自己。2nd paragraph:說明應徵此職務的動機(切勿只寫 “I am intere
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