1、Overview Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.PreparationTurn of phonePlace a note.Notepad & pen.Grab a cup of coffee and relax.Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Course Obje
2、ctivesOverview of main features & functionsBoth FC, InfoView & WebIntelligenceIllustrate key concepts - DemonstrationsResourcesILTWebinarsOnline BooksThis presentation is internal onlyThe information contained in this presentation is confidential and is not to be shown to customersConfidential and p
3、roprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.TopicsBack End ImprovementsUnicode supportPerformance Optimization MIPS Phase IICachingNew ToolsCScheckWDeployChanges to Config ToolWebI 2.7 to WebI 6.x Report MigrationConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects
4、S.A. All rights reserved.TopicsFull Client ImprovementsBusiness ObjectsDesignerThin Client ImprovementsInfoviewConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.TopicsAdministrationConnection ServerNew commandsModule changesBOMain keySupervisor over the WebDefine
5、 users,groups and assign profilesAuditing & Impact AnalysisNew categoriesBackend Improvements Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.TopicsBack End ImprovementsUnicode supportPerformance Optimization MIPS Phase IICachingUnicode
6、Support Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.UnicodeUnicode is an encoding standard covering many languages, alphabets, and scripts throughout the world.It provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the platf
7、orm, program, or language.Dont forget How to use these numbers depends on the product or application development. (Please check our product limitations in detail.)Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Unicode - SupportedServer O/SSupported Windows and
8、 Unix server in E65Client O/SWindows 2000, Windows XPOther client softwareBrowser: IE6.0 SP1 (with JRE v1.4.2 or higher), Netscape7.0.2 (with JRE v1.4.1)Acrobat reader: 5.0 or higher (with Asian font packs if user requires to display CJK)Unicode databaseOracle 9iR2MS SQL 2000 Server SP3DB2 UDB v8.1
9、NT/UNIXConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Unicode Not SupportedReporterYou can connect Unicode database but characters in a report are corrupted.OLAP products e.g., OLAP Connect, MDX, WebI OLAPRepository No Unicode stringBi-directional language sup
10、port (e.g., Arabic) FontOpen type fontNon-Unicode compliant operating systeme.g., Windows 98 Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.UnicodeTo work with Unicode database, the following configurations should be appropriately set:Database middleware setti
11、ngConnectivity file settingPhysical font installed in both client and server machineFont files, used in WebI, settingSet Unicode flag ON for each Universe in Designer (Oracle , SQLServer)Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.UnicodeWebIntelligence onl
12、yCreate a WebIntelligence report against Unicode databaseAccess & display a report contained Unicode data through WebIntelligenceMIPS Phase II Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.MIPS Phase IIMIPS is Multi-instance performanc
13、e stack.MIPS project enables to gain Performance and Scalability by changing the Tosca architecture.Theses changes consists in:Grouping all the processing attached to a session on the same machine, Transferring most of the portal and Web Intelligence workflow from the WIQT to the API Broker in order
14、 minimize the use of mono-threaded WIQT process.Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.MIPS Phase IIMIPS modifies Tosca architecture in order to build identical stacks that runs on all the servers composed of :1 Dispatcher, 1 API Broker1 Session Manage
15、r1 Login Server (optional)1 pool of WIQT1 or several Cadenza server1 BO Manager1 pool of BusObj / BOL processesIn order to enable different connectivity on different machines, Connection Server is not part of MIPS.Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved
16、.MIPS Phase IIWithout MIPSWith MIPSClient 1App ServerApp ServerAPI BrokerCluster NodeSession MgrWIQTCdz SrvLogin SrvBO MgrBusObj/BOLWIQTCdz SrvBO MgrBusObj/BOLCluster ManagerAPI BrokerSession MgrWIQTCdz SrvLogin SrvBO MgrBusObj/BOLCluster NodeAPI BrokerSession MgrWIQTCdz SrvLogin SrvBO MgrBusObj/BOL
17、Client 2Client 1Client 2Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.MIPS Phase IIImprove scalability and fault toleranceAvoid the need to start a WIQT process for simple user workflows:Login, browse document lists, view .WID docSecondary nodes become isolat
18、ed and autonomous = consistent with our load balancing strategy (CLD/CSS)Improve performanceOptimize communication pathsReplace numerous costly inter-machine Corba calls (over network) by intra-machine calls (in memory)Could then decide to merge some components in the same process, for example APIBr
19、oker & Session ManagerTransmit big files via descriptors instead of Corba streamsConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.MIPS Phase IIReport EnginesRepositoryConnection ServerOLAP O.M.Cluster ManagerASF ManagerLogin ServerAudit ServerStorage Mgr revisit
20、ed WIQT Repo Access DX & UX for legacy onlyCDZ New WebIReport Engine ServerWIQT RELegacy BusObj / BOLWebi OLAP EngineBO MgrWIQT portal tunelling onlyAPI Broker (Portal Server)ADE Serverfor ActiveX User Admin ServerUser Admin SDK BeanSDK RE Bean/COMSDK WI Bean/COMPortal pages asp/jspCDZ Servlet / ISA
21、PIHSAL / JHSALAdmin Servlet / ISAPIAdmin ConsoleCDZ AppletDHTML ClientActiveX ViewerWebi OLAPBCA SchedulerC/S AppsReporter, Designer, Supervisor, BCA ConsoleStorageApplication ServicesProcessingMiddle TierPresentationWeb TierAudit DBInfoviewPortal workflowsClient DatabasesShared StorageDispatcherRep
22、ort EnginesPortalBackboneConnectivity ASF UX DXInfoview and WebI onlyh multi-threaded componentsLegacy reportsSessionZabo Servlet/ISAPIZaboWebi Document Caching Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.WebIntelligence Document Cac
23、hingCaching: one of range of performance improvementsBetter viewing performance in InfoView of published webi docs (in HTML, PDF and Excel)Two caching methods:Can pre-load cache with BCA (corporate docs only)Real-time caching driven by user interactions (1st user pays)Applies to both Draft mode and
24、byAdministration Console parameters:Activate viewing cache (minimum for using BCA preload)Activate real-time caching (additional step for activating cache on viewing)Works also in Interactive Viewing and DrillNew Tools Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Obj
25、ects S.A. All rights reserved.TopicsNew ToolsCScheckChanges to Config ToolWDeployWebI 2.7 to WebI 6.x Report MigrationCSCHECK Enterprise 6.5March 2004Configuration Tool Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Apache/Tomcat Instal
26、ler on BOBJ CDApache Tomcat installer now on BOBJ CDMake Apache/Tomcat install and configuration so much easierVersions: Apache 1.3.27 - Tomcat 4.1.29 JDK 1.3.1Installer also configures Apache/Tomcat connectorNo manual file config, default port number is 8085Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2
27、004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Configuration Tool Enhancements in 6.1bMuch simplified wizardLess steps, more settings done by defaultFor IIS/IIS (ASP) and Apache/Tomcat (JSP) onlyUse the new wdeploy tool for all other configsBetter error checkingIncluding users security profile for se
28、tting up node as a serviceWDeploy Tool Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.WDeploy ToolA tool for configuring J2EE application serversCommand line tool, using a series of parametersWebLogic, WebSphere, SunOne (see PAR)Availab
29、le for Windows and UNIX configurationsWhat problem it addressesThe perception that the Config Tool behaves as a black boxAdd new app server platforms support easilyWhat it allows you to doCreate WAR files that include cluster- and ORB-specific infoInclude in the WAR file information for a specific a
30、pp serverAdd static resources to the WAR fileDeploy and remove a web applicationConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Config Tool vs. WDeployApplication serverORB Deployment Tool IIS Config ToolConfig ToolTomcat + ApacheConfig ToolConfig ToolWebLogicC
31、onfig ToolwdeployWebSphereConfig ToolwdeploySunONEConfig ToolwdeployOthersConfig ToolwdeployYou must use config tool to configure the ORBFor app server deployment, see table belowReport Migration Tool Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All righ
32、ts reserved.Report MigrationGoal: automatically migrate reportsWebI 2.x to WebI 6.5 documentsBusinessObjects 5 and 6 to WebI 6.5 documentsE6.0 and E6.1On-the-fly migration (WebI 2.x to WebI 6 only) Introducing in E6.5One migration tool for FC to WebI and WebI to WebIInteractive migration and batch m
33、igrationAvailability consultingFC to WebI report migration available to field personnel onlyStrongly recommend that FC report migration be consultant controlled, this is a tricky exerciseConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Report Migration ToolDeplo
34、ymentJava application based on the WebIntelligence SDKSupports both ASP and JSP servers, Windows and UNIXRuns on the WebIntelligence server, cannot be activated remotelyAll reports to migrate must be stored in the BOBJ repositoryRepositoryWebIntelligenceServerMigration toolConfidential and proprieta
35、ry. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Report Migration TimingWebI 2.x to WebI 6FC to WebI 6E6.0 and E6.1 On the flyE6.5 On the fly Interactive Batch Interactive BatchChoosing migration type in E6.5Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights re
36、served.The goal is to migrate as many FC reports as possibleSome reports will be fully migratedSome reports will be partially migrated, with some degradationSome reports wont be migrated at allAnything that is not fully migrated is logged Log database contains detailed info about degradationLog anal
37、ysis will help consultants/customers understand what happened and produce workaroundsA universe is available so users can build reports on the log databaseMigration StrategyConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Feature by Feature MigrationDocument Are
38、aFeatures not migratedMigrated FeaturesData Providers OLAP DP Free Hand SQL DP Stored Procedures DP Personal Files DP VBA DP Universe DPQuery Multi DP Synchronized Combined Queries (U, , -) Object Comparison Complex and correlated subqueries User Defined Object Edit SQL Single DP Multi DP not synchr
39、onized Scope of analysisVariables Some Functions (Runningxxx, Previous,.) WHERE keyword All functions available in WebI 6 Grouped VariablesReport Structure Custom sorts Value-Based Breaks Rank Conditional Block/Section Formatting Ole objects and Pictures Tables, Crosstabs, Free cells Sections Breaks
40、 Filters AlertersCharts Some formatting Series/Groups All chart Types Charts DataReport Formatting Fill Patterns and colors, some border types Most formattingDrill Drill migratesConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Fully migrated documentsDocuments w
41、ith multiple reports, sections, multiple blocks, simple variables, multiple universe DPs not synchronizedPartially migrated documentsReports with multi DP synchronizedReports with advanced variablesNon-migrated documentsReports with non-universe DPs Reports with advanced query featuresWhat Documents
42、 MigrateConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Log AnalysisLog Analysis Pressing Analyze button dumps log.xml file in RDBMS (and connection is created if needed)A WebIntelligence session is launched with predefined universe and reportsUsers can view ex
43、isting log reports or create new onesPredefined reportsFor each FC document, show migration issues, severity, cause, result, possible workaroundsFor all documents, show most used features which do not migrate, by document area (DPs, Query, Variables, Structure)Business Objects Enterprise 6.5March 20
44、04Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.TopicsFull Client ImprovementsBusiness ObjectsDesignerIndex AwarenessThin Client ImprovementsInfoviewWebIntelligenceFull Client Features Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Busin
45、ess Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Horizontal Bar Charts in BusObj 6.5GoalMatch chart type available in WebIntelligenceAddress frequent customer enhancement requestSame feature as vertical bar charts, just horizontal!Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights res
46、erved.Designer - Derived TablesMove more processing server sideDo more computations where the data isUse DB server processing powerBetter query expressivenessEnable nested SQL statement in FROM clause per ANSI-92 standardDefine logical datasets and reuse them in FROM clause of other queriesAllow use
47、rs to define objects based on these derived tablesConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Index AwarenessGoal: improve query performance by reducing the number of tables and joinsHow it works:Define for an object a list of primary keys and foreign keysP
48、rimary key definition reduces joins in filtersForeign key definition reduces number of tables and joinsConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Index DefinitionConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.ANSI 92
49、 SQLFull outer join syntaxCondition either in WHERE or FROM clauseExample 1: Condition in WHEREselect name, customer.cust_id,orders.cust_id,orders.dtfrom (CUSTOMER LEFT OUTER JOIN ORDERS ON (CUSTOMER.CUST_ID=ORDERS.CUST_ID )where orders.dt09/01/02Example 2: Condition in FROMselect name, customer.cus
50、t_id,orders.cust_id,orders.dtfrom(CUSTOMER LEFT OUTER JOIN ORDERS ON (CUSTOMER.CUST_ID=ORDERS.CUST_ID AND orders.dt09/01/02)Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.New Semantic Layer Features in E6.5Dynamic generation of derived tablesFC and WebIBased o
51、n table weightsComplex user-defined objectsFree-form SQL (no more restrictions)FC onlyThin Client Features Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.TopicsThin Client ImprovementsInfoviewInfoView Features Enterprise 6.5March 2004Co
52、nfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.TopicsInfoView FeaturesMulti DP non-syncAlertersInteractive Viewing508 SupportEnhanced ViewingMulti DP (non-sync) Enterprise 6.5March 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights
53、 reserved.Adding multiple universe data providers to the same document (Java Report Panel only)Same Document (new report)Same Report (separate block)Just add the results objects for laterNOT synchronized. You cannot merge objects from one query into another queryUse cases:Create a “mini dashboard” o
54、f data from different sourcesCustomers with same universes at different slices of time Managing fewer documents: Separate docs merged into “one” document with a set of reportsImprove navigation (related blocks in same reports)Multiple Data Providers (non synchronized)Confidential and proprietary. Co
55、pyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Multiple DP: Uncontrolled ActionsDrag & Drop variables with objects from other DPsUsing Formula EditorNote: #Context for Measures and #Incompatible for Dimensions/Details Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rig
56、hts reserved.Multiple DP: Create a SectionSections will work, but content from other DP will repeatCreating Sections on mixed DP reportsConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Report FiltersApplied to only appropriate blocksFilter on Year for MultiDP 1
57、will not affect MultiDP 2No difference with AND/OR, only objects related to query are affectedMultiple DP: Report Filters & DrillDrill FiltersSame affect in Drill as Report FiltersApplied to only appropriate blocksIn InfoView same as in Applet (only on appropriate Blocks)Alerters Enterprise 6.5March
58、 2004Confidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Alerters Phase 1: OverviewNew Alerter Button in Java Report PanelConditional Styling based on:Cell ContentsObject ValueFormulasStyling to show:Content display: Text/Formula, Read content as, Format #Text: Fon
59、t, Color, AlignmentBackground: Color, Image/Skin, DisplayBorder: Color & SizeFull Client is base for functionality and user interfaceSome improvements to Full Client functionalityConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Alerters: Managing AlertersManage
60、AlertersCreateEditDeleteActivate or DeactivateDuplicateRemove Change priority (not displayed in screenshot)Clicking on Alerter button in Java Report PanelConfidential and proprietary. Copyright 2004 Business Objects S.A. All rights reserved.Alerters: Building Complex AlertersCan be quite powerfulDef
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