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1、病理学理论英文版Medical English An integrated course Unit 4 PathologyPurpose: 1. to learn words associated with pathology.2. to give students opportunities to practice listening, speaking ,writing and translating in this subject.3. to learn punctuation in English, especially the usage of coma. New words and

2、 word formationPath(o)- (希) 疾病 pathography /pgrfi /病情记录 病史 pathogenesis/pdensis /发病机 制, 致病原因 Pathomorphism /pm:fizm / 病理形态, 异常躯体形态 Morph(o)- (希) 形态,形 differentiation 区分,区别Morphodifferentiation 形态区分 genesis 生成 (generate)Morphogenesis 形态发生,形态形成 - morphous (suffix) 形态的Milieu /mi:lj/ (法) 环境英语: surroundi

3、ng / environment milieu exterieur / interieur 外(内)环境Histi(o)-/ hist(o)- 组织Histiocyte / histocyte Cardiac histocyte Histiocytoma 组织细胞瘤Histocytomatosis 组织细胞疾病Histochemistry 组织化学Histochromatosis 组织着色病 Histodiagnosis 组织学诊断Cyt(o)- 细胞Cytoanalyzer /saitnlaiz/ (恶性)细胞分析器 cytobiologyCytochemistry Cytocyst /sa

4、itusist/ 胞囊Cytodifferentiation 细胞分化Coagulate v (使)凝结Coagulation n. blood coagulation 血液凝固 coagulase 凝固酶chrom(o)- (希) 色ChromocenterChromocystoscopyChromocyteChromogen 染色中心/ 核粒; 染色膀胱镜检查; 色素细胞; 色原Toxi(o)-/ tox(o)- (希)毒Toxicyst ToxicologyToxiemiaToxogen 毒丝泡;毒理学; 毒血症; 毒原-itis 炎症Carditis HepatitisGastriti

5、sNeuritisNephritis /nefraitis /Enteritis /entraitis/ appendicitis -oma 瘤Neuroma 神经瘤Myoma 肌瘤Angioma 血管瘤Angi- 血管病理学概论/简介 Pathology is the scientific study of disease. (注意名词结构)病理学是研究疾病的科学。在临床实践和医学教学中,病理学的含义更为广泛:病理学由一系列(a large body of) 的知识、观点和研究方法构成,(essential for )它们对理解现代医学及医学实践至关重要。病理学不等同于疾病组织的形态学,把两

6、者等同起来是一种过时的看法。病理学包括对疾病功能及结构的认识和理解,包含从分子水平到对个体的影响。随着新科学方法的应用as the application of new scientific methods,人们更深入地了解疾病iloluminates(说明,阐述)our knowledge of disease,病理学所涵盖的内容也会不断地改变、更新和拓展。病理学的最终目的the ultimate goal of pathology 在于确定疾病的原因the identification of the causes of ,从而达到防治疾病的基本目标。( 把同位语翻译成目的状语)The sc

7、ope of pathology病理学的范围病理学是医学科学和实践的基础。没有病理学,医学实践也将成为神话和民间传说。 临床病理学和实验病理学人们对人类疾病的科学认识来自于对病人的观察, 也来自用类推法(by analogy /nldi /)对动物和细胞培养的实验性研究。而最大的贡献则来自于对病体组织和体液的深入研究。临床病理学临床医学对病人的疾病基于纵向方法,即病史,检查、问诊和治疗。而临床病理学更关注疾病本身的截断分析(a cross-sectional analysis),深层次研究发病原因和机制,以及疾病对人体各个器官和系统的影响。这两方面相辅相成、不可分割。不理解病理学,临床医学无从

8、开展;而没有了临床意义,病理学也就失去了存在价值。实验病理学实验病理学观察诸如疾病动物模型或细胞培养等实验系统的操作效果。Experimental pathology is to observe the effects of幸运的是,细胞培养技术在进步,所以在医学研究和实验病理学中,人们对实验动物的使用减少了。advances have reduced the usage of 然而,通过细胞培养复制完整人体中普遍存在的生理环境仍然是一种极其困难的。病理学的分支病理学是一门拥有许多分支的庞大学科。在实践中,病理学包含以下几大分支:组织病理学:通过对组织的检查研究和诊断疾病。细胞病理学:通过对单


10、临床症状和体征的病理学基础,强调了各疾病的临床意义。普通病理学和专科(器官)病理学病理学教学内容分为两部分:普通病理学:研究和阐明主要疾病过程的机制和特点,如先天性疾病和后天性疾病、炎症、肿瘤和恶化等。专科(器官)病理学: 描述影响各器官或器官系统的各种疾病,如阑尾炎、肺癌和动脉粥样化等。普通病理学普通病理学(总论)研究和阐明存在于各主要疾病的共同病因、发病机制和特点。本书第二部分包含这些内容,举例说明各种疾病。在学习专科(器官)病理学之前,理解普通病理学的各原理至关重要。普通病理学是学习各种疾病系统病理学之前所必须具备的理论基础。专科(器官)病理学专科(器官)病理学(各论)研究和阐明影响各器

11、官或器官系统的各种疾病。( 在本文中systematic 不应与systemic混淆 。 Systemic(系统)病理学具有遍及所有人体系统的疾病的特性!)每种疾病通常是由于普通病理学中最具特征的一类或更多种类的原因和发病机制造成。因此,急性阑尾炎是影响阑尾的急性炎症;肺癌是肺细胞受到致癌作用的结果;而因此形成的癌细胞的行为会遵循已确立的恶性肿瘤的模式,等等。科技英语特点科技语体具有科学性,准确性和抽象性三个风格特点。一般来说,科技语体不需要语言上的饰华和气氛上的渲染。所以这种语体严格使用单义性词语,保证了它的科学性和准确性。单义的科技术语,以第一课为例Cellular, molecule,

12、protein, homeostasis, phosphorus, artery adrenergic , Vertebrae, calyx, antherosclerosis, pulmonary circulation用本义的通用词语例子Receive structure come fromOriginate drain representComponent 科技语体的抽象性主要表现在大量而准确地使用抽象的语言手段。 如我们前面学的课文中: a progressive alteration of (2) gradual deterioration in (2) the applicatio

13、n of (3) the transmission of hereditary(3) 等。名词化倾向即: 在通用语体中用动词,形容词等词充当某种语法成分,在科技语体往往转为名词来担当,包括动名词,不定式等。抽象名词的使用我们先来看第四课的课文: 这种倾向有助于是句子的语体更加正式,更具有抽象特点。下面我们来翻译一下句子:患者不知道第一次发作时在何时 The first attackThe patient does not know when the first attack occurred. The patient has no knowledge of when the first att

14、ack occurred. 抑制菌群的某一部分,无疑会是其它细菌增殖。Suppress microflora proliferate Other organisms a portionTo suppress a portion of the microflora inevitably makes other organisms be proliferated. Suppression of a portion of the microflora inevitably results in proliferation of other organisms. 病情开始好转后右接着复发,是这种情况常

15、见的信号。 Improve relapse common signal this event After the patients condition began to improve, it relapsed, which is a common signal of this event. Relapse following initial improvement is a common signal of this event. 实行重点护理并大胆使用气管切开术,使得死亡率从80%降到40%Intensive care free use Tracheostomy Intensive car

16、e is applied and trachostomy is freely used, which have brought down the death rate from The application of intensive care together with the free use of tracheostomy has brought down the death rate from 80% to 40%. 滴注造影剂是引起蛛网膜炎的可能致病原因,不少人已提出了这样的见解。 Some insight (见解) into the possible pathogenesis of

17、 arachnoiditis from the instillation (滴注) of a contrast media has been provided by not a few worker. 抽象名词的大量使用都是作为科学抽象和概括的说明手段。逗号comma 在英文词典中的解释是: a punctuation mark, indicating a pause between parts of a sentence, or dividing items in a list, string of figures.(牛津简明英语词典);美国 Merriam-Websters Collegi

18、ate Dictionary 解释说: a punctuation mark, used esp. as a mark of separation within the sentence. 由此可见,英文中逗号用来分隔句子成分,一般情况下逗号不用来断句。可用在以下情况中:1.用来分隔一系列的简单内容,如: If you need a liver, a kidney, or even a heart, you might be able to get one from a specially designed pig clone. 2.放在修饰名词的多个形容词之间,如: As with the

19、atom bomb, cloning is complex, multi-layered in its threats and its promises. 3.用于关联的子句之间,并与连词and, but, or, for, so, yet连接, 如:Mary was an excellent doctor, so she was loved by her patients.4.用于一个较长的修饰短语之后, 如Inthemiddleofthecoldestwinteronrecord,thepipesfroze. Today, with the prospect of a renewed pu

20、sh for sweeping prohibition rather than mere regulation, I am inclined to say, “ Not so fast.” 5. 用于直接引用的句子之前,如:Marysaid,“Letsgofishing.” Before the bomb was made, Oppenheimer said, “When you see something that is technically sweet you go ahead and do it.” 6. 用于分隔地理名词、日期(月和日之间除外)、地址(街道号和名称之间除外)和人名及头

21、衔,如Birmingham, Alabama, gets its name from Birmingham, England.July 22, 1959, was a momentous day in his life. Who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC?Rachel B. Lake, MD, will be the principal speaker. 当只有年和月时,中间无需用逗号,如: The average temperatures for July 1998 are the highest on record

22、for that month.7逗号在一些情况下可替代汉语中的冒号, 用在“如此”“如下”“例如“像”等引起下文的提示语后面。如 Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example, a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others. 8.对于同位语, 英语一般使用逗号而不用破折号来标明。Wearestudyingandlivingatthefamousuniversity,PekingUniversity.9. 通常情况下,状语位于句首,可用逗号将其与主结构分开: If

23、the marrow is not a close genetic match to your own, it will lash out at you and kill you. 当状语位于句尾,则一般不比用逗号分开: Some deadly forms of leukemia can be cured completely if doctors destroy your own marrow and replace it with healthy marrow from someone else. 10 非限定性定于从句或短语和其修饰语之间用逗号隔开: Dolly, who looked for all the world like hundreds of other lambs that dot the rolling hills of


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