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1、(五5班)小学英语五年级下册在期末复习题只有一次答机会所有同学认真,读题目要求,认真答题,切勿粗心!基本信息:矩阵文本题 *请严格按照要求填写学校、班级、姓名!姓名:_班级_一、看汉语,写单词(10分)1.堆雪人 填空题 *_(答案:make a snowman)2. 去游泳 填空题 *_(答案:go swimming)3.季节 填空题 *_(答案:season)4.西班牙的 单选题 *A.sportsB.Spanish 【正确答案】C.spring5. 上舞蹈课 填空题 *_(答案:take a dancing class)6.打扫我的房间 填空题 *_(答案:clean my room)7

2、.吃晚饭 填空题 *_(答案:eat dinner)8.五月 填空题 *_(答案:May)9.九月 填空题 *_(答案:September)10.二月 填空题 *_(答案:February)二.看汉语写句子1.今年的旅行在什么时候? 填空题 *_(答案:When is the trip this year?)2.我们将去长城。 填空题 *_(答案:Well go to the Great Wall.|We will go to the Great Wall.)3.你最喜欢哪个季节? 填空题 *_(答案:Which season do you like best?)4.我经常在周末和妈妈一起看电

3、视。 填空题 *_(答案:I often watch TV with my mother on the weekend.)5.保持你的桌面整洁。 填空题 *_(答案:Keep your desk clean.)一、找出划线部分的发音不相同的选项。(共10分)1 单选题 *A m_a_keB f_a_vouriteC h_a_ve 【正确答案】2 单选题 *A s_ch_ool 【正确答案】B _Ch_inaC lun_ch_3 单选题 *A pur_pl_e 【正确答案】B _pl_ayC _pl_ate4 单选题 *A wh_e_nB _e_xerciseC bask_e_tball 【正确

4、答案】5 单选题 *A f_or_B w_or_k 【正确答案】C sp_or_t二、选择题。(20分)1.-_ do you do morning exercises? -At 6:30 a.m.单选题 *A. WhyB. When 【正确答案】C. Which2. I get up _ 6:30 _ the morning. 单选题 *A. at, in 【正确答案】B. at, atC. in, at3. -What do you do _ the weekend ? 单选题 *A. inB. ofC. on 【正确答案】4. - _ do you like summer? -Becau

5、se I can go swimming. 单选题 *A. WhatB. Why 【正确答案】C. Which5.The sky _ very blue.The leaves _ colourful. 单选题 *A. is, amB. is, are 【正确答案】C. are, are6.I can play _ the snow in winter. 单选题 *A.in 【正确答案】B.onC. /7.What do you often do _summer? 单选题 *A. onB. in 【正确答案】C. at8.- _ season do you like best? -Spring.

6、 单选题 *A.WhyB.WhatC.Which 【正确答案】9.In _,I can pick apples. 单选题 *A. springB.summerC. fall 【正确答案】10.Im _hardworking. 单选题 *A.tooB.eitherC.also 【正确答案】三、给问句选出正确的答语。(10分)1.When do you eat dinner? 单选题 *A. Id like some tomatoes.B. I like spring best.C. I eat dinner at 6: 30 pm. 【正确答案】D. I often go shopping.2.

7、 What do you do on the weekend? 单选题 *A. Id like some tomatoes.B. I like spring best.C. I eat dinner at 6: 30 pm.D. I often go shopping. 【正确答案】3. Which season do you like best? 单选题 *A. Id like some tomatoes.B. I like spring best. 【正确答案】C. I eat dinner at 6: 30 pm.D. I often go shopping.4. What would

8、you like to eat ? 单选题 *A. Id like some tomatoes. 【正确答案】B. I like spring best.C. I eat dinner at 6: 30 pm.D. I often go shopping.5. Why do you like summer ? 单选题 *A. Id like some tomatoes.B. I like spring best.C. I often go shopping.D. Because I can go swimming. 【正确答案】四、根据图片,补全句子。(10分)1.When do you do

9、 morning _? 填空题 *_(答案:exercises)2.I often go for a _on Saturdays. 填空题 *_(答案:walk)3.- Which season do you like best? - I like _ best. 填空题 *_(答案:winter)4.I like autumn best.Because I can _ apples. 填空题 *_(答案:pick)5.I usually take a _ class with Amy. 填空题 *_(答案:dancing)五、 连词成句。(句末空格再加标点)(10分)1.weekend, W

10、hat, you, on, do, do, the,often(?) 填空题 *_(答案:What do you often do on the weekend ?)2.often, I,Saturdays, swimming, go ,on(.) 填空题 *_(答案:I often go swimming on Saturdays .)3.sometimes,I , shopping, go , my , with, mum, the ,on, weekend ( . ) 填空题 *_(答案:Sometimes I go shopping with my mum on the weekend

11、 .|I sometimes go shopping with my mum on the weekend .)4.I vacation because , like, summer ( . ) 填空题 *_(答案:Because I like summer vacation .)5.season, best, which, like, you,do (?) 填空题 *_(答案:Which season do you like best ?)六、阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的选项。(10分) Hello, I am Peter. its summer in December here in

12、Sydney. Summer is my favourite season ! Its sunny and hot . Many people visit us in summer because they like the weather. What is the weather like in December in your city? When you come,you can go to the beach. And Christmas Day is in December.Its an important festival in Australia . I do morning e

13、xercises every day. On the weekend, I often help my mother go shopping,and sometimes help my father wash his car. I take an art class on Saturday afternoon. What do you often do?1. Which season is it in December in Sydney? 单选题 *A. Spring.B.Summer. 【正确答案】C. Autumn.2.Whats the weather like in December in Sydney? 单选题 *A. Its cool.B. Its hot. 【正确答案】C. Itd cold.3. _is an important festival in Australia. 单选题 *A. Christmas Day. 【正确


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