1、2013年广东省梅州市中考英语试卷四、选择填空(本题共IS分,每小题1分)在下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个能填入句子空白处的最佳选项. TOC o 1-5 h z 1 man in black is fromEngland()A The: the B The; /C A: / D A: the- m Very thirsty now -WOUld you Iike SOme?()A tea B fish C noodles D POtatOeS- When did the earthquake in LUShan happen?-It happened8: 02the mo
2、rning Of APril 20, 2013()A on: inB at: inC at: On D on: OnUnitis easy butUnit is difficult ()A Sixth: SeVen B Six: SeVen C Sixth: the SeVenth D Six; the SeVenth5-Amyf I hear you,ve got many foreign COinS I have a look?-OfCOUrSef ll fetch them for you()A May B MUSt C ShOUld D Need6 My UnCle is repair
3、ing SOme Old bikes these days He PlanS toto Charity.()A give them UP B give them away C take them away D take them OUt- Mr. Lito Mary CarefUllyWhen I entered the ClaSSrOOmthiS morningHe is very patienthe is young ()A talking; but B WaS talking: though C talks; though D talked: howeverThe iPad isnrt
4、It belongs toA he; me B hers; mine C his; me D her; mineI found a IetterOn the floor When I Came into the CIaSSrOOm()A Iying B Iay C Iie D IieSThe dining hall isto hold 300 PeOPIe ()A enough big B enough Small C SmallenOUgh D big enough- COUld you tell methe meeting?-NeXt Friday ()A Where We are goi
5、ng to have B When We are going to have C Where are We going to have D When are We going to havePeterIikeS POP music buthis fatherhis mother IikeS it()A both: and B not only: but also C neither: nor D either: OrThe ChiId WithOUt ParentSgood Care Ofby his teachers in this SPeCialSChOOL ()A is taken B
6、are taken C take D takesI Iike the CartOOnhas a happy ending and makes me()A which: to IaUghB that: to IaUI C who; IaUglIingD which; IaUgh- WOUld you Iike to go OUt to Play basketball With me ?, but I ShOUld finish my homework first ()A It,s hard to Say B Ybu,re WelCOme C d IOVe to D You,re right完形填
7、空(本题共10分,每小题10分)阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容,从各题 所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项.We are IiVing a fast Iife ItSeemS that everything has to be fast, for example, (1) food, fast IntemetJ fast roads, fast mo ney. EVery day we try to get things done (2) , but there are SOme moments that We have to SlOW down and enjoy OUr Ii
8、VeS We are always (3 ) every day I have to WOrk eigit hours Or more a day at my full-time job When I get home, it,s always OVer SeVen o,clock I make an effort (努力)to (4 ) SOmething I try to find a bit Of time for my hobby - writing. I hardly everWrite and WOrk (5) WeekendS ThOSe are my days to try t
9、o recharge (休整)andreduce (减少)the StreSS from my work. I SIeeP On the SOfa during the day, (6) SOme beer in the OPen air Or go OUt for a PiCniC if the Weather is nice.What m trying to Say is this: if you don,t take SOme time to SlOW down OnCe in a While (偶 尔) and (7) your life, it Will PaSS you by. Y
10、bU Can be UnhealthybOth in bo dy andmind if you don,t take the time to rela x SO this weekend, donlt make any (8) JUStget UP On SatUrday morning (9) OUr body SayS it,s time to get UP Make SOmeCOffeeJ SteP OUtSide and get (10 ) fresh morning ai turn On the radio and PrePareyourself for nothing (1)A g
11、oodB fest C SlOWD COldA SPeCialIyB SeriOUSly C directlyD quickly(3)A busy(4)A drink(5)A WithB happyC freeD SadB buyC WriteD SayB exceptC inD On(6)A eat B drinkC take D get(7)A SPendB Share C enjoy D relax(8)A PlanSB mistakesC noises D SentenCeS(9)A but B When C What D SO(10)A any B many C no D SOme六
12、、阅读理解(本大题共4小题,每小题10分,共40分)阅读下面四篇短文,阅读后做 每篇短文的题目.从每小题给出的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案.Three StlldentS are talking about the NeW Year tradition Of their OWn COUntry A. ChriStina from SPainOn the IaSt day Of the yea the 31st Of December; PeOPle Wait till 12Pm EVerybOdy must have 12 grapes to eat at midnight. A
13、t each SOUnd Ofthe clock, We must eat a grape BUt We can,t ever finish eating the grapes On time !Usually when PeOPle Still have SOme grapes in their mouths, they IOOk at each Other and Start to IaUgh ThiS tradition Started in SPain IOng ago One yea; When there Were a IOt Of grapes, the king Of SPai
14、n decided to give grapes to everybody to eat On NeWYear,s Eve.B COrdOn from BritainOn NeW Year,s Day in Britainl PeOPIe have PartieS At 12o,clock, the music stops, and We IiSten to the radio On the radio We hear Big BenJ the famous CIOCk in LOndon. Then everybody SingS a SOng about friendship and ki
15、sses their friends We SayMHaPPy NeW Year,to each Other Its IUCky if a tall man W让h dark hair is the first PerSOn to COme to the house in the NeW Year SO I go and ViSit as many friends as I can. They all give me a drink.C Angela from BraZilIn all CitieS in BraZib We have a big Party On NeW YearS Eve,
16、 especially in RiO de JaneirO PeOPIe in this City go to the beaches to WatCh fireworks (焰We PUt flowers in the Sea and think about things We Want for OUrSelVeS Or OtherS We USUally Wear White CIOtheS for good IUCk during the NeW Year WhiCh is NOT mentioned (被提到)in the PaSSage ? A HaVe 12 grapes to e
17、at B HaVe PartieS C GiVe flowers to OtherS D WatChfireworks WhO have PartieS during the NewYear? A PeOPle in SPain B PeOPle in Britain. C D BOth B and TOC o 1-5 h z FrOm the ParagraPh OfMCOrdOn from Britain, We know thatA COrdOn Canft drink much B PeOPIe hear Big Ben On the radio C PeOPle Sing a SOn
18、g about good IUCk D everybody in Britain goes to WatCh fireworksOn NeW YearlS Day BraZiIianS USUally Wear White CIOtheS becauseA they hope that Can bring them good IUCk B that reminds them Of their happy Iife C they think that they IOOk beautifi.il in White D that,s What they have to do during the N
19、eWYear ThiS article mainly tells USA What PeOPle in Britain do On NeW Year,s Day B When and Where PeOPIe have NeWYear PartieS C What PeOPIe in different COUntrieS do On NeW Year,s Day D Why PeOPIe around the WOrld Iike the NeW Year WlIat are you going to do if you are in a burning house? HOW Will yo
20、u escape? DO you know how to SaVe yourself? PleaSe read the following PaSSage ESCaPing from a ftre is a SeriOUS matter KnOWing What to do during a fire Can SaVe your life, his important to know the WayS you Can USe and ShOWthem to everyone in the family, SUCh as StairWayS (楼梯)and fire escapes, but n
21、ot IiftS FrOm the IOWer floors Of the buildings, escaping through WindOWS is POSSible Learn the best VVay OfleaVing by WindOWS With the IeaSt ChanCe Of SeriOUS injury (受伤)The SeCOnd floor WindOW is USUany not Very high from the ground Of COUrSeJ it is Safer to jump a ShOrt Way than to Stay in a burn
22、ing building WindOWS are also USefUl When you are Waiting for help Be SUre to keep the doorCIOSed Or SmOke and fire may be drawn into the room. KeeP your head IOWat the WindOW to be SUre you get fresh air rather than SmOke that may Ieak (渗)into the room On a SeCOnd Or third floor the best WindOWS fo
23、r escape are those that OPen OntO a roof. FrOm the roof a PerSOn Can drop to the ground more SafeIy DrOPPing OntO hard ground might end in injury BUSheS (灌木丛)and grass Can help to break a fall (使势头减 弱).(1) ItiS important toA PUt OUt the big fire in the burning house B jump Off a high burning house C
24、 know the WayS to escape from the fire D keep the door OPen(2) FrOm ParagraPh 3, We know that it is POSSible to escape through theWin d OWSA if there are no bushes On the ground B if you IiVe On a IOWer floor C if you IiVeOn a higler floor D if you have no rope (3). WhiCh Of the following escaping W
25、ay is NOT right ? A YOU Can escape througl StairWayS B YOn Can ChOOSe fire escapes C ESCaPe from the WindOWS that OPen OntO a roof D USe a IifttO COme down at OnCe (4). Of COUrSet it isto jump a ShOrt Way than to Stay in a building On fire A Safer B C more dangerous D (5) The best title Of the PaSSa
26、ge isA ESCaPing from the WindOWS B. C KnOWledge On Fire DWe have to accept (接受)the truth: sometimes, We just Warn to ShOUt OUt IOUd Forexample, We all have days Iike this: OUr dog has made a mess On the floor we just cleaned, Or OUr friend Called to tell US he Or She COUldn,t COme at the IaSt minute
27、 When We had COOked dinner for him Or her We may be really angry but We tried tothings Iikethose ACCOrding to ancient ChineSe WiSdOm (智慧),We ShOUld ShOUt in a IOUd VOiCe instead OfkeePing Silent In fact, it,s good for OUr health MChineSe PeOPIe have PaSSed On the PraCtiCe from ancient times to now a
28、s a Part Of traditional medicine, NSaid MrS Li, a 60 - year - OId WOman from HangZhOu ,My ParentS taught me to do this. It .Jim got UP Iate this morning. He brushed histeeth and had a quick breakfast He rushed to SChOOl With an Umbrena in his backpack(2 ) TDm PIanS to go to the beach and enjoy theSU
29、nShine With SOme Of his friends. He thinks they Will have a good time there(3 ) . JOan didnrttake an Umbrella With her WhenShe Went to SChOOIin the afternoon. SO She had to nnhome in the rain. BadIy She CaUght a COId(4 ) Erin had a bad IUCk When he got to ShanghaiPeOPIe hardly stood On the Streetand
30、 SOme IightthingS COUld be blown away easily.(5 ) . JOhn Went to Beijing for business. He WaSVery excited, because he SaW that it WaS White here andS a Part Of OUr folk (民间的)CUltUre. rMrS Li is a member Of a group Of PeOPIe WhO IOVe ShOUting EaCh morning, She and SOme Ofher friends CIimb to the top
31、Of a hill, and Iet OUt IOUd ShOUtS before Starting their daily exercise They believe that ShOUting is good exercise for their IUngS (肺)and it brings them a IOt Of funMSOmetimeS I ShOUt OUt and Other ShOUt back, MSaid Mrs. GUJ another ShOUting IOVer MIt makes you happy YbU IaUgh and then you feel Ver
32、y COmfbrtable l,Dr. Peter CalafiUraJ an AmeriCan docto agrees that ShOUting Can have a POSitiVe influence On PeOPlerS health So, next time you StartyOUr morning run, Why not try to ShOUt OUt first? It Will make you healthier The UnderIined WOrdMbearnin ParagraPh 2meansMin ChineSe A纠正 B忍受 C铭记 D杜绝.MrS
33、 LilearnttO ShOUttO make herself feel better fromA her ParentS B her teacher C Mrs. GU D Dr. Peter Calafiura.Where does MrS Li ShOUt every day? A In a ParkB AtaSqUareC In her house D On a hill.What does Dr. Peter CalafiUra think Of ShOUting? A It,s great furl B Ifs good for peoplels health C It,s ea
34、sy to Ieamt D Its good exercise especially for kids The PaSSage is mainly aboutA a ShOUting IOVer B a ShOUting ClUb C the advantages Of ShOUtingD the historyOf ShOUting 20.ItWaS badly ld. It SnOWed yesterdayIt WaS full Of ClOUd in the Sky this morning. Maybe it WaS going to rainItWaS windy. Many Chi
35、ldren Were flying kites On the PlaygrOUnd D It had StrOngWind outside. Staying at home WaS better.It is a Iittle hot, but the Weather is Very niceItSayS that it is going to SnOW tomorrow.左栏是五个人所遇到的天气状况,请在右栏AG中选择相对应的一项。(有两个多余项)there He COUldn,t Wait to take OUt his CameraG. It rained all the afternoo
36、n.八、书面表达(本题共15分)七、课文填空(本题共10分,每小题10分)根据课文内 容,用正确的单词填空.每空只准填一个单词.21.我国不少城市正在推广公共自行车,提倡人们绿色岀行,低碳生活现在某英文网站 就此话题征文,请你参考下而的短文内容(不得照搬),再根据短文后而的内容要点用英语 写一篇短文投稿,谈谈推广公共自行车的好处.NOWadaySt it is Very important for US to IiVe a IOW - CarbOn life. The first thing We Can do is riding bikes instead Of driving CarS FirStt bikes are much CheaPer than CarS and everyone Can afford it. SeCOnd, it,s easier to find the Parking PlaCeS for bikes Third the PetrOl(j气,山)is not necessary for
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