1、 马来西亚大学留学申请书材料 如果没有找到您想要的内容,点击“申请书专题”察看更多 马来西亚大学留学申请书 Dear _, By serving as a noncommissioned officer in theUnited StatesMarine Corps, I learned and developed valuable leadership skills that would prove crucial to my success as a leader and to my ability to gain the respect of my subordinates. The M
2、arine Corps places great emphasis on leadership characteristics, believing that great leaders are not born, they are properly trained. I submitted to grueling training on my way to becoming an officer in the Marines, and believe this training gives me the foundation of strong leadership skills that
3、I will need in every day corporateAmerica. Leadership in the Marine Corps is more complicated than the simple management of employees. I learned this lesson the hard way, being thrust into a management position as my unit was being shipped over seas during the Persian Gulf War. As a newly promoted C
4、orporal, I was given the job of night crew supervisor in charge of 15 other marines. In the Marine Corps, leaders are not only held accountable for the work getting done but also for the performance and conduct of their marines. At the age of 21,I had the responsibility not only to carry out my orde
5、rs but also to safeguard the personal lives and protect the general welfare of my men. This being my second time over seas, I understood many of the difficulties that a young marine can have on their first extended trip away from their family. I enjoyed helping my marines over come their problems, a
6、nd learned that the benefits were well worth the time that I invested. I discovered that employees who have the support of their management tend to be more focused on the tasks at hand, gaining levels of trust and loyalty that can only benefit the organization. Related to this issue of gaining trust
7、 and loyalty through management supportiveness is that the Marine Corps requires creative means to motivate subordinates. It can be very difficult at times to be in charge of individuals, yet have no direct control over their salaries or advancement in the organization. The government decides milita
8、ry salaries, and promotions are controlled by boards with the primary means of measurement being time in service. For this reason, I learned to manage through mutual respect. I believe it is much more important to gain the trust and confidence of your employees than to use direct compensation to mot
9、ivate them. Throughout my Marine Corps career and beyond I developed many strong leadership skills, but most of all I learned that to be effective as a manager one must remain focused on the human aspect of leadership. By concentrating too much on the goal and not on the people needed to meet it, le
10、aders risk alienating their employees and thus failure in achieving the goal itself. By leveraging the lessons and qualities I gained while serving as an officer in the Marine Corps, I hope to meaningfully contribute to the academic environment at the Anderson School of Business. Yours sincerely, 马来
11、西亚留学申请材料清单 一、申请材料 如果申请本科,需要准备: 1.申请表 2.毕业证中英文公证书 3.成绩单中英文公证书 4.10张2寸白底高清免冠近照 5.体检报告 6.护照原件 7.雅思成绩单 二、如果申请研究生,还需要准备: 1.个人简历 2.研究生计划 3.推荐信 4.收入证明 5.无犯罪记录 光知道准备什么材料还不行,还得知道遵照什么要求准备这些材料。虽然大马的学校比较高,但是材料不符合会导致拒签,因此,认真准备材料是成功申请到学校的关键。 三、注意事项 下面就针对申请过程中经常会遇见的问题,给大家提供一个参考,以免在申请过程中遇到此类问题,带来不必要的麻烦,耽误入学时间。 1.护照
12、扫描件要清晰,尽量不贴边扫描,上下左右要端正,确保所有信息清晰可见,尽量不出现模糊阴影,尤其是人像部位一定要清晰,识别度高,不然太模糊可要重新扫描了 2.申请表、体检表需要提前下载,并遵照要求填写,基本信息要写全、写对,尽量别有涂改的痕迹,字迹要工整,尽量不出现连笔字,以免扫描的时候识别不了。 3.成绩单要有满分说明,且所有学期的成绩须打印在同一页。 4.照片去正规地方拍摄,为近期正面免冠照,穿深色衣服,姿势端正,表情自然,头发扎起来,眉毛、耳朵、眼睛眼球要清晰可见。 5.毕业证、成绩单需要进行中英文公正。 6.个人陈述、推荐信、研究生计划、工作证明及收入证明等需进行英文翻译,且须有签字或者盖
13、章方可生效。 注:一般申请时间为23个月,如果长时间没有进度,需要考虑递交材料是否有问题,查明原因以后按时解决,以免耽误入学。 马来西亚留学安全常识 一、人身安全 大家首先关注的,应该就是自己的人身安全,一定要对自己的安全负好责任,提升自己的保护意识,可以避免很多的意外事故,因为有意识的规避是能够躲开很多事情的。大家要尽量的减少单独外出的情况,尤其是在晚上的时候;出门购物和逛街,一定不要显露自己的财物,万一引起了不法分子的觊觎,是很有可能会遇到危险的。 1.交友 学校是一个比较安全的社交场合,不过大家即便是对老师和同学,也要保持警惕性,不要轻信他人,当然要尽量避免和社会上的陌生人进行深交,遇到
14、危险要学会求助他人。 2.出行 需要了解当地的法律法规,而且要严格的进行遵照,这里要非常提醒的是,马来西亚的车是靠左行驶的,大家一定要习惯,而且发过马路一定要左右环顾。 二、财产安全 你从国内带的现金一定要对换成马币存到银行,这样可以防止太多现金丢失(并不是存着不花)。另外每天外出时不要带太多的现金,够花就可以。自己银行卡的密码千万不能告诉他人,哪怕是的朋友。因为如果存折和银行卡丢失的话,别人不知道密码,你的钱是不会丢的。 三、证件安全 出国在外护照和签证是你的合法 身份证,所以一定要妥善保管,千万不要丢失。护照是大家的合法居留证明,如果丢失了不办事要花一段时间的,这段时间内大家就不能够办大事
15、,会影响安置。 平时在校园里带上学生证就可以,但是外出旅游度假的学生是必须携带护照的,所以一定要妥善保管自己的护照。此外个人的相关证件不要随便借给他人使用,产生纠纷会很麻烦。 留学马来西亚理财须知 1.留学马来西亚理财关键 马来西亚留学专家介绍:留学生在马来西亚打工期间如何能够存下更多的学费和生活费,这首先需要留学生把好自己开支的大关。无论留学生是否有一份丰厚的打工收入,都不能没有节制的胡乱花用,为自己下个学年的学费和生活费做一份计划清单,一切的花销都以清单为标准,这样就不会出现整个暑假打工却半个学期挨饿的情况了。 2.留学马来西亚学生的理财误区 留学生打工会暂时拥有较多可支配的现金,这样就容易缺乏消费自制力,非常是很多留学生喜欢结伴出游,不知不觉中就产生了大额的花销,给
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