1、 简单实用的公费留学申请书 简单实用的公费留学申请书 Dear _, For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted a career that involves helping and caring for people. Combined with my love of science, especially chemistry, I feel that a career in medicine would be perfect to me. The areas of pathology and pharmacology have b
2、een of great interest to me since I began my research into medical training, and I aim to pursue a career in these fields. I would enjoy the challenge of looking at diseases, finding cures, and being able to help people Despite medical training, and medical practice, being extremely demanding and hi
3、ghly stressful, the challenge would be, for me, extremely rewarding and worthwhile, especially as it has been my ambition for so long The subjects I am studying at A level have helped me develop many skills I feel would be important to medicine. Chemistry has helped me to develop analytical skills a
4、s well as an aptitude for research and experimental projects. The units we have been studying, entitled Whats in a medicine? and Medicines by design would, I feel, be an asset to anyone choosing to study medicine. Physics again helped me to develop research and analytical skills, especially data ana
5、lysis skills Though my Computer Studies A level is not directly related to medicine, computing abilities are of great importance in all professions, as more and more technological advancements are being made. Computer Studies has also allowed me to improve my communicative and research capabilities
6、At the age of 15 I completed a work experience placement in the local junior school. This involved working with children from the ages of four to eleven. This experience, though not medical, allowed me to work with and help people, which I found especially rewarding. During the summer holidays I pla
7、n to participate in a period of work experience at Carmarthen Hospital. I have also registered to take part in a St Johns Ambulance first aid course in September 2001, which I hope will be beneficial to me. I have undertaken volunteer work at a local school, helping with both art and gym clubs, whic
8、h again have allowed me to work with children, which I find very satisfying In the past I have travelled to Switzerland, Italy and Ireland, all experiences I totally enjoyed. In the future I would like to travel further a field, particularly to Asia. I would also like to help third world countries,
9、and to work as a doctor for charities helping these countries. As well as travelling I enjoy reading, especially horror and medical fiction, by authors such as Steven King and Michael Crichton. Recently I have joined Tai Chi classes, and I attend these regularly along with aerobics. I also take step
10、 aerobics classes and attend the gym at the nearby leisure centre. These are all activities I hope to continue with through university, as well as taking up new ones. Yours sincerely, 出国留学的奖学金申请文书 一、上网参考为了了解留学奖学金申请文书,你可以在美国的网站上寻找有关申请文章的内容,有些网站专门刊登免费的样文,都是申请成功者的杰作。 二、简洁明快留学奖学金申请文书以简洁明快为好,申请文章都有字数限制,一
11、般为250到500个词;500个词的文章,翻译成中文,也就千字左右,能用一个词的,不用两个词,能用短词的,不用长词,不要超长。 三、要有表现力文章要具有表现力,把想表达的东西展现给别人,而不是告诉别人;对以英语为外语的申请人来说,最奏效的方法是多用动词,少用形容词和口头语,“动作”永远是有表现力的。 四、句式要多样避免通篇使用短句,短句固然简洁清新,但用多了略显幼稚,中国学生不比美国学生,可以随意运用语言,没有人会认为美国学生不会使用长句;而中国学生使用复杂长句,更能体现其英语的成熟。 五、申请文书风格文如其人,文章的风格应该充分体现自己自然的风格和写作手法;总之,成功的留学奖学金申请文书会把一个血肉丰满的人展现在阅读者的面前,这就是申请文章的意义所在。 马来西亚公派留学申请条件 中国公民申请由国家留学基金资助公费留学应具备如下7个方面的条件 第一:身心必须健康。 第二:访问学者 第三:博士后研究 第四:研究生 第五:热爱社会主义祖国,拥护以经济建设为中心、坚持四项基本原则、坚持改革开放的基本路线,并具有学成回国为祖国建设事业服务的事业心和责任感的人。 第六:具有相当
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