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1、(1)comecome for/about sth; come to do sth : to arrive somewhere in order to do sth or get sth来做;来取;来拿I have come for my book.I have come about my book.I have come to get my e as sthHer death came as a terrible shock to us.His resignation came as no e to/into sth : used in many expressions to show th

2、at sth has reached a particular state 达 到;进入At last winter came to an end.He came to power in 1949.When will they come to a decision?The trees are coming into e in sth: of goods, products,etc.to be available or to exist in a particular way. 可提供;有货This dress comes in black and e rightEverthing will c

3、ome right in the e about (that.): to happen发生Can you tell me how the accident came about?come across/come overto be understood 被理解;被弄懂He spoke for a long time but his meaning didnt really come across.to make a particular impression 给人以 .印象;使产生.印象She comes across well in interviews.He came over as a

4、sympathetic e across sb/sth:to meet or find sb/sth by chance 偶然遇见;碰见I came across children sleeping under bridges.She came across some old photographs in a e across with sth: to provide or supply sth when you need it 需要时提供,供给,给予I hoped she would come across with some more e after sb:to chase or foll

5、ow sb 追赶;追逐;追随come alongto arrive; to appear 到达;抵达;出现When the right opportunity comes along, shell take it.to go somewhere with sb 跟随;跟着来Im glad you came along.to improve or develop in the way that you want 进步;进展( =progress)Your French has come along a lot recently.Used in orders to tell sb to hurry

6、, or to try harder 赶快,加把劲Come along! We are late.Come along! Its e apart: to break into pieces 破碎;破裂The book just came apart in my hands.My whole life had come apart at the e around/round(=come to) to become conscious again 恢复知觉;苏醒Your mother hasnt yet come round from the anaesthetic.of a date or a

7、regular event to happen againMy birthday seems to come around quicker every e around/round to.:to come to a place,especially sbs house,to visit for a short time 短暂 访问Do come around and see us some e around/round to sth:to change your mood or your opinion 改变心态;改变观点Hell never come round to our way of

8、e at sb:to move towards sb as though you are going to attack them 扑向(某人)She came at me with a knife.The noise came at us from all e at sth:to think about a problem, question,etc.in a particular way 考虑,思考 ( approach )We are getting nowhere lets come at it from another e away from sth:to become separa

9、ted from sthThe plaster has started to come away from the e away with sth:to leave a place with a particular feeling or impression 离开We came away with the impression that all was not well with their e backa.to return 回来;返回The colour was coming back to her cheeks.b.to become popular or successful aga

10、in 再度流行;再次成功Long hair for men seems to be coming back e back at sb with sth:to reply to sb angrily or with force 强有力地 (或愤怒地) 答复; 反驳She came back at the speaker with some sharp e back to sb:to return to sbs memory 恢复记忆;回想起Its all coming back to me now.Once youve been in France a few days, your French

11、 will soon came e back to sth:to return to a subject, an idea,etc. 回到(主题,想法等)上来Lets come back to the point at issue.It all comes back to a question of e before sb/sth:to be presented to sb/sth for discussion or a decision 被提交给 .讨论(或作决定)The case comes before the court next week.损害.之间的关come between sb

12、 and sb: to damage a relationship between two people 系;离间I would hate anything to come between e by:to make a short visit to a place, in order to see sb( 为看望某人)作短暂的拜访 She came by the e by sthto manage to get sth 设法得到(或获得)Jobs are hard to come by these days.to receive sth 收到;得到How did you come by tha

13、t scratch on your cheek?come downto break and fall to the ground 坍塌;崩塌The ceiling came down with a terrific crash.(of rain, snow, etc.) to fall 落下;降落The rain came down in torrents.(of an aircraft ) to land or fall from the sky 着陆;降落;从空中坠落We were forced to come down in a field.if a price, a temperatu

14、re, a rate,es down, it gets lower. ( 价格、温度、比率等)下降, 降低The price of gas is coming down.(=Gas is coming down in price)to decide and say publicly that you support or oppose sb 决定并宣布(支持或反对)The committee came down in support of his application.g. to reach as far down as a particular point 下垂;向下延伸(到某一点) He

15、r hair comes down to her e down from .( 反义词 come up to)a.在期末或学业结束后离开大学,大学毕业(尤指牛津和剑桥)e down from.to. 从.到 . (通常指从一国的北部到南部,或从大地方到小地方)come down on sb ( 无被动语态) : to criticize severely or punish sb 斥责;训斥;惩罚 Dont come down too hard on her.The courts are coming down heavily on young e down to sb: to have co

16、me from a long time in the past ( 从很久以前)流传下来The name has come down from the last e down to sth ( 无被动语态) to be able to be explained by a single important point 可 归结为;可归纳为What it comes down to is, either I get more money or I e down with sth ( 无被动语态) to get an illness that is not very serious. 患,得,染上(

17、小病)I think I am coming down with e forward: to offer your help,services, etc. 主动提供(帮助或服务等)Several people came forward with information.Police have asked witnesses of the accident to come e from stha. to start in a particular place or be produced from a particular thing. 始于,产自,来自 Much of our butter c

18、omes from New Zealand.This poem comes from his new book.Where does her attitude come from?Where is that smell coming from?He comes from a family of actors.-She doesnt try hard enough.-Thats rich, coming from you.( 你自己也没有尽力,还说别人。 )come inwhen the tide comes in, it moves towards the land 涨潮 (反义短语: go

19、out )to finish a race in a particular position ( 赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次)My hose came in last.to become fashionable 时兴;流行(反义短语: go out )Long hair for men came in in the sixties.to become available 可提供;可利用We are still waiting for copies of the book to come in.to have a part in sth 在 . 中起作用;参与I understand the pl

20、an perfectly, but I cant see where I come in.to arrive somewhere; to be received 到达;被收到The train is coming in now.News is coming in of a serious plane crash in France.She has over a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments.to take part in a discussion 参加讨论Would you like to come in at t

21、his point, Susan?h.(of a law or rule)to be introduced; to begin to be used 被推行;开始被采用come in for sth (无被动语态) :to receive sth,especially sth unpleasant 遭到;受到The governments economic policies have come in for a lot of e in on sth: to become involved in sth 卷入;陷入If you want to come in on the deal, you n

22、eed to decide e into sth (无被动语态)to be left money by sb who has died 继承,得到遗产She came into a fortune when her uncle died.to be important in a particular situation (在某种情形下)是重要的I have worked very hard to pass this exam-luck doesnt come into e of/from sth/doing sth: to be result of sth是 .的结果I made a few

23、enquires, but nothing came of it in the end.That comes of eating too much!come offto be able to be removedDoes this hood come off? 这风帽能卸下来吗?That mark wont come off.to take place; to happen 举行;发生Did the trip to Rome ever come off?(of a plan,etc.) to be successful; to have the intended effect or resul

24、t 成功; 达到预期的效果 (结 果)They had wanted it to be a surprise but the plan didnt come e off well/badly,etc.: to be successful or not successful in a fight,contest,etc.I thought they came off very well in the e off sthto fall from sthto come off your bicycle/horseto become separated from sthWhen I tried to

25、lift the jug, the handle came off in my hand.A button had come off my e off it: used to disagree with sb rudely. 别胡扯;别胡说,住口 Come off it! We dont have a e off sth (无被动语态) :to stop taking medicine,a drug,alcohol,etc. 停止(服药、吸毒、 饮酒等)Ive tried to get him to come off the tranquillizers (镇定剂) .come on( of

26、an actor ) to walk onto the stage 登台;出场;上场( of a player ) to join a team during a game (比赛中)上场Owen came on for Brown ten minutes before the end of the game.to improve or develop in the way you want 改进,改善;发展;完善The project is coming on fine.used in orders to tell sb to hurry or to try harder (用于命令)快,加

27、油,加把劲Come on! We dont have much time. 、Come on! Try once more.used to show that you know what sb has said is not correct (表示知道某人所说的话不正确) 得了吧Oh,come on-you know that isnt true!(usually used in the progressive tenses;of an illness or a mood ) to begin 开始I can feel a cold coming on.I think theres rain

28、coming on. come on to doIt came on to rain.( of a TV programme,etc. ) to start 开始What time does the news come on?to begin to operate 开始运转(或运行)Set the oven to come on at six.When does the heating come on?come on/upon sb/sth ( (无被动语态) to meet or find sb/sth by chance 偶然遇见;偶然发 现come on to sb: to behave

29、 in a way that shows sb that you want to have a sexual relationship with them 勾引,勾搭come on to sth (无被动语态) to start talking about a subject 开始讨论某一主题 Id like to come on to that question e outwhen the sun, moon or stars come out, they appear. 出现,露出The rain stopped and the sun came out.( of flowers ) to

30、 open 盛开;开花The daffodils came out early this year.to be produced or published 出版;发行;发表When is her new novel coming out?( of news, the truth,etc. ) to become known 被获知,为人所知The full story came out at the trial come out that.It came out that hed been telling lies.if a photograph comes out, it is a clea

31、r picture when it is developed and printed 照片冲洗清楚The photos from our trip didnt come out. 我们旅行的照片冲洗的效果不好。to be shown clearly 显示;显出Her best qualities come out in a crisis.when words come out, they are spoken.I tried to say I love you, but the words wouldnt come out.to say publicly whether you agree o

32、r disagree with sth 公开表明He came out against the plan.In her speech, the senator came out in favour of a change in the law.to stop work and go on srike 罢工to no longer hide the fact that you are homosexual 公开表明自己是同性恋者( of a young upper-class girl, especially in the past 尤指旧时上层社会的少女) :to be formally in

33、troduced into society 初入社交界come out of sth( of an object ) to be removed from a place where it is fixed (从固定处)除掉;去掉 This nail wont come out.( of dirt, a mark,etc. 污垢,污迹等) to be removed from sth by washing or cleaning 洗 掉,清除These ink stains wont come out of my dress.Will the colour come out (=become

34、faint or disappear 掉色 )if I wash it?come out at sth (无被动语态) : to add up to a particular cost or sum 总共;共计 The total bill comes out at $e out in sth (of a person) (无被动语态) : to become covered in spots, etc. on the skin 皮 肤上布满斑点Hot weather makes her come out in a rash. (皮疹)come out of yourselfto relax

35、and become more confident and friendly with other people 精神放松、更加自信和友好 地与他人交往It was when she started drama classes that she really came out of e out of sth (无被动语态) to develop from sth 由 .产生(或形成)The book came out of his experiences in India.Rock music came out of the e out with sth (无被动语态) : to say st

36、h, especially sth surprising or rude 说出令人吃惊的话或粗鲁的话He came out with a stream of abuse.She sometimes comes out with the most extraodinary e overto suddenly feel sth 突然感到I suddenly came over all shy=come across : to make a particular impression 给人以. 印象He came over well in the e over to : to come to a p

37、lace, especially sbs house, to visit for a shot time. (尤指到某人家中)短暂造访come over to.from.to travel form one place to another, usually over a long distance (通常远距离地)从.到,从 .来Why dont you come over to England in the summer?Her grandparents came over form Ireland during the e over to sth: to change from one

38、side,opinion, etc. to another 改变立场(或看法等)come over sb : (无被动语态) to affect sbA fit of diziness came over her.I cant think what came over me (=I dont know what caused me to behave in that way) 我不知道我是怎么了?come round/come round to sth=come aroundcome through( of news or a message) to arrive by telephone,

39、radio, etc. or through an official organization用电话、无线电等或由官方机构传来A message is just coming e through sth: to get better after a serious illness or to avoid serious injury.(=survive)康复;避免受严重伤害With such a weak heart she was lucky to come through the e through with sth: to successfully do or complete sth

40、that you have promised to do (成功地)履行诺言,实现诺言We were worried she wouldnt be able to handle it, but she came through in the end.The bank finally came through with the e to =come around=come round: to become conscious again 恢复知觉,苏醒come to yourself: to return to your normal state 恢复常态come to sb (无被动语态) :

41、 ( of an idea ) to enter your mind 被想出 The idea came to be in the e to sb that.It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong all along. 她突然意识到她从开始就错了。come to sth (无被动语态)to add up to sth 合计;共计;总共 The bill came to $30.I never expected those few items to come to so much. 我根本没想到就那么几件东西合计起来 竟要这么多钱。to r

42、each a particular situation, especially a bad one 达到(某状况,尤指坏的局面)The doctor will operate if necessary-but it may mot come to that.Who would have thought things would come to this (=become so bad)?come togetherif two or more different people or things come together, they form a united group 合成一体;结合;联合

43、Three colleges have come together to creat a new university.Bits and pieces of things he had read and heard were coming together, and he began to understand. 他把读到和听到的片段综合起来,便逐渐明白了。come under sth (无被动语态)to be included in a particular group 归入;归纳;归类What heading does this come under? 这该归入哪一级标题?to be a

44、person that others are attacking or criticizing 成为攻击或批评的目标The head teacher came under a lot of criticism from the parents.to be controlled or influenced by sth 被 .控制;受 .影响All her students came under her spell. 她所有的学生都被她迷住了。come up(of plants) to appear above the soil 长出地面,破土而出The daffodils are just beginning to come u


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