已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit2 B lets learn教学设计一、教学目标能够正确听说,朗读Stop and wait at a red light.Slow down and stop at a yellowlight.Go at a green light. 并能在实际情景中运用。能够正确听说,认读单词,如 slow down , stop , wait,traffic signs,traffic rules, traffic lights 。了解一些简单的交通标志,增强学生的交通意识。二、教学重难点.重点:能够正确听说,认读单词,如 slow down , stop , wait 。. 难点: Stop

2、and wait at a red light.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Go at agreen light. 并能在实际情景中运用。三、教学准备:多媒体课件,单词图片。四、教学过程:STEP 1: Warm-up.GreetingGood morning.boys and girls.How are you?I want to go to the Shuangshan Park. Where is it?.Let s chant “ How do you come to school ?” (two times).Free talkT: Go

3、od morning ! How do you come to school?T:Some students come to school by bike,some students come to school on foot.Whenyou come to school,what must you remember ?。STEP 2: PreviewLook at these pictures.Do you know them? They are traffic signs. ( read after me) blackboard-writing : traffic signsLook a

4、t this sign.What does it tell?(1)Turn left. boys read(2)Go straight. girls read(3)Turn right. Let s do and read togetherSTEP 3: PresentationAnd this one?What does it tell?Who can read this word?Let s read together,students in row 1 readLet s read it again. What s the meaning of stop in Chinese?It,s

5、停 in Chinese.Let s read it again. And this word bus” . What s the meaning of “ bus stop ”in Chinese?Look at the picture.This is a bus stop.Look here.(公交车停车位 )What are they doing ? Wait for a bus. blackboard-writing : waitLook at these words.Which letters are the same?Can you find them?They all have

6、AI” .In these words ,AI pronounces /ei/.Who can read them? Hand up,please.Look at this traffic sign.Do you know it?Who can read this word?(Look right. Look left. ) read and act it Where can you see this traffic sign?Do you know?We can see it in Hong Kong.In our city, when we cross the road,we should

7、 look left,and then look right.But in Hong Kong,look right first,and then look left.The traffic rules are a little different,too.(read traffic rules)blackboard-writing : traffic rulesMost part of China:Drive on the right side.But in Hong Kong:Drive on the left side.7.But the trafficlights arethe sam

8、e.What color are they?They aregreen,yellow,red. blackboard-writing : traffic lights.What color is it?It s green.what should we do?Who can answer it?Let s read it,together.Go at a green light.(listen and read).What color is it?It s red.what should we do?Who can answer it?Let s read it,together.Slow d

9、own and stop at a red light.(listen and read).What color is it?It s yellow.what should we do?Who can answer it?Let s read it,together.Stop and wait at a yellow light.(listen and read)STEP 4: Practice and consolidations important for our lives.Everybody should follow the traffic rules.Because itWhen

10、it is_.let s.(Look at PPT,answer the question )Pair work.(One says :it is_. the other says:let s. )Let s play games.Game rules( 游戏规则 ):Three students come to the front and hold the traffic signs.I point to the words, others read loudly. The three students raise the related signs.If he is wrong, he s

11、 out. The last one is“WINNE”R .( 请三位学生到前面拿着交通信号灯标志。我指着黑板上的单词,其他学生大声读。三位学生举起相应的标志牌,如果他错了,就出局了。最后一个是胜利者。 )4.Open your book Page17,let read together.(Read in rules. Act the the dialogues)STEP 5: summaryLook at the pictures.Today we have learned some traffic rules.We must follow thetraffic rules.Because

12、 it s important in our lives.Love our lives,Love our family.STEP 5: HomeworkFinally,don t forget your homework.Read the dialogue 5 times.Follow the traffic rules everyday.Blackboard-writing :Unit2 Ways to go to school Part B Let s learnTraffic rules traffic lightsGogreenStop and waitredSlow down and

13、 stop yellow学情分析六年级学生已经学习了三年的英语, 很多学生具备一定的英语基础, 并能在日常生活中使用英语进行简单的口语交际。 他们能够主动与他人合作, 共同完成学习任务, 合作学习的90%的学效果明显。 我所教的班级为六年级, 大约有 8 名学生在学习上存在一定的困难, 有待老师和 同学帮助提高。大部分学生能够掌握教材中的教学知识点,并能够灵活运用。我班 生会用电脑、智能手机等来学习英语,可以利用平板电脑完成作业分享和交流。学生能够通过看图捕捉我们需要的信息。 本节课是一节单词课, 讲授内容选取教材中的Let s learn , Let s play 两部分内容,用对话贯穿教学

14、,更好的为下一节课做好衔接教学。 通过学习知道中国和英国驾驶习惯的差异。 增强文化意识了解不同国家的交通规则异同。Unit2 B Let s learn课堂检测结果及分析在上完课后对全班学生进行测评, 45 名学生中, 第一题正确率为 93.3%, 第一题测评结果分析: 3 个学生出现错误,将the traffic lights 和 the traffic rulers 的搭配做错。绝大多数学生通过这一节课的学习和课下复习, 已经基本能掌握本节课所学内容, 个别学生 还需要教师辅导和帮助。第二题正确率为 91.1%,第二题评测结果分析: 4 名学生出错。 没有找出 Stop at a yell

15、ow light 和 Look at the traffic rules 的错误。这说明学生虽然会说会用,但个别学生的发 现问题的能力较差。第三题正确率为84.4% 。这是一道对话题,学生在完成对话时需要理解文本内容,对基础差的学生来说是一个挑战。这给我的教学有了一些启发,课堂上要多次复现重要的词句,还要更多培养学生的口语交际能力。教材分析一、执教内容: PEP 小学英语六年级上册 UNIT2 B 部分的 Let s learn。二、单元及课时内容分析:PEP 小学英语六年级上册 UNIT2 主情景图是交通出行的情景,属于二级目标。本单元在话题上和五年级下册时学过的频度副词 usually 、

16、 often 、 sometimes 有联系。在UNIT1 已经学习了 Where is the?It s near the等句型,并能在具体情境中进行较好的运用。在UNIT2A 部分学习了bus、 taxi 、 car 等词和 How?句型。本课是UNIT2 B Let s learn 部分的对话课。三、本课时教学目标分析: 能够正确听说, 朗读 Stop and wait at a red light.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Go at a green light.并能在实际情景中运用。.能够正确听说, 认读单词, 如 slow down

17、,stop, wait,traffic signs,traffic rules, traffic lights 。.了解一些简单的交通标志,增强学生的交通意识。教学重难点.重点:能够正确听说,认读单词,如 slow down , stop, wait。.难点: Stop and wait at a red light.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Go at a green light.并能在实际情景中运用。四、学习策略1学生能够通过看图捕捉我们需要的信息。本节课是一节单词课,讲授内容选取教材中的 Let s learn, Let s play 两部

18、分内容,用对话贯穿教学,更好的为下一节课做好衔接教学。2通过学习知道中国和英国驾驶习惯的差异。增强文化意识了解不同国家的交通规则异同。PEP7 Unit2 B Let s learn课堂检测(一)选词填空,将正确序号填在括号里。A Look at B. Stop and go C. Wait D. Remember记住E. Slow down and Stop1. () the traffic lights. 2. () at a yellow light.3. () at a red light. 4. () at a green light.() the traffic rulers.(二

19、)请找出句子中的错误并改正。.Look at the traffic rules. 2. Stop at a yellow light.3 Wait at a green light. 4. Go at a red light.(三)用给出的词语完成对话。traffic lights wait stop traffic rules go traffic lightsllage Mouse: What re those? They have 3 eyes,red,yellow and green.City Mouse: Oh, they are.Village Mouse: But why do

20、 they have3 colours?City Mouse: Because there are .Look! It s a red light. Lets!s yellow. Can we go?Village Mouse: Oh, I see. Stop at a red light. ItCity Mouse: No,at a yellow light. It s green now. Let sVillage Mouse: So these are the. I remember now.课后反思本节课选自人教版PEP英语六年级上册第二单元Ways to go to school P

21、art b部分。第二单元的内容与学生的日常生活密切相关, 学生们在 A 部分所学习的交通方式的表达为这节课打下了良好的基础。 个人觉的核心知识提炼是词汇和对话课教学重点, 也是让学生掌握读的能力的重点。在此之前,学生已掌握部分交通规则,如 Turn right. Turn left. Gostraight .Keep to the right 等,而本课时的核心句型是:must- -.在知识的过渡上,我以此为迁移,让学生从Slow down and stop at a yellow light. 转化理解Don t go atthe yellow light. We must slow dow

22、n and stop at the yellow light. 改变句式: Youmust.整个教学过程自然衔接,学生理解清晰,学习有效。在课堂上,我注重六年级的学生心理特点, 寓教于乐,采取游戏,角色扮演等活动激发学生学习及参与的兴趣,同时锻炼学生的口语表达能力和应变能力。闪光点: 在教学过程中我设计了三处环节引导学生展开对话、 谈论。 歌曲导入比较容易激发学生的求知欲。 设计的游戏, 学生参与的积极性较高。 复习部分, 师生讨论, A: HowcanI get to the ? Take the No. bus over there.其次是新授部分,生生两人合作谈论交通规则:must.和Don t.,最后是巩固环节,生生两人合作角色朗读对话, 三处设计都充分考虑学生学习的合作与探究。 在课


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