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1、【教学设计】教学目标 :能力目标:要求学生学会表达天气。知识目标:( 1)能听说认读单词: sunny, rainy,cloudy,windy,snowy.( 2)能够结合学过的语言描述天气:Whats the weather like in.?Its.情感态度价值观目标:培养学生关注天气,合理安排生活的习惯。教学重点:. 让学生熟练掌握sunny, rainy,cloudy,windy,snowy. 等词汇。.问句 Whats the weather like in.? 和相应的回答 It s 教学难点:对句型It s - and-.的理解和运用,并学会做天气预报。教具准备: 多媒体课件、白

2、板、天气预报道具教学过程:Step 1: Lead inWarm-upFree talk.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?Ss: Fine,thank you.T: Whats the weather like today?Ss: .T: Last weekend I went to Beijing. The weather inBeijing.Do you like traveling?Ss: YesActivating the old knowledgeT: Okay, May Day is coming soon. Do you w

3、ant to go traveling?which one do you like?There are some cities hereS2:I like ChongqingS3: l like HongKongT: If you want to travel, what should you know?You can answer in Chinese.S s:weatherT: Yes, We must know the weather in advance. How to know that?Ss:T:Yes,we can ask friends , Look at the weathe

4、r report.This is the Weather report for last night.Can you say likethis?I like Harbin, Its cold in Harbin.S1: like Chongqing, Its cool in Chongqing.Step 2: Enquiry learning1. Situation presentationT:How clever you are!Here are some pictures , Do you know whatare they ?Ss:Weather .T:OK the first one

5、,look here .What a strong wind! It is windy.Pay attention to the pronunciation of I. Windy. Read after me.Windy. . Its windy .Okay, next. Whats the weather like?Look here , Its rainy./ei/Rainy. Rainy,Rainy , Its rainy.T:Next one , Look at the picture , Whats this?Ss: SnowT: Yes,its Snow.I like snow

6、, I can make a snowman .So whats the weather like?Ss: Its Snowy.T:Yes , great , follow me , snowy, Pay attention to here ow /?u/.Snowy , not snowy(W 不发音)Andlook here , Doyou like clouds? There are so manyclouds here.So the weather isSs: CloudyT; Yes, wonderful ! Cloudy .follow me.Cloudy cloudy It is

7、 cloudy.What a beautiful picture!It is Sunny ,we all like Sunny day,Look here ,It is a big sun.I feel so hot.Whats the weather like?Ss:It is Sunny.T:We can say its hot and Sunny.Sunny Sunny .It is Sunny.Step 3: Presentation and PracticeInternalized acquisitionT:Youre so great. We can speak the weath

8、er. Lets read together!You are so great !Lets play a game now , ok? Which missing ?Are you ready?Ss: Ready, go!T:Great. Do you want to continue the challenge?S: YesT:I have three gamesfor you,The first one look here !who wants to challenge?( 两人 pk ,点击正确的单词与翻译,练习 4-5 组。 )You two please.One on the lef

9、t ,one on the right , OK now lets shout out , Ready !go!T:Next game who wants try ?T:You are excellent!Next group !Multiple exercises and teach new knowledgeT:OK next game: can you say?Look at the picture and finish the blank.For example:Its snowy in Harbin.S1:Its rainy in Beijing.T:OK, we have fini

10、shed the mapof China , nowlets look at the picture ,whats this ?Ss:The world mapT:Yes, its the world map, And there are manybeautiful cities ,Do you want to know about these cities?The first one, the“ big pants ” “ bird s nest ” so,Its Beijing , as we all knowBeijing is our capital. Follow me Beijin

11、g.T:Do you like this city? Its Moscow , Follow me Moscow.Look !what a big bridge . this is London bridge Its in London .Follow me LondonNext one , This is Sydney opera house , Its in Sydney .Follow me SydneyThe last one ,“the merlion ”, Its Singapore , Follow meSingapore.Singapore(g 不发音) not Singapo

12、re ,If you have a long holiday which city do you want to go?S1:SingaporeStep 4.Actual combatConsolidation and extentionT:Before we go to these cities, we should know the local weather well.Now pick up your phone Ask your friends.Whats the weather like in that city?Work in pairs. Give y ou three minu

13、tes , who wants to show it?(Show time)T: Lets look at the world weather report.Listen carefully.theNow lets be a littleweather reporter .Finishedsentences just likeher.you can choose 2-3cities .I willgive you 4 minutes .T:Who can try?(weather report )T:Now show me your paper,lets do a test!Resolutio

14、n extensionSummaryHomeworkHomework:.Remember the words . .Make a weather report of the book in English.Listen to the weather report on CCTV4 ,and thentalk about some of them in English.板书设计:Unit3 WeatherB Let s learnWhats the weather like ?Its windy/cloudy/rainy/snowy/sunny.教学流程图:BeginPcwered by WPS

15、 f lowMap【学情分析】本课是PEP小学英语四年级下册的 Unit3WeatherPart B第二课时的有关天气的内容并与生活紧密联系,学生也比较乐于学习。四年级的学生对英语已经有了一定的语感和英语基础, 具备了一定的语言运用能力,处于由感性向理性认识阶段。因此,在教学中尽量创设情境,用歌曲、歌谣、游戏等来激发他们的学习兴趣,使他们在快乐的氛围中学习新知识但也有少数学生由于遇到困难, 学习兴趣会随之减弱。 尤其从这学期开始, 对学生又提出了新的要求: 培养听、 说、读、写的技能。所以教师应该面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位, 引导学生端正学习态度, 掌握

16、良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。【效果分析】“以活动促语言发展” 是英语课堂教学的一个指导思想。 教师在课堂上也力求让学生在“动”中学,在“乐”中学,因此,我在课堂设计上,让学生掌握主动权,有游戏和表演,还有图片、实物和多媒体来助阵,气氛非常活跃,场面非常热闹。现代教学技术在英语教学中的应用无疑给传统的英语课堂带来了一定的冲击, 多媒体技术给课堂带来了巨大变化。 将视频和音频融为一体,形象生动,信息量大,给学生创设了赏心悦目的英语学习环境。关注了教学细节。 教学细节指的是教学中的细小环节以及其中的教学活动, 也可以说是教学过程中影响教学效果的细枝末节。 透过课堂现场的一些教学细节, 就

17、能看出一个教师的教学理念、 教学经验和教学智慧。俗话说: “细节决定成败。 ”细节虽小,但成功的教学必定离不开精彩的它;细节虽小,但教学失败的罪魁祸首有时也是它。我使用了较多激励性的评价。 教师充满魅力的课堂评价语言虽不是蜜,但可以黏住学生;虽不是磁,但可以吸引学生。在课堂中,它可以让我们看到学生一张张灿烂的笑脸, 听到学生发自内心的欢声笑语,体悟到学生的个性飞扬。【教材分析】本课选用的教材源自人民教育出版社编写的小学英语教材。 这套教材的学习内容和学生生活紧密相连, 形式活泼多样, 其目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣, 培养他们学习英语的积极态度, 培养一定的语感及良好的学习习惯,初步形成用英语

18、进行简单日常交流的能力。本课是PEP小学英语四年级下册的Unit3WeatherPart B第二课时的内容,由 Let s learn 和 Let s play 两部分组成。本课时是本单元的第三课时, 属于词汇新授课。 本单元内容在整个小学英语知识体系中是不可或缺的。 它不仅贴近学生的实际生活, 而且实用、有趣,容易让学生接受并掌握。“What the weather like? ”是本单元的核心话题。在此之前A 部分已经学习过warm/cold/hot/cool 等关于天气的单词以及直接表达天气的陈述语句。此课的联动性较大,应将新授与巩固相结合。、单项选择A. up)1. It s warm

19、Hangzhou.B. inC. of)2. I like watching theA. a reportB. report weatherC. weatherreportA.likeA.rain)3. What)4. It swindys the weatherisC. toin Nanjing?now. Let s fly kites.B. cloudB.C.)5. Is it hot and sunny in Hainan?A. Yes, they are.B. Yes, it is.C. No, it is一二、从下列每组词汇中选出不同类的一项。三、)1. A. rainy)2. A.

20、 warm)3. A. weather)4. A. LondonB. snowyB. todayB.sunnyB. Beijing根据提示完成天气预报C. swimD. windyC. hotD. coolC. cloudyD. snowyC. worldD. New YorkGood morning, everyone! This is the weather report. It, sin Harbin. It sin Lhasa. InGuangzhou, it s . In Shanghai, it s . And it s in Beijing.【 教学反思 】本课依据新课标展开设计

21、,利用图片、视频、声音等创设情境,从听、说、读、写各个方面培养学生的英语能力,以游戏、互动等激发兴趣, 通过小组合作的方式使学生积极参与课堂学习活动, 使学生较熟练的掌握了有关天气的单词, 并能熟练的运用本课的句型进行表达。整堂课,师生对话贯穿始终,着力培养学生的语音、语调及综合的语言组织运用能力。 通过教师对四季的描述, 激发学生的表达欲望,为学生正确的语言输出做好铺垫。此外,本堂课仍存在着不足:1、板书设计应再合理一些,可用不同颜色的笔区分,使其看起来更醒目。2、课堂中段的小结复习处可以增加“Let s sing ”环节,既能提高同学们的兴趣,又能自然的引出练习环节。【 课标分析 】英语新课程标准 的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展, 提高综合人文素养, 倡导在教师的指导下, 通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标。新课标要求小学英语以情景教学为主, 以听说认读为主要目标, 提倡通过听听、 说说、做做、玩玩、演演、唱唱等方式来学习英语,鼓励学生积极参与,创设轻松、活跃的教学氛围,让学生“动”起来,课堂“活”起来,把教科书上无声的书面语言活化为有声的交际话语, 激发他们的学习动机,变“要我学”为“我要学”英语新课程标准中对语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识进行了分级要求


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