1、Unit 1 Growing UpBefore Reading TOC o 1-1 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc257985881 English Song Beautiful Boy PAGEREF _Toc257985881 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985882 Spaghetti PAGEREF _Toc257985882 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985883 The American Educational System PAGEREF _Toc257985883 h 4Global Reading HYPERLINK l _
2、Toc257985884 Scanning PAGEREF _Toc257985884 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985885 Part Division of the Text PAGEREF _Toc257985885 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985886 Further Understanding PAGEREF _Toc257985886 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985887 Detailed Reading PAGEREF _Toc257985887 h 7After Reading HYPERLINK l _Toc25
3、7985888 Useful Expressions PAGEREF _Toc257985888 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985889 Sentence Translation PAGEREF _Toc257985889 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985890 Synonyms PAGEREF _Toc257985890 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985891 Writing Practice PAGEREF _Toc257985891 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985892 Spot Dictation
4、 PAGEREF _Toc257985892 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985893 Talk about the Pictures PAGEREF _Toc257985893 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985894 Proverbs and Quotations PAGEREF _Toc257985894 h 20Supplementary Reading HYPERLINK l _Toc257985895 Culture Notes PAGEREF _Toc257985895 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985896 Read
5、ing PAGEREF _Toc257985896 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc257985897 Comprehension Tasks PAGEREF _Toc257985897 h 25 Before Reading English Song Beautiful BoyI. John Lennoni. A Brief Introduction to John LennonJohn Lennon (19401980) was an English rock musician and cofounder of The Beatles, the most lauded and i
6、nfluential rock group of all time.ii. Questions about John Lennon1. Who was John Lennon?2. Which country was he from?3. What was his profession?4. Do you know any songs by him?5. Can you tell us anything about Lennon?iii. Chronology of John Lennon October 9, 1940Born John Winston Lennon, in Liverpoo
7、l, England. September 1957Enrolled at Liverpool College of Art. August 23, 1962Married college girlfriend Cynthia Powell (divorced 1968). February 19, 1963Please Please Me reached Number One in the U.K. charts. February 12, 1964The Beatles started their first U.S. tour. June 15, 1965The Beatles rece
8、ived MBEs (Member of the Order of the British Empire) from Queen Elizabeth II. March 14, 1969Married Yoko Ono. November 25, 1969Lennon returned his MBE in peace protest. December 8, 1980Shot dead outside his apartment in the Dakota building in New York City. The killer was a crazed fan, Mark Chapman
9、, who had recently obtained Lennons autograph(亲笔签名).II. Beautiful BoyLyric:Close your eyesHave no fearThe monsters goneHes on the run and your daddys hereBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyBefore you go to sleepSay a little prayerEvery day in ever
10、y wayIts getting better and betterBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyOut of the ocean sailing awayI can hardly waitTo see you come of ageBut I guess well both just have to be patientCause its a long way to goA had row to howYes its a long way to g
11、oBut in the meantimeBefore you cross the streetTake my handLife is what happens to youWhile youre busy making other plansBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyBefore you go to sleepSay a little prayerEvery day in every wayIts getting better and bette
12、rBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyDarling, darling, darlingDarling SeanIII. Questions about the Song and the Texts1. In your opinion, what is the song Beautiful Boy going to tell us?2. What does Lennon think of growing up? Is it easy or full of adventures?3. Can you guess what the texts i
13、n this unit are going to be about?Before Reading SpaghettiI. DefinitionSpaghetti is the Italian-style thin noodle, cooked by boiling and served with sauce. Unlike some Chinese noodles, it is not served in soup and will never taste pulpy (软乎乎、没有嚼劲的).II. Listen and PracticeRead the words given below a
14、nd then listen to the passage. After listening to the passage, one student is required to come up and show the right way of eating spaghetti before the class. poke 戳 scoop 挖 prong 尖头 remainder 剩余物 twirl 快速转动 The Right Way of Eating SpaghettiHold the fork in your hand as if to poke the spaghetti.Scoo
15、p up a small amount of spaghetti on your fork and raise it about 30cm above your plate.Make sure the spaghetti on your fork is completely disconnected from the remainder on your plate.Put the prongs of the fork at an edge of the plate that is free of food.Quickly point the prongs of the fork straigh
16、t down toward the plate and place the points on the plate.Twirl the fork to gather the spaghetti around the prongs.With a quick scooping movement, gather up the roll around the prongs and place it in your mouth.Gently gather up any stray spaghetti ends that dont make it all the way into your mouth.B
17、efore Reading The American Educational System In the United States, education is the responsibility of individual states, not of the federal government, so requirements may vary from one state to another. The following is a generalization: kindergarten: under 5 years old elementary / primary school
18、(grades 16): 611 years old junior high / middle school (grades 78): 1213 years oldsenior / high school (grades 912): 1417 years oldcollege, institute, academy (学院), universityGlobal Reading ScanningScan Text A and find out all the time words, phrases and clauses.Key:since my childhood in Belleville
19、(Para. 1)until my third year in high school (Para. 1)until then (Para. 1) when our class was assigned to Mr. Fleagle for third-year English (Para. 2)late in the year (Para. 3)until the night before the essay was due (Para. 3)when I finished (Para. 6)next morning (Para. 6) two days passed (Para. 6)wh
20、en I saw him lift my paper from his desk . (Para. 6) when Mr. Fleagle finished (Para. 9)Global Reading Part Division of the TextPartsPara(s)Main Ideas 112 Baker was bored by everything associated with English courses, including his new English teacher. 235Baker found himself attracted by one particu
21、lar topic and wrote about it for his own enjoyment. 369The experience of writing the essay helped Baker discover his talent for writing and realize what he wished to do in life. Global Reading Further UnderstandingI. For Part 1 True or False1. Baker had never thought of becoming a writer until he wa
22、s in the eleventh grade. (F)(As a child in Belleville, he had thought of becoming a writer from time to time.)2. Teachers found it painful to read students long and lifeless essays. (T)3. Before Mr. Fleagle became the English teacher for Bakers class, the English course had been interesting. (F)(Fro
23、m the words “another cheerless year” we can see the English course had been quite boring.)4. In Bakers opinion, Mr. Fleagle was really a formal, rigid and out-of-date teacher only because of Fleagles manner of speaking. (F)(Besides the manner of speaking, Fleagles appearance and dress also showed th
24、at he was a dull and rigid teacher.)II. For Part 2 Multiple ChoiceChoose the best answer to complete the sentence.1. At first, Baker thought Mr. Fleagles English course was _. (B)A. interestingB. dullC. hopefulD. attractive2. In Bakers opinion, the title of the composition “What I Did on My Summer V
25、acation” was _. (D)A. dullB. unfruitfulC. difficultD. foolish and dull3. Baker liked to write a composition with the title “The Art of Eating Spaghetti” because _. (D)A. neither Baker nor Doris had ever eaten spaghetti beforeB. Baker and Doris argued about it at a supperC. spaghetti was from Italy a
26、nd quite new thenD. it reminded him of the pleasure of that evening4. Which of the following statements is TRUE? _ (A)A. Youll not write a good composition until you like the topic.B. When Baker wrote the essay, he thought his teacher would like it.C. Mr. Fleagle had liked Bakers compositions before
27、.D. Baker succeeded in writing two compositions.III. For Part 3 Questions and AnswersDo you think Baker would write another essay if he had enough time? Why?What was Baker prepared for when he found all the papers had been given back but his?Whose essay did Mr. Fleagle read to the class? How did the
28、 class respond?Which paragraph in this part gives readers the impression that Bakers essay was very good?Why did Baker feel so delighted?Detailed ReadingI. Difficult SentencesUntil then Id been bored by everything associated with English courses. (Para. 1)What can we infer from this sentence?(Up to
29、then, Baker had had no interest in things related to English courses.)I hated the assignments to turn out long, lifeless paragraphs that were agony for teachers to read and for me to write. (Para. 1)Paraphrase the sentence.(I found it painful to write long, boring essays as required by teachers; nei
30、ther did teachers enjoy what I wrote.)another cheerless year in that most tedious of subjects (Para. 2)What can we learn from this phrase?(We can know from this phrase that before Mr. Fleagle became Bakers English teacher, all English courses were dull.)I prepared for an unfruitful year with Mr. Fle
31、agle and for a long time was not disappointed. (Para. 3)What does the author really mean when he says “I . was not disappointed”?(He means that his expectation was right that Mr. Fleagles lessons were dull.)I took the list home and did nothing until the night before the essay was due. Lying on the s
32、ofa, I finally faced up to the unwelcome task, took the list out of my notebook, and scanned it. (Para. 3)1) What can we infer from these sentences?(Baker was unwilling to write his essay.)2) List phrases to support your inference.(did nothing until the essay was due; faced up to the unwelcome task.
33、)This title produced an extraordinary sequence of mental images. (Para. 4)Paraphrase the sentence and translate it into Chinese.(At the sight of the title I saw an unusual series of pictures in my minds eye. 这个题目在我脑海里唤起了一连串不同寻常的图像。)Vivid memories came flooding back of a night in Belleville when all
34、of us were seated around the supper table Uncle Allen, my mother, Uncle Charlie, Doris, Uncle Hal and Aunt Pat served spaghetti for supper. (Para. 4)Analyze the structure of the sentence.(在这个长句中,came flooding back 是谓语,其余的都是主语。为了使句子结构平衡,避免头重脚轻,作者运用了割裂修饰法,把谓语前移,主语中心语的修饰成分后置,使谓语紧接主语。例如:- A list has bee
35、n drawn up of words we have learned so far.- All is not gold that glitters.)Neither Doris nor I had ever eaten spaghetti, and none of the adults had enough experience to be good at it. (Para. 4)What is the relationship between Baker and Doris? Why?(Doris was Bakers sister or his female cousin. Two r
36、easons for that: - Doris is a female name;- The author mentioned “none of the adults .” which shows that they were still children, not adults.)I was preparing myself for a command to report to Mr. Fleagle immediately after school for discipline when I saw him lift my paper from his desk and knock fo
37、r the classs attention. (Para. 6)1) Paraphrase this part of the sentence: I was prepared for discipline.(I was ready for Mr. Fleagles order to see him soon after school for the purpose of punishing me .)2) Why did Baker think he would be punished?(Because to his mind, this time he had violated the r
38、ules of formal composition.)3) Whats the function of the word “when” in the sentence?(The word “when” here doesnt mean “at or during the time that” (当时). Instead, it means “and then” (在那时).More examples:- He had just drifted off to sleep when the bell rang.- I was about to ask after his wife when I
39、suddenly remembered that they were getting a divorce.)In the eleventh grade, at the eleventh hour as it were, I had discovered a calling. (Para. 9)Translate the sentence into Chinese.(就在十一年级,可谓是最后的时刻,我找到了一件今生想做的事。)II. Words & Expressionsoff and on (or on and off): from time to time; now and again; i
40、rregularly- It has been raining on and off for a week. Thats why the clothes feel damp.- As her patient slept soundly during the night, Nurse Betty was able to doze off and on in a bedside chair.take hold: become established - The idea of one child has taken hold in many Chinese families.- 老习惯是很难摆脱的
41、。这就是为什么你要在习惯养成前戒烟。(Old habits die hard. Thats why you should stop smoking before the habit takes hold.)bore: vt. make (sb.) feel tired and lose interest- The speaker went on and on, and the audience grew bored by his speech.- Tom Sawyer grew bored with painting the garden fence, so he thought of a w
42、ay to make others paint for him.Collocation:a crashing bore讨厌至极的人/事a frightful bore讨厌得要命的家伙an insufferable bore讨厌得令人无法忍受的人an utter bore极惹人厌烦的事associate: vt. join or connect together; connect or bring in the mind- 我们总是把埃及与金字塔联系起来。(We often associate Egypt with pyramids.)- I cant associate this gentle
43、 young woman with the radical political essays she has written.- Jim wished to forget everything associated with his former life.turn out:1) come out or gather as for a meeting, public event, etc.2) prove to be3) shut off4) produce; makeMatch the above definitions with the sentences below.- A large
44、group of protesters have turned out. (1)- The school has turned out some great scholars. (4)- Turn out the light before you go to bed. (3)- The plan turned out a failure. (2)- We are to turn out 100,000,586 computers next year to meet the market requirements. (4)- The experiment turned out to be a s
45、uccess. (2)- Crowds turned out for the procession. (1)anticipate: vt. expect (usu. followed by gerund or that-clause)- The police had anticipated trouble from the soccer fans and were at the ground in large numbers.- 他们预测到2012年死于艾滋病的人数将增加一倍。(They anticipate that deaths from AIDS will have doubled by
46、 2012.)N.B. 该动词所接的宾语可以是动名词,不可用不定式代替。- We anticipate running into problems in carrying out the medical welfare reform.- We anticipate hearing from you again.tedious: adj. boring and lasting for a long time- The movie was so tedious that many viewers left before it was over.- Laura found George to be
47、tedious and decided not to see him anymore.inspire: vt. fill (sb.) with confidence, eagerness, etc.- Martin Luther King, Jr.s speeches inspired people to fight for equal treatment of African Americans.- The last leaf on the tree that never fell off inspired the dying patient with the will to live on
48、.Collocation:inspire sth. in sb .(= inspire sb. with sth.) 使某人产生某种感情;激发某人的某种感情rigid: adj. (often disapproving) fixed in behavior; based on correct or accepted rules- 如果他从前对事情不那么严格苛刻的话,他女儿就不会这么年轻就离家出走了。(If he had been a little less rigid about things, his daughter would not have left home at such a y
49、oung age.)- The rigid headmaster would button up his clothes even on the hottest days.severe: adj.1) completely plain- The widow wore a severe black dress to her husbands funeral.- 海明威以其朴实的写作风格而闻名于世。(Hemingway is known for his severe writing style.)2) stern; strict- Only those who have undergone sev
50、ere training can be accepted into the air force.- Fu Lei was so severe with his son that even his wife would cry.3) causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, etc.- The severe chest pain experienced by the Vice-President proved to be a heart attack.- 工厂必须生产出更新更好的产品,才能在激烈的商业竞争形势中获胜。(A factory must t
51、urn out newer and better products to win in the climate of severe business competition.)CF: severe, stern & strictsevere 作“严厉”解时,可以用来形容人(severe father 严厉的父亲),人的面貌(severe look 严厉的神色),人的态度(The teacher is severe with his students. 教师对学生很严厉。)。stern 与 severe 相近,但用途比较窄,一般用于人的容貌或态度。例如:a stern father 和 a se
52、vere father 都可以用,但含义稍有不同:a severe father指对于子女有严厉的要求,积极的意义较多;a stern father 则指对子女不含温情,要他们服从,消极的意味较多。 strict 相当于汉语的 “严格的”,须先假定有一种客观的标准(如规章、纪律、定义、真理等)。例如:- The teacher is strict with his students.- There is a strict regulation against smoking in the auditorium.tackle: vt. deal with- Toshiba (东芝) recent
53、ly designed a robot that can tackle almost any kinds of housework.- The question set by the teacher was so difficult that the pupils did not know how to tackle it.face up to: be brave enough to accept or deal with (a problem or difficulty)- Yeltsin faced up to the fact that he was no longer fit for
54、the Russian presidency and resigned on New Years Eve.- 既然你女儿已经诞生了,你就要承担起做父亲的责任。(Now that your daughter was born, youll have to face up to the responsibilities of being a father.)sequence: n. connected line of events, ideas, etc.- 连续的歉收(bad harvest)迫使一些非洲国家请求外国援助(foreign aid)。(A sequence of bad harve
55、sts forced some African countries to ask for foreign aid.)- The Fall of the Roman Empire was written in historical sequence.CF: sequence & seriessequence 是指“先后衔接的次序”。这种次序可以是历史性的,即事态发生时的先后次序;也可以是逻辑性的,即论点先后的衔接,相当于汉语的“语无伦次”中的“伦次”。例如:- I have a poor memory for dates and often mix up the sequence of even
56、ts. (我记日期的能力很差,常把事情的先后次序弄混。)- Your argument lacks logical sequence, for your second point does not follow the first. (你的论据缺乏逻辑顺序,因为你的第二点与第一点衔接不上。)series 是指“系列”、“组”,可以有先后衔接的次序,也可以没有,但一系列或一组的东西一定自成一个完整的单位。例如:- Professor Li will give a series of lectures on the Middle East issue. (李教授将就中东问题做一系列的讲座。)- T
57、he post office has issued a series of stamps commemorating the Olympic Games. (邮政局发行了一组纪念奥运会的邮票。)Collocation:in sequence顺次,挨次in rapid sequence紧接着,一个接着一个in regular sequence按次序,有条不紊the sequence of events事情的先后顺序recall: vt. bring back to the mind; remember (usu. followed by noun / gerund, or that-clause
58、)- I recognize the face but cant recall her name.- I dont recall ever meeting her.- She recalled that she had to see the doctor again that afternoon.CF: recall, remember & remind 这三个词都与“记忆”有关,前两个词有时可通用。recall“想起”,把忘记的东西又想起来了,其动作包含有意识的努力,因此常与 can,could 等词连用,强调一次的回忆。例如:- Try as I might, I could not re
59、call where I had left the book. (我怎么也想不起来我把书丢在哪里了。)- I remember her face but I cannot recall where I met her. (我记得她的脸,但是想不起在什么地方见过她。)remember “想起”,用处比较广泛,指事物自然在记忆中出现,不包含努力或意志。例如:- I suddenly remembered I had left the book in the library. (我突然想起我把书忘在图书馆里了。)如果 remember 表示有意识的行动,常指“记住”。例如:- You must re
60、member this phone number. (你必须记住这个电话号码。)remind 指“使某人想起”,“提醒”,宾语是人。具体用法如下:1) 接宾语; 2) 接宾语+of+宾语;3) 接宾语+不定式;4) 接宾语+that-clause。 例如:1) If I forget it, please remind me. (如果我忘了,请提醒我。)2) This reminds me of last year. (这使我想起去年的事。)3) Remind me to write to my Mom. (提醒我给妈妈写信。)4) The sight of the clock reminde
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