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1、PRONOUNS -1. classification2. concord 3. case forms4. reflexive pronouns-Pronoun? pro- ? a. supporting or approving of something. b. doing something instead of someone.Pronouns are words used instead of nouns, thus have nominal functions.-Classification personal, possessive, reflexive, reciprocal, d

2、emonstrative, interrogative, relative, indefinite pronouns.Personal pronouns: I/ me, we/ us, you, he/ him, she/ her, it, they/ them-Possessive pronouns: my/ mine, our/ ours, you/ yours, his/ his, her/ hers, its/ its, their/ theirsReflexive pronouns:Reciprocal pronouns: each other(s), one another(s)-

3、Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those, it, such, sameThis book is yours, and that is mine.Interrogative pronouns: who(ever), whom(ever), whose, which, whatRelative pronouns: who(ever), whom(ever), whose, which, that, as-Indefinite pronouns: some, something, somebody, someone; any, anythin

4、g, anybody, anyone; no, nothing, nobody, no one, none; everything, everybody, everyone, each; much, many, little, a little, few, a few, other, another, all, one, both, neither, either.I have do much work this morning.He has done much for his wife.-Concord ANTECEDENTa word, phrase or sentence that is

5、 represented by pronouns. One must remember to remain very still when he attends a concert.Professor Smith and I went to the States together. We stayed there for three weeks.I recognized one of the girls, but I didnt speak to her.I recognized one of the girls who were caroling the other night.-Conco

6、rd in numberNUMBER:Antecedent: everyone, anyone, everybody, anybody, no one, nobody, someone, somebodyPronoun?-The cast is giving _ (its, their) best performance tonight.Everyone thinks _ (he is, they are )the centre of the universe.Wells is one of the editors who always _(take, takes) a leading rol

7、e in _(his, their) community.Dictatorship is the one of many evils which _(tend, tends) to perpetuate _(itself, themselves).Either John or James, who are twins, _(have, has) left (his, their) sweater.-Concord in person When it comes to making a conscious effort to help keep a public place clean, mos

8、t people just dont make the effort. Im a maintenance man for a department store. If you did make the effort help keep the public place where I work clean, we probably wouldnt have a job. see Exercise 8C-Concord in gender GENDER?masculine, feminine, neuter, commonIt is a set of grammatical forms of n

9、ouns (pronouns), determiners and adjectives that tell of the distinctions of sex or attribute.In modern English, only pronouns and nouns have gender distinctions.-Nouns of common gender manThey were pronounced man and wife at the altar.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are create

10、d equal,If a student needs advice about careers, _should consult the career officers.- babyWhen bathing a baby, always hold_ securely.My baby has got _ first tooth.-Nouns of neuter gender Normally: it, its, itself, they, them, their, themselves? his, he, him, she, her, etc.Once upon a time there was

11、 a wolf in sheeps clothing, hiding _ among a flock of ship.As soon as the plane had hopped off, _ picked up speed.China is my motherland. _ has experienced huge changes during the past decades.-Pronoun case forms subjective case: I, we, you, he, she, it, they, who, whoever objective case: possessive

12、 case:-Subjective case or objective case?General rule: subjective case -subject objective case - object, obj. complement, prep. complementation, etc.The woman _(who/whom) we thought to be _(she, her) turned out to be her sister.The woman _ (who/ whom) we thought might be _ (she. her) turned out to b

13、e her sister.-General ruleIt is difficult to predict _ (who, whom) will win the election.Whos knocking the door? its _ (I/ me). It was _ (I/ me) who am to blame.It was_ (I/ me) that they were talking about.Stanley had no doubt about _(who, whom) would be elected minister of defense.Everybody, includ

14、ing _ (I, me), failed the test.She knows me better than _(he? him?).-Exceptions to general rule1. informality subjective case -subject position objective case - other positions2. minor sentence3. everybody/ nobody + but/ except + pronouns-Interrogative clause_ (who/ whom) did you want to nominate?I

15、dont know _ (who/ whom) you want to nominate?Relative clauseWill you go and see Carlos, _ (who/ whom) I believe will be glad to help you?The woman _ (who/ whom) we thought might be her turned out to be her sister.Informality -Cleft sentenceIt was _ (he/him) who did it.Comparative clauseShe is pretti

16、er than _(I/ me)He is clever than _ (we/ us) all.Informality -Minor sentenceDoes anyone know where Tom lives? - _(I/ me). / - _ (I/ me) do.-Everybody/ nobody + but/ exceptNobody except _ (he/ him) can solve our problems.Everybody agreed to our proposal but _(he/ him).I interviewed everybody but _(he

17、/ him).-1. Just between you and (I, me) that man is crazy.2. The petition was drafted by Nelson, Wright, and (I, me).3. It was (she, her) who finally spoke up.4. Mark was very hurt and began spreading many lies about Troy and (she, her).-5. No one will be responsible for it, neither you nor (I, me).

18、6. To (who, whom) should I address this letter?7. The child (who, whom) we thought was lost was found in the next block.8. He promised to support (whoever, whomever) of the Republican prospects was chosen.-Objective case or possessive case? pronoun + V-ing1. objective/ possessiveDo you mind_ (me/ my

19、) opening the window?I told them about _ (you/ your) resigning from office. (pronoun + V-ing) as object or prep. complementation-_ (Him/ His) refusing to accept the invitation is really surprising.Because of the bad weather, the businessman probably has to postpone _ (him/ his) arriving. 2. possessi

20、ve case only(pronoun + V-ing) as subject defer/ deny/ postpone + (pronoun + V-ing) -They caught _ (him/ his) cheating on the exam. catch/ find/ see/ hear/ + (pronoun as object) + V-ing3. objective case only-1. I found (his, him) lying by the roadside.2. The bush is dying; (its, its) leaves are cover

21、ed with mildew.3. I wouldnt trust (anyones else, anyone elses) judgement.4. I cannot understand (him, his) refusing to doing that.5. (formal) I dont mind (him, his) criticizing me so severely6. The family resisted the idea of (his, him) leaving home.-Correction1. I saw his waving a flag in the crowd

22、.2. they deferred him going home on furlough until next month.3. I dont like you to arrive late.4. Johnsons father approved of he staying in China for another year.-Reflexive pronounsWhat elements can reflexive pronouns function as in a sentence?Nancy herself will perform the operation.I have nothin

23、g to say for myself.He applied himself to the task.I dont feel myself today.appositive, object, subject complement, and prepositional complementation-Appositive How to avoid ambiguity?Mrs. Smith will go and see Nancy herself.-Prep. Complementation conventional collocations by oneself, of oneself, fo

24、r oneself to oneself between ourselves/ yourselves/ themselves beside oneself-Prep. ComplementationNobody but _ (I, me, myself) noticed the change.Nobody but _ (he, him, himself) noticed the change-Subject complement someone is himself/ herself. be oneself?-Can a reflexive pronoun be subject?My sist

25、er and myself are the only ones not down with the flu. formal informal -Correction 1. She has nothing to say for her.2. He always conducts him like a scholar.3. No one but herself knows Russian.4. Jane and himself collaborated on a new novel.-Generic reference one, ones, oneself, we, us, our, ours,

26、ourselves you, your, yourselves, they, them, themselves, their, theirs-Exercise 8A1.its 2.his, he 3.them 4.it has 5.it, it has to 6.its/ their 7.its 8.him/ them (informal) 9.he is/ they are (informal) 10.it 11.it 12.his/ their (formal) 13.isnt it 14.take/ takes (informal), their/ his (informal) 15.h

27、is/ their (informal) 16.has, his 17.their 18.has, his 19.they, themselves 20.tends, itself-Exercise 8B1.it/ she 2.It 3.it/ her 4.her 5.his/ ones, he/ one, his/ ones 6.himself 7.she 8.it/ she 9.he/ he or she (formal), he/ he or she (formal) 10. it/ she 11.it/ her 12.his/ his or her, his/ his or her,

28、his/ his or her 13.it/ him 14.it/ him, it/ he 15.It 16.he/ he or she 17.his/ her 18.it/ she 19.he/ he or she 20.he/ he or she, he/ he or she-Exercise 9A1.me 2.me 3.she 4.me 5.her 6.she 7.whom 8.who 9.who 10.whoever 11.him 12.its 13.anyone elses 14.his 15.who 16.whoever 17.his 18.her 19.whom, her 20.

29、whom-Exercise 9B1.theirs, ours 2.its, its 3.of his 4.The professor himself 5.for herself 6.beside ourselves 7.conducts himself 8.itself 9.he/ he himself (no change in informal style) 10 no change 11.she/ she herself 12.him 13.me 14.whom 15.who 16.whoever (no change in informal style) 17.us, who (no

30、change in informal style) 18.him 19.his 20.whoever 21.his 22.your arriving late 23.whomever 24.Their 25.who (no change in informal style) 26.whoever 27.me 28.he himself 29.one/ he 30.whether you-Exercise 9C1. to teach the facts of life to their children.2. to change this situation3. with great poten

31、tials which are not enhanced4. major in accounting.5. Bud Ellis challenged Jody Baker to a game of chess when they met at the Recreation Centre.6. This mornings paper says that Route 4 cant be used until the flood damage is repaired.7. On a hill was situated the cottage, which8. Two weeks after his uncle moved to Florida, Ed sold-9. as if the jails were equipped with


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