已阅读5页,还剩14页未读 继续免费阅读




1、附录语法过关落实 (一)名词 一、名词的同义词辨析1常作为考点的名词同义词approach;method;way;meansarea;region;field;districtargument;quarrel;debateaward;reward;prizebackground;environment;surroundingbehaviour;action;actbenefit;profitcase;example;instance;samplecause;reason;excuseclimate;weathercondition;situationcontest;competition;ma

2、tch;raceconsequence;result custom;habit;practicediet;food direction;instructionenergy;strength;force;power;abilityevent;affair;business fault;mistake;errorglimpse;glance;look;sightlabour;work;job;taskmessage;news;information;wordopinion;idea;thought;mindpattern;design;style;modelpercent;percentage p

3、ractice;training;exercisepurpose;aim;goal;target scene;scenery;sight;viewshade;shadow skill;abilityspirit;courage symbol;sign;markterm;condition;case touch;contact;connectionvalue;price;cost variety;speciesview;sight;vision voyage;trip;journeywage;salary;pay;income2名词同义词辨析题解题技巧从三个方面考虑:词义;搭配(与介词或动词搭配

4、);惯用法【例1】 Finding out about these universities has become easy for anyone with Internet _. Aentrance Badmission Caccess Dentry解题关键 解此题的关键是要弄清楚这四个单词的词义。entrance“入口,门口,进入”;admission“允许进入,承认”;entry“进入,入口”。上述三个词一般指进入建筑物、社团、学校等地的权利。如:They were refused entrance to the exhibition.“他们被拒于展览会门外。”Entry to the

5、museum is free.“这家博物馆免费进入参观。”She failed to gain admission to the university of her choice.“她没有被自己选择的大学录取。”access“通道”,也可指接近或使用某东西的“权利,机会”。如:Students must have access to good resources.“学生必须有机会使用好的信息资源。”根据题意“对于可以使用互联网的人来说,要查找这些大学已经变得非常容易。”可知答案为C。【例2】 Except on formal _ such as official reception, Amer

6、ican society has a certain amount of informality. Aconditions Bcases Coccasions Dsituations解题关键 解此题的关键是要弄清楚这四个单词的搭配。四个单词都可作“情况”解。condition常与介词in或under搭配使用,多用复数形式:in/under.conditions“在情况下,在条件下,在环境下”,但condition也可与介词on搭配,只能用单数形式:on condition that“只要,条件是”。case与介词in搭配:in that/this case“在那(这)种情况下,如果那(这)样的

7、话”,in such cases“在这种情况下”,in case of“如果,万一”。occasion与介词on搭配:on that/this occasion“在那(这)种场合”,on special occasions“在特殊场合”。situation与介词in搭配:in adifficult situation“处境困难”,in unexpected situations“在意外情况下”。据此可知本题答案为C,题意是“除了在官方接待这样的正式场合,美国社会是较为随便的。”【例3】 “I dont think its my _ that the TV blew up. I just tur

8、ned it on, thats all,” said the boy. Aerror Bmistake Cfault Dduty解题关键 解此题的关键是要弄清楚名词的惯用法。error, mistake和fault都可译为“错误”,但it is ones fault是惯用法。如:Its notmy fault./Whose fault is it that were late?根据题意“我认为电视机爆炸不是我的错,我只是打开了电视,仅此而已。”可知答案为C。二、名词与动词的搭配play jokes/tricks on开的玩笑;捉弄take advantage of利用o practice;o

9、 reality实行;实施take trouble to do sth.不辞劳苦地做某事have difficulty in doing sth.做某事有困难make an effort to do sth.努力去做某事take pains to do sth.尽力去做某事spare no effort to do sth.不遗余力做某事take no notice of;pay no attention to不注意;忽视keep/get in touch/contact with;have connection with与保持/取得/有联系keep/bear.in mind;learn.by

10、 heart记住;熟记put ones heart into.;put ones mind to.全身心地去做o account/consideration将考虑在内take action;take measures采取措施take/follow ones advice接受某人的建议make an attempt to do sth.试图做某事puzzle ones brain over sth.绞尽脑汁做某事take charge of对负责;掌管keep sb. company陪伴某人make a difference起作用;与众不同make no difference没有关系或影响;无关

11、紧要have a narrow escape九死一生come into existence存在;成立find fault with sb.对某人吹毛求疵;找某人的岔子do sb. a favour帮助某人;帮某人的忙lend/give sb. a hand帮助某人have/form/develop the habit of doing sth.有/养成习惯make/leave an impression on sb.给某人留下印象have an influence/impact/effect on/upon.对有影响give/offer sb. a lift让某人搭便车;载某人一程take a

12、 message for sb.给某人捎个口信leave sb. a message给某人留个口信bring/call.to mind使某人想起satisfy/meet/cover ones needs/demands/requirements满足某人的需求/要求/条件come to power执政;当权take pride in以为豪;为感到骄傲take possession of拥有keep a record of记录;记载take responsibility for对负责take a risk冒险make room for为腾出地方make sense有道理;是明智的;有意义三、名词作

13、定语1名词作定语,通常表示中心词的用途、材料或特性。如:acoffee cup;telephone number;paper flowers;weather forecast;seat belt;income tax;identity card;stone bridge;heart trouble2名词作定语时,通常用单数形式,但个别词除外。如:a lothes shop服装店;a sports meet运动会;a sports car跑车;a woman doctor一个女医生;three women doctors三位女医生四、名词的数1下列名词是不可数名词:information;lug

14、gage;furniture;equipment;baggage;jewellery;machinery;clothing;fruit;luck;fun;health;wealth;weather;confidence;access;respect等。What fun we had on the seashore!Everybody has access to the public library.2下列名词通常作不可数名词用,但当指“具体的人、事”时是可数名词:surprise;pleasure;satisfaction;honour;failure;success;help;delight

15、;shock;fright;comfort;concern;pride等。He is still in a state of shock.他还是很吃惊。The news of his death came as a shock to us all.他去世的消息令我们很震惊。3下列不可数名词可与不定冠词连用,特别是其前有形容词修饰时:interest;knowledge等。He has a wide knowledge of painting and music.4下列名词有时可用作可数名词:tea;coffee。Two teas and three coffees, please.5下列名词常

16、用复数形式:congratulations;greetings;regards;wishes;tears;belongings;surroundings等。Congratulations on your exam results!6下列名词是复数名词:police;people;folk(s);cattle等。The police are in search of the attempted murderer.7下列名词作可数名词和不可数名词时,意义不同:word (可数)“字;词;话语”:Have a word with Pat and see what she thinks.(不可数)“消

17、息;信息”:She sent word that she would be late.exercise (可数)“练习;习题”:Our teacher gave us many exercises for us to do after school.(不可数)“锻炼;运动”:Swimming is good exercise.room (可数)“房间”:He lives in a large room, which is well furnished.(不可数)“空间”:This table takes up too much room.experience (可数)“经历”:Living i

18、n Africa was quite an experience for her.(不可数)“经验”:She has much teaching experience.work (可数)“作品;艺术品”:Many works of art were stolen from the museum last night.(不可数)“工作”:Its difficult to find work in the present economic climate.过 关 落 实1He and his wife are of the same _;they both want their son to go

19、 to college. Asoul Bspirit Cheart Dmind 解析:be of the same mind想法一样。 答案:D2One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living _. Abills Bexpenses Cprices Dcharges 解析:living expenses生活费;bills指账单;charges意为收费。 答案:B3The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common _

20、in many parts of the city. Alook Bsign Csight Dappearance 解析:sight景象,景观;look表情,面貌;sign标志,符号; appearance表象,外貌。 答案:C4You are always full of _.Can you tell me the secret? Taking plenty of exercise every day. Apower Bstrength Cforce Denergy 解析:full of energy充满活力;power常指权力,电力;strength力气; force武力。 答案:D5Of

21、 the seven days in a week,Saturday is said to be the most popular _ for a wedding in some countries. Away Bsituation Cevent Dchoice 解析:“周六是婚礼的最佳选择”,用choice。 答案:D6My morning _ includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast. Adrill Baction Cregulation Droutine 解析:routine表示常规或惯例。 答案

22、:D7AIDS control and prevention is a _ to China as well as the whole world. Asurprise Bchallenge Creaction Dthreat 解析:be a challenge to.,对来说是个挑战。 答案:B8You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of _. Adate Bshape Corder Dbalance 解析:由句意可知out of shape指“变形”。 答案:B9If you like I can do some s

23、hopping for you. Thats a very kind _. Aoffer Bservice Cpoint Dsuggestion 解析:offer作名词时意为“提供、提议”。 答案:A10Finding information in todays world is easy.The _ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not. Aability Bcompetition Cchallenge Dknowledge 解析:由句意“找出信息是容易的,但如何判断信息是否有用则是 个挑战”可知。 答案:C11Mickey bought an old car cheaply,cleaned it up and sold it the n


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