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1、 经典本科出国留学申请文书 如果没有找到您想要的内容,点击“怎么写申请书”察看更多 经典本科出国留学申请文书范文 Dear _, Accounting is like Art. You have to analyse every aspect before making a just decision. A teacher of mine once told me that if you were good at art, you would be good at accounts. It was hard to find his logic at first, but having spen

2、t two years doing GCSE Art and a further two on Accounts A Level, it all began to make sense. You need logic; everything has a set order and method. Each piece is placed carefully and has a high significance amongst its environment. You need analytical skills. Take apart every piece of information a

3、nd use it to make your own decisions. Having excelled in both these exams, I can proudly say that I possess the skills that will lead me to university. I have developed an interest in studying accounts or and would therefore like to continue doing so at university. The course that I would like to do

4、 at university is Business Accounts or Accounts and Finance. I feel that the two subjects combine well with one another and on many occasions I have founds that my knowledge of one has helped me with the other. Studying Maths and Business has also provided me with logic and a greater understanding o

5、f various concepts and methods. I have become more flexible in identifying what concepts need to be used and when, thus, helping me achieve the greatest results possible. I have the ability to pick up skills and knowledge quickly and am independent enough to conduct my own study and research. On man

6、y occasions at college I have taught myself various chapters in maths in order to remain ahead of the class. My main ambition for the future is to become an Accountant Executive or a Financial Advisor. I am hoping university will provide me with an understanding of the business world as well as offe

7、ring me a wide range of choices and connections after my course. However, I have also helped to teach mathematics. I have taken part in a project at school where we taught younger pupils the basics of maths. I also helped to tutor many of my classmates in preparation for exams, which they found help

8、ful. I enjoyed teaching and so this will be my third choice of career. Outside of studying, one of my many passions is Art. I enjoy visiting art galleries and studying art in depth. My favourite type of art is symbolism and surrealism and my favourite artists are Dali and Escher as they both deal wi

9、th double possibilities. Recently, however, I have developed a new interest in contemporary art, of which I have done a number of paintings on canvas on commission for friends and family who have all been pleased with my work. Most of my spare time on the weekend is taken up by my part time job as a

10、 sales associate at Skechers USA, Bullring, Birmingham. I have been working at Skechers since the opening of the store in September 2022 and am one of only two of the original members of staff left. This is an advantage for me as I can offer the highest level of customer service and have a good know

11、ledge of the overall running of the store, which makes me committed, reliable and adaptable as I have found that I need to adjust myself to the many changes that have occurred over the year. My job has also taught me to be more tolerable and patient with others. I have thoroughly enjoyed college and

12、 believe that university is the next step for me. College and my part time job have changed me as a person. They have given me a greater sense of independence and success. I feel that college has really made me grow and has introduced me to a wider range of people. I have opened up to people more an

13、d am now a better team player as I have learnt to listen to others and take in their opinions. I have become accepting to other cultures and beliefs and feel that I am much more open-minded. I hope that you have analysed this piece carefully enough to offer me a place at your university, and trust t

14、hat you have yet to see the bigger picture of me. Yours sincerely, 美国本科留学一年需多少钱 回答:美国本科留学一年简略需要的费用清单如下: 一、美国本科留学学费 美国大学主要分为4类,每类的费用都不同,费用范畴大致如下 美国大学本科一般为 $10,000-$55,000年不等。 公立综合大学:学费每年约为15万-30万人民币。 私立综合大学:学费每年约为20万-40万人民币。 文理学院:学费每年约为20万-40万人民币。 社区学院:学费每年约为6万-12万人民币。 二、美国本科留学住宿费 住宿费主要根据居住方式来定,住宿方式主

15、要有以下3种: 1.在学校宿舍居住 宿舍费用:大概为每年$3,000-7,500(9个月的费用) 国外大多数学校的宿舍都配有电子监控系统及专业的保安人员,就安全性来说,学校公寓无疑是选择,但对自由的限制会高。此外,部分学校会要求学生住在学习宿舍,至少一年,具体要求可去学校查询,同时确认住宿费是否包含床上用品等。 2.校外租房或合租 租房费用:每年约为$3,600-7,200 校外租房是最贵的,由于地理位置不同,所租房屋的价格差距也较大。为了减轻费用,一般可以选择和好友合租,但可能距离学校有一定距离,交通费用可能有所上涨。 3.寄宿家庭 住房费用:$500月-$900月(价格视美国家庭情况不同而

16、异化) 寄宿家庭一般是由学校根据学生的要求帮忙安置家庭,如果与寄宿家庭相处不来,也可以申请换一个家庭。选择寄宿家庭,可以帮助自己很快融入当地生活,提升英语水平。 三、美国本科留学生活费 生活费与所在的城市消费水平息息相关,美国城市消费水平主要分为四个等级: 1.第1级 指美国特大城市,如旧金山、纽约、费城、洛杉矶、波士顿、迈阿密、夏威夷、芝加哥、华盛顿首府等,其生活费为$1,000-2,000月,这是不囊括买车、外出旅行、电话和娱乐等额外消费。 2.第2级 指美国大城市,如匹兹堡、西雅图、拉达斯、亚特兰大、奥斯汀、底特律等,其生活费为$800-1,000月。 3.第3级 指美国南部、中西部、东

17、南部一些州,如德州、威斯康星州,依利诺州、密歇根州、犹他州、科罗拉多州、乔治亚州、弗吉尼亚州、北卡罗来纳州等,其生活费为$600-800月。 4.第4级 俄克拉荷马州、密苏里州、路易斯安纳州、南卡罗来纳州等,其生活费为$450-600月。 四、其他费用 1. 国际学生费 国际学生费一些美国高校会在学费、住宿费基础上,针对国际学生收取国际学生费,这部分费用主要用于一些国际学生服务,以及追踪政府要求的国际学生信息。如美国东北大学的国际学生费为$350(约合人民币2400元)。 2. 往返两国的交通费 美国大学暑假较长,很多同学会考虑回家享受假期。学期中一些小短假也可能会考虑回家。这时就不得不考虑回

18、国的交通成本。 一般一年回国两次,那也就是四趟飞机,如从北京到纽约,一次机票约为4000-5000人民币。 3. 保险 美国高校一般会要求国际学生购买保险。学生通过学校购买保险一般会比自己从外面找保险公司更便宜一些。 学生到美国留学一般都会要求购买医疗保险,所以保险费用和其他一些杂费加一起大概$500-1500之间(约合人民币3400-10000之间)。 4. 额外的假期宿舍费 寒假如果学生不回家而选择留在学生宿舍,需要支付额外的假期宿舍费。举例来说,加州大学圣芭芭拉分校的国际学生可以报名寒假住宿,并需支付$300(约合人民币2000元)的费用。 5. 宿舍补充用品费 国际学生所能携带的行李有

19、限,因此常常需要添置更多的宿舍用品,如床上用品。也有一些大学会在新生周活动中组织学生去采购必要的生活用品。 6. 衣服 美国各地气候差异明显,有的地方冬冷夏热。如果留学生来自四季如春的城市,则可能不得不添置衣服以适应不同的气候。 7. 书本费 一般$500-800左右,因人而异,美国的书籍费用很高,正常消费情况下是如此,但一般通过租书,买二手书等方式获取的话会省下不少钱。 美国本科留学容易申请的专业 1、经济学类 国际注册会计师、精算师、金融工程师、保荐人这些字眼无一不是商业精英以及高额薪水的代名词。近几年来,经济学类,尤其是旗下金融学、金融工程、保险等专业的报考热度和关注度持续高涨,本科毕业

20、生出国留学的机会也是特别多。 2、管理学类 管理学是一个较为宽泛的概念,囊括管理科学与工程类、工商管理类、公共管理类等。管理学类和经济学类相似,一些比较创新的前沿的研究手段和理论基本都产生在欧美发达国家的大学和研究所里。发达国家的政府和企业都特别注重向高校中的管理学专业人士咨询管理策略和方法,这也就为从事这些方面的研究生和博士生提供了更多实践和发展的机遇。随着经济快速发展,大量本土企业成长壮大,中国经济发展需要大量的具有专业素养和国际视野的管理类人才。因而,无论是从就业率还是从薪酬来说,管理学类专业海归的前途是有保证的。 3、新闻传播学类 近年来随着人们对信息需求量的迅猛增长,传媒市场呈现出一

21、派繁荣景象,数字电视、互联网和手机平台的飞速发展为我们今天的大众传媒付与了更为广泛的发展空间。相比国内的传媒专业教育,国外的传媒教育具有历史悠久、专业设置齐全、研发实力雄厚、国际化氛围浓厚等诸多优势。但我们还需要在国内本科阶段学习传媒专业相关的理论,提升自己对于国内传媒业发展现状、发展趋势的认识,才能更好地领悟国外高校传媒教育的精髓。 4、语言学 语言学专业是针对语言进行学习,囊括语言的结构、形成、历史、以及人们如何使用语言等等。随着全球化持续作为尚未消退的新兴商业趋势,具有语言学背景的专家在许多领域中将会更加受到重视。相关职业:人类学领域、考古学领域、计算机科学、口译员、语言学家、语言病理学家、听力学家、翻译、市场营销。 5、娱乐管理 主修娱乐管理学的学生将学


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