



1、PAGE PAGE 4第四讲 Units 2、3、4、8八年级上复习目标语言目标1. Whats the matter? I have a headache. You should go to see a doctor.2. What are you doing for vacation? Im spending time with my friends.3. How do you get to school? I take the bus.4. How was your school trip? It was great.知识目标1. 掌握有关病名和建议;介绍旅游活动的动词;有关交通工具的名

2、词。2. 掌握情态动词should表达建议;一般现在时;一般过去时;现在进行时表示将来;there be的一般过去时。自读考点1. ago 意思是“以前”,一段时间位于ago之前,是一个表示过去时间的短语,谓语动词时态常用一般过去时。而before也可位于一段时间之后,此时表示过去的过去时间,谓语动词常用过去完成时。2. I think so 是对上文提出的建议、想法等表示赞同的回答语。其中so是代词,代替上文中的内容。另外,也可出现在so do I或so I do的句型中。3. Whats the matter?是Whats the matter with?的省略。该问句常用来询问某人患了何

3、种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦。也可以用Whats the trouble with? Whats wrong with?来表达。4. too much意思是“太多的”,后接不可数名词,too many后接可数名词。而much too意思是“太”,后接形容词或副词。5. Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle. 该句是it引导的形式主语的结构,it代替动词不定式。该句型可概括为:Its +形容词 (for / of sb.) + 动词不定式。例如:Its important for us to learn English. 对我们来说,学习英语是重要的。Its kin

4、d of you to help me. 帮助我,你太好了。6. stay healthy相当于keep healthy, keep in good health。7. few,little意思是“很少的;几乎没有的”,表示否定,修饰可数名词,而little修饰不可数名词;a few, a little意思是“有些;几个”,表示肯定,也修饰可数名词,a little修饰不可数名词。另外,a little还可修饰形容词、副词或动词。8. at the moment相当于now。9. until=till意思是“直到之时;在之前”,引导时间状语,后接时间短语或句子;当主句的谓语动词为延续性时,谓语

5、动词应用肯定形式,当主句的谓语动词为短暂性时,谓语动词应用否定形式。例如:I stayed at home until the rain stopped. 我一直等到雨停。She didnt go to bed until ten oclock. 直到十点钟她才去睡觉。10. how long表示“多久”,针对“for+一段时间”提问,谓语动词应为延续性的;how long也表示“多长”,针对“长度”提问;how far表示“距离多远”。11. forget意思是“忘记”,后接动词时,该动词为to do或doing的形式。如果说明动作没发生,就用to do的形式,如果说明动作已发生,则用doi

6、ng的形式。另外,remember的用法亦如此。12. finish意思是“结束;完成”,后接动词doing的形式。像enjoy也是这种用法。13. go camping意思是“去野营”。go+doing表示从事某种体育运动或娱乐活动,意为“去干”,常见短语有:go sightseeing, go hiking, go bike-riding, go swimming, go skating, go skiing, go fishing, go boating, go dancing, go shopping等。14. decide on意思是“决定”,后接名词或动名词作宾语,decide o

7、n doing sth. 相当于decide to do sth.。15. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans?这是一个婉转请求的句子,不能当作普通的一般疑问句看待,Can I?或Could I?常用来表示人给予的许可或征询听话人的许可,在比较正式的文体中或比较客气的场合,用may。这种问句往往是说话者希望得到对方的允许,用some及some构成的不定代词,而不能用any或any构成的不定代词。16. This time I want to do something different. 此句中的something为不定

8、代词,当不定代词被形容词修饰时,形容词要放在不定代词之后。17. 表示“乘坐”有三种表示方式:一是by+交通工具,二是take / ride a / his/ the +交通工具,三是on / in + a / the / his+交通工具。18. How long does it take you to get from home to school?该句是“take”(表示“花费”)的结构,其句型为:It takes sb. +一段时间+to do sth. 意思是“某人做某事花多少时间”。可用spend的句型转换。例如:It took me half an hour to do my h

9、omework.= I spent half an hour (in) doing my homework.= I spent half an hour on my homework. 此时,注意句子的主语是不同的,而且做事情的动作结构也是不同的,前者是不定式,后者是动名词。19. a number of表示“许多;很多”,后接可数名词; the number of表示“数量;数目”。当它们作句子的主语时,前者不用第三人称单数形式,后者则只能用单数形式。20. win意思是“赢得;取得”,后接表示“比赛;奖品;荣誉”之类的词;beat意思是“打败”,后勤工作接表示“某人;某团队”之类的词。21

10、. at the end of 表示“在末端”,后接表时间、地点的名词;by the end of表示“在结束时;到为止”,后接过去时间,常用过去完成时。22. none意思是“没有人/物”,可以单独使用,也可用none of的结构,充当主语时,谓语动词可以是单数,亦可用复数,反义词是all;no one意思是“没有人”,不能用of的结构。在回答how many时,应用none;回答anyone, who时,用no one。活动探究问题讨论1. 列举下面有关方面的词语。病名:_旅游活动:_交通工具:_2. 回答你的一次旅游活动的问题。 (1) Did you have a school tri

11、p last weekend? Did you go to the aquarium? (2) Where did you go? (3) How did you go there? (4) How long does it take? (5) How long did you stay there? (6) How was your trip?(7) What are you doing next day off? (8) If you cant. Whats the matter?话题讨论阅读下面的对话,在空白处填入合适的句子。A: Hello, Li Bin. I hear that y

12、ou had a school trip last week, didnt you?B: Yes, we did. A: 1_?B: We went to the West Lake in Huangzhou.A: How did you go there?B: 2_.A: 3_?B: Two days.A: 4_?B: It was very beautiful and fascinating. It attracted many visitors coming there. I took many videos there. Would you like to come to see th

13、em tomorrow morning?A: Yes, Id love to, but I have to see my doctor.B: 5_?A: I had a sore back. During the last trip, I had a fall and hurt my back.B: Im sorry to hear that. I hope youll be better soon. Then another time.A: Thank you.3. 背景讨论 根据所学的课本知识背景,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. If you are often weak an

14、d tired, maybe you have too much yin.( ) 2. Tofu is a kind of yang food.( ) 3. Canadians speak English and French.( ) 4. In North American and in Japan, most students take trains to school.实战演练课内作业一、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。1. When you are tired, you should _ _ (躺下) and have a good rest.2. Its not good to eat

15、junk food _ _ _ (保持健康).3. Im not feeling very well _ _ _ (现在).4. The students are _ _ (去宿营) in the mountain and _ _ (离开) for three days.5. He _ _ (考虑) going to Greece or Spain, but _ _ (决定) Canada.6. After dinner, she often _ _ (散步) along the lake.7. Who is taking part in the English contest _ _ (取决

16、于) the teacher.8. _ _ _ _ (少数) students can finish their homework on time.9. Last night he _ _ (闲荡) with his friends in the park.10. _ _ _ _ (在结束时) the meeting, the lights in the room were off.11. Can you _ _ _ _ (去兜风) with us?12. What do you want to be _ _ _ (在未来)?二、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. I _(finish) the

17、letter until my mother came back last night.2. Lily often _ (forget) cleaning her bedroom.3. I _ (believe) that its good for health to exercise every day.4. They _ (plan) a trip to the mountain next week.5. She _ (send) me a gift on my birthday last Saturday.6. We _ (get) back to school in half an h

18、our.7. How long _ it _ (take) you to keep the diary yesterday?8. _ (not worry) that he studies English.三、根据图意及所给词语,写出意思完整的句子。1. 2. 3. should, medicine tired, so that relax4. 5. 6. on foot last school trip plan, this weekend1._2._3._4._5._课外作业一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. In a traffic accident, he hurt his two _

19、(foot).2. Do you know how many _ (tooth) you have?3. We call this kind of _ (ill) DIAS. 4. Spring Festival is one of Chinese _ (tradition) festivals.5. Tomorrow they are going _ (sightsee) in Huangzhou.6. A lot of _ (tour) come to China to visit the Great Wall.7. How is the weather here? Its _ (rain

20、).8. _(luck), I passed the exam this time.二、单项选择。1. I have a bad _.You should see a dentist.A. throatB. toothacheC. coldD. fever2. You _ write to your parents as often as possible, because they will miss you very much.A. wouldB. mightC. shouldD. could3. Xiao Ming is ill in hospital.Oh, Im sorry to h

21、ear that. _.A. Good luckB. Fine, thank youC. I hope he will be better soonD. Its nice4. Because he is weak in English, he feels _ when he speaks in front of people.A. excited B. terribleC. happyD. stressed out5. I hear the weather will _ cold for another week. I hope not. I hate cold weather.A. turn

22、 B. last C. get D. stay6. All the students are playing soccer at the moment. A. nowB. in a momentC. just then D. just a moment7. Its 10 oclock now. I must go.Its raining outside. Dont leave _it stops. A. whenB. sinceC. whileD. until8. This coat _ nice, would you like to try it on?A. tastesB. smellsC

23、. soundsD. looks9. _ are you surfing the Internet? For two hours.A. How oftenB. How far C. How soon D. How long10. There is _ in the art exhibition. Please come and visit it.A. something newB. nothing newC. anything newD. new something11. Dont forget _ the door when you come in.A. to closeB. closingC. to closingD. closed12. _ do you go to Wuhan?By train.A. HowB. WhatC. WhyD. Which13. _ is it from Wuhan to Beijing?About 1400 kilometers.A. How longB. How much C.


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