



1、必修四 Unit1 Women of achievement写作导学案如何描述一位成功的人物文体介绍:此类写作是记叙文体的一种,主要以人物为中心组织材料,围绕这个人物来写。写作技巧:在描述一位成功的人物时首先要列出你想要描述的人物的一些个性特征及能体现这些特征的事例。然后再列出一些适合描述这位人物的词汇以帮助组织材料与写作。审题要素:确定文体:以人物描写为主,可辅以叙述和评论。主体时态:一般过去时为主辅之以一般现在时。人称:第三人称内容要点:人物简介;人物事迹和成就; 人物评价及其他。常见写作结构:第一段: 开门见山,直奔主题。点明全文主题,说明要写什么。简要进行人物介绍,包括主要成就及人物基

2、本信息(介绍人物的出生年月、地点或家庭背景。)第二段:扩展细节,支持主题。用典型事例来烘托人物的特点、品质。第三段: 评价概括,画龙点睛。用一两句话总结全文,前后呼应。人们对该人物的评价或你的个人感受。常见表达1.背景: . was born in / into a poor / rich family, . family was so poor that ., the child of a poor family, when . was young, as a child of ., spend ones childhood in .; be fond of .,2.教育背景: gradua

3、te from, got a degree, studied hard at When at college, . majored in ., took an active part in class3.外貌: good-looking, ordinary-looking, kind-hearted, near-sighted, far-sighted, strong, fat, thin, slim4.品质和个性:kind, determined, gentle, considerate, optimistic, easy-going, warm-hearted, hard-working,

4、 responsible, generous, patient, helpful, friendly, strong-willed, wise, bright, diligent, healthy, humorous, charming, attractive .5.精力和事迹:win first prize, receive / obtain / win the Nobel Prize for ., set a new world record of ., be selected to, have a talent for .,devoted oneself to do sth. , wit

5、h great determination and perseverance, fight for, make up ones mind to do sth. , overcome many difficulties, try ones best to do sth.6. 评价:one of the best, most important ., set a good example to ., . is the pride of ., make great contributions to ., be regarded as . She is famous as a / an . She i

6、s such a learned person that we all admire her very much. Her wonderful career inspires many people to believe that success and happiness in life are within reach for everyone. She set a good example to us. Despite the fact that ., he devoted himself to . He put all of his time and effort into .注意事项:文章要开门见山,对所描写人物进行总体介绍,并遵循“以事写人”的基本思路。注意选取人物的典型事例和代表性话语。写作任务请根据以下要点提示,写一篇短文,简要介绍一下宋庆龄,1. 宋庆龄(Song Qingling)被誉为“中国国母”1893年出生于上海一个富裕的家庭,受到良好的教育,并留学美国。2. 1915年嫁给孙中山(Dr Sun Yat-sen);后来成为中华人民共和国国家名誉主席(an honorary president of the Peoples Republic of China)。3. 她一生平易近人,热心于中国妇女儿童的福利事业,创办了中国福利会,并领导中


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