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1、五下英语Unit 6 Work quietly教案(pep人教版)第一课时一、教学目标1 掌握五4、动词短语的 ing 形式:doing morning exercises, having.class, eating lunch,reading a bookjistening to musico2能运用句子What is Chen Jie doing来询问别人正在做什么。3.能用现在进行时描述某人在某时正在做的事情。二、教学重难点.重点:掌握五个动词短语的ing形式;能运用以What开头的特殊疑问句来询问别人某 时某刻正在做什么。.难点:掌握动词have的ing形式。三、教学准备动作短语卡片、

2、图片、实物投影仪、录音机及录音带。四、教学过程(一)、热身(Warm-up)the song Animals,animals are everywhere.看图说话。教师每次闪显五张动物做某事的图片,请某一组学生,凭记忆分别用一句话描述动物在做的事 情。例如:图片上描绘的是一只熊猫在爬树,学生那么说:The panda isclimbing the tree.如果图 片上描绘的是两只或以上的熊猫,学生那么说:Thepandas areclimbing the trees.学生必需凭记 忆正确地说出五张图片上所描绘的动物在做的事情。.师生对话。T:When do you do morning e

3、xercisesS:At 7 0-clockoT:When do you usually eat breakfastS:l usually eat breakfast at 8:00.T:What do you often do on the weekendS:l often go shopping.以师生问答的形式复习第一单元的内容,并为本课时教学作铺垫。(二)新课呈现(Presentation)Lets learn教学 doing morning exercises接上个 环节, 教 师说:I know you usually do morning exercises at 7 0*clo

4、ck. It -s7a. m. now. Lnokat the students. They are doing morning exercises.教师出示卡片并进行 doing morning exercises的教学,然后指着图片,面向学生自问自答:What is the girl doing She is doing morning exercises.然后以chant形式巩固操练动词短语的ing形式。如:Doing morning exercises,doing morning exercises,she is doing morning exercises.(2)教学动词短i吾:h

5、aving .class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music.PPT呈现上英语课的场景,时间指向9:00,教师问学生:What -s the time学生回答:心9:00 a. m.教师说:Look! Theyre having an English class now.由示卡片 having .class,并提醒学生 注意have变成动词ing时,要去掉e再加ing。让学生5艮读:have .class,having class,we usually请学生认真听音圈出听到的单词,然后核对答案。最后写出三句特殊凝问句。如 : Wh

6、at colour is it Where is the book When do you get up What are you doingLets check(1)学生完成Listen and tick.练习,要求学生认真听,勾出听到的图。(2)学生再次听音,然后回答以下问题并将答案写在横线上。Lets wrap it up学生完成Look and write.局部的练习,然后核对答案。K 7:00 . We are eating breakfast at 7 Oclock.sometimes clean my bike on the am cleaning it now.s 9 . Th

7、ey are sleeping now,but they often go to bed at 10 .核对完答案,教师要进一步强调一般现在时和现在进行时.的不同用法。(三)、巩固与拓展 (Consolidation and extension)活动一一不合拍活动方式:教师说一句某时某刻正在做的事情,学生那么说在某时刻她/他经常或通常做的事。 如: 教师说:Its two oclock now. l-m reading a book. 学生贝U说:I often do my homework at two o-clock.又如:教师说:Its ten oclockm playing sport

8、s.学生那么说:I usually have an English class at ten oclock.(四)、家庭作业(Homework).完成活动手册配套练习。.模拟不合拍活动,编一那么不合拍的对话。五、板书设计Unit 6 Work quietly!what when where whose who第六课时一、教学目标1.能理解并介绍机器人产品的性能特点。2,能正确使用现在进行时、can.情态动词十动词等句型来介绍产品特点。3.能在理解文本的基础上,对课文进行复述,以到达学以致用的目的。二、教学重难点. 重点: 能理解 Im speaking Chinese. Asako is ma

9、king sushi. Can you teach me l-ll show you. 等句子。.难点:能理解单词Spain和Spanish的意思。三、教学准备录音机、相关课件、教学卡片等。四、教学过程(一)、热身(Warm-up).SingthesongSchooldays.活动:当学生唱完这首歌时,教师重复歌词内容,边重复边出示相应的单词卡片。We come to work and play. We need to work and talk quietly. And listen every day. We need to keep our desks clean. We need to

10、 take turns to talk. Keep to the left. And keep to the right. And you will be a good student at school.然后教师提问学生:Do you want to be a good student at school And how to be a good student Please say as much as you can.学生根据校规或歌词提示,说一说怎么才能当个好学生。如:Talk quietly. Work quietly. No eating in the library. No cl

11、imbing. Keep our desks and chairs to the right.(二)、新课呈现(Presentation)Read and write教师介绍 The world robot exhibitionT:Today l-ll introduce some robots to you. These robots come from many countries-Spain,Canada,USA.IJook! These are Spanish robots. Those are Canadian robots.出 示 单词卡片,让学生跟读。阅读理解并回答以下问题。请学

12、生阅读课文,然后选择最正确答案。The Canadian robot isA. drawing pictures to musicAsako isA. eating sushi sushiThe Spanish robot isA. playing music to musicRobin is kunf fu.A. doing B. learning在学生回答的基础上,教师做介绍:The Canadian robot is drawing pictures.Asako is making sushi.The Spanish robot is playing music.Robin is doi

13、ng kung fu.教师边介绍边将介绍的内容呈现在黑板上,并让学生一边阅读一边理解以上句子。教师讲解语言难点,请学生逐句跟读。Im speaking Chinese.我说中文。Can you teach me你能教我吗l-ll show you.我表演给你看。(5)阅读后指导朗读。教师播放录音,学生听,再一次帮助学生理解文本。请学生用现在进行时、can情态动词十动词等句型来描述机器人的性能。Fill in the blanks.请学生独立完成Fill in the blanks.局部的练习,同桌核对后,全班学生共同核对。教学 Story time教师播放Story time的录像,请学生画出

14、在电影院看电影应该遵守的规章制度。如:Talk quietly! Keep clean !并让学生说说在其他公众场合要遵守的一些规那么。(2)讲解短语 What-s that noise lt-s so exciting.的中文意思。教师播放Story time录音,学生跟读三遍。(三卜 巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension)活动:说一说,评一评活动方式:教师说一种行为,请学生先重复老师说的,再评一评这种行为是否文明。如果 不文明,请对他/她说一句提示语。如:教师说:Shes eating lunch quietly.学生说:Shes eating lunch q

15、uietly. Shes good!又如:教师说:Hes talking loudly.学生说:He-s talking loudly. Hes not good. Talk quietly!又如:教师说:Keep to the right.学生说:Keep to thes good 1(四)、家庭作业(Homework).完成 Read and write的配套练习。.上网搜索更多交通平安图标并和同学一起提供。五、板书设计Unit 6 Work quietly!The Canadian robot is drawing pictures.Asako is making sushi.The S

16、panish robot is playing music.Robin is doing kung fu.have an English class at 9:00 . Now we are having an English class.以同样的方式教学 eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music 等。看谁说得准又快:教师闪显动作短语图片,学生抢答。例如:教师闪显吃午餐图片,学生马上说:eating lunch,然后男生问女生答:What is he/she doing He /She is eating lunch.结对活动:一位学生出

17、示一张图片,问另一位学生:What is he/she doing另一位学生根据 图片内容回答:He/She is reading a book/ listening to music/playing the pipa/playing sports.交换 角色,继续操练,直到图片用完为止。三人小组活动:由三位学生组成一组轮流问答,第一位学生抽一张图片,将图片反面对 着其他两位学生,第二位掌生间第三位学生:Is he/she doing morning exercises/sleeping/ jumping/playing with each other第三位学生看第一位学生所抽的图片,回答:Y

18、es, he/she is doing morning exercises /sleeping/jumping/ playing with each other.Look and say(1)教师将Look and say局部的图分别标上序号16,然后根据教师描述,学生说出具体是 第几幅图。如:教师说:He is listening to music.学生说:Its Number 2.然后学生问教师:What is Mike doing教师回答:He-s listening to music.以同样的方式操练其他图片。请学生自行选择一幅图来说一说。如: What are they doing

19、They are playing ping-pong.(三卜巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension).活动:设置闹钟提醒功能PPT显示iPhone手机里的提醒事项页面,并告诉学生:为了遗忘,我们可以将一天中的 某时刻要做的事情记录在提醒事项里,让iPhone到时间提醒我们。教师设置闹钟响,时间 是上午六点钟,做早操。根据这一设置,师生展开对话,对话如下:Whats the time now It-s 6:00 .What is he/she doing He/She is doing morning exercises.又如:时间是上午九点钟,上英语课。对话如下:W

20、hats the time now Its 9:00 .What is,he/she doing He/She is having an English class.(四卜 家庭作业(Homework).完本钱课时活动手册配套的练习。.模拟课本Let -s learn局部的内容,说一说晚上某时刻正在做的事情。五、板二/设计X K b omUnit 6 Work quietly!What is he/she doingdoing morning exerciseshaving.classeating lunchreading a booklistening to music第二课时一、教学目标1

21、.能够听懂录音材料中有关动物的话题。2,能够流利地运用所学的句型与他人交谈动物正在做的事情。3.能够正确运用be动词与不同人称的搭配。二、教学重难点.重点:能听懂并会说有关动物正在做的事情。.难点:能在实际情境中运用正确的句型来描述身边看到的事情。三、教学准备有关动作短语图片与卡片、录音机及录音带。四、教学过程(一)、热身(Warm-up)the song Animals,animals are everywhere.演一演,说一说唱完歌曲,教师重复歌曲内容:Someare climbing, some are jumping, some are eating, someare sleepin

22、g.然后用疑问的口气问至!J: Who is climbing Who is jumping Who is eating Who is sleeping Now lets imagine and say what they are doing教师请学生大胆猜测歌曲中提到的动物正在做什么然后请几位学生上台,演一演,说一说。如:The monkey and the rabbit are climbing.The elephants and the tigers are jumping.The dog and the bear are eating.The cat and the lion are

23、sleeping.(二)、新课呈现(Presentation) s try教师请学生看Let.stry局部的插图,然后用一句话描述其所绘画的内容。教师播放Let-stry局部的录音。请学生听录音,并在符合对话内容的图片旁的方框内打 勾。再次播放录音,请学生核对答案。请学生复述录音内容。Lets talk(1)听力大对决:请学生合上课本,认真听对话录音,完成以下句子。The pandas are.The little monkey is with its mother.The elephant is.教师播放录音,请学生听音并完成以上句子。(3)教师提问,学生抢答,答对者得分。What are

24、the pandas doingWhat is the elephant doing教学单词bamboo和itsT:What are the pandas eatingA or BA. Noodles B. bamboo当学生给出正确的答案后,进行单词bamboo的教学。然后教师用另夕卜种表达:The pandas are eating their bamboo. How about the little monkey Oh, the little monkey is playing with its mother. The elephant is drinking its water.出示卡

25、片its,并解释its的意思和用法,然后教师出示各种动物的图片要求学生加以描述。 如:The panda is eating its bamboo.The monkey is eating its bananas.The elephant is drinking its water.The cat is eating its fish.The lion is eating its meat.敦师播放录音,学生跟读三遍。(6)请学生复述对话内容。师生、生生分角色操练对话。结对活动:同桌互相操练对话,注意应交换角色进行操练。Choose and tell.教师出示一组图片,如:上课、清扫房间、吃晚

26、餐、看书、看电视。要求学生看图选择不同的 人称进行描述。如:We*re having an English class.Theyre having an English class.You are having an English class.He-s cleaning his room.She is cleaning her room.l-m cleaning my room.They are eating dinner.You are watching TV.通过对各种场景的描述,让学生总结出be动词(am/is/are)与不同的人称代词搭配的规律。(三)、巩固与拓展(Consolida

27、tion and extension)机智抢答:全班学生 Chant: What is he doing What is she doing What are they doing 待学生 Chant 一、二遍后,教师闪现图片,学生根据图片内容抢答:He is /She is/They are.o例如: 教师闪现一位男生清扫房间的图片,学生那么说:He is cleaning his room.如果图片上是两三位男 生, 学生贝IJ说:They are cleaning their room.(四)、家庭作业(Homework).同桌操练Lets talk中的对话。.完本钱课时活动手册配套的练

28、习。五、板书设计Unit 6 Work quietly!What are they doing Theyre eating lunch! They like bamboo.Whats the little monkey doing Its playing with its mother!第三课时一、教学目标.能听懂、会写祈使句:Keep to the right. Keep your desk clean. Talk quietly. Take turns. 2.能看懂警示语图标和标语。.能对在某个场景下的描述做出提示或警示。如:Talk quietly. Keep your desk cle

29、an.学唱歌曲Schooldays。二、教学重难点.重点:能够正确地运用 Keep to the right. Keep your desk clean. Talk turns.等句型。.难点:理解以ly结尾的副词是放在动词后修饰动词的。如:talk quietly, walk quickly。 (2)理解祈使句使用的场合。三、教学准备单词卡片、警示图标、录音机及录音带。四、教学过程(一)、热身(Warm-up)口语操练:同桌相互操练Lets talk局部的对话,然后抽选四对学生上台表演对话。Chant对抗赛教师闪现一幅图片(一位女孩在看书),会的学生马上编一段Chant并站起来诵读:Read

30、ing books,reading books,is the girl watching TV No. She is reading books.金字塔:教师说一个句子,要求学生重复达个句子,然后加上一个动作短语,使之成为 一句较长的句子。如:教师说:He is cleaning the room.第一位学生说:He is cleaning the room and eating dinner第二位学生说:He is cleaning the room and eating dinner and watching TV.(二)、新课呈现(Presentation)Lets learn祈使句教学

31、Keep to the right.PPT呈现一些道路交通平安标志和公共设施标志,问学生:看到这些标志你想到什么我们要遵 守交通规那么,在公共场合做个文明的人。Keep to the right.靠右行驶或靠右行走。教师出示卡片,教学keep,并解释keep的中文 意思。教师边说边举右手:This is right. Keep to the right.PPT呈现教室里保持桌子干净的图标。Keep your desk clean.保持桌面干净整洁。教师解释:clean在这里是形容词,意思是:干净 的、整洁的。请学生说一说在我们的日常生活中还需要注意什么如:Keep your clothes c

32、lean. Keep your classroom clean. Keep your books clean.PPT呈现图书馆或阅览室里静止喧哗的标志。Talk quietly.小声交谈。教师解释:quietly是用来修饰动词的,必须放在动词的后面,然后 指导跟读以下句子。如:Talkquietly.小声交谈。Walk quickly.快快行走。Walk slowly,慢慢走。Take turns.按顺序来。(2)教师播放Let-s learn录音,请学生跟读三遍。学生看图标抢答。(4)小组活动:小组讨论并制定班规。如:Keep your desk and chair clean.Keep t

33、he blackboard clean.Talk quietly.Keep to the right.(注意提醒学生上下楼也要靠右走)Look, match and say遇到以下情境,你应该怎幺提醒别人。He! talking in the library.他正在图书馆里交谈。我们该怎么劝阻呢请大家给出方案。方案一:Talk quietly.方案二:Dont talk loudly.We are playing a game.我们正在玩游戏。方案:Take turns.Shes colouring at the desk.她正在桌前上色。方案-:Keep your desk clean.方案

34、二:Keep your hands clean.方案三:Keep your clothes clean.Theyre writing in class,他们正在教室里写作业。方案-:Work quietly.方案二:Don -t work loudly.They are walking on the bridge,他们正在桥上走。方案一:Keep to the right.方案二:Walk slowly.要求学生将方案读一读,并有礼貌地说一说。(2)学生完成Look, match and say局部的连线活动。(三)、巩固与拓展 (Consolidation and extension).活动

35、:我是文明的劝导员活动方式:请一个学生说一种现象,然后劝导员给出文明的劝告。如:一个说:They are playing ping-pong.劝导员说:Take turns. -4、说:He-s talking in the hospital.劝导员说:Talk quietly.一个说:He-s running in the classroom.劝导员说:Dont run in the classroomWalk slowly. 2.学唱歌曲Schooldays。(四)、家庭作业(Homework)L上网收集各种交通规那么图标并用英文表达出来。.完本钱课时活动手册配套的练习。五、板书设计Uni

36、t 6 Work quietly!Keep to the right.Talk quietly.Keep your desk clean.Take turns.第四课时一、教学目标.能听懂、会说、会写祈使句:Quiet,please! No eating !.能看懂警示语图标,培养学生遵守公共秩序和平安意识。.能对在特定的场合下的个人行为提出劝告。二、教学重难点.重点:能口、笔头运用四会句型。.难点:能在特定的场合使用礼貌用语,如:Quiet, please! No eating!三、教学准备动作卡片与图片、录音机及录音带。四、教学过程(一)、热身(Warm-up). Sing the son

37、g School days.活动:传递文明请一个学生对后面一位学生说一句文明礼仪的话,如:Talk quietly.或Keep to the right.要求 后面同学也将这句话传下去,以此类推,直至传到最后一个。.活动:畅所欲言请学生根据学校的校规,谈一谈我们应该怎样规范我们的行为,做一个文明的小学生。如:Talk quietly in class.Dont talk loudly in the library.Keep our classroom clean.Keep our books clean.Keep to the right.(二)、新课呈现(Presentation)Lets

38、try请学生阅读Let, s try局部的内容,想一想Quiet, please!”这句话还可以怎么说摇放录音二遍,第一遍请学生认真听,第二遍听录音并圈出正确的答案。师生互动,核对答案。请学生用另外一种方式来表示“Quiet, please! 的意思。教师解释 Talk quietly.- Quiet, please! No eating! =Dont eat!又如:No swimming! =Don,t swim!No talking! =Don,t talk!No climbing! =Don-t climb!No jumping! =Don,t jump!要求学生尽可能多地说一说不应该做

39、的事。Let-s talk(1)教师告诉学生:Tom and John are in the library. Please listen and try to choose the rightanswers. What does John say to Tom at firstA. Walk slowly. quietly, eating.What does John say to Tom at lastKeep your clothes clean.Keep your desk clean.Keep your room clean.请学生合上书本听录音作答。在学生回答的基础上,教师解释“C

40、an I read the books here Yes. Of course.的意思。教师解 释:征求别人是否可以做某事时可以说Can I如果表示同意,可以说:Yes: Of course.快嘴先生:教师请一个学生说一句征求别人的话,由快嘴先生给予许可。如:Can I eat here Yes. Of course.又如:Can I talk quietly here Yes. Of course.教师解释“I can show you the English books.”Anything else的中文意思。教师播放录音请学生跟读三遍。分角色操练对话。Match,say and act.

41、请学生将正确的文字描述与图片连线,然后说一说并演一演。(三)、巩固与拓展 (Consolidation and extension)L猜警示语教师请四位学生(每组一位)上台,面对全班同学站立,然后每次轮流请各组的一位学 生上台,站在这四位学生的前面。(2)教师随意抽一张警示语卡片,示意站在后排的学生做该动作,让站在第一排的那位学生 猜,坐在座位上的学生做评判员。每位学生有三次猜的机会,猜对最多的组为优胜组。(3)活动:编对话教师出示图书馆、电影院和游泳池的图片,让学生围绕这些地方应该遵守的规那么编一个对 话。如:SkLook! Where are theyS2:They are in the library.SkWhat are they doingS2:They are reading books.SI:Oh,talk quietly in


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