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1、安大约省的竞争优势您胜利的保证Ontario Economic & Business Profile安大约省的经济概略Ontarios International Trade & Investment安大约省的贸易及投资概略Ontarios Competitive Advantages安大约省的竞争优势Ontarios Strong Industries安大约省的强势产业Government of Ontarios Investment Promotion Programs安大约省政府吸引外资政策Ontario Economic & Business Profile安大约省的经济概略Ontar

2、ios International Trade & Investment安大约省的贸易及投资概略Ontarios Competitive Advantages安大约省的竞争优势Ontarios Strong Industries安大约省的强势产业Government of Ontarios Investment Promotion Programs安大约省政府吸引外资政策Larger Than Those of Many Countries安省GDP超越以下许多国家Ontarios GDP compared to other countries 安大约省GDP与其它一些国家的比较Latest

3、figures at PPP for all OECD countries are available for 2006. Estimates for Australia, Ontario and IrelandSource: Ontario Ministry of Finance, OECD39%GDP 国内生产总值39%Population 人口40%Personal Income 个人收入45%Financial Services Employment 金融业从业人员48%High-tech Employment 高科技行业从业人员49%Manufacturing 制造业43%Goods

4、 Exports 商品出口Percentage of Canadas安省的人口/经济在加拿大所占比例Figures for 2005/2006 (Most current available) Sources: Ministry of Finance, Industry Canada, Statistics CanadaOntario: Canadas Economic Powerhouse安大约省是加拿大经济的发动机P projected, e estimatedSource: MOF; Statistics Canada Ontarios Economic Outlook安大约省经济开展前

5、景20062007p2008p2009pReal GDP Growth 国民生产总值实际增长率1.3%e1.6%2.8%3.1%Employment Growth 就业增长率1.5%1.1%1.4%1.6%Unemployment Rate失业率6.3%6.3%6.2%6.1%CPI Inflation 消费者物价指数1.8%1.3%1.9%1.9%Ontario Economic & Business Profile安大约省的经济概略Ontarios International Trade & Investment安大约省的贸易及投资概略Ontarios Competitive Advant

6、ages安大约省的竞争优势Ontarios Strong Industries安大约省的强势产业Government of Ontarios Investment Promotion Programs安大约省政府吸引外资政策Figures for 2006. Goods exports are domestic exports (does not include re-exports)Source: Strategis (Statistics Canada), February 2007 Goods Exports 商品出口U.S. 美国 86.5%U.K. 英国 3.3% Mexico 墨西

7、哥 1.1%Norway 挪威 1.0%China 中国 0.7%Goods Imports 商品进口U.S 美国 65.3%China 中国 7.5%Mexico墨西哥 5.2%Japan 日本 3.6%Germany 德国 2.2%Top Five Trading Partners 2006进出口的5大贸易同伴Ontarios Exports & Imports 安大约省的进出口贸易Exports: Economic Engine of Ontario 出口: 安大约经济开展的动力Ontario exports more per capita than any G-7 nation 安省人

8、均出口比西方7国任何一国都高Ontario Exports (2006) C$199 billion 安省2006年出口额:1987亿加元Accounts for 43% of Canadas exports (2006) 占2006年加拿大出口总额的43%Ontarios Exports 安大约省的出口Goods Exports 出口商品1. Motor Vehicles and parts 汽车及零配件2. Machinery and Mechanical Appliances 机械及机械器具3. Electrical and Electronic Machinery/Appliances

9、 电子机械及仪器4. Plastics 塑料5. Precious Stones, Metals, etc. 宝石及贵重金属Goods Import 进口商品1. Motor Vehicles & Parts 汽车及零配件2. Machinery and Mechanical Appliances, etc. 机械及机械器具3. Electrical/ Electronic Machinery and Equipment 电子机械及仪器4. Plastics 塑料5. Optical, Medical, Scientific, etc. Instrumentation 光学,医疗及科学仪器To

10、p Product Categories 2006进出口前五位商品Ontarios Exports & Imports 安大约省的进出口贸易Most investment comes from the USA绝大部分对加投资来自美国USA$12.36Germany $2.27Japan$1.57U.K.$0.57France $0.62Netherlands $0.30Switzerland $0.18Other $0.94Billion C$, 2006 单位:10亿加元Ontario Economic & Business Profile安大约省的经济概略Ontarios Internat

11、ional Trade & Investment安大约省的贸易及投资概略Ontarios Competitive Advantages安大约省的竞争优势Ontarios Strong Industries安大约省的强势产业Government of Ontarios Investment Promotion Programs安大约省政府吸引外资政策140 millions of consumers within a days drive一天车程所到达的地域能覆盖 1.4亿消费者Ontario shares 15 road, rail and water border crossings wit

12、h the United States. 安大约省境内有15个铁路,公路和水路边境关卡与美国相连Daily total two-way goods trade between Ontario-USA is valued over C$800 million安省和美国的日平均贸易额达8亿加元Proximity to North America Market 安大约省的优越地理位置58% of OntariosPopulation has aPost-secondaryeducation58%的人口大专及大专以上学历University大学: 25%College 学院: 25%Apprentic

13、eship 专业培训: 8%For Select Markets, 2004 (Age 25-64)与一些国家教育程度的比较, 2004 (年龄 25-64)Number in brackets indicates OECD ranking. Sources: OECD & MOFPost-Secondary Educational Attainment 安省的从业人员普遍受过良好的教育Source: Statistics Canada Census, 2006A Diversified and Multilingual Work Force 安大约省多文化多语种的劳动力组成 English

14、英语: 8,398,250 French 法语: 532,855 Chinese 中文:492,970Note: Average for 2021-2021 (score out of 10)Source: Economist Intelligence Unit.Canadas Business Environment加拿大商业环境优越Employer Health Costs for a Typical Firm (2006) 典型行业的雇主在雇员医疗福利方面的投入 (2006)Competitive Health Cost 安大约省商业环境良好-医疗本钱较低Typical firm def

15、ined as having approximately 99 employeesSource: MMK Consulting, 2006New York = 100Cost of Living Index 安大约省商业环境良好-生活本钱低Source: Mercer Human Resources, 2007Combined Federal and State/Provincial for M/P Companies安省制造加工型企业综合所得税=安省企业所得税+联邦企业所得税Source: Ontario Ministry of FinanceCompetitive Corp. Income

16、 Taxes on Manufacturing 安大约省制造加工型企业的综合所得税Basic US Federal tax rate, 32.9%Ontarios Generous R&D Tax Credits 安大约省的研发税收减免政策Four Key Advantages四大优点Broader definition of R & D “研发定义广泛Most generous program of any G7 country 拥有7国集团中最优惠的研发税收减免政策More items qualify for credits, and any qualified expenditures

17、spent on eligible R&D receives credits 有更多的研发投入工程可以享用减免政策,符合要求即能享用减免优惠4.In Ontario, R&D expenses can be carried forward indefinitely; In the U.S., R&D costs must be expensed in the year they are incurred 在安大约省,在研发方面的投入可以在未来某个财务年份申报税收减免;在美国当年的研发费用只能在当年申报税收减免Ontario Economic & Business Profile安大约省的经济概

18、略Ontarios International Trade & Investment安大约省的贸易及投资概略Ontarios Competitive Advantages安大约省的竞争优势Ontarios Strong Industries安大约省的强势产业Government of Ontarios Investment Promotion Programs安大约省政府吸引外资政策230,000 employees - 50% of Canadian industry23万名雇员 占加拿大信息技术产业的50% Three major clusters Toronto, Ottawa, Wat

19、erloo三个主要产业群 多伦多、渥太华、滑铁卢Strong Research & Development focus 尤其注重研发投入Canadas top innovating companies IBM, Nortel, ATI 加拿大最具创新力的公司 IBM, 北方电讯, ATI, RIM Ontarios ICT Industry信息通讯技术产业技术三角区 Kitchener, Waterloo Cambridge 多伦多渥太华研讨与创新中心(OCRI渥太华 A Growing & Strategic Industry for Ontario安大约正在生长中的战略性产业Industr

20、y产业Number of Employees雇员数量Revenue (USD)收入(美元)Pharmaceutical制药16,250$ 5.5 Billion (2005)Biotechnology生物科技3,557$ 1.4 Billion (2003)Medical Devices医疗器械22,000$ 3.8 Billion (2004)TOTAL总额41,807$ 10.7 BillionOntarios Life Sciences Sector 生命科学产业Home to More than 50% of Canadas Pharmaceutical Companies拥有超越的加

21、拿大制药公司More than 60% of Canadas Medical and Assistive Technologies (MAT) Industry resides超越的加拿大医疗及辅助技术产业位于安省The 3rd largest biotechnology centre in N.A北美第三大的生物科技中心Canadian headquarters of GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Sanofi Pasteur, Bayer, Wyeth, Janssen-Ortho, Roche, Eli Lilly and others众多国际知名企业的加拿

22、大总部所在地Ontarios known mineral deposits are rich,and much of the far north has yet to be explored安大约省已探明的矿藏非常丰富,且安省最北部还未勘探开发Ontario is one of Canadas top producers of base metals, precious metals and industrial minerals安大约省是加拿大最大的非贵重金属,贵金属和工业用矿物的产地On the global stage, Ontario ranks fourth in platinum,

23、 fifth in nickel production, fifth in cobalt,11th in gold, 13th in copper, 15th in silver and 17th in zinc安省的白金产量居世界第四,镍产量居世界第五,钴产量居世界第五,黄金产量居世界第十一,铜产量居世界第十三,银产量居世界十五,锌产量居世界十七Ontarios Mining Sector 采矿业Ontarios mineral production topped $5.5billion in 2005 30% of Canadas mining wealth; exploration an

24、d deposit appraisal is exceeding $230million annually.安省的矿产产值2005年突破了55亿美圆,占加拿大矿业总产值的30%;矿业公司每年在勘探和地质评价上的投入超越2.3亿元Ontario accounts for two-thirds of Canadas nickel and gold production, one third of Canadas copper production and 90% of Canadas platinum group metals production.安大约省镍和黄金的产量占加拿大总产量的2/3;铜

25、产量占加拿大总产量的1/3;铂族金属产量那么占加拿大总产量的90%Ontarios mining industry employs 22,500 skilled workers directly, and it also supports hundreds of innovative mining equipment and service firms.采矿业不仅给安省发明了22,500个直接的任务时机,而且支持了省内几百家极具创新力的采矿设备和效力公司的开展Ontarios Mining Sector采矿业Ontario and Toronto in particular has becom

26、e one of North Americas top three financial services hubs安大约省- 大多伦多地域-是北美三大金融中心之一The Greater Toronto Area is home to Canadas top five domestic banks, five of Canadas largest pension plans, six of Canadas top insurers, seven of Canadas ten largest retail brokerage houses, 90% of all Canadian mutual f

27、unds, and 35 of 41 Canadian headquarters of foreign banks.大多伦多地域聚集了众多金融机构的总部:加拿大最大的5家银行,加拿大最大的5家退休基金,加拿大最大的6家保险公司,加拿大最大的10家经纪公司中的7家,加拿大90%的互惠基金,以及加拿大41家外资银行中的35家More than 337,000 people work in Ontarios finance and insurance sector, nearly half of them in banking.安大约省金融保险业共有337,000名雇员,几乎一半从事银行业。Onta

28、rios Financial Services Sector 金融效力业The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and the TSX Venture exchange, combined, are the third largest exchange in North America, eighth largest stock exchange in the world based on market capitalization; first in North America and second largest in the world by number of

29、 listed public companies. TSX is also a global leader in key resource sectors, the second largest technology market in the world and third largest for life sciences. 多伦多证券买卖所主板和创业版,按上市公司总市值,排名北美第三大股票买卖所,世界第8大股票买卖所;按上市公司总数,列全球第二,北美第一。多伦多证交所是全球最大的资源类买卖所,第二大科技类买卖所及第三大生命科学类买卖所Ontario is an international

30、 centre for specialized industry education.安大约是金融效力业专业培训的国际中心Ontarios regulatory and supervisory framework is the soundest in the world安大约金融效力业的规范及监视体制是世界上最健全和完善的Ontarios financial services sector is supported by superior ICT talent and secure networks.安大约省的优秀信息通讯人才和平安的网络为金融效力业的开展提供了保证Ontarios Finan

31、cial Services Sector 金融效力业Ontarios Manufacturing - Composition 制造业 - 构造Source: Statistics Canada. Percentages are based on 2005 shipments, by manufacturing sector.汽车包括零配件 32%其他 6%食品和饮料 10%木材,家具和纸张 8%塑料和橡胶等石油化工产品 18%航空航天 1%交通设备 1%电器、电子和计算机设备 6%机械 5%金属制品 13%1.1 Million people work in manufacturing sec

32、tor, Ontario Ranks Second Among Manufacturing Locations in US and Canada 安大约省有110万人从事制造业,在北美各大制造基地中名列第二,仅次于加利福尼亚州Sources: Statistics Canada, US Bureau of Labor Statistics for 2006Ontario is NA Second Largest Manufacturing Jurisdiction 安大约省是北美第二大制造业基地Ontario is NA Largest Vehicle Producing Jurisdicti

33、on 安大约省是北美最大的汽车消费基地Source: Wards AutoInfoBank (February 8, 2021)Automotive Industry is Ontarios Pillar Industry 汽车工业是安大约省的支柱产业14 vehicle plants in 10 locations 14个汽车组装厂分布在安省10个地域450+ auto parts manufacturing facilities 450多家汽车零配件消费厂商,000 employees 13.5万名从业人员该类别平均值CAMI本田 Alliston 1号厂该类别平均值通用 Oshawa 2

34、号厂该类别平均值Source: Harbour Report 2007Compact Cars(小型车)Compact CUV(小型多用途车)Midsize Cars(中型车)North American Assembly Plant, Hours per vehicle, 2006北美汽车组装厂组装一辆汽车所需小时数Building vehicles takes less time in Ontario!安大约省组装一辆汽车所需时间更少!Superior Manufacturing Efficiency 安大约省汽车消费效率Ontario Plants: 18 J.D. Power Awar

35、ds 安大约省消费的汽车质量一流Ontario Plants have received 18 out of 54 J.D. Power North American Awards for Quality. 安省的工厂获得54个J.D. Power 质量奖中的18个Toyota Cambridge 2001, 1996, 1995, 1991 Gold 1992 Silver 2000, 1993 BronzeFord plant St. Thomas 1998 Gold 1994 SilverHonda Canada Alliston 1996 SilverGM Oshawa Car Pla

36、nt #2 2006, 2005, 2002 Gold 2007 SilverGM Oshawa Car Plant #1 2005 Silver, 2003 Gold 1999 BronzeDaimlerChrysler plant, Windsor 2006 SilverOntario Economic & Business Profile安大约省的经济概略Ontarios International Trade & Investment安大约省的贸易及投资概略Ontarios Competitive Advantages安大约省的竞争优势Ontarios Strong Industrie

37、s安大约省的强势产业Government of Ontarios Investment Promotion Programs安大约省政府吸引外资政策Next Generation of Jobs Fund is a $1.15 billion program over five years to support job creation/ retention in strategic areas of great potential for Ontario 为期五年,总计11.5亿加元的新一代就业基金将协助保管及 发明重点行业的任务时机The purpose of the fund is to

38、 support innovative investments in technology, research, development and commercialization across industries and attract new investments in strategic areas of Ontarios economy 基金将用于支持在科技,研发及商业化等领域的跨行业的创 新型投资,以及吸引新的对安大约省有战略意义的投资Next Generation of Jobs Fund has three separate programs: Jobs and Invest

39、ment Program, Biopharmaceutical Investment Program and Strategic Opportunities Program 新一代就业基金包括三个独立的方案:就业及投资方案,生 物制药投资方案及战略性机遇方案Source: 2021 Ontario BudgetInvesting in Business and Industry Sectors投资于工商领域36Jobs & Investment Program Eligibility 就业及投资方案 工程条件The Jobs & Investment Program will provide

40、up to 15% of the total eligible costs of a Project 就业及投资方案将提供最高可达符合条件的工程本钱的15%的资金The Jobs & Investment Program aims to support business expansion or retention and attract foreign investment就业及投资方案旨在支持商业扩张或留存以及吸引海外投资Approved funding will be provided in the form of a conditional grant (or a loan if pr

41、eferred)经同意的基金将以有条件的无偿赠款或应企业要求以贷款的方式给予企业In order to be considered for funding, a Project must: 工程必需符合以下条件:Provide economic and environmental benefits to the Province 给安大约省带来直接的经济及环境方面的利益Demonstrate innovation 具创新性Invest $25M or create/retain 100 high value jobs within five years在五年内至少投资2500万加元或发明/保管

42、100个高附加值的任务Address one or more of the NGOJF “Jobs & Investment Priority Investment Targets 投资于一个或多个就业及投资方案的重点领域37Jobs & Investment Program Eligibility 就业及投资方案 重点引资领域新一代就业基金就业及投资方案的重点引资领域为: Green auto research, parts production and assembly 绿色汽车研发,零部件消费及装配Clean fuels research, development and commerc

43、ialization清洁燃料的研发及商业化Environmental technologies, clean industries and bio-economy环保技术,清洁产业及生物经济Advanced health technologies 先进的安康科技Digital media and information and communications technology数字媒体及信息通讯技术Pharmaceutical research and manufacturing 医药研发和消费Financial services 金融效力Anchor investments to suppo

44、rt cluster development (including services sector)有助于安大约省产业群构成和开展的投资包括效力业Strategic investments uniquely advantageous to Ontario对安大约省有利的独特战略性投资Advanced Manufacturing Investment Strategy (AMIS) 先进制造业投资战略$500 million loan guarantee program that helps Ontarios industrial community make investments in le

45、ading-edge technologies and innovations to keep them globally competitive总计5亿加元的贷款方案旨在协助安省企业投资于顶尖技术及创新,以坚持其全球竞争性AMIS program outline 先进制造业投资战略概略 - Loan of up to 30% of eligible project costs (max $10 million) 提供最高可达符合条件的工程本钱的30%的贷款最高1千万加元 - Provided at the provinces cost of borrowing plus 1% 贷款利息为安省政府借款利息加1%- Repayable loans are interest free for up to 5 years provided the firm meets milestones and performance targets: 需归还的贷款五年内免利息,条件是企业必需满足以下要求的一项: Cumulative


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