Unit 1 My classroom._第1页
Unit 1 My classroom._第2页
Unit 1 My classroom._第3页
Unit 1 My classroom._第4页
Unit 1 My classroom._第5页
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1、Enjoy the songUnit One My Classroom Part A lets spell 呼和浩特市玉泉区公义店小学 张如霞 /k/ /k/ /k/ cat cat cat/f/ /f/ /f/ fat fat fat/m/ /m/ /m/ mat mat mat/s/ /s/ /s / pancil pancil pancil(辛基异噻唑酮)/ / / / / apple,apple,apple lets chantWho are they?Whose voice? (谁的声音?)SameSamSamcatblackhatfatWhat does letter a soun

2、d here?My names Same,My names Same,I like my name and I have a big face.I like cakesand I can make a cake.Self-introductionSame 的自我介绍(大声读,你发现了什么?)amennameCan you read in syllable?(你能分音节读吗?相信你可以!)aceffaceakemmakeakeccakeChoose the words you like and read in phonics in the way you like.(选择喜欢的词,用喜欢的方式拼

3、读单词。) SameMaybe she is Sames .batbagdadhascapWhack a molehatfatcakemakefacepacesamegatenamecakemakefacepacesamegatenamegrape2.dada a-e3.fake1.made5.hat10.map 6.9.base122.dada a-e3.fake1.made5.hat10.map 6.9.base12a a-e4.hate3.fake1.made 6.dame7.grape8.nam

4、e9.base125.hat10.map2.dadae小a,小a真有趣,辅音结尾发音急,张大嘴巴 . cat,fat,Sam.小a,小e是朋友,相互之间握握手,扁嘴发音 .face,name,Same.aCat,cat,cat.Aa says .Cat,cat,cat.Cate,cake,cake.Aa says . Cake,cake,cake ._,_,_.Aa says _,_,_._,_,_.Aa says _,_,_.Group work(组内利用拼读本拼词,然后完成chant。)一个chant,一个五个以上,五个十个以上,八个If you do a good job.Then pl

5、ease draw a happy apple on the books for yourself.(请为自己画一个“快乐的”苹果吧!)Listen cirle and writeSame has a black cat.Her name is Sam.Sam has a hat .Same has a bag.A cake is in the bag.Sam ate the cake .Bad Sam!Mad Same!Same has a black cat.Her name is Sam.Sam has a hat .Same has a bag.A cake is in the bag.Sam ate the cake . Bad Sam!Mad Same!Homework:Copy the words :cap,cake,map and face,every for a line carefully.(认真抄写第六页四线三个中的单词,每个一行。)Finish“Read,listen and tick ”(P6)after class.(完成书上第六页的“读读听听,打对勾”。) Listening Tips:Read fisrt;(先读单词) Then listen,and get the main ider;(听并获得大意) Then tick;


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