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1、 出国加拿大留学申请书2022格式 出国加拿大留学申请书2022格式 Dear -, What would life be without technology? In this world that we live in it isimpossible to be fully efficient in a business society without having graspknowledge of information and communications technology. Information technologyever changing in our business

2、society and I desire to be a part of this changingprocess. Through out years of studying Information Technology I have grown tolike the subject. Although, part of the course is somewhat demanding, thefurther involvement in the course is what has drawn me most to the course. Myutmost belief is that a

3、 combination of both courses would enlighten and engageme through out my degree course. In my years of studying information andcommunication technology I have used softwares like Macromedia Flash andMacromedia Dreamweaver to create websites and also the use of Microsoft Accessto arrange data bases f

4、or businesses as my coursework. Both Business andInformation and Communications Technology are subjects I am totally in love withand testimony to this fact is the AS Award for Information and CommunicationsTechnology I received in the recent past. I have also e-celled greatly inBusiness Studies both

5、 in GCSE level and AS level and hope to e-cel further inyears to come at your university. The world has had a rapid grown in globalmarkets through automation and e-commerce and this can be linked withInformation Technology and the web with the ultimate goal of being moreefficient in the rapidly grow

6、ing global market. All these have provided me withinspiration to be involved in a world where new technology is beingdeveloped. On a lighter note, I work in my school as a lunch time supervisor everylunch time for the past two years. This job has taught me what commitment, hardwork and time manageme

7、nt is all about as I have managed to blend both myacademics and my job together and still be prompt in submitting in work andpreparing for e-ams and e-celling in them. I thrive in situations where I haveto work under pressure as it makes me alert and spurs me in doing even greaterthings. My further

8、sense of responsibility comes from my post as beenSandersons events captain for my school. This has given me the opportunity tobe in control and create events for the house as well as feel as part of ateam. Other aspects of life that interests me out of school are charitable works.I have seen first

9、hand, the misfortune of people being born into the povertytrap and the human rights violations that ordinary people like us have to facebecause of the misfortune of being born into one of the poorest countries andcontinents on earth. This has made me more aware than other teenagers of theless privil

10、eged and handicapped in every society I live and always eager torender my help and support in any way I can. This has led me to volunteer at theLittle Monkeys Toddler group in Shaftesbury every week. In addition to thatevery Friday, I go to a neighbouring disabled childrens primary school to helpthe

11、 teachers out with their sporting activities. Furthermore I am a member ofthe global student forum in which our aim is to see changes in our society byusing our initiative to make the world a better place. Sometimes I see my self at the top floor of a business institution lookingdown at the works of

12、 my hands and I feel a sense of achievement, fulfilment,accomplishment and triumph all at the same time. In faith, this dream would becompleted through hard work and commitment inside an Information technology andbusiness degree for the ne-t four years. A wise man once told me that there arethree ty

13、pes of people in this life, those that make it happen, those that watchit happen and those that ask: what happened? My aim is to be in the group ofthose who make it happen. I hope to be an asset to your university bothacademically and socially. Yours sincerely, 加拿大留学申请条件 1、必须具有学士学位。 一般来说,加拿大大学的研究生院要

14、求申请者具有正规大学四年制本科学士学位,或至少已读完大四第1学期,并能在当年取得毕业证书及学位证书的证明。另外,对于许多“专升本”“自考”的学生,申请加拿大研究生是比较困难的,但是这也不会排除一些例外情况。 2、拥有语言成绩 申请加拿大留学读硕士几乎都不双录取,也就是说,在准备申请加拿大研究生的时候,就应该具备语言成绩并达到研究生的录取要求。通常情况下,加拿大研究生录取对于语言的最低要求是托福80分以上或者雅思6.5以上,其中也要求至少4.0或6.0,好的加拿大留学大学还会有更高的要求。 3、大学后两年努力,GPA成绩比较高。 对于设有硕士学位的第1、二类大学,一般要求申请人大学后两年的GPA

15、在3.0或75%以上。但是如果你大学本科的后两年不够努力的话,那么GPA成绩有可能受到影响,进而干扰到申请计划。 4、应该取得不错的英语成绩。 加拿大的硕士一般只要求申请人有TOEFL或IELTS或其他英文考试如MELAB、CanTest成绩,GRE只有部分学校的理工类专业需要,当然对于申请MBA的学生来说,GMAT也是必需的。所以在申请前一定要先了解申请学校的要求,做到有的放矢。 5、选择和本科阶段一致的专业课程。 申请加拿大的硕士专业一般需要申请人具有相关本科背景,也就是说对于有学士学位的人来说,不是什么硕士专业都可以申请的,除了工商管理硕士(MBA)外,几乎所有的加拿大硕士专业均要求申请

16、人是同一本科专业毕业。并且,对于一些特殊专业,即使申请人具有本科专业背景,也不一定被录取,如法律、会计、医学等。 6、写出一份能够反映自我的文书。 加拿大硕士申请的另一个比较重要的环节是申请文书的准备。申请文书囊括个人简历、2至3封推荐信、个人陈述(Personal Statement orLetter ofIntent)。这些申请文书在申请时同申请人的GPA一样重要,研究生院的注册组会从这些文件中判断申请人在成绩单之外是否有潜质继续这一领域的研究。 然后,加拿大研究生录取竞争特别激烈,同学们除需具体以上条件外,还要注意申请时间,申请材料需要准备充分且能彰显个人特性。同时,理工科申请人能否被录

17、取,还取决于指导导师的意见。指导导师会根据学生的教育背景及相关领域的研究经历选择与其研究课题有助的学生。 加拿大留学花销 一、本科阶段平均学费 康考迪亚大学:1100012000美元 麦克马斯特大学:12000-14000美元 维多利亚大学:14000-16000美元 渥大学:14000-16000美元 曼尼托巴大学:12000-14000美元 布兰登大学:5000-8000美元 纽芬兰纪念大学:6000-8800美元 二、硕士阶段平均学费 康考迪亚大学:1100012000美元 麦克马斯特大学:12000-14000美元 维多利亚大学:6000-8000美元 渥大学:14000-16000美元 曼尼托巴大学:8000-10000美元 布兰登大学:5000-8000美元 纽芬兰纪念大学:6000-8800美元 三、生活方面的花费 1、住宿费 在加拿大留学,比较常见的住宿类型主要有三种:校内宿舍、校外租房、寄宿家庭。校内宿舍为学生提供两餐,一年的住宿费用在6000加元左右;寄宿家庭为学生提供一日三餐,每年的费用在8000加元左右;相对来说,与同学在校外合租的比较便宜的一种方式,可以在此基础上节省出20-加元左右。 2、饮食方面的开销 不同城市


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