1、 2022海外留学美国申请书格式 2022海外留学美国申请书 Dear _, The aim of Medicine is not to know the disease, but to relieve the suffering it causes. This quotation from Miguel Angel Garcia sums up why Medicine is my career choice. A close relative of mine fought cancer for two years. I was much younger then, and did not
2、understand why the doctors only wanted to make her comfortable, but now I do; and that is partly why I want to become a physician myself: not only to work on cures for various diseases but also to make ill people feel better, because, though I admire research, I first and foremost see myself as a pr
3、actising physician. Also, I have been fascinated with babies and pregnant women ever since a child, so fascinated in fact that for two years running I insisted every morning on my mother telling me the story of my birth. From an early age on, then, this interest has led me gain a fair amount of know
4、ledge on the human body and how it works. I joined the Scouts when I was six years old, and continued with them for five years. During that time, I received a First-Aid badge and was nominated Guide of my group, which meant that I had to lead the way during orientation tests and hikes. These made me
5、 develop leadership, communication and organisational skills that I have used and valued ever since. More recently, I tried to volunteer at a local hospital, but the Portuguese NHS only accepts helpers over 18 years old. Instead, therefore, I volunteered at the Lisbon Zoo every weekend from December
6、 2022 through April 2022. This experience has taught me to deal with unexpected situations, because visitors were directed to me whenever they had a question and because I met new people every week, as the volunteer body was constantly changing. I will take a First-Aid course with the Portuguese Red
7、 Cross from October 13th till 18th, and I have been accepted for a week of volunteering in the Health Centre of Sao Roque, in the island of Pico, Azores, during the month of April 2022 under the supervision of Dr. Merces Maciel. Physical welfare is very important for me, and sports play a big role i
8、n my life. I have practised swimming for 12 years and, over the course of time, I have practised other sports, such as Taekwondo and Yoga, that taught me to relax in stressful times and environments. I feel that such knowledge can be very helpful during University Exams time and while coping with th
9、e busy life of a Medical student. In school, I have always been an excellent student, with an interest not only in science-related disciplines, but also in Literature, Philosophy and languages. I have always liked reading books, such as The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat and other Clinical Tales
10、 by Oliver Sacks or Metamorphosis by Kafka, that introduced me to the intricacies of the mind, with which I am fascinated this year in my Psychology course. In Philosophy, I have a deep interest in Ethics, a theme I believe to be very close to Medicine. Next to Portuguese, I can speak and write Engl
11、ish and French and can handle Spanish quite tolerably. I will sit the TOEFL on November 22nd. A trait of my personality which I think differentiates me from other applicants is my creativity. I am a very creative and artistic person; I write poetry and make short movies. Creativity is, in my opinion
12、, a very important characteristic of a good physician, as it is a help during investigation processes and in difficult diagnosis situations. In the future, I would like to specialise in Obstetrics, Paediatrics or Internal Medicine. I have made the decision of studying in the UK because I believe tha
13、t British universities rate among the finest in the world and because I want to learn from the top-people in the fast changing field of Medicine. If I am given this opportunity, I am sure that it will be a wonderful experience that I will savour and cherish for the rest of my life, and that will mak
14、e all the difference when it comes to advancing my career plans. Yours sincerely, 美国留学签证有效期须知 一、美国学生签证有效期最长可达4年 外国学生如已通过Visa Mantis审查并已获得签证,其Visa Mantis审查的有效期可达完成经批准的学习项目所需期限,最长为4年,但如果该学生更换学习项目,则审查结果不再有效;如重新申请签证,需经受Visa Mantis复查。 临时工作人员、交流访问者和公司内部调动人员如通过Visa Mantis审查,有效期可达完成经批准的活动所需期限,最长为2年。 如果签证持有人
15、在美国从事的活动性质发生变化,审查结果将失效;如重新申请签证,需经受Visa Mantis复查。 美国留学签证有效期最常可达4年,并且部分签证还延长了有效期,这位不少准备毕业以后在美国工作的同学创作了方便。 即便如此,随着经济形势和政治形势的异化,美国留学签证政策也会跟着异化,所以大家还是要时刻保持警惕,关注美国留学签证政策的异化或在线咨询留学监理老师。 二、美国延长五类签证的审查有效期 美国决定延长F类(学生)、J类(交流访问者)、H类(临时工作人员)、L类(公司内部调动人员)和B类(旅游和商务)签证的Visa Mantis审查有效期。 在原签证已到期的情况下,如为继续在美国参加原定的学习或
16、工作项目提交新的签证申请,可能不必经受另一轮Visa Mantis审查,但如有必要,领事官员可在审理签证申请的过程中酌情要求进行Visa Mantis审查。 申请美国大学留学误区 误区一:截止日期只有一个 美国的许多大学都有不同的截止日期。例如,耶鲁大学对本科生有两个截止日期,一个是11月1日提前录取,另一个是1月1日正常入学。如果学生准备充分的话,可以在11月1日申请入学,这样就可以提前知道申请结果。商学院研究生的申请有三到四轮,学生可以选择其中任何一个。 误区二:转读四年制大学很容易 一些家长会拿国内大学的“专科升本科”计划做类比。事实上,在中国,从大专升到本科是很不容易的。每名新生进入大
17、学后,必须参加大学理事会或act组织的标准考试,然后根据考试结果决定新生是否有资格参加大学课程。总的来说,优胜劣汰、宽进严出是两年制社区大学教学质量的根本保证。两年制社区大学与四年制大学的联系特别密切。在两年制社区大学学习或毕业并打算在四年制大学继续学习的学生,在有资格申请任何四年制大学之前,必须保持其GPA高于2.0。 误区三:社区大学教学质量好 教育部公布的37所国立学校名单中也囊括许多社区学院,仅阿拉巴马州就有22所。此外,凤凰学院位于亚利桑那州凤凰城,成立于1920年,是马里科帕县社区学院的一部分。它也是美国最古老的社区学院之一、学生来自100个不同的国家,涵盖50种不同的语言。但从整
18、体上看,社区大学仅限于经费水平和办学实力,师资和学术研究水平无法与大学相比。学生在学校经受系统的学术研究训练并不容易,但要优先考虑通识教育。 误区四:不需要托福和sat就可以升学 许多顶尖的社区大学仍然要求托福和SAT成绩。一般的社区大学对这两项考试的要求并不高。他们还提供特殊的ELS语言培训,以取代托福成绩要求。学生只需通过社区大学的ELS考试即可进入大学课程。此外,社区大学的课程教育分为学分制课程教育和非学分制课程教育。除了一些热门专业,如护理和医学相关专业,大多数不需要任何标准的考试成绩。 误区五:美国奖学金很容易获得 美国大学一般提供较少的本科生奖学金,很少有学生获得全额的本科奖学金。如果学生想申请奖学金,他们必须提供SAT成绩。 根据不同的专业,奖学金是不同的。有些专业不提供奖学金,如法律、会计、金融等,奖学金较多的专业一般是基础研究类专业,如
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