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1、 大学留学经典申请书参考格式 大学留学经典申请书参考格式 Dear _, Personal statements Engineering, the result of the equation: Scientific knowledge + Mathematics, with the purpose of creating processes from which all Earths inventions develop. It is a concept which dates back from the early beginning. All the revolutionary inve

2、ntions and dignified contructions such as the great 7 Wonders of the World, ancient cities, castles of which fabulous ruins impress every human eye, are based on Engineering genius, precision and ability of a mind with high caliber. In my view, every domain of Engineering is important because it giv

3、es you the chance to shape the world, to help and protect the environment and the people. This is what I believe it is my destiny. It represents what I want to do in life, for me as well as for the others. Civil Engineering, a term I first came to know a few years ago, is also my fathers working dom

4、ain. It all began with the modernization of our garden and the installment of several automatic systems for the outdoor lights. I was simply stunned and fascinated by the way everything came together and the only question I asked him was: How does this work? After familiarizing myself with the idea

5、of Engineering, my knowledge increased by taking part in projects of rehabilitation, redevelopement and even construction which have been presented to the City Hall. One of the projects is still in process and it is about the restoration of the historic centre of my native city. Another two of them

6、were run by myself. I wanted the park in my neighbourhood to be restored to its original form and as there was no skatepark, I decided to be the first one to come up with the idea of creating a new entertainment attraction. Everything was possible due to great effort and teamwork which made it a ple

7、asant experience. Physics has always been my favourite subject at school. My grandfather was a Physics teacher and he was the first who made me feel attracted by this subject. I have come to realize plenty connections between the world of Physics and nature itself. I have grown fonder of the idea th

8、at ends can meet with the help of simple equations. Therefore, I reached a peak in my high school second year when I got the chance to participate in the National Physics Olympics. The most valuable thing I gained there was the experience to be part of a contest at a national level. Since then, I ha

9、ve been overwhelmed by an ambition I never knew I had, to work very hard to get the best possible results. As a rule I focus on Applied Technology of new sophisticated machinery or devices as I am almost obsessed with the way they work. I have gained professional experience and information when I st

10、arted helping my father at work. Afterwards, I worked in Bucharest by installing a cooling device for an immense food storage room at a factory. Besides discovering the value of money I came upon the importance of quality. As many scientists claim that we will be surrounded by technology-only in the

11、 next few years, I believe the future is entirely based on Engineering and this is why the efficiency of hard work and quality improvement are essential. On the other hand, I think that every moment in life has a musicality that corresponds to the feelings that come from inside, and thats why I find

12、 my piece of relaxation in music. I have been studying the guitar for ten years and I graduated Music School with grade A. For personal entertainment, I have started a band with a few friends. To reach a conclusion, studying at a university in the UK is more than a superior study; it is an opportuni

13、ty to succeed, to be original, to improve as well as give a new shape to our current way of living. I am certain that I have every necessary skill in order to become a name in the world of high class engineers. Yours sincerely, 美国留学本科申请时间与申请方式 一、美国本科申请时间 春季入学网申的开始时间一般都是在5、6月份,截止时间为一般为10月底,不同学校deadli

14、ne不一样。 秋季入学网申开始时间一般在8、9月份,截止日期一般从10月到次年3月不等。早申请跟常规申请的截止时间都要上学校确认清楚哦! 二、美国本科申请要求 1、标准化考试成绩 美国大学入学标准化考试(Scholastic Assessment Test,SAT)是由美国大学委员会(college Board)主办的美国高中生大学入学考试之一。常见的标准化考试还有ACT,它也是奖学金发放的重要依据之一。 虽然不是所有学校都要求学生提交标准化考试成绩,但它们是申请奖学金的必要条件,亮眼的成绩绝对是加分项。建议大家在高二就要开始考试,给自己多点机会。 在20中,像斯坦福、布朗大学、杜克大学等5所

15、大学表示,申请者可以不递交SAT写作成绩。如今,越来越多的学校将SATACT考试成绩变为可选提交的成绩,即“test-optional”或“test-flexibility”。 (杜克大学不要求写作成绩) 芝加哥大学不要求申请者提交SAT成绩,但是国际申请者不享受这个待遇哦! 依据目前北美考生及国际考生SAT分数都不低的形式来看,SAT高分依旧在申请上占巨大优势。高分到底是多高分呢? (耶鲁大学25%-75%的大一学生成绩区间) 对于国际申请者来说,除了标准化考试成绩,TOEFLIELTS等语言成绩也是必须的。 美国大学本科招生对国际学生的英语要求一般从TOEFL70-100或者IELTS5.

16、0-7.0不等,基本符合大学要求即可。因为托福雅思成绩是硬性要求,所以备考越早越好,词汇量和刷题也很重要。 (康奈尔大学对国际学生语言成绩建议) 在这里,要提醒同学们,托福现在实行的拼分政策,是一个特别值得把握的机会,但并不是所有学校都认可,比如加州大学就拒绝了! 2、高中成绩 GPA,英文全称Grade Point Average,即平均成绩点数,它反映了一段时间范畴内学生的学习态度和学习能力。 申请美国大学本科的时候,要求提供申请人三年的在校成绩,然后换算成GPA。如果是高三在读的学生,申请的时候可以提供之前五个学期的成绩,但是报到的时候要求提供所有高中三年的成绩。 根据申请学校的不同,对

17、于GPA的要求会有不同(基本要求3.0以上),有些热门学校的热门专业竞争激烈,要求GPA不能低于3.8(折合中国的百分制95分)。 (普林斯顿大学2022届申请者的GPA数据) 值得注意的是,很多学校是不设GPA最低标准的,这也就说明了成绩虽然很重要,但是也并不是的评判标准。 3、申请材料 除了各种成绩单,另外需要准备的材料主要有:ESSAY、推荐信、简历、学校申请表、其他证明材料等。 以上是一些比较硬性的要求。众所周知,美国大学比较重视学生的综合素质,因此学生除了学术成绩方面达到要求,也要在社会活动等方面积累丰富的经验。 而寒暑假正是进行社会实践的时机。背景小白们抓紧时间给自己打造一下呀!

18、三、美国本科申请方式 了解完美国本科申请的要求后,那么中国的高中毕业生可以以哪些方式申请呢? 1、直接申请美国本科一年级 直升适合早做好准备的申请者。对于国际申请者来说,如果你已经有符合学校要求的语言成绩和SAT,可以直接申请美国大学本科。SAT成绩有效期为两年,且中国大陆暂未设考场,所以大家在做规划的时候要安置好考试时间。 美国本科直录托福要求一般最低79分,虽然一些学校并未给出申请时托福成绩的最低要求,但大部分例如像耶鲁大学、哥伦比亚大学等托福至少要100分以上才有希望哦。 2、语言+本科双录取 此方法主要是针对没有语言成绩或语言能力暂时较弱的学生。 学校会发出两份通知书:一份是学校的语言

19、中心录取通知书,另一份是学校的专业录取通知书。 拿到双录取后,首先进入学校的语言中心学习英语,通过考试达到学校的要求后,不需要另行申请,就可以直接进入大学进行专业课! 美国大学双录取项目既保证每一个符合条件的申请人都能获得学习机会,同时又保证学校的正常教学不会因学生听不懂课程而被延误。但是出国读语言也是一笔不小的花销,所以建议大家在申请前考取语言成绩。 3、社区大学 国内选择社区学院的申请人大多是看中了它的过渡性转学课程。选择此类课程需要非常注意与其对接的院校。对于目前条件不够,要想去美国前50的学校,选择社区大学入读是最为理想的做法。 只要学生达到社区大学与美国的转学协议的要求(通常100分达到80分),就可以成功转学。缺点是社区学院只有2年,学生读完以后,如果想拿学士学位,必须转学到四年制大学。 留学美国签证办理流程 第一、了解申请国家的留学签证申请条件 无论你是要申请哪个国家的哪个类型的签证,在正式办理签证之前,我们都需要了解该国家的签证办理流程和相关的材料说明,即使你不是


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