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1、CET 4 WritingBy Wen WeixiaContents常考题材常考体裁考核技艺应试技巧写作类型及模板常考题材关于大学生学习、校园生活及对未来的任务、人生等方面的态度和看法,如:2021年6月的Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling 2005年12月的作文主题 Should the University Campus be Open to Tourists? 2003年9月,The Day My Classmate Fell Ill2. 贴近社会变化、开展和提高的热点话题,往往与日常生活严密相关,如:2006年12月的 On the Sp

2、ring Festival Gala; 2004年6月的 A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction常考体材 涉及的题材主要有四种:议论文、阐明文、记叙文和运用文。 四级作文着重测试考生评论和阐明事物的才干。因此,议论文和阐明文所占比重较大。近年来, 运用文的比重明显添加。写作部分考核的技艺A 思想表达 1. 表达中心思想写作 2. 表达重要和特定信息 3. 表达观念、态度B 篇章组织 4. 围绕所给标题表达、议论或描画,突出重点 5. 衔接地组句成段、组段成稿C 言语运用 6. 运用恰当的词汇 7. 运用正确的语法 8. 运用适宜的句子构造 9.

3、 运用正确的标点符号 10. 运用衔接手段表达句间关系如对比、缘由、结果、程度、目的等D 写作格式 11 运用正确的符合英语表达习惯的写作方式 应试技巧审题 1-2分钟 了解标题的根本要求,了解标题的真正意图列提纲 4-5分钟 列出写作要点,理清要点见逻辑关系,列出关键词,头脑中构成一个整体思绪写作 20分钟 根据提纲,选用较好的素材,恰当运用关联词,一气呵成4. 修正 1-2分钟 主要检查句子时态、语态、主谓一致。单词拼写、标点符号等 写作类型对比选择型问题处理型景象解释型观念论证型记叙文运用文1.对比选择型范文 When it comes to/ When asked about事物/问题

4、,different people will offer different opinions. Some people take it for granted that 观念一. In their opinion, 观念一的理由一. Besides, 观念一的理由二. However, others hold that 观念二. They maintain that 观念二的理由一. And 观念二的理由二. Weighing up these two arguments, I am for 观念一/ 观念二. For one thing/ On the one hand, 理由一. For

5、 another/On the other hand, 理由二. For instance, 举例阐明理由二. Therefore, as stated above, 重申观念. 2.问题处理型范文There has been a discussion recently about现实/景象 . It is obivious that 危害一/作用一 . Additionally, 危害二/作用二 . So how to 处理问题 is worth paying attention to. On the one hand/ Firstly, 处理方法一. 进一步论述方法一. On the ot

6、her hand/ Secondly, 处理方法二 . For example, 支持该方法的例子. In addition/ Thirdly, 处理方法三. In fact, more than three ways can be adopted. As for me, 我的思索或看法. All in all, 总结全文. 3.景象解释型总表达象has been brought into focus. Nowadays, 景象突出表现或变化 . In addition, 进一步论述景象. The reasons for this phenomen are varied. Among all

7、these reasons, 缘由一 play a very important role. 详细论述缘由一Moreover, 缘由二. Besides, 缘由三. Therefore, 总结缘由导致的结果. As far as I am concerned, 我的观念. Furthermore, 进一步补充阐明看法. In a word, 段落总结句.4.观念论证型 It is true that普遍的观念 . However, 不同的观念/景象 . I think, 我的观念 . 理由或其他论据 can be listed as follows. Firstly, 论据一. Secondl

8、y, 论据二. For example, 支持论据二的事例 . Thirdly, 论据三. A case in point is 支持论据三的事例. It goes without saying/ There is no doubt that重申观念. Therefore, 与该观念相符的做法. In a word, 总结全文.5.记叙文 It was / happened 时间地点.I was 我在做什么. It impressed me most because 时间给我留下深化印象的缘由. 总体概括时间的性质. At first, 时间进展或情况表现一. Almost at the sa

9、me time, 时间进展或情况表现二. 时间进展或情况表现三. As a result, 事件的结果. As I understand, 我的看法或偏好. For one thing, 个人看法的根据一缘由一 Furthermore, 个人看法的根据二缘由二. Therefore/ In conclusion, 个人的结论或文章的结论. 6.运用文(建议信模板) Date月/日/年 Dear _, I am delighted to learn that 写信的缘由. It 引出写信人的建议. In my opinion, 表述建议的内容. For one thing, 提出建议的理由一.

10、For another, 提出建议的理由二. As to 详细某一方面的建议内容, I suggest . If 供被建议人选择的条件. It is unnecessary for you to 建议内容的另一方面. In addition, 其他的建议. I am sure 对建议内容的评价. Please inform me 希望对方做出回应. Im looking forward to 表达本人的愿望. Sincerely yours, 签名ExerciseOn the Spring Festival Gala 许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会 有些人提出应该取消春节晚会 我的看法A Le

11、tter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus 假设他是李明, 请他就本校食堂的情况给校长写一封信,内容涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价钱、环境、效力等,可以是表扬,可以是批判建议,也可以兼而有之。On the Spring Festival Gala When it comes to the Spring Festival Gala, different people will offer different opinions. Some people take it for granted that the S

12、pring Festival Gala adds up fun and excitement and makes a happy festival atmosphere. In their opinion, it suits most audiences tastes. Besides, many people have a strong feeling for it. (观念提出段) However, others hold that it should be cancelled. They maintain that about four-hour-long programs will m

13、ake some people a bit bored. And the form of most programs are familiar with the audience and lack of originality. (对比论证段) Weighing up these two arguments, I am for the former opinion. For one thing, it involves all kinds of programs, most of which are relaxing and exciting. For instance, cross talks and other comic perfoamances always bring people a lot of laughter. For another, the directors are trying har


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