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1、CHAPTER 14Bond Prices and YieldsBonds are debt. Issuers are borrowers and holders are creditors.The indenture is the contract between the issuer and the bondholder.The indenture gives the coupon rate, maturity date, and par value.Bond Characteristics2Face or par value is typically $1000; this is the

2、 principal repaid at maturity.The coupon rate determines the interest payment.Interest is usually paid semiannually.The coupon rate can be zero.Interest payments are called “coupon payments”.Bond Characteristics3U.S. Treasury BondsBonds and notes may be purchased directly from the Treasury.Denominat

3、ion can be as small as $100, but $1,000 is more common.Bid price of 100:08 means 100 8/32 or $1002.50Note maturity is 1-10 yearsBond maturity is 10-30 years4Corporate BondsCallable bonds can be repurchased before the maturity date.Convertible bonds can be exchanged for shares of the firms common sto

4、ck.Puttable bonds give the bondholder the option to retire or extend the bond.Floating rate bonds have an adjustable coupon rate5Preferred StockDividends are paid in perpetuity.Nonpayment of dividends does not mean bankruptcy.Preferred dividends are paid before common.No tax break.EquityFixed income

5、6Innovation in the Bond MarketInverse FloatersAsset-Backed BondsCatastrophe BondsIndexed BondsTreasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS).7Table 14.1 Principal and Interest Payments for a Treasury Inflation Protected Security8PB =Price of the bondCt = interest or coupon paymentsT = number of peri

6、ods to maturity r = semi-annual discount rate or the semi-annual yield to maturityBond Pricing9Price of a 30 year, 8% coupon bond.Market rate of interest is 10%. Example 14.2: Bond Pricing10Prices and yields (required rates of return) have an inverse relationshipThe bond price curve (Figure 14.3) is

7、 convex.The longer the maturity, the more sensitive the bonds price to changes in market interest rates.Bond Prices and Yields11Figure 14.3 The Inverse Relationship Between Bond Prices and Yields12Table 14.2 Bond Prices at Different Interest Rates13Yield to MaturityInterest rate that makes the prese

8、nt value of the bonds payments equal to its price is the YTM.Solve the bond formula for r14Yield to Maturity ExampleSuppose an 8% coupon, 30 year bond is selling for $1276.76. What is its average rate of return?r = 3% per half yearBond equivalent yield = 6%EAR = (1.03)2)-1=6.09%15YTM vs. Current Yie

9、ldYTMThe YTM is the bonds internal rate of return.YTM is the interest rate that makes the present value of a bonds payments equal to its price.YTM assumes that all bond coupons can be reinvested at the YTM rate.Current YieldThe current yield is the bonds annual coupon payment divided by the bond pri

10、ce.For bonds selling at a premium, coupon rate current yieldYTM.For discount bonds, relationships are reversed.16Yield to CallIf interest rates fall, price of straight bond can rise considerably.The price of the callable bond is flat over a range of low interest rates because the risk of repurchase

11、or call is high.When interest rates are high, the risk of call is negligible and the values of the straight and the callable bond converge.17Figure 14.4 Bond Prices: Callable and Straight Debt18Realized Yield versus YTMReinvestment AssumptionsHolding Period ReturnChanges in rates affect returnsReinv

12、estment of coupon paymentsChange in price of the bond19Figure 14.5 Growth of Invested Funds20Figure 14.6 Prices over Time of 30-Year Maturity, 6.5% Coupon Bonds21YTM vs. HPRYTMYTM is the average return if the bond is held to maturity.YTM depends on coupon rate, maturity, and par value.All of these a

13、re readily observable.HPRHPR is the rate of return over a particular investment period.HPR depends on the bonds price at the end of the holding period, an unknown future value.HPR can only be forecasted.22Figure 14.7 The Price of a 30-Year Zero-Coupon Bond over Time23Rating companies:Moodys Investor

14、 Service, Standard & Poors, FitchRating CategoriesHighest rating is AAA or AaaInvestment grade bonds are rated BBB or Baa and aboveSpeculative grade/junk bonds have ratings below BBB or Baa. Default Risk and Bond Pricing24Coverage ratiosLeverage ratiosLiquidity ratiosProfitability ratiosCash flow to

15、 debtFactors Used by Rating Companies25Table 14.3 Financial Ratios and Default Risk by Rating Class, Long-Term Debt26Figure 14.9 Discriminant Analysis27Sinking funds a way to call bonds earlySubordination of future debt restrict additional borrowingDividend restrictions force firm to retain assets r

16、ather than paying them out to shareholdersCollateral a particular asset bondholders receive if the firm defaultsProtection Against Default28Default Risk and YieldThe risk structure of interest rates refers to the pattern of default premiums.There is a difference between the yield based on expected c

17、ash flows and yield based on promised cash flows.The difference between the expected YTM and the promised YTM is the default risk premium.29Figure 14.11 Yield Spreads 30Credit Default SwapsA credit default swap (CDS) acts like an insurance policy on the default risk of a corporate bond or loan.CDS b

18、uyer pays annual premiums.CDS issuer agrees to buy the bond in a default or pay the difference between par and market values to the CDS buyer.31Credit Default SwapsInstitutional bondholders, e.g. banks, used CDS to enhance creditworthiness of their loan portfolios, to manufacture AAA debt.CDS can al

19、so be used to speculate that bond prices will fall.This means there can be more CDS outstanding than there are bonds to insure!32Figure 14.12 Prices of Credit Default Swaps33Credit Risk and Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs)Major mechanism to reallocate credit risk in the fixed-income marketsStr

20、uctured Investment Vehicle (SIV) often used to create the CDOLoans are pooled together and split into tranches with different levels of default risk.Mortgage-backed CDOs were an investment disaster in 200734Figure 14.13 Collateralized Debt Obligations35CHAPTER 15The Term Structure of Interest RatesT

21、he yield curve is a graph that displays the relationship between yield and maturity. Information on expected future short term rates can be implied from the yield curve.Overview of Term Structure37Figure 15.1 Treasury Yield Curves38Bond PricingYields on different maturity bonds are not all equal.We

22、need to consider each bond cash flow as a stand-alone zero-coupon bond.Bond stripping and bond reconstitution offer opportunities for arbitrage.The value of the bond should be the sum of the values of its parts.39Table 15.1 Prices and Yields to Maturities on Zero-Coupon Bonds ($1,000 Face Value)40Ex

23、ample 15.1 Valuing Coupon BondsValue a 3 year, 10% coupon bond using discount rates from Table 15.1:Price = $1082.17 and YTM = 6.88%6.88% is less than the 3-year rate of 7%.41Two Types of Yield CurvesPure Yield CurveThe pure yield curve uses stripped or zero coupon Treasuries.The pure yield curve ma

24、y differ significantly from the on-the-run yield curve.On-the-run Yield CurveThe on-the-run yield curve uses recently issued coupon bonds selling at or near par.The financial press typically publishes on-the-run yield curves.42Yield Curve Under CertaintySuppose you want to invest for 2 years. Buy an

25、d hold a 2-year zero-or-Rollover a series of 1-year bondsEquilibrium requires that both strategies provide the same return.43Figure 15.2 Two 2-Year Investment Programs44Yield Curve Under CertaintyBuy and hold vs. rollover:Next years 1-year rate (r2) is just enough to make rolling over a series of 1-

26、year bonds equal to investing in the 2-year bond.45Spot Rates vs. Short RatesSpot rate the rate that prevails today for a given maturityShort rate the rate for a given maturity (e.g. one year) at different points in time.A spot rate is the geometric average of its component short rates.46Short Rates

27、 and Yield Curve SlopeWhen next years short rate, r2 , is greater than this years short rate, r1, the yield curve slopes up.May indicate rates are expected to rise.When next years short rate, r2 , is less than this years short rate, r1, the yield curve slopes down.May indicate rates are expected to

28、fall.47Figure 15.3 Short Rates versus Spot Rates48fn = one-year forward rate for period nyn = yield for a security with a maturity of nForward Rates from Observed Rates49Example 15.4 Forward RatesThe forward interest rate is a forecast of a future short rate.Rate for 4-year maturity = 8%, rate for 3

29、-year maturity = 7%.50Interest Rate UncertaintySuppose that todays rate is 5% and the expected short rate for the following year is E(r2) = 6%. The value of a 2-year zero is:The value of a 1-year zero is:51Interest Rate UncertaintyThe investor wants to invest for 1 year. Buy the 2-year bond today an

30、d plan to sell it at the end of the first year for $1000/1.06 =$943.40.0r-Buy the 1-year bond today and hold to maturity.52Interest Rate UncertaintyWhat if next years interest rate is more (or less) than 6%? The actual return on the 2-year bond is uncertain!53Interest Rate UncertaintyInvestors requi

31、re a risk premium to hold a longer-term bond.This liquidity premium compensates short-term investors for the uncertainty about future prices.54ExpectationsLiquidity PreferenceUpward bias over expectationsTheories of Term Structure55Expectations TheoryObserved long-term rate is a function of todays short-term rate and expected future short-term rates.fn = E(rn) and liquidity premiums are zero.56Long-term bonds are more risky; therefore, fn generally exceeds E(rn)The excess of fn over E(rn) is the liquidity premium.The yield curve


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