1、第八章 指点职能Leading第一节 指点职能概述第二节 人性假设第三节 指点实际第四节 当前指点职能方面的问题第一节 指点职能概述一、指点职能含义1、指点职能概念2、指点者与管理者3、指点职能与管理活动4、指点者分类5、指点者所起的作用二、指点过程1指点过程的要素2指点过程的根底三、指点权益来源一、指点职能含义1、指点职能概念指点或指点者Leader-组织中可以影响他人和拥有管理职权的人someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority.all managers should ideally be leaders
2、not all leaders have the ability to be an effective manager. Although groups may have informal leaders who emerge, those are not the leaders were studyingA heavily researched topic: What is an effective leader?一、指点职能含义续1、指点职能概念续指点职能Leadership-指点者对其下属施加影响,鼓舞、鼓励和指点他们的活动以实现目的的过程process of influencing a
3、 group toward the achievement of goals, process where a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve goals.指点本质:指点者经过人与人之间的相互作用,使其下属自觉跟随,奉献力量,促进目的实现。一、指点职能含义续2、指点者与管理者作为指点者必需:拥有一定数量的部下或跟随者拥有一定的影响才干或力量经过影响部下实现既定目的。在正式组织中,指点者必然是管理者,而管理者并不一定都是指点者在非
4、正式组织中,有些人能够是指点者,但并不是管理者。要有认识地吸收非正式组织中的自然领袖或其他有影响力的人物参与正式组织的管理任务。3、指点职能与管理活动指点职能范围较小为重要活动指明方向、发明气氛、开辟局面建立在个人影响权根底之上更多是在前方引导的行为管理活动范围较大为组织的活动选择方法、建立次序、维持运转建立在合法和强迫性权益根底之上更多是在后面指挥的行为 显著区别:偏重于人的要素及人与人之间的相互作用尼克松的观念“伟大的指点是一种特有的艺术方式,既需求超群的力量,又需求非凡的想象力。虽然指点需求有技术,但指点远远不是有技术就行。就某种意义来说,管理好比散文,指点好比写诗。在很大程度上,领袖办
5、事必然是靠符号、笼统,以及成为历史动力的、能启觉察悟的思想。人们可以被道理压服,但要用感情来感化,他必需既能压服他们,又能打动他们。管理者思索的是今天和明天,领袖必需思索后天。管理者代表一个过程,领袖代表历史的方向。一个没有管理对象的管理者就不能称其为管理者,但是,一个领袖即使失去了权益,也能对其跟随者发号施令。 一、指点职能含义续4、指点者分类权益分配:集权专权式指点和分权民主式指点任务重点:维持事务型指点和创新型指点创新型指点:魅力型、变革型和战略型指点所起作用:师傅型、指挥型和育才型指点Leaders as a Master, Director, Developer一、指点职能含义续5、
7、使下属坚持高昂的士气和较高的忠实度。二、指点过程续2、指点过程的根底人性假设:关于人性的根本看法直接影响到指点者:获取和运用权益的方式行为鼓励方式信息沟通方式组织文化的价值取向指点行为和指点风格。 二、指点过程续2、指点过程的根底续人类的一切行为,皆来自某种特定的愿望。不论是在商场,在家中,学校或是政坛上,只需能学会如何去激发对方的愿望,定能支配整个世界,获得广泛的支持,否那么必将孤单无助。 哈瑞.欧弗斯, 人性深处最大的愿望,莫过于遭到外界的认可与赞扬。 威廉.詹姆斯Sources of Power奖赏权RewardPower法定权LegitimatePower惩罚权CoercivePowe
8、r专长权ExpertPower感召权ReferentPowerEnable managers to beleaders & influencesubordinates to achieve goals三、指点权益1、权益概述狭义:正式职权广义:包括非正式影响力即权威权益的本质:相互依赖性的不对称决议正式职权的要素有:职位、职能和职距权益的作用在于引而不发火炉原那么:警示性、一致性、时效性权益只是管理活动中的一种工具衡量的规范在于能否追求和运用积极权益三、指点权益续2、权益来源Sources of PowerLegitimate Power: authority associated with
9、a position, resulting by their management position in the firm.Can be power to hire/fire workers, assign work. Reward Power: ability to give positive benefits, based on the managers ability to give or withhold rewards.Pay raises, bonuses, verbal vide anything that another person values.Coe
10、rcive Power : ability to punish or control, based on the ability to punish others.Ranges from verbal reprimand to pay cuts to firing.Can have serious negative side effects.followers react out of fear三、指点权益续2、权益来源Sources of Power 续Expert Power: influence based on special skills or knowledge of leader
11、. First & middle managers have most expert power.Often found in technical ability.Referent Power: results from personal characteristics of the leader which earn workers respect, loyalty and admiration.Usually held by likable managers who are concerned about their workers. arises because of a persons
12、 desirable resources or personal traits. leads to admiration and desire to be like that person.表51 权益来源、过程及条件权力来源权利过程相互关系相应条件奖赏权惩罚权服从得到有力反应避免惩罚性反应对下属实施监督感召权辨认希望与领导者建立和保持满意的关系在下属面前占有显著地位法定权专长权内在化内在价值观一致,与领导相处很好与下属有相似的价值观三、指点权益续3、权益规律权益与年龄:年轻的管理者表现出的权益总比实践权益大得多,资深管理者那么相反;权益与安康:追逐权益使人疲惫、兴奋,运用权益使人自信、骄傲,
13、掌握权益使人年轻、富有魅力,失去权益使人衰老、缺乏自信心;权益与性别:女性远离或追逐权益的愿望和程度都超越男性;权益与腐败:权益趋于腐败,绝对权益绝对腐败;劳伦斯定律往上爬定律:管理者追逐权益努力往上爬,总是爬到力所不能及的地步。三、指点权益续4、运用权益慎重对待而不夸耀权益:权益是一柄双刃剑,夸耀权益容易招致嫉妒和猜忌谨慎地运用正式权益:运用积极权益,而不滥用权益客观一致地运用权益:行使奖赏权和惩罚权时要特别留意其客观一致性充分发掘非正式影响力:发掘非正式影响力可以扩展威信和影响。第二节 人性假设一、经济人假设1900s二、社会人假设1930s-50s三、自我实现人假设1940s-50s四、
14、复杂人假设1960s-70s五、X实际、Y实际与超Y实际1980s 一、经济人假设1、主要观念人的一切行为都是为了最大限制地满足本人的私利,任务动机是为了获得经济报酬多数人天生是懒惰的,他们都尽能够地逃避任务多数人没有雄心大志,不愿负任何责任,而心甘情愿受他人指点多数人的个人目的都是与组织目的相矛盾的,必需用强迫、惩罚的方法,才干迫使他们为到达组织的目的而任务多数人干任务都是为了满足根本的生理需求和平安需求,只需金钱和位置才干鼓励他们努力任务人大致可以划分为两类:多数人都是符合于上述想象的人另一类是可以本人鼓励本人、抑制感情激动的人,这些人应担当管理的责任。 一、经济人假设续2、管理措施用强迫
17、和发明性在现代社会条件下,普通人的智能潜力只得到了一部分发扬。 三、自我实现人假设续2、管理方式管理重点的改动:“经济人的物质要素“社会人的社会要素“自我实现人的任务环境管理职能的改动:“经济人的消费指挥者“社会人的人际关系调理者“自我实现人的采访者发现人们发扬才干所必备的条件,消除员工自我实现的过程中所遇到的妨碍鼓励方式的改动:“经济人的金钱刺激“社会人的人际关系“自我实现人的满足鼓励需求管理制度的改动:“经济人的高奖宽大“社会人的参与决策和集体奖励制度“自我实现人的任务扩展化、任务丰富化和弹性任务时间制度。四、复杂人假设1、主要观念人是复杂的,因人、因时、因地而异个体及其动机构造是复杂的,
19、戈提出了两种对立的管理实际,试图在老的人际关系观念和新的组织人道主义之间架起桥梁人们怎样被对待,在很大程度上是一种自我实现的预言X实际反映的是 “经济人假设的观念组织的目的与其所属成员的个人目的是相矛盾的,因此主要利用权威作为指挥和控制的手段。五、X实际、Y实际与超Y实际续2、Y实际Y实际反映的是“自我实现的人的观念只需人们被压服去接受组织义务,即一个组织的管理者假设能把任务安排得比较富有意义或挑战性,能使组织的成员以为可以以从事这一任务而引以骄傲,或者以实现组织的目的而得到自我满足,就不需求组织的其他特别鼓励,而且组织成员能自我鼓励来完成组织的目的根本差别:Y实际为动机诱导技术的开展开辟了道
20、路X实际呵斥的社会心思约束那么堵塞了这样的道路。McGregors Theory X and Y五、X实际、Y实际与超Y实际续3、超Y实际超Y实际反映的是“复杂人的观念人的需求是多种多样的,随着人的开展和生活条件而改动每个人的需求都各不一样,需求的层次也因人而异人在同一时间内有各种需求和动机,它们相互作用结合为一致的整体,构成错综复杂的动机方式人在组织中的任务和生活条件是不断变化的,因此会产生新的需求和动机人在不同单位或同一单位的不同部门任务,会产生不同的需求没有适宜于任何组织、任何时间、任何个人的一致的管理方式。 第三节 指点实际Leadership Theories一、指点特征实际 192
21、0s-30s 二、指点行为实际1940s-50s三、指点权变实际1960s-70s四、当代指点观念1980s-一、指点特征实际 Trait Theories 人格特征Theories isolating personal characteristics that differentiate leaders from non-leaders.选择指点的根据might be used as a basis for selecting the “right people to assume formal leadership positions, because:Many “traits are t
22、he result of skills and knowledge.Not all effective leaders possess all these traits.不能够用来区分指点proved to be impossible to identify a set of traits that would always differentiate leaders from nonleaders.Explanations based solely on traits ignored the interactions of leaders, their groups, and situati
23、onal factors.一、指点特征实际续 Trait Theories胜利指点特征Later research on the leadership process identified seven traits associated with successful leadership:进取心Drive成为指点的愿望Desire to lead老实与耿直Honesty and integrity自信Self-confidence智慧Intelligence与任务有关的知识Job-relevant knowledge性格外向Extraversion.Exhibit 171Seven Trai
24、ts Associated with Leadership二、指点行为实际 Behavioral Theories确认有效指点的行为Identifying behaviors that differentiate effective from ineffective leaders.为培训指点提供根底Knowing what effective leaders do would provide the basis for training leaders.爱荷华大学三种指点方式实际University of Iowa Studies俄亥俄州立大学二维构面实际Ohio State Studies
25、密西根大学两个中心思论University of Michigan Studies管理方格实际The Managerial Grid 延续一致体实际、成熟不成熟实际、三维构面实际Exhibit 172Behavioral Theories of LeadershipExhibit 172 (contd)Behavioral Theories of Leadership1、三种指点方式实际University of Iowa Studies确定三种指点风格Identified three leadership styles:权威式指点Autocratic style: centralized a
26、uthority, low participation民主式指点Democratic style: involvement, high participation, feedback放任式指点Laissez faire style: hands-off management研讨发现中性结果Research findings: mixed resultsNo specific style was consistently better for producing better performance以民主指点方式的效果较好Employees were more satisfied under a
27、 democratic leader than an autocratic leader. (Kurt Lewin)2、二维构面实际 Ohio State Studies两个维度Identified two dimensions of leader behavior自动构造或定规Initiating structure: the role of the leader in defining his or her role and the roles of group members体谅或关怀Consideration: the leaders mutual trust and respect
28、for group members ideas and feelings.中性结果Research findings: mixed resultsHigh-high leaders generally, but not always, achieved high group task performance and satisfaction.Evidence indicated that situational factors appeared to strongly influence leadership effectiveness.高定规和低关怀的指点方式效果最差。 表53 二维构面实际
29、高关怀低定规高关怀高定规低关怀低定规低关怀高定规3、两个中心思论 University of Michigan Studies两个维度Identified two dimensions of leader behavior以员工为中心Employee oriented: emphasizing personal relationshipsaccepts individual differences among subordinatesassociated with high group productivity以任务为中心Production oriented: emphasizing tas
30、k accomplishmentconcerned with accomplishing the groups tasksassociated with low group productivity and low job satisfactionResearch findings: 以员工为中心的指点可以促进员工群体高消费率和称心度Leaders who are employee oriented are strongly associated with high group productivity and high job satisfaction.3、两个中心思论续 Universit
31、y of Michigan Studies管理方法剥削的民主式或“利用一命令式方法:指点者非常民主,对下级不信任仁慈的民主式或“温暖命令式方法:指点者也是民主的,但采取家长制的恩赐统治方式,坚持对下级的控制协商式或“商议式方法:指点者采取民主协商方式,对下级比较信任,但坚持对最后决策权的控制参与式或“集体参与方法:指点者对下级完全信任和放手,下级有充分的自在与指点讨论任务。4、指点方格实际 Managerial Grid 两个维度Appraises leadership styles using Two-dimensions.以人为中心concern for people以任务为中心conce
32、rn for production五种风格Places managerial styles in five categories:贫乏型的管理impoverished (1,1) - minimum effort to reach goals and sustain organization membership.义务式的管理task (9,1) - arrange operations to be efficient with minimum human involvement.中庸之道管理middle-of-the-road (5,5) - adequate performance by
33、balancing work and human concerns.4、指点方格实际续 Managerial Grid五种风格Five management styles described (cont.)俱乐部式管理country club (1,9) - attention to human needs and creation of comfortable work environment.团队式的管理team (9,9) - committed people motivated by a common purpose, trust, and mutual respect.选择9,9方式
34、Managers should use (9,9) style.little empirical evidence to support this conclusionno rationale for what made a manager an effective leader.Unfortunately the grid offers no answers to how makes a manager an effective leader.Exhibit 173TheManagerialGrid5、延续一致体实际指点方式无所谓好坏,适宜的指点方法取决于环境和个性根据指点授予下属权益大小的
35、程度,从以指点为中心到以下属为中心构成七个延续的指点方式指点需求在上述七个指点方式中进展选择坦南鲍姆和施莱特。5、延续一致体实际续以领导为中心 以下属为中心领导专断决策并宣布执行 领导做出决策但说服下属执行 领导做出决策并根据下属情况解决 领导提出实验性决策并根据下属意见进行修改 领导提出问题听取意见后做出决策 领导规定问题范围,与下属在范围内共同决策 领导允许下属在职权范围内自由行动 6、成熟不成熟实际阿吉里斯主要集中在个人需求与组织需求问题上的研讨有效的指点者应该协助人们从不成熟或依赖形状转变到成熟形状一个组织不能为人们提供使他们成熟起来的时机或不提供把他们作为曾经成熟的个人来对待的时机,
36、那么人们就会变得忧虑、沮丧,并且将以违背组织目的的方式行事。成熟不成熟实际续不成熟的特点成熟的特点被动性依赖性工作方法少缺乏兴趣目光短浅从属地位缺乏自知之明 能动性独立性工作方法多兴趣浓厚目光长远主导地位有自知之明,能自我控制 7、三维构面实际评价指点行为的三个维度维雷定:义务导向、关系导向和指点效能四种类型是指点:亲密者:注重人际关系,但不注重任务和义务分立者:既不注重任务,也不注重人际关系尽职者:一心只想完成义务,铁面无私、秉公办事整合者:兼顾群体需求及义务完成,能经过群体协作实现目的。没有哪-种最具效能,一种指点方式有效或无效,取决于当时所处的环境能否运用得当。 三、指点权变实际Cont
37、ingency Theories Of Leadership根本假设Basic Assumptionsleader effectiveness depends on the situation.must isolate situational conditions or contingencies.1、菲德勒权变实际Fiedler contingency theory2、指点情境实际Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Theory3、指点参与实际Leader-Participation Model4、途径一目的实际Path-goal the
38、ory1、菲德勒权变实际Fiedler contingency theory指点风格与所处情境的匹配Effective group performance depends upon the proper match between the leaders style of interacting with followers and the degree to which the situation allows the leader to control and influence.S = fL, F, E两个必要假设Assumptions:A certain leadership styl
39、e should be most effective in different types of situations.Leaders do not readily change leadership styles.Matching the leader to the situation or changing the situation to make it favorable to the leader is required.1、菲德勒权变实际续Fiedler contingency theory情境变量Situational factors in matching leader to
40、the situation:上下级关系leader-member relations - degree of confidence, trust, and respect members had for leader义务构造task structure - degree to which job assignments were formalized and procedurized职位权益position power - degree of influence a leader had over power-based activities.1、菲德勒权变实际续Fiedler conting
41、ency theory最难协作同事Least-Preferred Coworker (LPC) - Determines leadership style by measuring the leaders style of interacting with subordinates.high LPC - described in relatively favorable terms关系型导向leader is a relationship-oriented leadership style low LPC - described in relatively unfavorable terms义
42、务型导向leader is a task-oriented leadership style1、菲德勒权变实际续Fiedler contingency theory最难协作同事LPC questionnaire -Think of all the co-worker they have ever had and to describe the one person they least enjoyed working with ,then identify the leadership style. pleasant 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 unpleasant friendly 8
43、7 6 5 4 3 2 1 unfriendly helpful 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 frustrating cooperative 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 uncooperative self-assured 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 hesitant efficient 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 inefficient open 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 guardedExhibit 174Findings of the Fiedler Model表55 指点权变实际模型环境有利程度 最有利 最不利 上下关系 好差任务结构 明确不明确明确不明确职位权力
44、 强弱强弱强弱强弱有效领导风格 任务导向型关系导向型任务导向型1、菲德勒权变实际续Fiedler contingency theory三个条件齐备的是指点最有利的环境三者都缺乏的是最不利的环境结果显示Results indicated that:最有利和最不利情况需求义务导向指令型指点方式task-oriented leaders performed better in situations that are very favorable to them and in situations that are very unfavorable中间形状的环境需求关系导向的宽容型指点方式relati
45、onship-oriented leaders performed better in situations that are moderately favorable1、菲德勒权变实际续Fiedler contingency theory改善指点方式Implications for improving leadership把指点放到适宜的情境place leaders in situations suited to their style改动指点所处情境change the situation to fit the leader获得实证支持Considerable empirical sup
46、port for the model不现实的假设Unrealistic to assume that leader cannot alter her/his style.2、指点情境实际SLTHersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Theory选择适宜的指点方式Successful leadership is achieved by selecting the right leadership style which is contingent on the level of the followers readiness.下级接受程度Acce
47、ptance: leadership effectiveness depends on whether followers accept or reject a leader.下级成熟程度Readiness: the extent to which followers have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task.2、指点情境实际SLT续Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Theory四种指点方式Creates four specific leadership
48、styles incorporating Fiedlers two leadership dimensions:命令式Telling - high task-low relationship leadershipleader defines roles and tells people how to do their jobspeople are neither competent nor confident压服式Selling - high task-high relationship leadershipleader is both directive and supportivepeop
49、le are unable but willing to do necessary tasks参与式Participating - low task-high relationship leadershipleader and follower make decisionspeople are able but unwilling to do the job授权式Delegating - low task-low relationship leadershipleader provides little direction or supportpeople are able and willi
50、ng to do the job2、指点情境实际SLT续Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Theory下级成熟程度Posits four stages follower readiness:低成熟度R1: followers are unable and unwilling较低成熟度R2: followers are unable but willing较高成熟度R3: followers are able but unwilling高成熟度R4: followers are able and willingLeaders must re
51、linquish control over and contact with followers as they become more competent.Heresy and Blanchards Situational Leadership Model3、指点参与实际Leader Participation Model弗鲁姆与耶顿Victor Vroom and Yetton指点方式取决于义务构造 -Posits that leader behavior must be adjusted to reflect the task structurewhether it is routine
52、, nonroutine, or in betweenbased on a sequential set of rules (contingencies) for determining the form and amount of follower participation in decision making in a given situation.rule selection determined by the situation.有助于选择适宜指点方式Provides an excellent guide to help managers choose an appropriate
53、 leadership style to fit the situation.3、指点参与实际续Leader Participation Model指点参与模型的权变要素Leader Participation Model Contingencies:决策重要程度Decision significance承诺的重要性Importance of commitment指点者才干Leader expertise承诺间的联络Likelihood of commitment群体支持Group support群体才干Group expertise团队竞争力Team competence3、指点参与实际续L
54、eader Participation Model五种指点风格Five Leadership Styles:个人决议型Decide - leader makes decision alone, either announcing or selling to group单独咨询型Consult Individually - leader makes decision after obtaining feedback from group members individually群体咨询型Consult Group - leader makes decision after obtaining f
55、eedback from group members in meeting自动推进型Facilitate - leader, acting as facilitator, defines problem and boundaries for decision-making after presenting it to group有效授权型Delegate - leader permits group to make decision within prescribed limits.时间驱动模型Time-Driven Model4、途径一目的实际Path-Goal Model豪斯Robert
56、House支持下属实现目的 - the leaders job is to assist his or her followers in attaining their goals and to provide direction or support to ensure their goals are compatible with organizational goals.假设指点者可以改动本人的指点风格Presume that manager can change their leaders style when it is need.4、途径一目的实际续Path-Goal Model指
57、点行为Leader behavior is:接受性acceptable -to the degree that group views it as a source of immediate or future satisfaction鼓励性motivational -to the extent that it:makes satisfaction of subordinates needs contingent on effective performanceprovides the coaching, guidance, support, and rewards necessary for
58、 effective performance4、途径一目的实际续Path-Goal Model两组变量Two classes of contingency variables外部环境Environment - outside the control of the followerdetermine the type of leader behavior required if follower outcomes are to be maximized下属个性Personal - characteristics of the followerdetermine how the environme
59、nt and leader behavior are interpreted.4、途径一目的实际续Path-Goal Model指点方式Leaders assume different leadership styles at different times depending on the situation:指挥型指点Directive leader支持型指点Supportive leader参与式指点Participative leader成就式指点Achievement oriented leaderWhich behavior should be used depends on th
60、e worker and the tasks.4、途径一目的实际续Path-Goal Model实现目的的途径Steps to Path-Goal: 决议目的Determine the outcomes. 奖赏下属Reward subordinates. 厘清途径Clarify the paths.Can range from pay to job security or interesting work.Once outcomes determined, manager needs to be sure they have the reward power to provide these.
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