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1、考研写作 考研写作总结核心:先输入再输出(一)积累观点看懂句子找搭配判性质找主体(名词)替换主体(和考研写作题目相关)(二)仿写句子1:名词注意单复数:2:动词注意单三(主谓一致)3:介词搭配别写错.考研写作话题分类(一)文化类 (2010.2002)(二)情感类 (2014.2005.2003.2001)(三)环保类 (2011.2000)(四)流行类 (2015.2009.2006)(五)哲理类 (2013.2012.2008.2007.2004) 课程体系1.大小作文观点积累(写作角度)2.大小作文框架 积累观点八大角度:能力角度:教育角度:科技角度:文化角度:环保角度:哲理角度:情感角

2、度:健康角度能力角度Job-hunting may bring to the students many advantages,such as encouraging student to take an active part in social practice and putting more pressures on them to improve their abilities to communicate and learn.仿写真题:独立,取得进步,盲目崇拜,自信,团队合作,保护环境,乐观主义,就业,兼职工作.能力角度Students in some universities a

3、re entitled to do part-time jobs,which offers the young people a more flexible and efficient way of learning,broadens their horizons,makes their future life easier and more meaningful and may easily give the students much knowledge in some specific fields.仿写真题:文化交流,独立,取得进步,盲目崇拜,自信,团队合作,网络,文化融合,手机,就业

4、等.主语名词作主语Kobe Bryant is a basketball player.代词作主语He reads newspaper every day.数词作主语Two and six is eight.动名词作主语Seeing is believing.不定式作主语To swim in Fenhe River is a great pleasure.主语主语从句作主语What we will do next is not yet decided.宾语名词作宾语I want a book.代词作宾语I want it.动名词作宾语I enjoy playing.不定式作宾语I want t

5、o go.宾语从句作宾语I think you are right表语名词作表语His father is a doctor.代词作表语He likes me.形容词作表语He is careless.动名词作表语His work is teaching.不定式作表语Our aim is to pass the CET-6.介词短语作表语The book is under the desk.表语done作表语The glass is broken.表语从句作表语The question is who can really repair the machines.定语形容词作定语She is a

6、 beautiful girl./I have something important to tell you.介词短语作定语Yesterday the scientist made a report on modern science.to do作定语he has a lot work to do.doing作定语The girl playing the violin is my sister.done作定语The apartment built is my home.定语从句作定语This is the new car which belongs to me.状语副词作状语He liste

7、ned to me carefully./ I often go to school by bus/Unfortunately,I cannot do it.to do作状语Man sends rockets in outer space to study conditions there.doing作状语Being a kind man,he often helps others.状语从句作状语If you have any questions,you can call me anytime.能力角度With self-confidence,a rising number of youngs

8、ters in the Ivory Tower can confront any challenges,adapt to uncertainties and thrive in the fiercely competitive world.仿写真题:独立,取得进步,盲目崇拜,自信,团队合作,保护环境,乐观主义,就业,兼职工作.能力角度Teamwork can allow us to overcome one difficulty after another,move us forward constantly and finally put us a step closer to succes

9、s.仿写真题:独立,取得进步,盲目崇拜,自信,团队合作,保护环境,乐观主义,就业,兼职工作.能力角度Making progress can ignite our passion for study or work,bring our potential into full play and sharpen our competitive edge.仿写真题:独立,取得进步,盲目崇拜,自信,团队合作,保护环境,乐观主义,就业,兼职工作.能力角度If optimism deserts us,we will not only lead a depressing life but also lose

10、hope for the future,thus never making any attempt before surrendering to misfortunes.仿写真题:独立,取得进步,盲目崇拜,自信,团队合作,保护环境,乐观主义,就业,兼职工作.能力角度Without making progress,after stepping into the complicated/harsh reality,we will painfully find that we get lost,have difficulty in adjusting to the real world and ev

11、entually hardly cope with life .仿写真题:独立,取得进步,盲目崇拜,自信,团队合作,保护环境,乐观主义,就业,兼职工作.能力角度Making progress always lets me think that I want to learn more for the job and future life, I dont care about the scores I have got.I just want to be a man having a sharp and imaginative mind with different knowledge whi

12、ch is beyond my major.仿写真题:文化交流,独立思维,盲目崇拜,自信,合作,就业,兼职等.能力角度With optimism,our life will continue to be enriched in a multitude of tangible and intangible ways.With optimism,our values deepen, the depth of our experience grows and will attain a sense of balance and inner peace .仿写真题:爱,文化交流,独立,取得进步,自信,

13、团队合作,文化融合,就业等.能力角度Regardless of how much success we have had in school or at work,in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges or predicament,possessing self-confidence is of utmost significance.仿写真题:爱,独立,取得进步,自信,团队合作,文化融合,信念,乐观等.能力角度More and more college students in the Ivory Tower,the best e

14、ducated segment of our population, is when they sometimes say that they really do not know enough to get self-confidence and that they simply trust pop culture and good faith of the government.仿写真题:爱,独立,取得进步,自信,团队合作,信念,乐观,尊老爱幼,兼职工作等.能力角度Steve Jobs was abandoned by his biological parents and dropped

15、out of university. Probably optimism has nothing to do with him,but he went on to conquer his multiple handicaps and finally become a legendary boss,to be an inspiration to all.仿写真题:爱,独立,取得进步,自信,团队合作,信念,乐观等.能力角度Since large segments of the populations of many developing countries are essentially powe

16、rless, they tend to be the loser in this fiercely competitive world unless they are aided by teamwork.仿写真题:爱,独立,取得进步,自信,团队合作,文化融合,信念,乐观,等.能力角度Making progress could apply to individuals as in such a competitive world everybody is trying to get ahead. Furthermore,our motherland should also move forwar

17、d in terms of economy,and politics and culture so that we Chinese as a nation can gain respect and honor from world.仿写真题:独立,取得进步,自信,团队合作,文化融合,信念,乐观等.能力角度From athletes like Yao Ming and Liu Xiang,whose success is gained through non-stop efforts,teamwork and optimism. By contrast,a lot of people choos

18、e to take a rest to enjoy their small success and thus lose the motivation for further achievement.仿写真题:爱,独立,取得进步,自信,团队合作,信念,乐观,等.能力角度With great cooperation and getting along with your colleagues and even your boss, you can easily survive the corporation. And your chances of success are much higher

19、with wide circle of friends offering information and resources.仿写真题:爱,独立,取得进步,自信,团队合作,文化融合,信念,乐观,等.教育角度If we can properly touch practical skills,they will allow us to predict successfully the level of performance we will reach in a wide variety of occupations.教育角度Once young people met with reverses

20、and setbacks,they will feel frustrated and thus lose heart inevitably,which goes to mean that it may well lead to tragedy of some kind.教育角度(With its seemingly magic power),independent thinking can not only accelerate the personal growth,but serve as a positive and efficient instrument for individual

21、s to achieve ambitions.教育角度Immature and curious,many of students,more often than not,fail to resist temptation,thus indulging in recreations,which distracts their attention from school activities and leads them to drop out and run wild.教育角度With great education for all-round development,youngsters wh

22、o are eager to use their own hands can equip with many cheap and practical appliances in the home and to some extent easily and dearly picture their future.教育角度Owning to better education,our knowledge will be well enriched,and our horzions will be greatly expanded.On the contrary,a total lack of bet

23、ter education will have the potential to reduce the peoples craving for knowledge,depriving them of the initiative to make new discoveries and explore new frontiers.应用文(小作文) 书信分类:私人信函指写给亲戚朋友,收件人一般是朋友,同学,校友,室友,等,形式较随意,属于半正式文体。:公务信函亦称事务信函,主要包括:邀请信,感谢信,道歉信,祝贺信,介绍信,申请信,建议信,投诉信,咨询信等,属于正式文体。:备忘录是用于上级对下级或同

24、级之间的正式文体。:报告是下级对上级的正式信函eg:调查报告,工作总结。通常,报告与备忘录写作格式完全相同。考研写作阅卷之文体文体分类: 正式文体(formal style/register) 半正式文体(semi-formal style/register) 半正式文体:私人信函,备忘录,私人告示正式文体:公务信函,摘要,报告,公务告示eg:请您告知我下个星期日的会议您是否来参加半正式: Let me know if you can come for the meeting next Sunday.正式:Please kindly inform us of your availability

25、 for the meeting to be held next Sundayeg:是否愿意和我一起度过这个周末呢?半正式: How about coming down to stay with us for weekend.正式: We would like to invite you for a weekend. We would appreciate it if you could come for the weekend 半正式: Come to my office for a ticket.(写给亲密朋友)正式: I would like you to come to my offi

26、ce to pick up the ticket.(写给上级,领导)(PS: I would like to./I d like to.)非正式语言表达:缩写:I m Theyre Its e.g:省略:如Looking forward to your reply.:口语:by the way,as you know,hi,well.应用文(小作文)历年真题统计应用文(小作文)频数建议信4次 感谢信2次辞职信1次 请求信1次道歉信1次 告示 1次推荐信1次 投诉信1次邀请信1次 倡议信1次询问信1次应用文(小作文)格式A:称呼B:正文C:结束语D:签名E:缩进式和齐头式称呼种类Dear Mr.

27、(先生)用于男性Dear Mrs.(太太)用于已婚女士Dear Miss.(女士)用于未婚女士Dear Dr./Prof.(博士/教授)用于学术界Dear Hon.(Honorable)(尊敬的)用于市长,议员,大使.Dear Pres.(president)用于称呼董事长,总经理,校长Dear Editor(编辑)Dear Sir or Madam 用于不知收信人姓名时To Whom It May Concern 用于不知收信人姓名时(推荐信,证明信,鉴定信)称呼使用情况:写给机构不认识的负责人:Dear Sir or Madam To Whom It May Concern认识负责人:De

28、ar Mr.President Dear Mr.(Kobe) Bryant(全名或姓):写给个人关系不密切:Dear Mr.President Dear Mr.(Kobe) Bryant(全名或姓)Dear Mr.Green Dear Prof.Black关系密切:Dear Ann Dear Michael正文结构第一段:自我介绍(视情况)+写作目的(2句左右)第二段:改写提纲1+改写提纲2+改写提纲3(4句左右)第三段:期待回信+表示感谢(2句左右)结束语(一)公务信函Yours sincerely Yours truly Yours respectfullyYours faithfully

29、(二)私人信函Yours sincerely Yours lovingly Yours affectionatelyWith love from All my love With best wishesWarmest regards 签名(一)不要出现真实姓名(二)不要出现日期(考试要求除外)(三)英语一“Li Ming” 英语二“Zhang Wei真题讲解Directions:(2005年) Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Designs & Fashions. But now you find that

30、the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason (s), and making an apology. Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the lette

31、r; use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)真题讲解Directions:(2008年) You have just come back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgot to return to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to1) make an apology, and2) suggest a solution. You sho

32、uld write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)真题讲解Directions:(2007年) Write a letter to you university library, making suggestions for improving its service. You should write about 100 words

33、 on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)真题讲解Directions: you are a undergraduate student of X university,and you are interested in the position of office clerk that is advertised in the newspaper.Write a lette

34、r to the company stating the reasons for your application,your qualifacation for the position,and asking for an interview. Write your letter with no less than 130 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead.真题讲解Directions:(2009年) Restrictions on the use of plasti

35、c bags have not been so successful in some regions. White pollution is still going on. Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to1)give your opinions briefly and2)make two or three suggestions You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use L

36、i Ming instead. You do not need to write the address.小作文框架(第一段)自我介绍(视情况): I am a first year student majoring in history at Shanxi university.This is a sophomore majoring in math from Peking universiy. I am an undergraduate majoring in Chinese from Shandong university. This is Li Ming,a senior studen

37、t majoring in music from ShanXi university.写作目的(必写):I am writing this letter/e-mail to inform you that(句子):I am writing to you by this letter/e-mail that(句子):I am writing to you about the fact that(句子)小作文框架(第一段)句子分类(根据信件种类)I am writing to you by this letter/e-mail that:I would like to do:1:resign fr

38、om sth(辞职信)2:request sth(请求信)3:offer some conducive recommendations to sth(建议信)4:express my sincere apology to you for sth(道歉信)5:extend my heartfelt gratitude to you for sth(感谢信)6:recommend sth(推荐信)7:congratulate sth(祝贺信)8:make a complaint about sth(投诉信) 9:invite you to do sth(邀请信)10:call on sb to d

39、o sth(倡议信)小作文框架(第二段)根据提纲而定小作文框架(第三段)根据语气而定 I feel terribly sorry for any inconveniences I have caused. My thanks for you to your generous help are beyond words. Words fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I am looking forward to your fav

40、orable reply at your earliest convenience. Your prompt attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated. Once again,please accept my sincere apology for any inconveniences that I have caused.:I sincerely hope that you will take my suggestions into serious consideration. 名词1.老人: old people/the old

41、/the elderly/the aged/senior citizens2.老师: teacher/instructors/educator/professor3.青少年: young people/youngsters/youths/adolescents4.教育: education/schooling/family parenting/upbringing 5. 娱乐: entertainment/enjoyment/pastimes/recreation/6.责任: responsibility/obligation/duty/liability7.优点: advantage/mer

42、it/superiority/virtue8.职业: job/career/employment/profession/vocation 9.方面: aspect/facet/dimension/sphere10.数字: number/figure/statistics11.顾客: customer/shopper/client/purchaser12.影响: effect/influence/impact/sway 13.能力: ability/capacity/power/competence14.人类: human beings/mankind/human race/15.危险: dan

43、ger/peril/hazard16.污染: pollution/contamination17.幸福: happiness/well-being 18.事情: thing/affair/case/issue/matter/19.发展: development/advancement/20.缺点: disadvantage/shortcoming/drawback/defect/21.交流: communication/interaction/22.意向: intention/inclination/ 动词:1.提高,加强:improve/enhance/promote/strengthen/

44、optimize2.显示,揭露:show/indicate/unfold/display/reveal3.引起:cause/arouse/trigger/endanger/beget/ 4.解决: solve/resolve/address/dispose/tackle/cope with/5.破坏: destroy/ruin/wreck/ravage/devastate/6.培养: develop/cultivate/foster/rear/nurture/7.激发,促使: encourage/motivate/stimulate/spur/8.认为: think/assert/hold/c

45、laim/argue/ 9. 完成: finish/complete/fulfill/accomplish/achieve/10. 保留: keep/preserve/retain/hold/withhold/11. 减轻: ease/lighten/alleviate/relieve/allay/ 目击:see/witness告诉:tell/convey发送:send/deliver出现:appear/emerge消失:disappear/fade上升:increase/rocket面临:face/confront遏制:stop/restrain享有:enjoy/possess恶化:wors

46、en/deteriorate通知:say/notify询问:ask/inquire评估:judge/evaluate保存:save/conserve执行:do/execute忍受:bear/endure支持:support/uphold放大:enlarge/amplify除去:remove/eliminate强调:emphasize/highlight 形容词&副词1.流行的: popular/prevalent/prevailing/pervasive/2.贫穷的: poor/needy/impoverished/poverty-stricken3.有活力的: energetic/dynam

47、ic/vigorous/animated4.富裕的: rich/wealthy/affluent/well-to-do/well-off 5.美丽的: beautiful/attractive/gorgeous/eye-catching6.优秀的: excellent/eminent/top/outstanding7.惊人的: surprising/amazing/extraordinary/miraculous8.积极的,好的: good/conducive/beneficial/advantageous/superior9.消极的: bad/detrimental/baneful/unde

48、sirable/dreadful 10.明显的: obvious/apparent/evident/manifest/11.健康的: healthy/robust/sound/wholesome/12.非常: very/exceedingly/extremely/intensely/13.丰富的: much/ample of/abundant of/lavish of/14.巨大的: huge/gigantic/tremendous/enormous/immense 15.过时的: outdated/kaput/antiquated/dismoded/16.短暂的: short-lived/t

49、ransitory/unabiding/17.永远的: eternal/lasting/perpetual/18.暗淡的: dark/gloomy/stodgy19.稳定的: steady/stable/jarless 高分短语举例来说:for example/to name only a few/引起.注意:attract/capture ones attention记住:remember/bear in mind许多:an army of/plent of集中注意力:center on知道:be conscious of准确的说:to be exact/precise现代:modern t

50、imes/contemporary age在于:lie in/consist in/rest on 根据:according to/in accordance with依靠:depend on/count on不愿意:be reluctant to愿意:be clined to相信:be certain that/be convinced that批判:make judgment of the merits and faults of以.为代价:at the cost of/at the expense of富于,富有:be abundant in失败:be defeated/meet one

51、s Waterloo有能力,可胜任:be competent in考研写作性质分类(一)正面主题 2001,2002,2004,2008,2010,2014,2013(二)负面主题 2000,2003,2005,2006,2007,2011,2015(三)双面主题 2009,2012 大作文框架思维体系第一段:描写图画突出现象(what)第二段:阐述内涵分析现象(why)第三段:得出结论总结现象(how) 图画写作框架第一段:(描述+突出)It is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon that 图画裸描(句子)The symbolic implic

52、ation conveyed in the cartoon is that 图画裸描(句子)As is clearly implied in the illustration, we are amazed to find out that 图画裸描(句子)At first sight of the picture,my eyes are brightened by the phenomenon that 图画裸描(句子)200020012002图画写作框架第一段:(突出)The symbolic meaning of the picture is to show us that importa

53、nce should be attached to sth(图画主题)The purpose of the drawer is to show us that due attention has to be paid to (图画主题)The purpose of the drawing is to show us that utmost importance should be given to(图画主题)It is apparent that the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the importance of(图画主题) in our dail

54、y life.It is extremely undeniable that the issue of(图画主题)has become the biggest concern of present-day world.第二段:(正反分析)However,+there is no consensus of ideas among people about 分析主体there are many arguments supporting both sides of 分析主体,those for and those against.one thing should be kept in mind th

55、at the emphasis on the one side of the problem will create a host of new problems. Some people put forth the idea that/ harbor a persepctive that/ cling to belief that,+优点 While others take an oppsite side,firmly/strongly/profoundly believing/convincing/supporting that,+缺点第三段:(正反分析) To make it clear

56、 in a word,I agree with the viewpoint mentioned above to some extent,but with some reservations,Personally,I am in favor of the opinion that+自我想法(使用写作角度) The pros and cons both have strong foundations;but,overall,I tend to agree with the former/latter.+自我想法(使用写作角度)正反结论素材 sth (主题词)have/has brought co

57、nsiderable benefits to us.Meanwhile,it has also given rise to a series of problems.Consequently,we are supposed to take a right attitude towards it,absorbing the essence and discarding the dross.Only when we regard/treat sth (主题词) objectively/rationally,can we take in thenutritionbrough bysth (主题词)

58、It is infinitely true that主题词 itself give(s) little cause for criticism/主题词 be not entirely bad,but if we utilize it in an improper(inappropriate)ways,we will fall victim to it.As a consequence,Only when we view it in objective methods,can we benefit from it第二段:(单面分析)However,It brings about a series

59、 of unfavorable consequences.For one thing,危害一,while for another,危害二It has the potential to transform our nation in ways that may be damaging to us.For one thing,危害一,while for another,危害二Undoubtedly,it has brought great benefits to us.For one thing,好处一,while for another, 好处二Obviously,it is a dominat

60、ing and wonderful factor for us.For one thing,好处一,while for another, 好处二 第三段:(正面分析) From what has been mentioned above,we may safely come to the conclusion that that+好处 Taking into account all these factors,we may naturally arrive at the conclusion that that+好处 Judging from all evidence offered we m


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