1、加强小学英语词汇教学的有效性专题WHYHOWWHOMWHENWHATVocabularyTeachingHow to Teach English Vocabulary 小学英语词汇教学的基本目标是什么? 1. 学生掌握一个新授词汇的标准是什么? 2.6. 词汇教学中应注意哪些问题?为什么? 5.请列举在词汇教学中常用的2-3个教学游戏。 4. 怎样让学生有效掌握所教词汇? 3.在词汇教学中常运用哪些教学方法和技巧? Something to think about语音词汇语法语言三要素语法是语言的基本模型,词汇是语言的基本材料;The importance of vocabulary teac
2、hing (词汇教学的重要性) 词汇作为构成语言的三大要素之一,既是语言的基本材料,也是学习语言的基础,更是人类进行思维和完成交际的重要信息符号。 英语中我们也会经常说:“The larger your vocabulary is,the better your English will be.” 从某种意义上说,学习者词汇量的大小反映了其语言水平高低。 词汇能力直接影响到一个人的听、说、读、写、译的能力,只有掌握了充足的词汇量,才能听懂和读懂他人的话语和文章,才能畅所欲言地表达自己的思想,也才能在交际中得心应手。反之,人们在交际中的困难和障碍也大多是因词汇不足造成的。 词汇教学是英语教学中不
3、可或缺的一部分。 学生的词汇量越大,对语言输入内容的理解能力就越强,输出语言材料时质量就越高。Without grammar little can be conveyed;without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. 语言学家D. A. Wilkins: 从三年级起开设英语课程 在三、四年级实现一级课程目标,五、六年 级实现二级目标。 二级目标在词汇方面的规定是:学习本级话题范围的600至700个单词,50个左右的习惯用语。 The Requirements for Vocabulary Teaching in P.S.(学习英语词汇教学目标) 英语课
4、程标准要求 1.将单词和相应的实物或概念联系起来。2.掌握正确的读音和拼写。3.以适当的形式运用它。低年级段要求? 1.知道单词的正确搭配形式。如:play football , play basketball, play the piano, play the guitar.2.了解词的构成以及词性如:合成词football分开讲解。高年级段要求? 3.弄清同义、反义关系以及近义词的区别和联系。例如:反义词:answer 与 ask ,cold 与 hot 同义词: game, match ( 比赛, 竞赛 ) 近义词:cap ( hat ) eraser ( rubber ) table
5、( desk ) near ( next to) 4. 能灵活运用于对话或写作中。高年级段要求?The three distinguishing features of English vocabulary(英语词汇的特点) 深入了解英语词汇的基本特点,有利于我们选择正确的教学方式和方法1. The pronunciation of each word is corresponded to its spelling(发音都有对应的拼写)smart, artist, mark, garden a: Uncle, until, fullu:, musicju:, truthu 语言是有声的,因此,
6、一开始就要把语音的基础打好。 只有发音正确,别人才能听懂你的话,同时也便于你自己通过听来学习新的知识。 音、形、义是词汇的三要素,语音学习能帮助学生学习和巩固单词。“在词汇的音和形的教学中,要注意音和形的统一与结合,使学生把一定的音同可能对应的一定的形联系起来,又把一定的形同可能对应的一定的音联系起来,并经过反复练习,在大脑高级神经活动系统中建立起牢固的条件联系,其中包括各个具体的词的音和形的联系,以及一类又一类词的音和形的模式的。学生既能见形知音,又能因音而记形。”(胡春洞) 学生在学习单词时,需要听字母的发音和观察字母发音组合,比如,教学单词park时教师引导学生分析单词里每个字母和字母组
7、合的发音。在此基础上教师引导学生说出类似单词(如car, supermarket, party)让学生自己拼读。 教师在教学单词时应渗透语音知识的教学。 很多学生在记单词上花了很多时间来背,但往往事倍功半。最根本的原因是没有掌握有效的方法和策略。 教师在教授单词时要教给学生学习和记忆单词的方法。要“授之以渔”.2.They frequently have more than one meaning (一词多义)必须通过词语所处的上下文,才能理解单词真正的含义。In other words, students need to understand the importance of meanin
8、g in context.Book n Book vI love this book. I want to book a ticket.3.Words can change their shape and their grammatical values, too. (词汇结构和其语法意义产生变化)Students need to know facts about word formation and how to twist words to fit different grammatical contexts.(通过语法关系了解词汇构成变化) Students also need to k
9、now how suffixes and prefixes work. (前后缀的作用,构词法)The drawbacks of several traditional vocabulary teaching methods (传统教学的弊端)English teachers in china usually ask students to learn vocabulary lists in which words are isolated from the context (忽略了上下文)忽视英语词汇之间的关系,导致学生理解的障碍,表达的不地道。1.Teach words in isolat
10、ion (孤立教学单词)glass =玻璃;cup=杯子; reading, reading books When students say that they know the meaning of an English word, they usually mean that they have found an equivalent word in Chinese language, but this equivalent word may be misleading. 汉语:车 英语:car/truck/bike/train/vehicleIn fact, many linguists
11、 believe that no word can be exactly translated into another language.2.Teach English words in one-to-one correspondence to Chinese words (与汉语一一对应)Receptive vocabulary (接受性词汇量)Productive/expressive vocabulary (产出性词汇量 )A all speakers are able to recognize more words than they usually use on a product
12、ive level. Productive vocabulary is that utilized in everyday speech. Receptive vocabulary, on the other hand, although needed for comprehension, is not necessarily essential for production in speaking and writing. 等同对待,给学生带来沉重的负担,导致学生厌倦并害怕记忆词汇3.Treat all words equally(词汇等同对待)从教学的角度来看,把词汇区分为认知型词汇、活用
13、型词汇、核心词汇有助于学生词汇的习得和巩固,使得学生知道在某一阶段哪些词汇应优先学习并运用,哪些词汇只需懂得它在文章中的意义,这样不仅可以使学生比较牢固地掌握好核心词汇,而且可以扩大他们的词汇认知量。PEP教材中*号词汇,词汇,黑体词汇 单词有音、形、义三个方面,教授单词也可以从单词的这三个方面综合进行。学生对于这三个方面识记同时进行,就可以使发音器官熟悉单词的读音、听觉器官感受词的发音,视觉器官观察词的拼写,手写词的拼写形式,大脑积极思维记忆词的意义。这样综合运用口、眼、耳、手、脑等器官,全面识记,才能使单词的音、形、义、用法等多方面得到练习与巩固,就能迅速地、正确地、牢固地识记单词。4.N
14、eglecting the cooperation of sense organs (忽视多种感官的综合运用)Learning Style(听觉、视觉、触觉)形成听觉关联 That means students are able to link the pronunciation to the word when they hear it in a conversation. 构成视觉关联 That is to say, when students come across this word in reading materials, they can understand it. 形成单词的
15、心理图像 The third stage is more difficult to achieve but very important. That means they can imitate, choose and give the reign to it freely and accurately in speaking and writing as if it is their native word. Most students can only achieve the first and second stages but never reach the third stage p
16、artly due to their poor cooperation of the sense organs.我们的教学也应该遵循这个步骤Immediate memory(瞬间记忆)Short-term memory ( 短时记忆 )Long-term memory ( 长效记忆)According to the survey of linguists, the more times the word is used, the better you remember it. 5.Fail to follow the memory rule(违背记忆规律) 教师常常只是强调瞬间记忆的作用,关注
17、学生词汇输入的数量,忽视了学生记忆中保存的质量。 教育心理学者研究“痕迹理论” : “凡是已经识记过的事物都有在大脑组织中以某种形式留下痕迹”。记忆痕迹在脑中的储存分三种情况:瞬间记忆,短时记忆和长时记忆。瞬间记忆储存时间很短,但在记忆过程中占有主要作用。在这个基础上,只要稍经启发,就能引起联想和回忆,转化为长时记忆。 记忆是靠外界环境对大脑进行刺激并形成痕迹的,大脑神经受到的刺激越深,记忆的持久性越强。因此,教师在课堂上应尽力使学生对所要记忆的知识形成深刻的印象,为长时记忆打基础。在教学过程中,想方设法用新奇、甚至反常的方式呈现新词。这样有助于集中学生的注意力,给学生以强烈的再现刺激,加深感
18、知印象,引起学生兴趣。学生错误拼写,听写不过关,罚写100遍.学生起初的好奇感、新鲜感和兴趣都被老师的惩罚而打消的一无所成。随之而来的是学生不仅对英语趣味索然,甚至对老师也是敬而远之,乃至厌恶。一次随意的惩罚,一生难忘的遗憾6.Harmful method of punishment(冲动的惩罚) 直观法 语境法 分类法 释义法 对比法 翻译法 序列法 交际法Techniques For Teaching English vocabulary词汇教学技巧 直观教学是采用如图片、实物、玩具、幻灯片、多媒体等一系列辅助教具及手势、动作、表情开展的手段,对于一些表示具体事物的名词、表示具体动作的动词
19、、表示情感的动词及形容词一般可采用直观教学。1.直观法 小学生的思维特点是以直观形象思维为主。课堂中除了语言环境以外,十分重要就是通过生动形象的直观事物辅助教学,所以在平时教学中最常用的就是直观呈现法。 例讲授食品单元的时候,可以将食品或者食品的卡片,直接呈现在学生面前,学生可以在比较真实的语言环境中进行语言交际,可以达到比较好的教学效果。 1) Labels: (标签) 2) Magazine pictures(图片) 3) Props(实物道具) 4) Classroom objects(教室内物品) The calendar may be used to teach “today”, “
20、yesterday”, “tomorrow”, as well as “last week”, “next week”, “next month”, “in two weeks 5)Slides(幻灯片) 更多直观教学法举例 Gestures may be used to convey the meanings of some words. Certain descriptive adjectives, such as “tall”, “thin”, “fat”, “happy”, and “dumb”, can lend themselves to gestures. Preposition
21、s of place can also be effectively taught by movements; Action verbs can be acted out: The teacher is eating. The teacher is drinking. The teacher is reading.Teacher: What is the teacher doing?Students: The teacher is eating.Using gestures(手势,肢体语言)更多直观教学法举例 Drawings illustrating vocabulary may be hu
22、ng around the classroom. These are especially effective if they illustrate points where learning problems tend to occur.Drawings(stick pictures)更多直观教学法举例Teaching vocabulary in contextThe same word can have various meanings in different contexts. To convey the meaning of a new word exactly, it is bet
23、ter to present the word in the sentence or in the text. 32.语境法1、推测上下文中的词义能帮助学生发展学习策略,随着学习的深入,自主学习,形成语言学习能力 。2、系统地感知语段中的词汇,能明确词汇在交际中的作用。3、上下文能让学生明确怎样在真实情景中运用词汇。This method of teaching not only help the students to understand the exact meaning of a new word, but let them have an idea about the group o
24、f words that often appear simultaneously in harmony. “watch out”这个新词组,不借助语言环境单独进行讲解,难度比较大,很容易让学生错误地理解成look outside. 如果能借助语言环境如图:学生就很容易将watch out , 理解成be careful.更多语境教学法举例通过句型或上下文来教单词 当遇到讲授新单词时,教师课前花时间来准备。如:water这个词,在讲授时可以借助一些教具或动作,如花洒、浇水的动作和喝水的动作等,这些都必须是学生熟悉的行为,再呈现以下的句子。1)Im very thirsty, I want to
25、drink some water. 2) The flowers are dry, I must water them every day. 请仔细观察Peter做梦情况的记载表。表示Peter周几梦到了某种人或者动物。同学们,你们知道always, often, sometimes, never分别表示什么意思吗?在教授频率副词的时候,也可以运用语境教学的方法,如下图:SunMonTueWedThuFriSatalwaysoftensometimesneverswim学习umbrella时,可以用下面这段文字:Its raining and I want to go out. I dont
26、want to get wet. I havent a raincoat but I have an umbrella. Ill put up my umbrella. The rain is coming down on my umbrella ,but it isnt coming on me. My umbrella is protecting me from catching rain. Now the rain has stopped. Ill take my umbrella down。 Grouping3.分类法 将所教授词汇按某种共同属性进行分类,以便学生更好地掌握并记忆。 按
27、事物的属性如:颜色,动物,文具等 类别进行分类。 按读音和拼写规则分类。 1 )含有相同的发音 shirt skirt June July red dress chicken fish milk pizza例如:Bread可以采用直观法进行教学,但head, bread含有相同的读音和类似的拼写,选用分类法也便于操作。可由 head引出bread,效果可能会更好。 2)单词同音异形 例如:see sea ; meat meet; son sun3)合成词: schoolbag football classroom policeman homework blackboard4)转换词:(词性发生
28、了改变) teach-teacher play-player rainrainy tooth-toothache a) Nouns: Colour: white, black, yellow, brown, green, pinkFoods: bread, milk, apple pie, grapes, cakeb) Verbs: Verbs can be grouped by its usage and collocation:1. enjoy, avoid, escape, finish, cant help+ doing2. go v.go about: perform; go aft
29、er: try to get go against for: opposego by: pass; go for: attack go along with: agree with c) Adjectives: Adjectives can be grouped according to the way they are used-ous: famous, dangerous, generous -able,-ible: eatable, accessible -ful: useful, doubtful, resentful -ary,-ory: elementary, contradict
30、ory-ic: patriotic, heroic, historic -ant,-ent: important, different-ive: comparative, progressive, passived) Pairs of words: Synonyms and antonyms can be grouped. (同义反义) Root words may be paired with forms using prefixes or suffixes.(词缀) 心理学研究表明,把相关内容集中或联系起来学习和记忆,效果更佳。在教学单词时应注意引导学生对单词进行不同的分类,以帮助学生记忆
31、。例如: (1) holiday: We dont need to work. Its time for rest.(2) afternoon: between 12:00 and 6:00 in the daytime.(3) different: not the same (4) parents: father and mother.用熟悉的词汇解释生词。(高年级使用较多)Using known vocabulary4.释义法 反义词对比 例如:在body单元中He has got long hair. long: This word means not short. 【同理: easy-
32、difficult cheap-expensive 】 动词对比:(看) watch TV ,see a movie ,read a book “看朋友”可以说to see a friend;to visit a friend,而不说watch a friend将词汇进行对比进行教学5.对比法 中西方用法对比: 在讲颜色单元时,可以适当进行中西方用法的对比。如: 红茶:black tea 牛肉羊肉:red meat 同音单词的对比: 例如:sun和son, pear和pair 将词组的构成进行比较: 如:play football, play basketball, play the pian
33、o, play the guitar等 在乐器前用定冠词the ,而球类前则一般不用。a) Synonyms and antonyms out of context(缺乏情景的同义词反义词)The opposite of big is little. What is the opposite of little.b)Synonyms and antonyms in sentence context(情境中的同义词和反义词) Use the new word in sentences that contain an antonym or contrary expression: Use the
34、new word in sentences that contain a synonym or equivalent expression:John was exhausted. His brother, too, was extremely tired.Speak English as possible, speak Chinese as necessary a) Direct use of the native language: 电,远足 b) Indirect use of the native language-gesture,symbols (simple drawings.)Us
35、ing the native language 用翻译的方法教授词汇 6.翻译法 音译法是用发音近似的汉字将外来语翻译过来。 例如: sofa, chocolate, bus, shopping mall 直译法是指在不违背译入语文化背景的前提下,在译语中完全保留原文语言词语的指称意义。 例如:income tax (所得税 ) 、“钻石”牌手表(Diamond wrist watch) 意译法是指译者在受到译语社会文化差异的局限时,不得不舍弃原文 的字面意义,以求译文与原文的内容相符和主要语言功能相似的方法 . 例如:soft drink(不含酒精的饮料) walkman (随身听)小学词汇
36、中有很多是以连续出现的。numbers, names of months, days of the week. Students readily memorize the series, but they then have difficulty using the words out of sequence. a) Flash cards (一周几天,缩写,不断变换)b) Clock face (1-12,数字教学)c) blackboard (月份,星期,按顺序写在黑板)Teaching series and word sequences7.序列法 通过交际教词汇,把词汇教学融入日常交际之
37、中。能加深印象,交际对话中学会的词汇能立即运用,且表达准确。 将词汇放在一定的语境里教,使学生能更好地掌握单词的词义、词类和习惯用语及固定搭配。 By communication8.交际法T: Did you enjoy yourself on the national day?S: Yes!T: What did you do on national day?S: My father took me to Beijing and that is the first time I traveled by plane! Its very, veryT: Is it very exciting a
38、nd pleasant?S: Yes, yes, its very exciting and pleasant.小学英语词汇教学中游戏例举游戏是操练、巩固词汇的有效方法,必须有正确的语言输入做前提和保障。?看图猜词抢读单词看图写词相同词首单词拼读赛猜袋中物单词接龙 TPR传递单词拼词对抗GAMESFor Teaching English Vocabulary3)看图写单词:这是让学生们复习学过单词的游戏,教师先把需复习的单词用投影打出来,将全班按前后左右四人一组分成若干小组。竞赛开始,让学生们看一分钟,然后收起来,再给学生们两分钟时间将看到的单词写出来,写得最多最正确的组获胜。More about teaching games1)抢读单词:训练认读单词,分成若干小组,逐个出示单词卡片或图片,学生抢答,让学生读出该单词并说出意思,或将图片上的单词读出来拼出来,读对说对拼对的组记分,得分最多的组为优胜。2)看图猜词:每纵行为一组,出示单词的图片,然后收起来,再从中抽出一张放在身后,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:“Is it a?”回答:Yes it is.或No,it isnt.等。哪个组猜对了就记分,然后接着往下猜,第一排的学生猜过后第二排接着猜,最后得
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