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1、考试技巧设置提问(互动性)小组讨论(素质教育)设置问题,追问(引导性)注意时间 (反复练习)(记录时间)语音连音:liaison lieiz, ljezu连音主要是音变,如连读、失音、弱化、浊化、同化、重音、缩读等形式。具体如下:1、连读 以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词:要连读 如:Id li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice. 这里like / laik / 以辅音结尾,another 以元音开头,所以连读 注意: 以辅音结尾 指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同uju:.niversity前面的定冠词必须用a 一样。 2、音的同化 辅音d与j相邻时

2、,被同化为d:Would you? 辅音t与j相邻时, 被同化为t: Cant you:? 辅音s与j相邻时, 被同化为: Miss you:.?语音语调(intonation),即说话的腔调,就是一句话里声调(pitch)高低抑扬轻重的配制和变化。世界上没有一种语言是用单一的声调说出的,以英语为例,英语有五种基本语调:升调()、降调()、升降调()、降升调()以及平调()。一句话除了词汇意义(lexical meaning)还有语调意义(intonation meaning)。所谓词汇意义就是话中所用词的意义,而语调意义就是说话人用语调所表示的态度或口气。一句话的词汇意义加上语调意义才算是完

3、全的意义。同样的句子,语调不同,意思就会不同,有时甚至会相差千里。请看下例:英语有四级能区别意义的调高:1)特高调(extra high),即比正常的声调高两级,常在感情特别激动或惊讶时使用。2)高调(high),即比正常的声调高一级,一般用于语句中关键性的重读词。3)中调(mid),即说话人声音的正常高度。4)低调(low),即比正常的声调低一级。语音语音48个国际音标发音部位发音区域发音区域常见四十句1.Lets get ready for class.2. Class begins. 3.Open your book please.4.Please turn to page No. 4.

4、5.Please take out your note book/exercise book.6.Please listen to me carefully.7.Attentions please.常见四十句8.Are you ready?9.Who can answer this question ?10.Any volunteer?11.Raise your hands please?12.Repeat after me ? follow me?13.Are you clear?14.Come up to the front, please.常见四十句15.Go back to your

5、seat, please。16.Come on you can do it.17.Come on you are almost there.18.Ill give you clue.19.Excellent! Good job! Thats great. Correct.20.Lets play a game.21.Listen to the radio and find the correct answers.常见四十句22.You have five minutes .23.You may start now.24.Ok, times up.25.Which group can show

6、their work?26.Very good. Lets give them a big clap.27.Who wants to present the answer in front of the class?28.Who wants to write the answer on the blackboard?常见四十句29.Lets read it together , ready ? go.30.Read it carefully and clearly.31.Do you have any question?32.Lets review what we have learnt to

7、day.33.Who can summarize what we have learn today?34.Lets summarizes what we have learnt today together?35.You guys all did a good job today.常见四十句36.Here is the homework for you.37.You guys are all had a good perform today.38.Thanks for your cooperations.39.See you next time.40.See you tomorrow.答辩技巧


9、标常见答辩题举例:1、请问你这节课的知识目标是什么?知识目标为什么要这样设置?依据是什么?What is the knowledge objective?Why do you set it like this?What is your basis?2、请问你这节课的技能目标是什么?技能目标为什么要这样设置?依据是什么?What is the ability objective of this lesson?Why do you set it like this?What is the basis?追问七大追问方向3、请问你这节课的情感、态度和价值观目标是什么?为什么要这样设置?依据是什么?Wh

10、at is the emotional objective?Why do you set it like this?What is the basis?4、你是如何呈现三维目标中的情感态度与价值观目标?How do you set emotional objectives?5、你在前面设置了教学目标,请问后面哪一个教学环节实现了这个目标呢?如何实现这个教学目标的?用什么教学方法实现的?You set theobjective,and which step can achieve this objective?How to achieve it?By using which method to

11、achieve it?试讲七大追问方向二、教学重难点常见答辩题举例:1、请问你这节课的重点是什么?为什么这样设置重点?What is the key point?Why do you set it like this?2、请问你这节课的难点是什么?为什么这样设置难点?What is the difficult point?Why do you set it like this?3、请问你前面设置的教学重点,在后面的教学环节当中是如何解决的?How do you deal with the key point in the teaching process?4、请问你前面设置的教学难点,在后面的

12、哪一个教学环节当中突破了?如何突破的?How do you deal with the dificult point in the teaching process?试讲七大追问方向三、教法学法常见答辩题举例:1、本节课你打算使用那些教学方法?Which kind of teaching methods do you use in this lesson?2、本节课你打算让学生学会哪些学习方法?Which study methods do you make your students learn?3、教学过程的哪个环节有助于学生学习这些学习方法?Which step can help the

13、student to learn this method in the teaching process?试讲七大追问方向四、教学环节设置常见答辩题举例:1、你的活动演示当中,学生的兴趣点在哪里?Which part of your activities can make the students interesting?2、你刚才设置了教学环节,请问你设置这个教学环节的意图是什么?You set a step ofjust now,so what is the purpose of this step?3、你觉得本课导入中,你的导入方法能很好地激发学生的学习兴趣吗?Do you think

14、that your lead-in part can arouse studentsinterestin learning English?试讲七大追问方向4、你刚才试讲的时候,设置了习题环节,设置这个习题的目的是什么?You set an exercise step in your teaching process and whats the purpose of it?5、你刚才留的作业是,请问你为什么要留这样的作业?Why do you give students kind of homework?6、你这堂课的创新之处在哪里?为什么这样设计?What is the innovation

15、 of this lesson?Why do you design it like this?7、你在试讲中采用了这样的板书,为什么?Why do you design this blackboard?试讲七大追问方向8、这节课你为什么选用这些教具?Why do you choose these teaching aids?9、课堂总结应包括什么?你刚才的课堂小结,能反映出本课的主要内容和重难点吗?What should class summary includes?Dose your class summary reflect the main content and key and dif

16、ficult point?试讲七大追问方向五、预设和生成常见答辨题举例:1、你刚才设计了xx教学环节,你觉得如果在有学生的情况下,能够达到你预想的教学效果吗?You designed a step ofand can you achieve the anticipated result?2、你的教学中大量运用了讨论,你觉得在实际课堂当中学生会不会讨论的时候跑题或者是利用讨论时间闲聊呢?如果发生这样的问题,怎么办?You arranged many discussions.Do you think they can make full use of time to discuss without

17、 any other topics?If it happened,what will you do?试讲七大追问方向3、如果在实际课堂授课当中发现学生读的很慢,你该怎么解决?If the students read the passage slowly in class,what will you do?4、如果在上课时,学生回答与你的问题风马牛不相及,你该如何评价他的回答?If the students cant catch the point of your question and give some other answers,what will you say?5、你觉得如果在实际教

18、学当中安排学生小组讨论,老师应该做什么?What do you think the teacher should do when the students are discussing in groups?试讲七大追问方向六、教学评价和反思常见答辩题举例:1、你如何评价学生在这节课中的表现?How can you judge the studentsperformance in this class?2、你怎么看待自己今天所讲的这堂课?What do you think of your lesson today?3、如果让你对这节课写教学反思,你会怎么写?What will you write

19、 if you are asked to write the teaching reflection?4、如果学生在本节课后反映你上的课很难而且很无聊,你该怎么办?If the student reflect that your lesson is very difficult to understand and boring after class,what will you do??试讲七大追问方向七、教学内容常见答辩题举例:1、能把你给学生总结的结论再复述一遍吗?Can you retell the conclusion that you summarized just now?2、刚才你讲的这个语法结构,请你复述一遍。Can you retell the grammar structure you just said,please?3、那你现在把第一段、第二段再讲一遍,你觉得你现在讲的和刚才讲的有什么区别吗?Can you re


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