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2、买下 My father paid $30,000 for this new car. 我父亲花3万美元买下了这辆新车。depend on 依靠 My wife and daughter depend on me for their living. 我妻子女儿靠我生活。believe in相信;信仰 Its no use citing the Bible to somebody who doesntbelieve inGod. 对不信上帝的人引用圣经的话是没用的。take ones own life 自杀 He cant bear his cross and took his own life

3、. 他无法忍受痛苦而自杀了。have difficulty in doing 做某事有困难 We have difficulty in translating some Chinese sentences into English. 我们在汉译英方面有困难。argue with sb. 与某人争吵 He always argues with his wife. 他总是和他妻子争吵。cut off 割下;隔绝 The child was then almost completely cut off from the outside world 这个孩子和世界几乎完全隔绝了。the cultura

4、l event 文化盛事;文化事件This exhibition is the cultural event of the decade. 这次展览是近十年来的文化盛事。take a peek 瞥了一眼 Takeapeekatsomeof themostfrugalwealthypeoplein theworld. 我们可以参照看一看世界上最节俭的有钱人们是如何生活的。语法知识 “情态动词have过去分词”的用法 英语中,表示对过去某种情况进行推测或对已发生的动作或存在的状态进行推测,常用情态动词must, may, might, can, could, should, ought to, w

5、ould等have过去分词表示。一般来说,说话人的语气take a peek或推测的把握程度不同,使用的情态动词也不同。现分述如下:1. musthave过去分词:表示对过去发生的动作或存在的状态进行推测。只用于肯定的陈述句中(在否定句及疑问句中用can ),意思是“一定已经”。例如: If he had really been there, I must have seen him.如果他当时确实在那里,我一定会看见他。 Her watch must have stopped. I will go and call her.她的表准是停了。我去叫她。2. maymighthave过去分词:表

6、示对过去发生的动作或存在的状态进行不肯定的推测,即说话人认为过去某事发生的可能性或某状态存在的可能性一般。可用于肯定句(意思是“可能已经”)和否定句(意思是“可能没有”);might的语气没有may那么肯定。例如: She may have read the book.她可能已经看过这本书了。 He might not have got your letter.他或许没有收到你的来信。3. cancouldhave过去分词:表示对过去某种行为或存在的状态的怀疑或不肯定推测。can常用于否定句(意思是“不可能已经”)和疑问句;could除用于否定句及疑问句外,还可用于肯定句(意思是“那时可能;本

7、来可以”)。例如: Dont worrythey could have just forgotten to phone.别担心他们很可能只是忘了打电话。 Where can he have gone?他可能去哪里了呢?4. needhave过去分词:该句式常用于否定句,表示过去做了不必做或不需要做的事情或过去做某事纯属多余,含有“根本不必;本来不必”之意,也可用于疑问句。例如: You neednt have told them that.你没有必要告诉他们那个。 Need they have done it last week?他们上周做这事有必要吗?5. shouldought tohav

8、e过去分词:肯定式表示“过去本应做某事(但没做)”;否定式表示“过去不该做某事(但做了)”。该句式含有不满或责备之意。例如: Youre right. I should have thought of that.你说得对。我应当想到那点(但没想到)。 She ought to have been more careful.她本该更小心些。6. wouldhave过去分词:表示过去本来要做某事却因某种原因未做,通常用来说明某种情况,但不像用should或ought to那样含有责备之意。例如: I would have written to you earlier but I have been

9、 ill.我本来要早点给你写信,但我生病了。If I had seen the advertisement I would have applied for the job. 我要是看见那个广告了,我就申请那份工作了。Reading 部分 课文中译文文森特凡高画展凡高也许是世界上最著名的画家。很多人想知道他是否值得享有这么大的声誉。可以肯定的是,在他的有生之年,凡高并不成功。虽然他画了八百多幅画,但只卖出了一幅,价格约为八十美元。在他生前,没有画廊展览过他的作品,几乎没有人听说过他的名字。他在1890年去世以后,名气才慢慢大起来,而且越来越大。100年以后,即1990年,一位日本商人花了八千二

10、百万美元(有史以来的最高价)买下了他的一幅作品。1853年,凡高出生于荷兰。早在青年时代,他尝试过很多不同的工作。他曾在一家艺术品经销公司工作,但是他肯定不喜欢这份工作,因为他离开了。后来,他去了英国,成了一名语言教师。那时,凡高一直在寻找人生中更深层次的目标,他以传教士的身份出现在比利时的穷人中间,但是在和他的上司争吵以后,他就放弃了这一职业。最后,他决定成为一名画家。在他后来的生活中,凡高一直在经济上依靠他弟弟西奥的资助,西奥是唯一相信凡高能力的人。从1880年到1890年的十年间,凡高画出了他最好的画, 直到最后,他悲惨地结束了自己的生命。说凡高是个疯子很容易。他很难与人相处,常常与人争


12、的这些大作。凡高的画展很少举办。这次画展是近十年来的文化盛事。你也许要排上好几个小时的队,但是不要错过这次机会,凡高的画作在以后的许多年里也许不会再展出了。More Reading 部分 课文中译文艺术的起源1879年,在西班牙阿尔塔米拉地区发现了一些迄今为止最古老的艺术品。业余考古学家马赛力诺达萨托拉 九岁的女儿正在属于自己财产范围内的一个洞穴里探查。父亲在挖掘岩洞底部寻找古代工艺品的时候,女儿玛利亚在岩洞的另一处探宝。突然, 她嚷起来:“爸爸,快来看!公牛!”父亲匆忙赶过去看了一眼。在洞穴低矮的顶部他发现了色彩鲜艳的图画,上面画的是据萨托拉所知已经灭绝了的一种野牛,还有马、鹿野猪的形象。凭


14、后练习题I. Grammar and vocabulary1. As is often the case, gamblers deserve _. A. losing B. to lose C. to be lost D. lost 2. The oil painting _ him a big sum of money and I guess he must have _ it for about 200,000 dollars. A. cost; bought B. bought; spent C. offer; paid D. charged; sold3. Dont abandon y

15、our belief, though you may meet with different _ in your lifetime. A. difficulties; failure B. difficult; failure C. difficulties; a failure D. difficult; failures4. I just want to make _ clear what I really care about and please dont take _ for granted that wealth is what Im after. A. /; it B. it;

16、/ C. it; it D. /; /5. How _ you! the angry mother roared to her naughty son who had wasted a whole bottle of perfume by spraying it to kill mosquitoes. A. can B. should C. must D. dare6. _ of no doubt _ the art dealer is selling fake oil paintings illegally to ignorant people. A. There is; that B. T

17、here is; whether C。 It is; that D. It is; whether7. Steven Spielberg _ a high reputation as an outstanding film director and almost all of his film have a good reputation _ being imaginative. A. establishes; as B. obtains; by C. enjoys; of D. gains; to8. Whatever weird questions you may have, you ca

18、n always _ an encyclopedia reference. A. turn to B. consult to C. look to D. look up to 9. I always have to remind my foreign students that they are writing not drawing the Chinese characters, so not a single _ should be missed out. A. line B. dot C. stroke D. word10 Driving at a speed of 20 miles p

19、er hour in an area of 60 mph _ be just as dangerous as speeding. A. should B. can C. mustnt D. have to11 Bill gates remarks that computer technology is still promising and he thinks it _ getting interesting , but he admits that computering is now at a crossroads. A. now is only B. is now only C. onl

20、y now is D. is only now12 George W. Bush, _ of the USA is planning a return to the moon, which is about 15years from now on and will cost about 4 billion dollars. A. the president B. president C. one president D. a president13 You _ pass a qualification exam as well as an interview before you can ge

21、t a government scholarship. A. could have to B. might have to C. must have to D. should have to 14 He who _ everything doesnt _ himself. A. believes; believe in B. believes; believe C. trusts; believe in D. believes; trust15 I just dont know which one to choose, because the two are equally gorgeous.

22、 Both are suitable for you. You _ go wrong with either. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. may not16 Its quite challenging _ a waiters attention when you are dining at a busy restaurant during rush hours. A. catching B. to catch C. caught D. to be caught17. The clarity of his oral expression suggests

23、that he _ sane and he _ to a mental hospital. A. should be; shouldnt be sent B. be; be sent C. is; shouldnt be sent D. is; isnt to be sent18 He committed suicide by hanging himself, finally _ all the torments behind. A. to leave B. left C. being left D. leaving19 The fame he now possesses as a promi

24、sing painter of abstract school makes him _ other undoubtedly. A. inferior to B. inferior than C. superior than D. superior to20 We _ deny that the material standing up to the test is of high quality and it _ be admitted that the company that the company that produces it lives up to its fame. A. can

25、t; must B. mustnt; can C. may not; can D. shouldnt; can II. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words and phrases you have learnt in this unit. The definitions in the box may help you.1. look buck and summarize 2. very great in degree 3. the country where Van Gogh was born 4. to go to (fo

26、r help, etc.)5. quite; give up 6. concerning illness of the mind7. commit suicide 8. create (a work of art)9. in ones life 10. fame11. rely on 12. like respect13. that can be seen 14. be worthy ofA biographical note of Van Gogh Lets (1)_ Van Goghs life experience and works before you begin the tour.

27、 Vincent Van Gogh(18531890) is considered one of the greatest post-impressionists(后印象派画家), an artist who is (2) _ energetic and produces considerable works. Born in (3)_, Van Gogh (4) _ painting after he (5)_ the jobs as an art dealer and a missionary, and he later became so obsessed with artistic d

28、evelopment that he started suffering from(6)_ disorder. Before he (7)_ at the age of 37, he (8) _ over 1,500 oil-paintings and drawings. Van Gogh had little success with his career and sold only one painting (9)_. His (10)_ developed only after his death, His brother, Theo, is the only one Van Gogh

29、could (11) _ for financial and emotional support. This exhibition features a large collection of works of this important artist, among which the masterpieces such as Starry Night, the series of self-portrait and Sunflowers, undoubtedly deserve your special attention. You will definitely (12)_ his re

30、alistic style, unique brushwork, brilliant colours and the rich emotions (13)e_ in them. Enjoy the tour and by yourself whether Van Gogh (14)_ his reputation he now possesses.III. Translation.1. 毫无疑问,作为中国首富,他名副其实。(deserve a reputation)2. 每到月末,他只能向父母寻求财政帮助。(turn to)ed 3. 永远不要轻易放弃你的信仰。 (abandon; belie

31、ve in)4. 由于几个月没有缴电费,他家的供电被切断了。 (cut off)5. 电影明星们无疑是影迷们仰慕的对象。 (undoubtedly) IV。Cloze. Impressionism in painting developed in the _1_ nineteenth century in France. It began with a loosely structured group of painters who got together mainly to exhibit their _2_. Their art was characterized by the attempt to depict(描画) light and movement by using pure broken _3_. The movement began with four friends who met is a caf: Monet, Renoir, Sisley, and Bazille. They were _4_ against the acade


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