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1、前言:1.本Word并不是全部的职业道德手册,职业道德手册后面的“非鉴证业务部分”以及“非执业会员”部分并未摘抄进来;2由于本Word的英文是土豆纯手敲进去的,所以可能会有错误的地方还请大家见谅;3.摘抄来源:英文是照着英文职业手册的小黄本敲进去的,中文是在网上找的翻译;4.最后,大家虽然备考时会,但临考时一定要,这样考完才会,别人对你,以后的日子就可以。土豆敬上China Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants中国注册会计师职业道德守则Chapter 1 General Provisions第一张 总则Article 1 This Co

2、de is formulated in accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Certified Public Accountants and the Charter of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants to regularize Certified Public Accountants professional behaviors, improve their professional ethics, and uphold their

3、 professional images.第一条 为了规范注册会计师职业行为,提高注册会计师职业道德水平,维护注册会计师职业形象,根据中华人民共和国注册会计师法,和中国注册会计师协会章程,制定本守则。Article 2 The certified public accountants (CPAs) shall comply with this Code, fulfill corresponding social responsibilities, and act in the public interest.第二条 注册会计师应当遵守本守则,履行相应的社会责任,维护公众利益。Article 3

4、 A CPA shall comply with fundamental principles of integrity and objectivity, maintain independence when performing audit and review engagements, as well as other assurance engagements.第三条 注册会计师应当遵守诚信原则、客观和公正原则,在执行审计和审阅业务以及其他鉴证业务时保持独立性。Article 4 A CPA shall attain and maintain professional competenc

5、e, act diligently with due care.第四条 注册会计师应当获取和保持专业胜任能力,保持应有的关注,勤勉尽责。Article 5 A CPA shall comply with the principle of confidentiality, maintain confidentiality of information acquired from professional activities.第五条,注册会计师应当履行保密义务,对职业活动中获知的涉密信息保密。Article 6 A CPA shall maintain professional reputati

6、on and establish good professional images.第六条,注册会计师应当维护职业声誉,树立良好职业形象。Chapter 2 Integrity诚信Article 7 A CPA shall be straightforward and honest in all professional activities.第七条 注册会计师应当在所有的职业活动中,保持正直,诚实守信。Article 8 A CPA shall not knowingly be associated with reports, returns or other information whe

7、re the CPA believes that the information:第八条,注册会计师如果认为报告、申报资料或其他信息存在下列问题,则不得与这些有问题的信息发生牵连:(a) Contains a materially false or misleading statement;一 含有严重虚假或误导性的陈述(b) Contains statements or information furnished recklessly; 二 含有缺少充分依据的陈述或信息c)Omits or obscures information required to be included.三 存在遗漏

8、或含糊其辞的信息。When a CPA becomes aware that the CPA has been associated with such information, the CPA shall take steps to be disassociated from that information.注册会计师如果注意到已与有问题的信息发生牵连,应当采取措施消除牵连。Article 9 In an assurance engagement, a CPA will be deemed not to be in breach of Article 8 of this Code if t

9、he CPA provides an appropriate modified report in respect of a matter contained in the first paragraph of Article 8.第九条,在鉴证业务中,如果存在本守则第八条第一款的情形,注册会计师依据执业准则出具了恰当的非标准业务报告,不被视为违反第八条的规定。Chapter 3 Independence第三章 独立性Article 10 When performing audit and review engagements, as well as other assurance engag

10、ement, a CPA shall keep independence, both of mind and in appearance, and avoid any relationship that influences objectivity.第十条,注册会计师执行审计和审阅业务以及其他鉴证业务时,应当从实质上和形式上保持独立性,不得因任何利害关系影响其客观性。Article 11 When accepting an audit or review engagement, as well as an assurance engagement, accounting firms shall

11、 apply safeguards to maintain independence of the firm and engagement teams. These safeguards comprise firm-wide safeguards and engagement safeguards.第十一条 会计师事务所在承办审计和审阅业务以及其他鉴证业务时,应当从整体层面和具体业务层面采取措施,以保持会计师事务所和项目组的独立性。Chapter 4 Objectivity第四章 客观和公正Article 12 A CPA shall act fairly and truthfully, no

12、t to compromise their professional judgment because of bias, conflict of interest or the undue influence of others.第十二条 注册会计师应当公正处事、实事求是,不得由于偏见、利益冲突或他人的不当影响而损害自己的职业判断。Article 13 A CPA shall not perform a relevant professional service if a circumstance or relationship biases or unduly influences the

13、CPAs professional judgment with respect to that service.第十三条,如果存在导致职业判断出现偏差,或对职业判断产生不当影响的情形,注册会计师不得提供相关的专业服务。Chapter 5 Professional Competence and Due Care第五章 专业胜任能力和应有的关注Article14ACPAshallattainandmaintainprofessionalcompetencethroughteducation,trainingandpractice.第十四条注册会计师应当通过教育、培训和职执业实践获取和保持专业胜任能

14、力。 Article 15 A CPA shall continuously be aware of and understand relevant legal, technical and professional developments, maintain professional knowledge and skill at the required level to ensure that clients receive professional services.第十五条 注册会计师应当持续了解并掌握当前法律、技术和实务的发展变化,将专业知识和技能始终保持在应有的水平,确保为客户提

15、供具有专业水准的服务。Article 16 A CPA shall exercise sound professional judgment in applying professional knowledge and skill.第十六条,在应用专业知识和技能时,注册会计师应当合理运用职业判断。Article 17 A CPA shall maintain due care, comply with applicable professional standards and ethical requirements, act diligently in accordance with the

16、 requirements of an assignment, carefully, thoroughly and on a timely basis.第十七条,注册会计师应当保持应有的关注,遵守执业准则和职业道德规范的而要求,勤勉尽责,认真、全面、及时地完成工作任务。Article18ACPAshalltakereasonablestepstoensurethatthoseworkingundertheirauthorityinaprofessionalcapacityhaveappropriatetrainingandsupervision.第十八条,注册会计师应当采取适当措施,确保在其领

17、导下工作的人员得到应有的培训的督导。Article 19 Where appropriate, a CPA shall make clients or other users of the engagement reports aware of the limitations inherent in the professional services.第十九条,注册会计师在必要时应当使客户以及业务报告的其他使用者了解专业服务的固有局限性。Chapter 6 Confidentiality第六章 保密Article20ACPAshallmaintainconfidentialityofconfi

18、dentialinformationacquiredfromprofessionalactivities,andrefrainfrom:第二十条,注册会计师应当对职业活动中获知的涉密信息保密,不得有下列行为: (a) Disclosing outside the firm confidential information acquired without the clients authority or unless there is a legal right to disclose; and(一)未经客户授权或法律法规允许,向会计师事务所以外的第三方披露其所获知的涉密信息;(b) Usin

19、g confidential information acquired to their personal advantage or the advantage of third parties.(二)利用所获知的涉密信息为自己或第三方谋取利益。Article21ACPAshallmaintainconfidentialityofconfidentialinformationdisclosedbyaprospectiveclientoremployer.第二十一条,注册会计师应当对拟接受的客户或拟受雇的工作单位向其披露的涉密信息保密。Article22ACPAshallmaintainconf

20、identialityofconfidentialinformationwithinthefirm.第二十二条,注册会计师应当对所在会计师事务所的涉密信息保密。 Article 23 A CPA shall maintain confidentiality in a social environment, being alert to the possibility of inadvertent disclosure, particularly to a close or immediate family member, or a person with close relationship.

21、第二十三条,注册会计师在社会交往中应当履行保密义务,警惕无意中泄密的可能性,特别是警惕无意中向近亲属或关系密切的人员泄密的可能性。Article 24 A CPA shall take steps to ensure that staff under the CPAs control and persons from whom advice and assistance is obtained respect the duty of confidentiality.第二十四条,注册会计师应当采取措施,确保下级员工以及提供建议和帮助的人员履行保密义务。Article 25 Even after

22、the end of relationships between a CPA and a client, the CPA still need to maintain confidentiality of confidential information acquired from prior professional activities.第二十五条,在终止与客户的关系后,注册会计师应当对以前在职业活动中获知的涉密信息保密。When a CPA acquires a new client, the CPA is entitled to use prior experience, but sh

23、all not use or disclose any confidential information acquired as a result of prior professional activities.如果获得新客户,注册会计师可以利用以前的经验,但不得利用或披露以前执业活动中获知的涉密信息。Article26ThefollowingarecircumstanceswhereCPAscandiscloseconfidentialinformation:第二十六条,在下列情形下,注册会计师可以披露涉密信息:(a)Disclosureispermittedbylawandisautho

24、rizedbytheclient;(一)法律法规允许披露,并且取得客户的授权; (b) Disclosure is required by law, for example, to produce documents or other provision of evidence in the course of legal proceedings or arbitrations, or disclose to the appropriate regulatory body of infringements of the law that come to light;(二)根据法律法规的要求,为

25、法律诉讼、仲裁准备文件或提供证据,以及向监管机构报告所发现的违法行为;(c) To protect their legal interests in legal proceedings or arbitrations if permitted by law or regulation;(三)法律法规允许的情况下,在法律诉讼、仲裁中维护自己的合法权益;(d) To comply with the quality review of regulatory bodies or the institutes of CPAs, or to respond to an inquiry or investi

26、gation by them; and(四)接受注册会计师协会或监管机构的执业质量检查,答复其询问和调查;(e)Othercircumstancesprescribedbylaworregulation,professionalstandardsorethicalrequirements.(五)法律法规、执业准则和职业道德规范规定的其他情形。Article 27 In deciding whether to disclose confidential information, relevant factors to consider include:第二十七条,在决定是否披露涉密信息时,注册会

27、计师应当考虑下列因素:(a) Whether the disclosure of confidential information is prohibited by law or regulation if the client consents to the disclosure;(一)客户同意披露的涉密信息,是否为法律法规所禁止;(b)WhethertheinterestsofallpartiescouldbeharmediftheclientconsentstothedisclosureofinformationbytheCPA;(二)如果客户同意披露涉密信息,是否会损害利害关系人的利益

28、;(c)Whetheralltherelevantinformationisknownandsubstantiated;(三)是否已了解和正式所有相关信息;(d)Thetypeofcommunicationthatisexpectedandtowhomitisaddressed;and(四)信息披露的方式和对象。(e)Anypossiblelegaldutythatmaybeassumedandthepossibleoutcomeofdisclosure.(五)可能承担的法律责任和后果。 Chapter 7 Professional Behavior第七章,良好职业行为Article 28 A

29、 CPA shall comply with relevant laws and regulations, and avoid any action that may discredit the profession.第二十八条,注册会计师应当遵守相关法律法规,避免发生 损害职业声誉的行为。Article 29 In marketing and promoting themselves and their work, the CPAs shall be objective, truthful and act appropriately, and not bring the profession

30、 into disrepute.第二十九条,注册会计师在向公众传递信息以及推介自己和工作时,应当客观、真实、得体,不得损害职业形象。Article 30 A CPA shall be honest and truthful and not:第三十条,注册会计师应当诚实、实事求是,不得有下列行为:(a) Make exaggerated chaims for the services they are able to offer, the qualificationshall they possess, or experience they have gained; or(一)夸大宣传提供的服务

31、、拥有的资质或获得的经验;(b) Make disparaging references or unsubstantiated comparisonshall to the work of other CPAs.(二)贬低或无根据地比较其他注册会计师的工作。China Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants No. 2Conceptual Framework 中国注册会计师职业道德守则第2号职业道德概念框架Chapter 1 General Provisions总则Article 1 The purpose of this Code is

32、 to establish standards for certified public accountants professional behavior, and establish a conceptual framework in order to assist CPAs in complying with the fundamental principles of professional ethics.第一条,为了规范注册会计师职业行为,建立职业道德概念框架,指导注册会计师遵循职业道德进本原则,制定本守则。Article2Conceptualframeworkisusedtoadd

33、ressethicalissues.ACPAshallapplyconceptualframeworkto:第二条,职业道德概念框架是指解决职业问题的思路和方法,用以指导注册会计师:(a)Identifythreatstocompliancewiththefundamentalprinciples;(一)识别对职业道德基本原则的不利影响; (b) Evaluate the significance of the threats identified; and(二)评价不利影响的严重程度;(c) Apply safeguards, when necessary, to eliminate the

34、 threats or reduce them to an acceptable level.(三)必要时采取防范措施消除不利影响或将其降低至可接受的水平。Article 3 A CPA shall use professional judgment in applying this conceptual framework.第三条,在运用职业道德概念框架时,注册会计师应当运用职业判断。Article 4 A CPA shall evaluate any threats to compliance with the fundamental principles when the CPA kno

35、ws of circumstances that may compromise compliance with the fundamental principles. A CPA shall take qualitative as well as quantitative factors into account when evaluating the significance of a threat.第四条,如果发现存在可能违反职业道德基本原则的情形,注册会计师应当评价其对职业道德基本原则的不利影响。在评价不利影响的严重程度时,注册会计师应当从性质和数量两个方面予以考虑。Article 5

36、When encounter situations in which threats are not at an acceptable level, a CPA shall determine whether any possible safeguards are available to eliminate the threats or reduce them to an acceptance level.第五条,如果认为对职业道德基本原则的不利影响超出可接受的水平,注册会计师应当确定是否能够采取防范措施消除不利影响或将其降低至可接受的水平。Chapter 2 Threats to Comp

37、liance with the Fundamental Principles对遵循职业道德基本原则产生不利影响的因素Article 6 Compliance with the fundamental principles may potentially be threatened by a broad range of factors. The nature and significance of the threats may differ depending on the type of engagement the CPA performs.第六条,注册会计师对职业道德基本原则的遵循可能

38、受到多种因素的不利影响。不利影响的性质和严重程度因注册会计师提供服务类型的不同而不同。Threatsfallintooneormoreofthefollowingcategories:Self-interest;(2)Self-review;(3)Advocacy;(4)Familiarity;and(5)Intimidation.可能对遵循职业道德基本原则产生不利影响的因素包括自身利益、自我评价、过度推介、密切关系和外在压力。Article 7 Examples of circumstances that create self-interest threats for a CPA incl

39、ude:第七条 自身利益导致不利影响的情形主要包括:(a) A member of the assurance team having a direct financial interest in the assurance client.(一)鉴证业务项目组成员在鉴证客户中拥有直接经济利益;(b) A firm having undue dependence on total fees from a client.(二)会计师事务所的收入过分依赖某一客户。(c)Amemberoftheassuranceteamhavingasignificantclosebusinessrelationsh

40、ipwithanassuranceclient.(三)鉴证业务项目组成员与鉴证客户存在重要密切的商业关系。(d)Afirmbeingconcernedaboutthepossibilityoflosingasignificantclient.(四)会计师事务所担心可能失去某一重要客户。 (e)Amemberoftheassuranceteamenteringintoemploymentnegotiationswiththeassuranceclient.(五)鉴证业务项目组成员正在于鉴证客户协商受雇于该客户;(f)Afirmenteringintoacontingentfeearrangeme

41、ntrelatingtoanassuranceengagement.(六)会计师事务所与客户就鉴证业务达成或有收费的协议。(g) A CPA discovering a significant error when evaluating the results of a previous professional service performed by a member of the CPAs firm.(七)注册会计师在评价所在会计师事务所以往提供的专业服务时,发现了重大错误。Article8Examplesofcircumstancesthatcreateself-reviewthrea

42、tsforaCPAinclude:第八条,自我评价导致不利影响的情形主要包括:(a) A firm issuing an assurance report on the effectiveness of the operation of financial systems after designing or implementing the systems.(一)会计师事务所在对客户提供财务系统的设计或操作服务后,又对系统的运行有效性出具鉴证报告;(b) A firm having prepared the original data used to generate records tha

43、t are the subject matter of the assurance engagement.(二)会计师事务所为客户编制原始数据,这些数据构成鉴证业务的对象;(c) A member of the assurance team being, or having recently been, a director or officer of the client.(三)鉴证业务项目组成员担任或最近曾经担任客户的董事或高级管理人员。(d) A member of the assurance team being, or having recently been, employed b

44、y the client in a position to exert significant influence over the subject matter of the engagement.(四)鉴证业务项目组成员目前或最近曾经受雇于客户,并且对所处职位能够对鉴证对象施加重大影响;(e) The firm performing a service for an assurance client that directly affects the subject matter information of the assurance engagement.(五)会计师事务所为鉴证客户提

45、供直接影响鉴证对象信息的其他服务。Article 9 Examples of circumstances that create advocacy threats for a CPA include:第九条,过度推介导致不利影响的情形主要包括:(a) The firm promoting shares in audit client;(b) A CPA acting as an advocate on behalf of an audit client in litigation or disputes with third parties.(一)会计师事务所推介审计客户的股份;(二)在审计客

46、户与第三方发生诉讼或纠纷时,注册会计师担任客户的辩护人。Aritcle10ExamplesofcircumstancesthatcreatfamilaritythreatsforaCPAinclude:第十条,密切关系导致不利影响的情形主要包括:(a)Amemberoftheengagementteamhavingacloseorimmediatefamilymemberwhoisadirectororofficeroftheclient.(一)项目组成员的近亲属担任客户的董事或高级管理人员。 (b) A member of the engagement team having a close

47、 or immediate family member who is an employee of the client who is in a position to exert significant influence over the subject matter of the engagement.(二)项目组成员的近亲属是客户的员工,其所处职位能够对业务对象施加重大影响;(c) A director or officer of the client or an employee in a position to exert significant influence over th

48、e subject matter of the engagement having recently served as the engagement partner.(三)客户的董事、高级管理人员或所处职位能够对业务对象施加重大影响的员工,最近曾经担任会计师事务所的项目合伙人。(d) A CPA accepting gifts or preferential treatment from a client;(四)注册会计师接受客户的礼品或款待;(e) A partner or senior employee of the firm having a long association with

49、 the assurance client.(五)会计师事务所的合伙人或高级员工与鉴证客户存在长期业务关系。Article 11 Examples of circumstances that creat intimidation threats for a CPA include:第十一条,外在压力导致不利影响的情形主要包括:(a) A firm being threatened with dimissal from a client engagement.(一)会计师事务所受到客户解除业务关系的威胁。(b) An audit client indicating that it will no

50、t award a planned non-assurance contract to the firm if the firm continues to disagree with the clients accounting treatment for a particular transaction.(二)审计客户表示,如果会计师事务所不同意对某项交易的会计处理,则不再委托其承办拟议中的非鉴证业务;(c) A firm being threatened with litigation by the client;(三)客户威胁将起诉会计师事务所;(d) A firm being pres

51、sured to reduce inappropriately the extent of work performed in order to reduce fees.(四)会计师事务所受到降低收费的影响而不恰当地缩小工作范围。(e) A CPA feeling pressured to agree with the judgment of a client employee because the employee has more expertise on the matter in question.(五)由于客户员工对所讨论的事项更具有专长,注册会计师面临服从其判断的压力;(f) A

52、 CPA being informed by a partner of the firm that a planned promotion will not occur unless the CPA agrees with an audit clients inappropriate accounting treatment.(六)会计师事务所合伙人告知注册会计师,除非同一审计客户不恰当的会计处理,否则将影响晋升。Chapter 3 Safeguard to Respond to Threats第三章 应对不利影响的防范措施Article 12 A CPA shall exercise jud

53、gment to determine how to respond to threats that are not at an acceptable level, whether by applying safeguards to eliminate the threat or reduce it to an acceptable level or by terminating or declining the relevant engagement.第十二条 注册会计师应当运用判断,确定如何应对超出可接受水平的不利影响,包括采取防范措施消除不利影响或将其降低至可接受的水平,或者终止业务约定或

54、拒绝接受业务委托。In exercising this judgment, a CPA shall consider whether a reasonable and informed third party, weighting all the specific facts and circumstances available to the CPA at the time, would be likely to conclude that the threats would be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level by the app

55、lication of the safeguards, such that compliance with the fundamental principles is not compromised.在运用判断时,注册会计师应当考虑:一个理性且掌握充分信息的第三方,在权衡注册会计师当时可获得的所有具体事实和情况后,是否很可能认为这些防范措施能够消除不利影响或将其降低至可接受的水平,以使职业道德基本原则不受损害。Article 13 Safeguards that may respond to threats fall into two broad categories:Safeguards c

56、reated by the profession, legislation or regulation; andSafeguards in the work environment.第十三条,应对不利影响的防范措施包括下列两类:法律法规和职业规范规定的防范措施;在具体工作中采取的防范措施。Article 14 Safeguards created by the profession, legislation or regulation includeEducational, training and experience requirements for entry into the CPA

57、profession.Continuing professional development requirements.Corporate governance regulations.Professional standards and ethical requirements.Monitoring and disciplinary procedures of regulatory bodies or the institutes of CPAsExternal review by a legally empowered third party of the reports, returns

58、 or other information produced by a CPA.第十四条,法律法规和职业规范规定的防范措施主要包括:取得注册会计师资格必须的教育、培训和经验要求;持续的职业发展要求;公司治理方面的规定;执业准则和职业道德规范的要求;监管机构或注册会计师协会的监控和惩戒程序;由依法授权的第三方对注册会计师编制的业务报告、申报资料或其他信息进行外部复核。Article 15 In the work environment, safeguards to respond to threats comprise firm-wide safeguards and engagement-sp

59、ecific safeguards.第十五条,在具体工作中,应对不利影响的防范措施包括会计师事务所层面的防范措施和具体业务层面的防范措施。Article 16 Examples of firm-wide safeguards include:第十六条,会计师事务所层面的防范措施主要包括:Leadership of the firm that stresses the importance of compliance with the fundamental principles.Leadership of the firm that establishes the expectation th

60、at members of an assurance team will act in the public interest.Policies and procedures to implement and monitor quality control of engagements.Documented policies regarding the need to identify threats to compliance with the fundamental principles, evaluate the significance of those threats, and ap


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