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1、2016年江苏省泰州市姜堰区中考英语一模试卷一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1Have you seen _ TV series Nirvana in Fire (琅琊榜),Mum?Yes,its quite _ interesting play,so I have seen it twice()Aa; theBthe; anCa; aDthe; the2Could you give me some advice on travelling?Take a map with you while travelling _ you have a guide or you know

2、the city verywell()AifBunlessCalthoughDbecause3She _ ten years agoYou mean she _ him for ten years?()Amarried; has got married toBgot married; has got married withCgot married; has been married withDgot married; has been married to4What a nice Tshirt!How much did you _ for it?It _ me 200yuan()Apay;

3、costBpay; paidCcost; payDcost; cost5This photo reminds me the things and persons we met at college()Aof; thatBabout; whichCto;/Don; what6He has made little progress in English, he?He is good at it now()Ahasnt; YesBdoesnt; NoChas; YesDhas; No7After visiting the science museum,the students dont doubt

4、_?()Ahow far is Mars away from the sunBwhat is the transport like on MarsCof the distance from the sun to MarsDthe life on Mars will be different from the life on the Earth8Have you seen the movie Through Stunning Storms?Yes,it is _ one that Ive ever seen()Amore excitingBthe most excitedCthe most ex

5、citingDmore excited9About _ of the workers in the factory were born in the ()Atwo thirds; 1970Btwo thirds; 1970sCtwo third; 1970sDtwo third; 197010Susan,why are you still here?They are all ready to startIm sorry,but I _ when to startAwasnt toldBdont tellCdidnt tellDhavent told11Im not sure whether w

6、e can have a picnic on Saturday evening,because it _the weather()Astands forBlives onCagrees withDdepends on12What language is that guy speaking?I cant catch a wordHes from India,so I guess it is Hindi()Aso can IBso I canCneither can IDneither I can13Its _ the boys ability to make a lanton _ a pumpk

7、ing()Aof; out ofBof; withCbeyond; out ofDacross; with14Why did he make no to be understood or liked?He didnt care what others think of him()AriskBbalanceCsuggestionDeffort15Would you like to watch Chinas Got Talent(中国达人秀)?_But Im busy going over my lessons for the test()ADont mention itBId love toCT

8、hats all rightDMy pleasure二、完形填空(共1小题;每小题15分,计15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 16Mommy,I got something for you!Cody ran through the door after schoolHis face wore the biggest smile everHe waved something above his headIts a penBut not just any penIts a lucky pen!He handed me the pen(1

9、6),waiting for my reaction(反应)I looked at the pen in my handThere was nothing(17)about itIt looked just like any other ballpoint penI had a drawer full of themAt that moment,I didnt realize how special it was or how much I would come to treasure(珍爱) itI had made the decision to be a(n)(18)I had drea

10、med about it for a long time but I was afraid of being refused by the publishing housesThe night before,I told my husband my(19)when I thought Cody wasnt listeningWhat if(20) likes my writing and I fail?But Cody did(21)what I saidNow he stood in front of me,watching me examine the penYou dont have t

11、o be afraid now,he saidThis pen will make your(22)great and everyone will love youTears filled my eyesRefusal(拒绝) and failure didnt seem like such a big problem any moreEven if I(23)sold the first book,I had everything I could ever needI knew that pen would bring me luck,thoughAnd I felt(24)already,

12、just by having Cody in my life,especially when I heard what he did to get itIn the lunchroom,Cody heard an older boy talking about having a lucky(25)He decided to get it for meThe boy was a tough negotiator(强硬的谈判者) but Cody didnt (26)In the end,he(27) his favorite Matchbox car,two army men his broth

13、er gave him,a crayon,and a piece of candyhis most important things,for that penJust to make (28) feel betterI still have that pen,though its long out of ink,in a cup on my deskWhen a refusal letter arrives and I start feeling(29),I look at it and remember just how lucky I amFor while I value that pe

14、n,its Cody who I really (30) in my life16AeasilyBcarefullyCproudlyDnaturally17AstrangeBspecialCimportantDinteresting18AteacherBartistCwriterDinventor19AfearBhopeCsecretDsurprise20AsomebodyBeverybodyCanybodyDnobody21AhearBacceptCexpectDbelieve22AlifeBdreamCstoriesDchoices23AeverBneverCevenDonce24Asur

15、eBluckyCbraveDproud25AdogBtoyCpenDgift26Agive upBtry outCget awayDcall back27AfoundBkeptCsoldDchanged28AthemBusCmeDhim29AnervousBsorryCangryDlonely30ArespectBpraiseCserveDtreasure三、阅读理解(共3小题;每小题10分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案31The label(标签),Made in China,is one that is becoming increasi

16、ngly common in shopping centers all over the worldIn the United States,shoppers at WalMart,the nations largest retailer(零售商),have a wide selection of products mostly produced in ChinaThe large amount of Chinese imports have created a large selection of goods in other countries as people begin to buy

17、 more and more products made in ChinaThese goods are even widely available in other Asian nations,where Chinesemade goods are quite popularChinese brand names are also becoming more wellknown outside ChinaWhen Chinese Americans visit family and friends in their homeland,gifts from the USare a mustBu

18、t TVs and fashionable clothes arent rare any more,and anythingMade in Chinashouldnt be considered in any caseWhen I decide to visit my family members in China,I will have a big headacheWhat should I buy for them?They may not all speak English,but everyone in China knows those three words,a Chinese A

19、merican saidWhen they see the labelMade in China,they will think,Why do you send me this?The development of China has surprised the world with its growthAs a result,the other countries are beginning to try to reduce Chinese goods with the use of taxes(税)and import restrictionsHowever,the development

20、 on the Chinese economy still affects the world in many ways31Around the world,the products made in China are in the shopping mallsAunwelcomeBexpensiveCpopularDrare32What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined wordbrandin the second paragraph?A品牌B明星C生产地D树枝33Why do Chinese Americans usually have a

21、headache if they come back to China?ABecause their Chinese friends can not speak EnglishBBecause their friends will be unhappy if the gifts are made in ChinaCBecause they should give their friends rare giftsDBecause they should give their friends fashionable gifts34How do other countries try to redu

22、ce the Chinese goods in their own countries?ABy developing the qualities of their own productsBBy telling their shoppers not to buy Chinese goodsCBy importing more Chinese goodsDBy using taxes and import restrictions35From the passage,we can know thatAproducts made in China are more and more popular

23、 all over the worldBTVs and fashionable clothes are ideal gifts for Chinese peopleCeveryone in China can speak EnglishDthe other governments dont welcome any Chinese goods36News One:29October,2015The government of China plans to end its onechild per family policy(政策) and instead let families have tw

24、o childrenThe plan was announced Thursday after highlevel meetings in BeijingChina,which has the largest population,made the onechild policy in 1980The government allowed only a small number of couples to have two children for so many yearsFor example,some couples in the countryside could have two c

25、hildrenNews Two:05October,2015The first of the 2015Nobel Prizes has been announcedSwedens Nobel Prize committee (委员会) says the Nobel Prize for medicine will go to scientists from Ireland,Japan and ChinaWilliam Campbell from Ireland and Satoshi Omura from Japan share the prize for their discovery of

26、the medicine avermectinThe Nobel committee praised their work on what it calls anovel therapyThe treatment fights disease caused by parasites(寄生虫)The prize for medicine is also going to Chinese researcher Tu YouyouShe discovered artemisininArtemisinin is a drug that has greatly made the number of pe

27、ople who die from malaria(疟疾) smallerNews Three:09December,2015Oil prices have fallen to their lowest levels since 2009Brent crude oil,one of several kinds of oil on the world market,dropped below 40abarrel(桶)onTuesdayHowever,themaingroupofoilproducingcountrieshasbeenunabletoreducetheoilproduction36


29、onTuesday?A.40a barrelBOver 40abarrelCLessthan40a barrelDLess than¥40a barrel39What can we know from News Three?AThere is only one kind oil on the world marketBMain oil producing countries will produce less oilCOil prices on Tuesday are the lowest in historyDMain oil producing countries will still p

30、roduce as much oil as before40Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?AThe oil prices are the lowest in 2009BThe artemisinin has saved lots of livesCThere are the most people in China in the worldDOnly a small number of Chinese couples can have two children in China in the past f

31、ew years41The Big Lottery is giving money to groups of teenagers between 14and 19who want to become active citizensThe teenagers who would like to help make the area you live in better,cleaner,safer and more friendly can actually get money for improving your local community (社区)We have $ 80,000to gi

32、ve awayWe are looking for young people to take part in schemes(规划) and projects near to where they liveHere are a few easy things you could do to get startedMeeting the neighbors:Everybody needs good neighborsKnock on peoples door and find out what they would like improving in your areaSet a date fo

33、r a meeting and then make some plans togetherIf you dont want to go round to their houses,then you could always put a note through their doorsNeighborhood watch:Neighborhood watch schemes are very popular in the UKIf you go away on holiday and leave your house,its very nice to know that a neighbor i

34、s keeping an eye on itIts a good way to make the area you live in saferYou could set one up easily and quickly(Paragraph 4)Lending a hand:There are often elderly people living in the neighborhood who may not be able to do the things that you canOffer to do their shopping once a week,look after their

35、 garden for them or maybe walk their dog(Paragraph 5)No littering:Nobody likes picking up other peoples rubbish,but a clean street can make all the differenceTake it in turns to go out once or twice a week and see what you can findYou never know,one day you might find something valuableRecycling:Nea

36、rly twothirds of your rubbish can be recycledSome areas already provide places to people to recycle bottles,tins,plastic and paperFind out if this is done in your neighborhoodIf its not,do something about itSo go on Just tell us what kind of project you want to join inThen well send you more details

37、Take positive action and help make your neighborhood a better place to live in41The aim of the Big Lottery isAto make the neighborhood busierBto help the old people in the communityCto improve the local communityDto help young babies in the neighborhood42Who is needed to take part in the project?AAn

38、yone who wants toBAll the teenagersCStudents in the neighborhoodDTeenagers from 14to 1943Paragraph 4and Paragraph 5tell usAneighborhood watch is good to make the community cleanerBhow to make the community safer and more friendlyClending a hand means to lend some money to othersDto help neighbors do

39、 what they wouldnt like to do44What should you do if you want to make the neighborhood cleaner?ARecycle the rubbish and take turns to pick up othersrubbishBPick up the rubbish and find something valuable in the streetCFind out the recycled rubbish and throw them everywhereDTry to recycle threefourth

40、s of your rubbish once or twice a week45According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?ADiscuss plans with your neighbor for improving your areaBDo some shopping once a week for old people who cant do itCPick up the rubbish everywhere in the street to make your area cleanerDLook after t

41、he garden,walk the dogs for the old in order to get much money四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)46Look,theres a brilliant car parking thereThe car is for one of the(发明者)47What the witness said was recorded and the police got new clues(线索)48As science (技术) is changing fast,we need to keep studying49This kind

42、of disease (传播) so quickly that it drew the governments attention50Tomorrow is his(九十) birthday,and he is so excited51The government gives us some (safe) tips against crime52Early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy, (wealth) and wise53To tell the (true),I dont like the drinks in that caf54He (

43、success) brought Chinese and western music together55Every Monday morning,all the students and teachers watch the (raise) of the flags onthe playground五、任务型阅读(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词56Now studentsEnglish handwriting gets worse and worseThat makes their teachers feel worriedIs y

44、our English handwriting beautiful?If not,here are four steps that really work!Use paper that has linesUsing paper that has lines can keep you writing straight when you write English words or sentencesThose lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right sizeBe sure to fill the lined spac

45、e completelyAnd make sure those capital letters(大写字母) are written properlySlow downIf your writing is hard to read,try slowing down a littleFor some kids,going slower makes the handwriting clearIf you write too fast,its hard for you to stop where you should,and even worse,you may make more mistakesH

46、old your pencil rightWhen you hold your pencil the correct way,writing is much easierSome kids press(按,压) down really hard when they writeThat makes the handwriting not niceTry to relax yourself and dont hold the pencil so hardLet your writing appear nice and cleanIf you do so,people will guess you

47、are a student with a good habitDraw more picturesDrawing can improve your handwritingYou need to use the skills to control your pencil better when you are drawing picturesEven though you have no chance to draw at school,you can practice by yourself at homeHandwriting is very importantImagine you are

48、 a worldfamous movie star or a wellknown sports player,what do you do when your fans run up to you?Give them your autographs (亲笔签名),of course! Four (56) to make your handwriting beautiful Use paper(57) linesUsing paper that has lines can stop you from writing up or(58) when you write English words o

49、r sentencesBe sure to fill the lined space completelyAnd make sure those capital letters are written(59) Slow downIf you write too fast,its hard for you to stop where you shouldTry slowing down a little to make(60) mistakes(61)your pencil rightWhen you hold your pencil the correct way,writing is muc

50、h(62Try to be(63) and dont hold the pencil so harDraw morepicturesWhile(64) pictures,you need to use the skills to control your pencil betterEven though you have no chance to draw at school,you can practice (65) at home六、阅读表达(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)66Nowadays people are making themselves beautiful in Kor

51、ean waysThank goodness you have double eyelids(双眼皮)Your parents will save a lot of moneysaid a family friend when I was five years oldDouble eyelids,which almost all the white people have,are rare among Northeast AsiansOnly 25% of South Koreans are born with double eyelidsI never quite understood ho

52、w having double eyelids saved my parents money until this summerWhen I came back to Seoul,everywhere I noticed cosmetic surgery clinics(整形诊所) and advertisements with South Korean womentall,thin,with milky skin,long legs,nice big eyes and perfect nosesI found that South Korean beauty meant looking as

53、whiteas possibleCosmetic surgery has a kind of magical attraction to womenthe promise of beautyWomen are often sure that suffering is necessary and worthy in order to be beautifulThis suffering is not for nothingIt is believed that beauty leads to attracting a betterlooking partner,which then leads

54、to a betterlooking child and a better lifeAppearance is starting to be more important in work placesPeople with good appearance can have more chancesFor example,my 29yearold brother,who is slim and very tall,gets more job chances than his best friend,who is short and heavy,though both of them came f

55、rom the same college,had the same good marks in their studiesIn fact,many South Koreans believe that physical beauty equals happiness66How many South Koreans are born with double eyelids?(No more than 5words)67When did the writer understand having eyelids saved his parents money?(No more than 3words

56、)68To whom does cosmetic surgery have much attraction according to the writer?(No more than 2words)69What kind of people can get more job chances?(No more than 4words)70What does the South Korean beauty mean?(No more than 5words)七、缺词填空(共10空;每空1分,满分10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺请在答题纸上写出完整单词71You m

57、ay not realize it,but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at schoolSchool is also the p(71) where you learn to get along well with peopleBut this is not always easyWhat can you do if you just dont like one of your classmates?If you f(72)that you have problems getting along with y

58、our classmates or friends,the most important thing to learn is tolerance(宽容)Tolerance is the ability to realize and respect the differences in othersWe cannot change the w(73)that other people do,so it is important to learn to live h(74)with themTolerance will make everyone get on b(75) with each ot

59、herKnowing others constantly(不断地) makes us understand othersdifferencesSomething different does not exactly mean that it is badTolerance t(76) us to keep an even temper(温和的脾气) and an open mindYou need to remember an old saying,Treat others how you want to be treatedYou would like to be treated kindl

60、y by your classmates,s(77)it is important to treat them kindly tooIf you tolerate something,it does not mean that you have to like itNo one is asking you to change who you are or w(78)you believe inTolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not to try to make them cha


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