1、WORD10/10完形填空解题技巧目标:6分到7分.完型4分技巧: 和英语水平无关。红花绿叶原则,红花词汇(必选的单词) however although yet because绿叶词汇(必不选的单词) since(家族都不选) even since ,now that,what.涉与虚拟语气的词汇(表示与现实相反或不相符的情况) if only 但愿. 与过去相反,从句过去完成 与现在相反,一般过去时 与将来情况相反 would/could+v 所以用if only 最少是过去时.一般在文中很少选择,in case(唯恐,万一以免),lest,or else.(否则要不然)表示关于的词 as
2、 to,with regard to,about,within reference to,2-5道红花绿叶词汇.概率原则:每篇完形填空中,A,B,C,D作为正确选项的个数在4-6之间。A选项出现的次数最多,蒙一水的A。没有连续三个答案都一样的情况。连续两个答案都连在一起的答案0-3.相邻答案都不一样的概率17-20.五组答案中至少要出现3个字母作为正确选项,每组接缝处没有连续两个答案是一样的情况。阅读理解也有此规律。 :/.5s5b.,我拼搏我自信,大学毕业生的精神家园!4-7分技巧:同义原则:四个选项中两个或三个实词(名、动、形、副)互为同义时,答案往往在其中。四个选项中当两个或三个虚词互为
3、同义词是往往都不选,介词,连词,感叹词。当四个选项有一个共同的意思时,该意思往往不能被选。逻辑关系题原则:最重要的一个(7个左右),通过前后句的意思与其在关系来判定答案的题目。(本质上是阅读)。容:对立因果并列总分递进。1.表示对立关系:(3分)转折:however、but、yet、nevertheless让步:although、though、even though、even if 、much as、as,while、whereas其它:against、instead of、rather than、admit、ignoring、on the contrary、by constrast。对立关系
5、句的条件:一从句主语和主句主语相一致,二,从句是系表结构。满足这两个条件后,从句的主语和系东西可省略。例:The phenomenon provides a way for companies to remain globally competitive 48 avoiding market cycles and the growing burdens 49 by employment rules, healthcare costs and pension plans.48.A butB whileC andD whereasThe phenomenon is avoiding while:尽
6、管,虽然 当.的时候 于此同时.判断对立关系的标准:A.根据句子意思标准.B.根据褒贬色彩。He must use this surplus in three ways:as seed for sowing,as an insurance 43 the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as a commodity which he must sell in order to 44 old agricultural implements and obtain chemical fertilizers to 45 the soil.Benefits
7、 have been weighed 40 harmful outcomes. And generalizations have proved difficult40.A above B upon C against D withC.根据句式结构,前面肯定后面否定,或者前面否定,后面肯定.例如:not题目两个句子之间的关系;选项是一些表对立关系的词。All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act,40 a direct causal relationship h
8、as not yet been established.40.AprovidedBsinceC althoughDsupposing38 This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility.38they can help students acquire a sense of commitment by 39 for roles that are within their 40 and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules.38. A on the c
9、ontrary B on the average C on the wholeD on the other handB项一定要有数字才能用,D项一定要有on one hand48 31题。P54 6题。每年都有一道not题目。注意,逻辑关系题目优先做的理由选项都认识 b围确定 c.往往不需要通读全文,只要看前后句子.三板斧:红花绿叶,逻辑关系,同义原则。P452.因果关系 :/.5s5b.,我拼搏我自信,大学毕业生的精神家园!表原因的词:because、in that、now that、since、as、for、as a result of、considering表结果的词:so that,s
10、uch that、as a result 、lead to、consequently、therefore、hence、thus、soP41 46题 p52 34题目 Families have also 33 changes these years. More families consist of one parent households or two working parents; 34 , children are likely to have less supervision at home 35 was common in the traditional family 36 .
11、34. AcontrarilyBconsequently Csimilar D simultaneously因果关系 A是对比关系。C和d是并列关系用词,但是文中分号的作用已经说明逻辑关系,不用再用c和d。Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, 26 the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes 27 lack of
12、adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are 28 to criticism.26.A consideringB ignoringC highlightingD discarding27.A onB inC forD with表对立,c之所以不行使因为和also重复。The homeless make up a growing percentage of Americas population. _1_ homelessness has reached such proportions that
13、local government cant possibly _2_. To help homeless people _3_ independence, the federal government must support job training programs,_4_ the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing.1.A Indeed B Likewise C Therefore D FurthermoreSuch.that 表因果所以c不可选,重复了.3并列关系.常用词:and、as well as、likewise、while、
14、similarly、simultaneously、meanwhile.And题三种做题方法: :/.5s5b.,我拼搏我自信,大学毕业生的精神家园!a,and前后选择同意词.2003 23.此考法比较少 B.and前后考同一个围的词。如03年25题。C.句子对应成分分析。如形对形。A variety of activities should be organized 35 participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to 36 else without feeling guiltyand without
15、letting the other participants 37 .37. A off B down C out D aloneLet down失望,沮丧let off 泄漏 let out 淘汰 let alone 更不用说,不用去管。Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious 21 to how they can best 22 such chan
16、ges. 21. A thought B idea C opinion D advice句子之间的并列关系。Giveideaopiniononabout 搭配不对give advice to sb on sth。Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories 21 on th
17、e individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior 22 they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through 23 withothers.Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in 24 to their failure to rise a
18、bove their socioeconomic status 25 as a rejection of middle-class values.(2003)21.A actingB relyingC centeringD commenting22.A beforeB unlessC untilD because23.A interactionsB assimilationC cooperationD consultation24.A returnB replyC referenceD response25.A orB but ratherC butD or else本段总分结构,2,3句话是
19、并列结构。focusing on 以.为焦点,对应21题目的选项.In reference to 关于 绿叶词 in reply to 对.进行答复 in return to作为.的报答. In response to 对.作出反应.failure to 没能够,未能够.总分关系:for example、for instance(插入状语) 、such as、including.例:2001 The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prom
20、inent cases 31 the trial of Rosemary West.31.A as toB forinstanceC in particularD such as prominent cases重大案件the trial of Rosemary West 罗斯玛丽的小案 as to关于绿叶.b要当选前后要有逗号.2003However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be 27 to plan activities in which t
21、here are more winners than losers, 28 . publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, 29 student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs.28. A in effect B as a result C for example D in a sense13年来考察的插入状语. for example、for instance though.递进关系(考的不多):still、also、indeed、furhermore
22、(进一步)、moreover(而且,除外)highlighting(突出强调)a.递进关系是并列关系的一种。B.stil与also的区别。Still是指意见事情的递进。Also可以指一件,有可以指两件事情。C.furthermore仅指同一间事情的递进,indeed,可以指一件,有可以指两件事情。最好能做对8-9个。复现原则:某一概念在完型填空中出现两次或者两次以上时,它的提法应该是以一样的,也就是相对应的成分彼此互为答案。The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it _14_ to kee
23、p all smell receptors working all the time but can _15_ new receptors if necessary. This may _16_ explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be. We are not _17_ of the usual smell of our own house but we _18_ new smells when we visit someone elses. The brain
24、finds it best to keep smell receptors _19_ for unfamiliar and emergency signals _20_ the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire.16. AstilBalso Cotherwise Dnevertheless17. Asure Bsick Caware Dtired18. Atolerate Brepel Cneglect Dnotice19. Aavailabe BreliableCidentifiableDsuitable20. A
25、similar toBsuch as Calong with Daside from2003.Changes in the social structure may indirectly 29 juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy (that 30 to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment 31 )make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting
26、 discontent may in 32 lead more youths into criminal behavior.Families have also 33 changes these years. More families consist of one parent households or two working parents; 34 , children are likely to have less supervision at home 35 was common in the traditional family 36 . This lack of parental
27、 supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates. Othe29. AaffectBreduceCcheckDreflect30. ApointBleadCcomeDamount31. Ain generalBon averageCby contrastDat length32. AcaseBshortCturnDessence33. AsurvivedBnoticedCundertakenDexperienced34. AcontrarilyBconsequently Csimilar D simultane
28、ously35. AthanBthatCwhichDas36. AsystemBstructureCconceptDheritage31,that处,名词后加that,两种可能性定语从句或者同位语,完整的一句话是同位语,缺成分的是从句。本处缺主语。根据主语和宾语的逻辑关系来选择,他们的逻辑关系直接决定谓语的选择。31处.后面是的make/keep/find +宾语+宾语补足语.13年之考过这三个词引导过宾语和宾补.33前面also表示递进,是三段引领的总分结构,为了做36题目.36题呼应29前面的.2004的要背一背.2003的要背一背.表语原则: 如果所考空是标语,那么主语就是线索当标语是名
29、词时它和主语是对等关系;当标语是形容词时或相当于形容词时和主语是修饰关系.第五步:v, n,adj,adv。As was discussed before, it was not 22 the 19thcentury that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic 23 , following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the 24 of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communicati
30、ons revolution 25 up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading 26 through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures 27 the 20th century world of the motor car and the airplane. Not everyone sees that process in 28 It is important to do so.23.A meansB methodC mediumD measureT
31、he speaker who does not have specific words in his working vocabulary may be 49 to explain or describe in a 50 that can be understood by his listeners.49.A obscureB difficultC impossibleD unable主语是the speaker .只有d可以修饰人.杀熟原则:标准:是否在历年真题中出现过,以05年的为例.2005年与历年真题的对应关系,1.C - 97年p42 48题A. 6.A - 97年44 A 9.D-
32、97 48题D10.B-03年P51,33题A 11.C-94年p39,48题C 13.D- 04P53 39C17.C-04.p53,39 B 18.D- 04. p33.B 19.A 97 .P43 45C20.B-01.P46.31D 复习700个单词够了。完形填空的7分以上技巧动词题解题方法。看主语,注意主谓搭配一致。 a.看主语是人还是物. 主语必须是人的动词:believe,doubt,intend,require,respect,regard,be impressed by,notice,present.主语必须是物的:manifest主谓一致原则 (考的比较少了)p39 43.
33、 Too often, careless use of words 43 a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener.43.A encouragesB preventsC destroyD offersA.鼓励 D.提供,求婚. 单数看宾语,注意动宾搭配一致。a.看宾语是具体名词还是抽象名词。He must use this surplus in three ways:as seed for sowing,as an insurance 43 the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as
34、 a commodity which he must sell in order to 44 old agricultural implements and obtain chemical fertilizers to 45 the soil.45.A enhanceB mixC feedD raiseDRaise 养活 a.提高增强 enhance+抽象名词如效率,质量等。enhance+抽象名词feed,label,fasten+具体名词。Tighten+抽象具体都可以。In a significant 32 of legal controls over the press, Lord I
35、rvine, the Lord Chancellor,32.A tighteningB intensifyingC focusingD fastening动名词+of+宾语=动词+宾语。同义原则a和d。p45.45 p46 32 p43.50.b. 看宾语是人还是物。宾语只能是人的动词,assure,impress,side with,share with,confide to,Credit sth. to sb宾语既可以是人有可以是物的动词:ensure, agree with.Concerns were raised 49 witnesses might be encouraged to
36、exaggerate their stories in court to 50 guilty verdict.有罪判决.50.A assureB confideCensureD guarantee同义原则a,c,d.assure sb .of sth. Asure sb.that.P46.50 P48 38 P43 50.The communications revolution has 38 both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time, but there have been 39 vie
37、ws about its economic, political, social and cultural implications38.A regardedB impressedC influencedD effected选择一个主语和宾语都是sth的东西.Impressed主动语态宾语一定要是人.同义原则.c和d.effect都是不良的影响. :/.5s5b.,我拼搏我自信,大学毕业生的精神家园!c.根据主语和宾语的逻辑关系来判定动词.(考的比较少,但是未来的发展方向.Changes economy fewer jobs.A.lead to b.amount toP46 38. p52 3
38、0.主宾一起看的题目.D.从与物和不与物的角度出发做题.重点不与物,与物动词太多了.词组也存在与物和不与物的. P45.44 p43.49. p48 25 p39 44. p56 2.E.根据动词后的介词与介词短语解题. laid down that everybody was 45 to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families.45.A authorizedB creditedC entitledD qualifiedTo是介词 p46(37,45)F
39、.考虑句子中能够对动词过程限制的成分.(一般只形容词)In order to old agricultural implements。A.purchase b. supplement c.replace.背东西时就要注意这些的方向.名词题 名词作主语时,谓语和标语就是线索.名词是宾语是谓语东西就是线索.根据名词前后介词判断.名词和介词的固定搭配就是. Approach to, key to, answer to ,confidence in,confident of.Specialist in,attitude to/toward ,research into,by contrast.P43.
40、48. p40 45. p53 24. purpose ford.当名词后出现定语从句或者同位语从句,从句是线索。将是名词的重要发展方向。_11_ when homeless individuals manage to find a _12_ that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good number still spend the bulk of each day_13_ the street.12.A lodging B shelter C dwelling D houseA旅店 b.
41、避难所.救济所. C栖息地P46 33.49. p48.37. p50.25. p52.35 p56.12. E.通过已有名词判定所选名字. 39of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a 40 of media protest when he said the 41 of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges 42 to Parliament.39.AReleaseB PublicationC PrintingD E
42、xposureExposure to 曝光,暴露,接触 c.印刷 letter是单数.a.发行.发行要很多的.b.发表.P46. 39.41形容词题:形容词做标语时,主语就是线索.p39 49 . p50.27.26有副词对形容词进行修饰时,副词就是线索.2001 Human Rights legally 44 in Britain, laid down that(和法律有关系)44.A bindingB convincingC restrainingD sustainingP46.44c.有多个修饰成分同时修饰一个名词,答案就在修饰成分中。2001 will introduce a 33 b
43、ill that will propose making payments to witnesses 34 and will strictly control the amount of 35 that can be given to a case 36 a trial begins.33.AsketchB roughC preliminaryD draftBill受到前面和后面定语从句的修饰。33前面的选择取决于后面的定语从句。P46 33. p50 33. 形容词修饰名词是,名词就是线索. 39of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine ca
44、used a 40 of media protest when he said(抗议)40.AstormB rageC flareD flashRage愤怒,语义重复, flare 一闪而过的光 flash 一闪而过的光(同义原则本题失手)副词题:利用主旨做题 p45.50.同义原则.p43.46 p51.33 p56.33利用时态做题.p42.47.瞬间性的副词不能用在进行时态之中的. it is 47 changing the relationship between people and their jobs.47.A instantly(瞬间)B reverselyC fundamentallyD sufficiently(也不能)What是绿叶,what三大特点what引导主宾表从句.What前部能用名词.不引导定语和同位语从句.What 后面的从句不完整.d.从句不完整,98%定语从句,1%what从句,1%省略式的状语从句.定语从句和状语从句缺少的成分不同,定语从句缺少的是名词和状语,省略是状语从句缺少的是动词和主语,大部分从句是完整的.完形填空中的收尾:完形填空解题的顺序:先看选项,1.红花绿叶原则,2.逻辑关系题目。3.同义原则。4杀熟原则 5.固定搭配和
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