




1、付款方式1ContentPayment InstrumentsPayment MethodsPayment Terms2Payment InstrumentsCashFinancial DocumentsPromissory NoteCheck/ChequeBill of Exchange3Financial Documents4票据是以支付一定金额为目的,并可以自由流通转让的特种证券。Refer to Bills of Exchange Act (1882)Features:Negotiability(流通性)Non-causative Nature(无因性)Requisite in For
2、m(要式性)5I. Promissory NoteDefinitionRequired ContentsTypes678II. Check (Cheque)DefinitionRequired contentsTypes91011III. Bill of Exchange (Draft/Bill)DefinitionRequired contentsTypes12What is a Bill of Exchange/draft?An unconditional order in writing signed by one party (drawer) requesting a second p
3、arty (drawee /payer) to pay a stated sum of money to a third party (payee), on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time.13What are the required contents of a draft?“Bill of Exchange” or “Draft”Unconditional order of paymentFixed amountName of drawee/payerName of payeeDate of issuingDrawers n
4、ame and signaturePlace of IssuingDate and place of payment14BILL OF EXCHANGEDrawn Under Bank of China, London Irrevocable L/C No. Dated January 10, 2005Payble with interest 5.2 % Per annumNo. 20042 EXCHANGE for HKD236,000.00 Tianjin, ChinaFebruary 20, 2005 at 30 days after Sight of this FIRST of Exc
5、hange (Second of Exchange being unpaid) Pay to the order of Bank of China, Tianjin Branch the sum of Hongkong Dollars TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND ONLY TO: BANK OF CHINA, HONGKONGChina Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Corp., Shanghai Branch (SIGNATURE)15DrawerBankers DraftCommercial Draf
6、tTypes D/DCollectionL/C16TypesPayment timeSight Draft (Demand Draft)Time Draft (Usance Draft)At xx days after sightAt xx days after date of draftAt xx days after date of B/LFixed date: On Nov. 3017TypesAcceptorCommercial Acceptance DraftBankers Acceptance DraftCommercial creditBank credit18TypesComm
7、ercial DocumentsClean DraftDocumentary Draft19To Draw1Presentation2Endorsement5Payment4Acceptance3Discount6Dishonor7Recourse8Use of DraftsSightTimeor20Addressee:1.A restrictive payee2.to order3.to bearer Pay Co. not transferablePay Co. onlyPay Co. or orderPay to the order of Co.Pay bearerPay holder2
8、1Endorsement:1. Restrictive2. Blank3. SpecialPay to Co. onlyPay Co. not transferablePay bank or order22Discount持现有远期汇票的人若想在付款人付款前取得票款,可以经过背书将汇票转让给贴现的银行或金融公司(即受让人),由他们按票面金额扣除一定贴现利息后,将余额付给持票人(即出让人)的行为。一般贴现的目的是加速资金周转。23Differences between draft and promissory note, check性质当事人付款时间汇票支票本票无条件的书面支付命令无条件的书面支
9、付承诺出票人/受款人出票人/付款人/受款人无条件的书面支付命令只有即期没有远期分远期/即期远期不承兑分远期/即期远期需承兑出票人/付款人/受款人24Payment MethodsRemittanceCollectionLetter of Credit25Remittance26Favorable exchange (remittance): the buyer makes the payment by bank transfer of his own accord.Remittance27Remittance refers to transfer of funds from one party
10、 (payer) to another (payee) among different countries through banks. Four PartiesRemitterBeneficiaryRemitting BankPaying Bank28Types of Remittance信汇 Mail Transfer (M/T)费用低廉速度较慢电汇 Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)收款迅速费用较高票汇 Demand Draft (D/D)付款灵活便捷29RemitterPaying BankBeneficiaryRemitting BankContractThe Pr
11、ocess of Remittance M/T or T/TM/T or T/T30RemitterPaying BankBeneficiaryRemitting BankContractThe Process of Remittance D/DNotifyPayForward Banks DraftPresentApplyDraw31FeaturesCommercial CreditFavorable ExchangeApplication in International TradePayment in advance 预付货款 Cash with order 随订单付现Payment a
12、fter arrival of goods 货到付款 Open account (OA) 赊账交易 Consignment 寄售卖方买方32Collection33Adverse exchange (reverse remittance, to draw): the exporter takes the initiative to gather the payment from the buyer.Collection34CollectionA bank receives an exporters collection order and documents, presents the doc
13、uments to the importer and collects funds for the seller Clean CollectionDocumentary Collection35Documentary Collection is a means of ensuring that goods (title documents) are handed over to the buyer (by a bank) only when the amount shown on a bill of exchange is paid or when the customer accepts t
14、he bill as a contract to pay by a specific date.FeaturesCommercial Credit (Commercial Draft)Adverse ExchangeURC522 (Uniform Rules for Collection)36Four PartiesPrincipalDraweeRemitting BankCollection BankSeller/ExporterBuyer/Importer37Types of Documentary CollectionDocuments Against Payment (D/P)D/P
15、at sightD/P at XX days after sightDocuments Against Acceptance (D/A)38Sample Clause of D/PD/P Sight“Upon first presentation the Buyers shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at sight. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.”D/P after Sight“The Buyers shall
16、duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at days sight upon first presentation and make payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.”39D/P (Documents against Payment)Principal (Exporter)Drawee(Importer)RemittingBankCollectingBank1 ContractSh
17、ipping Line2345678910111240Sample Clause of D/AThe Buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at 45 days sight upon first presentation and make payment on its maturity.The Buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the Sellers upon presentation and make payment
18、at 30 days after date of B/L (draft). The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance.Payment by draft payable 120 days after cargo arrival, documents against acceptance.41Principal (Exporter)Drawee(Importer)RemittingBankCollectingBank1 ContractShipping Line234567810111291314D/A (Docum
19、ents against Acceptance)42Case Study我某外贸公司与一外商成交一批货物,双方洽谈时,付款方式为D/P at 30 days after sight,后外商要求改为D/A at 30 days after sight,请问,我方能否答应?为什么?43Comparison of D/P and D/A支付方式交单条件付款时间收汇风险D/P付款交单即期或远期部分损失D/A承兑交单远期货款两空Similarities:Collection, Commercial Credit, Adverse ExchangeDifferences:44Case Study我某公司向
20、日本商人以D/P即期付款方式推销某商品,对方答复,如我方接受D/P after 90 days付款,并通过它指定的A银行代收则可接受。试问,日方为什么提出此项要求?45Trust Receipt (T/R) 凭信托收据借单46Case Study我某外贸企业与某国A商达成一项出口合同,付款条件为付款交单见票后45天付款。当汇票及所附单据通过托收行寄抵进口地代收行后,A商及时在汇票上履行了承兑手续。货抵目的港时,由于用货心切,A商出具信托收据向代收行借得单据,先行提货转售。汇票到期时,A商因经营不善,失去偿付能力。代收行以汇票付款人拒付为由通知托收行,并建议由我外贸企业直接向A商索取货款。对此,
21、你认为我外贸企业应如何处理?47Collection Bill Purchased 托收出口押汇48Application in International TradeFavorable to importers他仅凭自身信用进行交易而不需垫付资金若采用D/A,还可以进一步运用卖方资金Unfavorable to exporters 破产 丧失清偿债务的能力言而无信拒不付款钱货两空49Letter of Credit50Definition of Letter of Creditwritten undertaking of payment.bankconditionalATerms are s
22、trictly complied with.(单单一致,单证一致)51Credit means any arrangement, however named or described, that is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honor a complying presentation. UCP 600 Article 2 Definition52Characteristics of L/CPrimary Liabilities for PaymentSe
23、lf-Sufficient InstrumentPure Documentary Transaction53Applicant(Importer)Beneficiary(Exporter)Issuing BankSales ContractApplication for L/CL/CTriangular Contractual Arrangement54Major Parties InvolvedApplicant ImporterBeneficiary ExporterIssuing Bank Importers BankDeposit for establishment of L/CAdv
24、ising Bank Branch or Correspondent Bank 表面真实性55Other Parties InvolvedNegotiating BankPaying BankConfirming BankReimbursing Bank56Differences between Paying Bank and Reimbursing BankPaying Bank is the Drawee Bank designated by L/C. Usually it is the Issuing Bank itself. It should check the documents
25、against L/C.Reimbursing Bank is the Clearing Bank of L/C, and has no responsibility to check the documents against L/C.Every L/C has its Paying Bank, but not every L/C has its Reimbursing Bank.57Applicant(Importer)Beneficiary(Exporter)Advising Bank/Negotiating BankIssuing Bank /Paying Bank1 Contract
26、Shipping LineGeneral Procedure of Using an L/C2345678910111213141558Basic Types of L/CRevocable CreditIrrevocable CreditThe Credit should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable.In the absence of such indication the Credit shall be deemed to be irrevocable.59Clean CreditDocumentary C
27、reditIrrevocable Documentary CreditBasic Types of L/C60Other Types of L/CSight Payment CreditUsance Credit Time CreditPayment against Documents L/CL/C with T/T Reimbursement Clause Deferred Payment L/C Acceptance L/C Sellers Usance L/C Buyers Usance L/C 61Other Types of L/CNegotiable L/CRestrict Neg
28、otiable L/CFreely Negotiable L/C62Other Types of L/CConfirmed L/CBoth the Issuing Bank and the Confirming Bank have the same primary liabilities of payment.63Other Types of L/CTransferable L/CA Credit can be transferred only if it is expressly designated as transferable by the Issuing Bank.Unless ot
29、herwise stated in the Credit, a transferable Credit can be transferred once only.Fractions of a transferable Credit (not exceeding in the aggregate the amount of the Credit) can be transferred separately, provided partial shipments / drawings are not prohibited, and the aggregate of such transfers w
30、ill be considered as constituting only one transfer of the Credit.64Other Types of L/CBack-to-Back L/C背对背信用证的结算中间商和实际的供货人原证的结算实际进口商与中间商65Other Types of L/CReciprocal L/C国内企业进口料件使用远期信用证,暂不生效在远期信用证规定的期限内,加工装配为成品出口时,国外进口商采用即期信用证付款进口商开立即期信用证并被国内企业接受时,远期信用证生效66Other Types of L/CRevolving L/C67Other Types
31、 of L/CAnticipatory L/C (Prepaid L/C)进口商对出口商装船前的融资全部预支和部分预支68Standby L/C开证申请人未履行其义务时使用适用的惯例:ISP98 国际备用证惯例1998UCP 500 (UCP 600)作用:货物买卖履约保证、投标保证、预付款保证等69L/G & L/CSimilarity:Differences:bank credit见索即付的L/G:第一责任有条件的L/G:次要责任被担保人未履约 L/C还款保证履约保证投标保证L/G单单相符单证相符第一责任进出口贸易付款条件付款责任用途70Application ofPayment Modes71What should be considered when we choose payment modes?Macro-economy of the import co
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